Shifting Suddenly

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"I cannot refuse to help you . . so i will help you with anything you need. Chores, protection, family, anything really" he stated trying to make sure to her he wont go away.
She payed for her stuff and shoved past him then started walking home.
Rax just watched the shapeshifter, Scarny they called her. He recognized the name as the shapeshifter alpha, but this was the first time he had ever seen her. He looked her over again, but knew better than to disobey his own alpha.

"I am Rax. Perhaps we shall meet again?" he asked with a smile before swimming back to where his pants were and putting them on before running after his packmates.
He still followed her. "Im not going to go anywhere unless ordered by your sister," he said notingly.
Scarny called after him. "Tonight at midnight here." She didnt excpect hinm to come but she came here everynight rain snow clouds or clear this was her midnight spot. SHe quikly got out and shifted. She ran home and hopped in the shower.

Seria groauned and barged into the house. She heard the shower adn saw Nick on the coach. "SCARNY I AM GOING TO KILL YOU GET THIS THINK AWAY FROM ME!" he yelled at her sister then went and started unpacking the few grocires and then started dinner

Nick stood up and walked towards him. "What are you doing to my sister?" He puffed out his chest to make him look tough.
"I am here to serve scarny, seria, and their brother," he said looking at him on the inside laughing mockingly.
"Well thats me so go make me a ham samich" he asid laughing then shook the guys hand. "Welcome to residant Nickohlause" he laughed again
Rax smirked and glanced back in time to see the girl shift before he ran off. He would be sure to arrive that night, at the time she had said. It would be an interesting meeting to be sure. Especially with Nograd involved in her protection, because the other wolf was very good at his job, and was very serious about it too. But Rax wasn't bad at protection either.
He let go of his hand after nick was done shaking it. He nodded and looked around for seria didnt see her so he asked ,"Where is scarny?"
Scarny jumped out of the shower and ran to her room to get dressed. She notioned towards the werewolf. "Lay off my sister jeez and im gong out tonight so you can go home and relax before you have to come back and bother me again. OKay thanks."
A low growl in the back of his throat came out of him. "Ill go with you since im already here and as for you nick watch your sister if you have any problems you can blow on this." He said handing him a wolf shaped horn.
i got to go

She growled right back "I will be fine stay here and thats an order they need more protection then me no one will think im gone so they will come here so stay here"
(okay ill c u l8r)

"Fine as you wish," i say nodding sitting down on a chair next to the door.
As midnight neared, Rax stood in the trees and watched the lake. Would she even show up, he wondered?
Nograd sat down looking around hoping for some conversation with either of the siblings. I wonder where she's actually going, he thought.
Scarny got into her Favorite tank top. She got it form her mom before she died. It was sad how she died. Scarny was jsut two when she first shifted into a tiger. She didn't know she could hurt he and she tried playing with her. She killed her. The thought made her want to cry. She started to but wiped away a single tear and refused to cry. She grabbed her sweat pants and put them on. She walked to the door and walked out. Before she left she stopped at Nograd. "Seria stay away from him." Then she sifted and ran to the lake she didn't see him so she took her sweat pants and tank top and jumped in the lake and started swimming around.Seria heard the comment from Scarny and smirked. She went over to Nograd. She sat in his lap. Hoping to make her sister mad. "How cutie how are you?" She smiled and kinda fixed his shirt in a cute flirting way without showing she was trying to make her sister mad.
"I dont think you should be doing that," He said looking the opposite direction.
Rax smirked from his spot in the trees and crouched down, wanting to watch her a little longer. Yes, he did believe she was beautiful. Slowly, he walked out of the trees and sat at the waters edge, waiting for her to notice him.
Seria smiled and ran her finger on his neck, "What are you talking about?" She pent over and gave him a small kiss on the neck to distract him.

Scarny swam to the bottom then swam up fast and jumped out as a dolphin then fell back down as a human and that's when she noticed him. She quickly hid herself then after she was under she crawled out as a wolf. She grabbed her cloths and ran behind a bush and put them on. Then she walked out human. "So you did come?"
"This isnt . . .why im here," He said still not paying attention.