Shadow Creatures and Demons in a boarding school (potassiumboron x Ms. Flair)

Elizabeth snorted up some more before she saw that smile that come straight from Ezra as she stood there. She knew he didn't mean to act like that, and that why they were friends as they understood each other. It was Ezra, who did sort of help her calm down from flam throwing all out and turning into the full body of a dragon.

"Those all sound like good ideas. I need something too, and I am rather not let the beast of me eat...." Elizbeth said with a chuckle leaving her lips with her arms crossing her body. Listening to those words, as she walked over to Ezra as she shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah, I guess he is a little boring but he is the best right now..."

Elizabeth started to wander over to where Nicolas was but stopped though. Sniffing the air before turning back over to where ever Ezra was. "I heard that guy hadn't gone through his exam. You know that power testing exam...the one you saw me shift into my true dragon form and blew fire..." Elizbeth said with a shrug of her shoulders. "I don't know why I care, but damn. I can sense that power and I am getting so...greedy maybe.."
"Oh, that little incident that had the entire student population of the school terrified of you? They still tremble in your presence after that, Lizzy. I found it hilarious, of course. Fire doesn't cause harm to me so I was in no danger. I must admit, you are beautiful in that form. What am I saying, you're beautiful to me anyway. If I liked girls, I'd be all over you," he smirked with a playfully flirtatious wink back at her, finally satisfied with his appearance and so, with a final check in the mirror, he took his friend by the arm and headed from the dorm towards the canteen alongside her.

"I don't think it makes you greedy. Powerful people are... interesting. I align myself to those sorts of people; it's intoxicating, isn't it? I understand your reasoning but... let's not provoke him into using his powers, hm? I don't need him blowing the school up or something if he lost control. He does seem like he hasn't got a proper handle of himself yet," he snorted, patting her arm gently as he shot a glare towards a girl in the corridor who stared at the two in wonder - they were among the most popular in the school, after all, but Ezra was in no mood to deal with his fans right now.

"Nicolas is a wonderful cook, though. You can eagerly befriend him for his powers, I'll let you do that. I have no interest in him, but I will allow him to cook for me if he wishes. The food was exquisite. I probably appeared like a pig to him, scoffing down so much, but it was gorgeous, truly. It's the only compliment I'll ever pay the loser."
"Trust me, I would definitely take you on that offer of course. I bet you would take good care of me," Elizabeth said, laughing a little a bit about that thought of when she scared most of the student populace. " My father was even worried about when I let my human fall," Elizbeth added with a shrug of his shoulders. "It's in the past now..." she said going along with him, as they walked together toward the cafeteria.

"Yeah, he doesn't seem to have that. I have noticed some interesting things going on around him, but I hope I don't run into that other guy. He even gave me the creeps," Elizbeth said with a shrug of her shoulders. "I still want to see what the power can do, that must be my curiosity," Elizabeth said after noticing the woman who was watching. Blowing out some smoke, as she let out a sigh, sometimes it was hard to be this popular.

Laughing a little, as she gave him a curious look. "Oh, how did he cook? Unless, oh he is smart fella," Elizabeth said with a little grin coming across her face. "He must have used those shadows, to get past security.." she mentioned before they entered the cafeteria. Getting breakfast after she chooses a spot for them, sitting down before starting to eat her food. Off to the side, and pretty much by himself, there was Nicolas as he ate his breakfast.

Sitting there for a moment, an idea popped into her head but she hoped she wouldn't get Ezra upset. "You said, you wanted someone not boring? Why not get close to Nicolas, he is interesting since his power class is high and with our help, he could be good..."
"And don't you think, my dear Elizabeth, that he'll find my change of heart confusing? I can't imagine he'll believe that I abruptly began to treat him nicely without wanting something in return, or having an ulterior motive. I know I like to label him for a fool, but he's rather smart, I see that. Surely, he'll see through my facade and realise I'm getting close to him just to use him for our advantage?" Protested the demon as his three eyes glanced across at the boy sat alone, resting his chin in his hand as he observed the shadow-user curiously.

