Shadost: The Ambassador's Bad Idea!

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Orias glanced from side to side, indicating he was very nervous. He shook his head when the Ambassador mentioned giving him back the I.D. tag. "I--I can't go with you. No one will ever trust a shapeshifter again, no matter how many good deeds I do. We've done too many bad things."

He cleared his throat, gathering his courage. "Sweet Lady might be ... evil but she is a woman of her word." And she was also sadistic and merciless and prone to being vindicative but he would rather not bring that up. "And she's a strong believer of the philosophy: an eye for an eye."


"Ack!" Celix fell over, not having expected the sudden additional weight. Then he was attempting to pry her off of him! "I am. Not. Your. Pet." For a woman she was a strong one and he finally stopped to huff and give her a sideways glance.

"Look, the only reason I helped you was that no one deserves to be raped. Especially not by a bunch of thugs. And before I go heading off into hell knows what, I'm gonna improvise a plan other than running around and getting caught."
Princess Hanatia looked up at Celix with a rejected expression for only a half a second. He said escape! Quickly, she released him, practically skipping over to the Councilman to dig around in the pockets of his clothes. "Escape is good! Who knows when they'll come back for the rest of us!" The Princess had pulled out of a pouch. It could have been money, food, or anything for all anyone could know!

The Councilman grabbed Hanatia's arm before she went bounding back to Celix. "Now see here! That is enough of this nonsense! Horrible things will happen if we do not sit here and behave. You saw how that woman punishes her hostages. Your father might do worse to me if something happens to his Princess."

"I cried and cried and cried and no one cares! We're still in here and don't want to stay anymore. I want to escape now and go home with my new pet."

Ziranova Sachavik

"An individual shouldn't be blamed for the crimes of his people. That is an important lesson for everyone to know!" It was a creed that Ziranova stood firmly behind as Ambassador. Every species had their moments of cruelty. The importance of the modern age and the Commonwealth was to look past these discretions and help build a better future.

But there was no time to teach or learn right this moment, the situation was dire... and the young shifter wasn't budging despite her urging.

"...I will go. But don't worry, I promise I will find a way so that people like you will be safe. That is my job!" Zira smiled as best she could, tempted to give him a hug but refrained. She turned to sneak off for the escape pods!
Sweet Lady

Sweet Lady smiled to herself, an amused one at that. She would have preferred to continue this little discussion but he had the right of it. She would have to lose the Skarrathos first.

"A wonderful idea. We can continue this discussion somewhere of a more neutral area. Say the Serpentine Galaxy, a few light years away." It was an idea that may have seemed off the top of her head but wasn't. Any ship who could cross two or three light years without breaking a sweat was something to be admired--and watched for.

Of course, it was also a way for her to gauge the man himself. Serpentine Galaxy was not considered the safest place for those involved in politics and diplomacy. In short, it was more a place to find thieves and space pirates than ambassadors and senators.


Celix paused after emptying the pirate of a plastic card with a magnetic strip on end and nothing imprinted on the other and the little metal plate he was wearing around his neck. Neither looked useful but you never could tell. He pocketed those.

The cat-boy stood and turned slightly to the other hostages. "Doesn't it seem weird to you that no one came to help this pirate out? And that woman just left and didn't stick around."

Orias smiled slightly when she looked ready to hug him but didn't. It was a natural reaction. No one had any right to trust shapeshifters now and he was doubtful about how successful she would be in making "people like him" safe. However, he admired her optimism. He nodded. "Th--thank you," he told her just before she sprinted away for the escape pods.

That was the last he saw of her when the door slammed shut for the last time and another door over it also closed. The ship was splitting apart.
Jovvy had the ship going as fast as he could tracking Blaxdon's signal. As soon as the beeping turned into a soft chime Jovvy was near the Overlords ship. Gasping Jovvy knew it was bad. He had seen them in battles before and if they had Blaxdon God only knew what they had done to him. Jovvy checked the scanner and found a great distrubance on the moitor and another cruiser beyond that. He knew then that he was near a pirate ship, they were the only ones that had that sort of singnature.

