Sharp Fall (OOC/Sign Ups) [Always Accepting]

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Name: Ranna Shurame

Age: 18

Gender: Female


roxia merith.jpg

Race: Human

Faction: Tigers

City: Rizo

Personality: Quiet and determined to be free of any and all expectations that are constantly thrust upon her. Every friend she makes brings to her another step closer to freedom, just like each 'jump', vault, and wall run does

Occupation: Lab assistant to a bio-engineer

Brief Bio: Having been birthed to a falcon and reptile parkour family, Ranna grew up around the art, though, out of her parent's fear of her being prosecuted for the art due to her loose lips, she was forbade to ever go out to see her parents making runs, or teaching her older siblings. Instead, she was brought up as a scholar, learning about the fascinating world that the human race had brought about. By the time she had grown into her own woman and moved out on her own, her separation from family matters had caused her to become nothing less than a stranger living in the house amongst them. At that point, she left her home town of Nigura and headed for the city of advancement and research, Rizo. It was there that she acquired a job in a low level research firm under an up and coming bio-engineer, getting herself a small apartment on the top floor of a skyscraper. It was there, looking out of her living room window, that she saw the beauty that was parkour, seeing the falcons fly from the highest of skyscrapers, the tigers, performing with the grace only a cat could possess, and on rare occasions, the wolves, who were the most effective in the use of speed. Of course, at this time, she didnt know any of the factions for who they were, but for what their art was. Resenting her parents all the more for keeping such a liberatingly beautiful art from her to decide on her own fate, the girl got up and found herself in a need of finding out how to join these people.

Sexual Orientation: straight

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got dinner now, but once im done, Im going to start reading and I'll try to post as soon as Im approved
A suggestion, re-read the rules because there is a word missing on your CS somewhere which Zackymas would tell you to add before he will accept you.
lol, and i kept telling myself not to forget XD Fixed it
lol, and i kept telling myself not to forget XD Fixed it
Question: So she has been living around parkour, does this means that she has a life of experience on it? Or she hasn't practiced it yet?
She was forbidden to learn or watch, so she has zilch experience. She was just raised in a parlous family
If you dont like it, I'm fine with changing it, its okay
*sighs* I hope my post was alright....
I originally wrote it as runners and then looked back at the referance sheet and changed it v.v
I'll edit it now
Name: Viktor "Doomsday" Carne

Age: 19 (I'm playing my age, since that's what I know best.)

Gender: Male

Light for his strength his arms and legs are covered in chitin, though the pigmentation is the same. (I know the picture doesn't show it... but if you ever saw his legs he'd tell you it's pay per view while he showers.) He's 6'6" tall and has the esturiones equivalent of marfans syndrome. (look it up. I don't think "Tall and skinny" convey it enough).

Race: Esturiones.

Faction: Reptiles.

City: Nigura

Personality: He's always been in his little brother's shadow and that's caused him to rebel against society. He tends to note how dangerous something is even if he still does it, and has a general dark sense of humor, and has a morbid interest in the post-apocalypse, thus his friends nicknamed him doomsday. He's also a joker and has fun playing games of chance, though the stakes are very improbable. He has a thing for trying to look his best, and a large problem with authority. He's a shy flirt, but sometimes he's outgoing and does things that surprise himself. He doesn't like being on the ground, so much that it causes him stress, and he loves scaling, and traversing the highest of places.

Occupation: Student, and construction. He works more on the detailings and technological side of building construction, but is looking to go so far as total designing, making his own mark in the future of construction.

Brief Bio: (A brief description of your character's bio, add how did he met parkour please) Doomsday is a promising individual adept at using many of the times most advanced technologies, he's rose through the ranks among his peers for his ability to utilize complex machines, such as the gear he uses during work. His studies focus on technology advancements and building construction, as well as materials science (such as designing lighter and stronger metals) and post-apocalypse studies.

During his younger years he lived with his family, parents, older sister, and younger brother. Before he was old enough to climb anything his parents died, his sister was old enough to adopt her brothers. When he was just a child he started climbing, of course his sister wouldn't let him travel to the forest so he had to relieve himself by scaling the things he could "Jump" on.

Unfortunately for his neighborhood that meant he'd clamber onto their cars and selves. When he got old enough to go to the forest his younger brother had already caught up to him in everything. His sister decided that they were both fine to go, so they moved onto climbing trees, they'd stay out all night sometimes and just sleep high in the branches.

Years later, during his mid teen years his brother (who I should mention was only... 2 years younger not a lot) had already discovered parkour. They still hung out but his more outgoing and superior brother had developed his own path. Viktor moved out a year before his brother and went to school. It wasn't too long before his brother had made a title for himself in the parkour community, graduated college, and agreed to move in with him to save money. His brother taught him a little about parkour and introduced him to the local faction leader Mira, (not that he knew her personally) and a week after that was my first IC post.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual.


Total Parkour experience: He's adept at climbing, and new to skyrapers, so... ehh.

He's not advanced in his senses, like a Amonis, that isn't to say they're not above human's, but his insect genetics grant him extraordinary strength for his size. While most would be happy with this, he just takes it for granted. He'd rather have the heightened senses, since strength can only get you so far.
Please if you want me to include/add something just ask. Also if you have a question don't be afraid to PM me. I don't bite... usually.
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Name: Viktor "Doomsday" Carne

Age: 19 (I'm playing my age, since that's what I know best.)

Gender: Male

Appearance: (Anime pictures please)

Race: (Humans, amonis oresturiones)

Faction: Reptiles.

City: (Rizo, Manaki, Nigura or Kahnna)

Personality: He tends to note how dangerous something is, and has a general dark sense of humor, thus his friends nicknamed him doomsday. He has a thing for trying to look his best, and a large problem with authority. He's a shy flirt, but sometimes he's outgoing and does things that surprise himself. He doesn't like being on the ground and loves scaling, and traversing the highest if places.

Occupation: Student, and construction. He works more on the detailings and technological side of building construction, but is looking to go so far as total designing, making his own mark in the future of construction.

Brief Bio: (A brief description of your character's bio, add how did he met parkour please) Doomsday is a promising individual adept at using many of the time most advanced technologies he's rose through the ranks among his peers for his ability to utilize complex machines, such as the gear he uses during work. His studies focus on technology advancements and building construction, as well as materials science (such as designing lighter and stronger metals) and post-apocalypse studies.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual.


Please if you want me to include/add something just ask. Also if you have a question don't be afraid to PM me. I don't bite... usually.


Hope to see it finished soon ^-^
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