Elizabeth was right, as she often was. Nicolas was far from boring and, if nothing else, life would be much more interesting pretending to be his friend and witnessing his power firsthand than being his enemy and neglecting all of that. Besides, the demon knew that Nicolas wasn't in complete control of his powers yet, and that was a dangerous thing.

The last thing he needed was a demon with bad intentions getting close to him, urging him to use those powers for malevolent, cruel means. Yet, Ezra had suddenly decided how worthwhile that would be. He was powerful, but so was Nicolas. Being at his side, whispering in his ear to do things and cause mayhem, would be fun. And that was all Ezra wanted: fun.

Besides, he was the most powerful student at the school. He ought to collect the most powerful friends and Nicolas, clearly, was one of them.

With a playful smile to the dragon at his side, he collected his breakfast and wandered across to Nicolas' table. He knew the boy was smart, but the demon was a master manipulator - he knew how to deceive expertly.

"I'm not your friend yet, Nicolas, don't get excited. But you deserve a chance," he determined as he nodded at the other now sat opposite him, his brow arched as if challenging the other to counter him. "...The food yesterday was... I appreciate it, that's all I'm saying, so... just eat your food, hm? I'm giving you a chance, but please don't be annoying."
"That may be correct, but it doesn't hurt to see if he will fall for your charms or not. Most of the student body has already, and he hasn't seen through me yet. Maybe he does, but you just gotta see for yourself," she had mentioned before Ezra had left to go sit with Nicolas. Watching them both, she hummed to herself and moved to sit with some others so she wouldn't be alone but it didn't mean that would stop her from watching from afar.

Nicolas had finished his breakfast, as he was about to collect things when he saw Ezra come and sit with him. That was rather odd, why would he sit with him. No matter, he would keep his composure and act like nothing was wrong. He didn't want to cause a ruckus here, with so many people here. Most of what he thought was this guy's followers.

"Why would I want a friend like you..." Nicolas had thought to himself. A chance huh? "A chance, if you are willing to do that. I can do the same..." Nicolas had said before Ezra had spoken up about his own cooking skills. Shrugging his shoulders, as he closed up his books before putting them into his bag but he wasn't gonna leave just yet. No, he would sit with Ezra for the time being.

"I will try not too. It is rather interesting about how people stare you and even at Elizbeth, must be because of the popularity you have or just the sheer power you can do..." Nicolas mentioned. "Someone told me about her, about what she did during that exam. They have told I must do the same, to show what I can do and be placed more specifically..." He said before looking around, "What about that boyfriend of yours? Won't he get upset about this?"
"Ah, yes, the dreaded exam. Don't sweat it, it really isn't difficult to pass. As long as you don't lose control and really show you have no ability to learn, you'll be alright. Even when Elizabeth lost control, they saw that she had enough control to willingly change forms, and that saved her from expulsion. New students think it's difficult, but all you do is show what you can do. Not rocket science, is it?" He laughed in return, dabbing his mouth lightly with a napkin as his eyes locked on the other opposite him, taking in his words with a smile.

The smile grew when he mentioned his popularity, shrugging casually as though it wasn't a big deal. The smile became curious when his boyfriend was mentioned, not needing to look around to know where he was and how confused he probably was that Ezra was sat with someone he had said he openly detested and hated being nearby.

"Oh, why would he be upset? What exactly do you think is happening here, Nicolas? Do you think I'm going to whisper sweet nothings into your ear and pounce over this table to make out with you? I'm not, by the way. I'm having a chat with my roommate, trying to understand him a little better because Elizabeth recommended I do so. She likes you a lot, she said I was being too harsh and... I listen to her. If she likes you, I want to see why. If my boyfriend gets mad that I'm sitting with another boy, he's a fool," he grunted, sipping his milkshake through his straw as his tail swayed lightly behind him, his head tilted slightly as he continued to observe the boy.

"...Did you want me to pounce over the table at you? I had no idea you were so playful, Nicolas~! I'm joking-- it's what I do. Relax, you're so tense!"
Nicolas leaned back a little, as he crossed his arms now listening to what Ezra was saying. Not losing control was something that he would need to work but to pass, he would need to do. Maybe he was starting to think of actually wanting to stay and attend this school. "Nah, it's not really. I guess that the control part will be something I need to get a handle on since you have seen how they react sometimes."

Raising an eyebrow at hearing that part, but not speaking what was on his mind about that subject. Nicolas had done his research on dragons, and they tend to like shiny and or powerful things. That what puzzled him, he didn't think he was that tough but maybe it was because he was new there. "I guess he would be," Nicolas commented.

Laughing some more, with a shrug of his shoulders. "Yeah I have been told but that's me though..." Nicolas mentioned as he watched the rest of the school that was still in there. "I guess classes still aren't happening since it weekend though. The admin did say they would in contact," Nicolas said as a letter as school crested envelope showed up on the table for Nicolas. Going to open it up, reading it through before he laughed a little as it disappeared in his hands.

"Speaking the admin. That was them, they want to do the test tonight," Nicolas said moving to get up finally from the table. "I just wish I could do some practice tests before I go," Nicolas said with a shrug of his shoulders but a little grin was on his face. "There is one way but why would someone like you care about breaking the rules..." he said lastly, showing he had his own mischievous playful side.
"...What makes you think I would break the rules? The rules are set in place to protect us. Break them, and we're putting ourselves in immense danger and we only have ourselves to blame should we get hurt," the demon huffed in reply, appearing deadly serious as he shook his head in disbelief at the other's attempts at convincing him.

The facade broke down immediately, far too curious to hear Nicolas' plan to allow his fake seriousness to continue for longer than a few seconds. His devious smile arrived on his features not too long after, eagerly collecting his backpack (designer, of course) and getting to his feet to hear what the other was planning to do before his all-important exam.

He didn't like Nicolas and he was determined not to allow himself to grow to like him, but the devious side was one he hadn't seen too often. At first, when they first met, he assumed the devious nature was to impress him. Now, he knew that it was simply Nicolas' personality, and he had to force himself not to admire that. It was hard, but he didn't want to like him so was fighting his instincts to prevent that from happening.

But he could pretend he could.

"Now, what are you planning?" He asked curiously, three eyes wide in delight at the chance to bend the rules and have some fun, or he'd just spend his Sunday lounging about, eating junk food and reading gossip magazines. As fun as that was, he wanted to do something exhilarating for a change.
"Yeah, but if you break these rules, you can get away from this boring school...." Nicolas had mentioned. Watching Ezra get up now, as stood there for a moment to see what Ezra was gonna say. Hearing that part, he got close to him and even whispered a little, "I am planning to visit my turf in the shadow realm. The same one that I had visited last time and where all shadows with these creatures exist..."

Offering his hand out, before he shrugged his shoulders. "If you want to come, follow me back to the dorm. I rather not do it where we can get caught, Elizabeth may like me and she may be your friend but think about it. Won't she tell her Daddy and I rather not have a dragon after me..." Nicolas started to walk, picking up his pace. Going on ahead but he had stopped in tracks when he was stopped by one of the teachers and grabbed by them.

Looked like his exam was gonna starting earlier than expected.

Someone had spotted and it was starting to spread across the cafeteria that an exam was going to start. Everyone started to head there before the viewing area was gonna be closed off. Collecting Ezra, Elizabeth dragged him as she looked back at her friend with excitement showing in her eyes. "I cannot believe it...I will get to see if this gem can shine or not..."


In the area where the exam was, only a few students got in and select others after because of their status in that school. It was held in the gym where it was covered in wards and whatnot, to damage anything inside. Nicolas was middle of all of it, as he listened to what the teachers, council from school, and even principal were saying.

"Whoever got in, remember the rules. If its get dangerous, get out before you get hurt. I don't need to deal with any students in the infirmary..." One of the teachers called out.
Only a select few students of the school were allowed to enter the exam room to watch the newcomers perform. Teachers only allowed these students to observe because they were the ones who had performed the best during their own exams and displayed the best control of their power, so having them on hand to observe the newcomers had its benefits - the teachers believed that they could then help the new students later, give them advice on how to hone their talents.

Ezra had no intention of passing advice to any of the new students. He had passed his exam with flying colours, able to transform into his true form with ease and display all the powers that came with a demon without once breaking control. He was full of advice on how to hone talent, but he really didn't care about anyone in that room to help them.

Nicolas was the only one he even talked to, and yet, he didn't want to help him. He much preferred to observe and see how the other performed, smiling to himself in the hope that he lost control and some people got hurt as a result. That, the demon thought, would truly be hilarious.
Nicolas tried to focus on himself and what was going on around him. For a moment, he had looked over to see Ezra and Elizabeth in the crowds where he kept his hands by his side. "You may begin," The instructor stated, waiting for Nicolas to start his exam right then and there.

He started to use his shadow magic, as the shadows moved around the whole room as they were all starting to be one big shape underneath before it became visible. It came out, as it roared out in a ferious manner where Nicolas moved to pet it as it started to calm down. "There, there, beasty. No harm will be to you..." Nicolas said to the creature before it fell apart into many small creatures where some were hiding toward the student.

A shadowy arm had grabbed one female student, starting to drag her by her own shadow which looked like it was going in panic. "I should have said this, but if you hurt or even kill someone shadow. Especially if killed, whatever will be dropping dead then there..." Nicolas stated before it let go of the student before she ran off to other students. It started to return to normal, as Nicolas moved to cross his arms now. The whole staff was talking with each other, talking about what had just happened.

Elizabeth grinned, whispering to Ezra, "So that is crazy..." She commented.

"Most times, we would kick someone like this out but we saw your control. You have passed.." the staff said. "Now leave and everyone leaves now..." as the staff spoke, Nicolas left ahead of everyone.
Ezra was curious, yes, but he hadn't thought that he'd end up staring in genuine amazement as Nicolas passed the exam in the manner he did. His control was the only thing that saved him, and while he selfishly wanted Nicolas to have no control and to really hurt a few people to accommodate his own sadistic tendencies, Ezra had to reluctantly admit that seeing his power so controlled was equally as exhilarating for him.

He felt his pulse quicken as he watched the display of overwhelming power, his cheeks flushed as he was hit with an idea.

His entire motivation at the school was to solidify his own popularity. His boyfriend was the soccer start and had the good looks and strong physique to encourage popularity, but he was boring and lacked that exhilarating power that Ezra desired at his side. He wanted a boyfriend who scared people; who could flip at any moment and use his powers. Nicolas fit that bill. He didn't need to like or even care for him - he just needed him at his side as a trophy of sorts. Ezra was drawn to power like a moth to a flame, and Nicolas was, right now, the brightest flame around.

"Wait up, Nicolas!" He called as he rushed after the shadow-user, smiling breathlessly as he caught up to his long strides and gripped his arm to pull him to a slower pace. He didn't know how he would even get the other to date him, but he trusted his ability. He was an incubus: flirting and charming were two traits he had perfected the moment he hit puberty. "Oh, that was... amazing, really! Truly! How about we celebrate you passing your exam? A powerful boy like you deserves a little break. We'll... have ice cream. I know a parlour in the town. We'll sneak out. I'm sure you can take me through those shadow portals you use so well~"
Elizabeth had stayed behind, not wanting to interfere with what going on but she would talk with Ezra later on though. Nicolas had gone ahead, not wanting to deal with people for the time being but he was stopped though when he heard Ezra voice calling out for him. When he was gripped like that, he turned toward the other for a moment where he started to lessen his pace.

Walking with him some more, having heard what he said. "You really thought that? Interesting," Nicolas commented before he heard that question about celebrating after what he just did there in the exam. "Celebration for what I did? That sounds like a good idea," Nicolas said agreeing with celebrating with him. Hearing that last part, he thought about it for a moment, "Let's head back to our room. We can get to work on figuring that part out. I may need some rest too, that big creature you saw took a lot of energy..."

Heading back to the dorm rooms, as he looked back at him before starting to speak some more. "You know, I had to keep my control with all of that. What I said was true, you kill someone shadow they will die unless another shadow takes its place which can happen..." Nicolas started to say. "I took notes also on all different races and species.."

"So why taking such interest in me? Was it because I have power?"
"Do you think I'm that shallow that I'd show interest in you because I saw your performance during the exam? Nicolas, I was sat with you at breakfast, talking to you, even before I saw what you can do. I'm not that shallow, silly. I saw last night that you seem nice and I realised, as you cooked and shared your meal with me, that I was being-- let's face it, I was being a bitch to you. I realised that before I saw your powers. Are they a nice bonus, to have a friend who's strong and so amazingly talented? Of course - but I was interested in you before then, you know that," he smiled easily, the lie slipping from his tongue perfectly, as the expert manipulator he was. Because the lie was mixed in with a little truth (he had been sat with him at breakfast and that could be seen as him being interested in him then), it was hard to call him out as a liar, even though the real truth was that he was only interested because of his powers.

But he had lied perfectly and had the charm to get away with it. There was a reason most people like Ezra, eve when he could be cruel, nasty and bitchy - he had the charm to persuade him he was anything but those qualities.

"Now stop whining, let's get ice-cream when you're all rested up. I'll have to show you my powers soon. I have another form, you know. Rather scary too, if you ask me. Maybe one day I'll show you, if you're good," he teased as he lightly nudged his arm to show he was playing around and trying to get along with him. "Oh, I could eat two large chocolate fudge sundaes right now, with some cookies on the side... God, I eat too much, but I need that. I'm a demon, we need to eat a lot to build our strength up-- just a little fact about us you might not have realised, love~"
Nicolas still didn't trust him, but he was still willing to give him a chance at being friends with each other. He would need to watch his back with Ezra, for good or for worse. He didn't know if he was lying at the moment, but that was why he wasn't trusting him that much til Ezra showed he could. He was still gonna be friendly though.

Having reached back at the dorms, when he heard what Ezra said at last. "Oh, joy and I don't think it could scare me. I have faced a lot of scary things in my life," Nicolas stated with a chuckle. Shrugging his shoulders, "So I guess I should make more food for you then, if I ever cook. You ate most of my food too..." Nicolas commented.

Once inside of the dorm room in privacy, Nicolas started to run his hand over the walls. "I bet I can do one portal. We would need to pass through the shadow realm first, before getting to our destination. You would need to be careful, I don't want you or your shadow in danger while there...." Nicolas said as a portal started to form rather slowly. "I can do slow build-ups like this," Nicolas started to say as it was starting to form more and more. Offering his hand out to Ezra, "Take my hand. If you don't, you could get lost and never be able to come back..."
"Honestly, do you take me for a weakling, Nicolas? I'm completely confident in my abilities to fight off whatever danger lurks within this portal, you really have no need to worry about losing me in there," he snorted as he refused to take his hand, deciding that he would rather face the risk than admit that Nicolas knew best in this situation. He was a demon and therefore, by his very nature, was arrogant and supremely confident in the talents and powers he had.

But he also knew when to give in and admit that he didn't know best. He would never say so aloud, and would make excuses to save face, but if there was a choice between saving his life by letting someone take control or dying because he was too stubborn, Era would opt for the former... albeit with much regret and reluctance.

"Fine, I'll take your hand, but only because I know you'll just whine at me if I don't and I can't afford to get a headache. Besides, I want ice-cream, so if this is the price I have to pay to get it, so be it," he huffed, acting as though he was taking the other's hand as a favour to him, when in reality, one look into the deep, dark portal was enough to scare him and cause him to grab Nicolas' hand in fear of getting lost within the immense blackness.
Shaking his head toward Ezra, showing he knew that had Ezra had power like him maybe even more than him. "I don't think at all but all I was worried that you wouldn't be able to deal with certain creatures," Nicolas said to him. Nicolas nodded his head, letting him take his hand before he walked in through the portal and arrived back in now shadow realm.

There were creatures roaming, and it was a mix of greys and blacks there. Even other users, but it was more barren. "My sort of magic users, are very rare so that's why they aren't anymore really..." Nicolas said to him, before looking around before pointing to where they would exit. As they walked, Nicolas hummed along as he saw how Ezra shadow really was. It was Nicolas shadow, it didn't look like him but more like that monstrous creature that was summoned.

"Through there, we can get there rather quickly," Nicolas said reaching the next portal. A creature came to stop him, as it looked curiously as them both before Nicolas moved to touch it but walked on more when it unblocked them. Exiting the portal, as they came out now in the town nearby the parlor. "I knew which one you were talking about. I have been here a time or two.." Nicolas said before letting go of him, keeping some distance. "Let's go get that ice cream for my celebration..."
The shadowy realm was one Ezra, obviously, was unused to. He knew it existed but, not having the power to manipulate shadows like Nicolas, accessing the strange world the shadows roamed in was impossible - until now, at least, his eyes wide in fascination as he absorbed the strange, monstrous-like shadows that stalked about, some even peering over and curious enough to wander over. With Nicolas at his side, of course, nothing seemed to be able to hurt them, a fact that left the demon sighing in relief as soon as they were out into the world he was used to.

He straightened up immediately once back in the bright daylight of the realm he knew, striding forward with grace and confidence into the cute ice cream parlour where he all but demanded to have his 'usual' before taking a seat. He came to the parlour often enough for the workers to know what he liked. He didn't mention it, but he had the ability to transport himself using his own portals, and he could have easily saved Nicolas' energy by taking him.

Yet, he hadn't offered to, being too curious to see the shadowy realm. He didn't care if Nicolas was already exhausted from the exam - he wanted to see the portals he used and so kept quiet about having the ability to use portals of his own.

"Order what you like, it's my treat," he confirmed as he motioned to the counter. "No matter the price. My Daddy gives me plenty of pocket money."
Nicolas was out in the open, as he stretched out his body while looking around in open area that was the area before they had gone to ice cream parlor. Walking over to the place, as he looked over to him before they had gone into the place. It seemed like it was a little bit busy but he had decided to sit down with him. He had planned to either pay for himself or not paying for himself.

Checking pockets, he had found his coin purse as he had checked it over, seeing he could probably get something. To his surprise, Ezra was offering him to buy him something as a treat. Thinking about it, as he had made an order of small ice cream for himself. Nothing too special at all.

"Thank you, Ezra, for that. I was gonna pay for my own," Nicolas said, moving to go check his phone for a moment before putting it away. "I tend to do these things when I was younger and had a family you know..." he mentioned but noticed some workers were giving him looks. Shaking it off, before the ice cream was served to both.

"You don't lose much time while traveling through portals.."
"Why would I let you pay for your own when you've just passed your exam, Nicolas? It's a cause for celebration and I insist that you celebrate properly - make his a large, and add sprinkles and some pieces of chocolate, too. That's how you celebrate, Nicolas, dear. You don't have a small, boring vanilla ice cream - that's madness," he laughed after gesturing for the workers to change Nicolas' order size. Ezra had plenty of money but he liked to spend it on himself, not others. The ice cream wasn't ludicrously expensive, but he would normally detest spending even a dollar on someone else. Even now he felt a grimace want to present itself, but he forced it back - he knew that he needed to show Nicolas that he was attempting to get along with him, and that required a little sacrificing.

"God, have you heard about this woman?" He scoffed as he snatched a newspaper from the nearby table, a photograph spread across the front page illustrating both a bank that had been rampaged and ransacked of its millions of dollars, and the woman the police in a few cities over deemed responsible - Melodia Rivers. The woman was largely responsible for most of the crime that got documented nationally in the country; she was infamous for being the head of a criminal organisation, with potentially dozens of hard, tough men under her command, ready to storm any place to steal the goods and money, or hurt anyone, at her request. She was known for her charm, manipulation and evil streak, clearly having no care or consideration for the lives she was hurting during her rampages in the city.

And little did Ezra know that the beautiful woman on the front of the newspaper was his mother; a mother who missed him and never had had the chance to know him... and who would do anything to make sure her son was where he belonged - in her arms and at her side.

"It's awfully ridiculous that she hasn't been caught," he sneered as he set it down, unable to hide how fascinated he was by the woman's clear power and authority. "The police really are pathetic, aren't they? Elizabeth's father could find this woman in hours, I imagine. The police have been searching for this woman for years and haven't once arrested her. It's pathetically weak, hm? She's a succubus so I imagine, if they did arrest her, all she needed to do was flirt and she'd have them ready to let her go - succubi and incubi are remarkably charming and use sex as the answer to everything. It's smart, I suppose."