Jovvy was able to pinpoint the signal and started to get a lock on Blaxdon. It was only then that he caught fading transmissions of some sort of hostage situation. Checking again the faint signal was gone. It must have been a stray signal that bounced off the ships field and into space.

The voice sounded like a man and Sweet Lady, swallowing hard Jovvy knew that the raid at the party was her. She had been behind the whole mess. He must have been beat up by her men. Shaking his head he did the only thing he could. Securing Blaxdon came first. It wasnt in his ablity to fight and the longer he waited to remove Blaxdon the greater chance he stood of being seen as a threat and blasted into a million fragments.

Daring to hail Overlords ship Jovvy made an attempt to reason with them. "Overlord of the army of Skarrathos, Im Jovvy pilot of Blaxdon Glyson the 225th Royal of the Planet Skoonek, I am acting under the accordance of the Intergallatic Order of Rescue and Recovery of all Royals of our Planet. Blaxdon will be removed from your ship at the end of this transmission, we are acting of no hostile nature, to fire upon this ship will be seen as an act of war. Transmission over" Jovvy was sweating as he read from the screen that was helping him figure out what to do.

He typed in the override code to extract Blaxdon and a soft hum started. Leaving the cockpit Jovvy ran to the small sick bay. He waited as Blaxdons' body was vanished from the bed he was onboard the Overlords ship and appeared before Jovvy. As soon as Blaxdon was onboard Jovvy dropped to his knees. "Dear Gods what have they done to you?" Blaxdon was weak and still covered with strange tubes, bits of metal covering the left side of his cheek bone. His eye was covered with guaze and tapped shut. It was bloody and dirty.

"Blax, my boy say something to me please..." Jovvy was near tears seeing Blaxdon like this,he was like a son to him. " 'Ziranova" was all he said before he blacked out. Nodding Jovvy knew she was in trouble. Going back to the cockpit he sent a message back to their home planet

" Blaxdon critical condition, Ambassador Ziranova hostage send help" Jovvy went back to tending to Blaxdon as best as he could.
a cold steel barrel pressed against Orias' neck, and the shifter froze as he felt something else brush against his cheek, the cold steel making its way for his throat
"A shifter with brains, well, thats something i haven't seen in all my years" a voice whispered, and Orias was bodily spun around, the pistol and knife retreating from his flesh as he spun.

Standing before him was an unscarred man in the uniform of a Skarrathos Brigadier General
"as you may have noticed, we are on your ship for the hostages, and you may ahve noticed my complexion, i am not of Skarrathos, nor do i hold allegience to their army, just the Overlord, so when i say that i have little against your kind other than your massed crimes, most of which were committed for one race or another against their foes, so really, all your people have done is become mercenaries, much like myself" the man paused, a chilling grin washing across his face
"Forgive me, i have a tendancy to babble, you help me free the other hostages, and I can make it worth your while by ensuring the tracking beacon i plant on your ship is faulty" the agent continued, the smile only leaving his face when he finished speaking'
"Live or die, make your choice" he added, the pistol still pointed at Orias.
The Councilman just frowned at the catboy. "Why would the woman stay in here. There are negotiations to be done. As for HIM - I doubt they will ignore him missing for long. When they do come for him, I won't have any part in taking the blame for this and neither will Princess Hanatia." The other hostages in the room seemed to be og agreement with the Councilmen. They did not want to get involved, nor end up like the others that were taken away!

The Princess stomped her and gave a loud HMPH. "I'm NOT staying here anymore! I'm not! I don't care what you say! Me and Lucifer are going to escape and you old farts can rot in here forever if you want to! We'll be sipping Pina Coladas on a beach by the time you get out!" Prancing over to Celix, she hooked her arm with his, giving the others an imperious look before she ruined it by sticking her tongue out at them.
Jovvy didnt hear anything back from the battle ship or his home planet. Never in his life had he felt more helpless. Blaxdon looked horrible and his life signature was fading. Doing what he thought was best he left the area with Blaxdon. Jovvy had no way of knowing that while the paryt had been crashed, people were killed and now a battle was underway right before him, that Blaxdon's home planet had been distroyed.

The news had not reached the nearest system yet since all the current channels were flooded with family memembers and diplomats trying to get word from of the negotiations. Jovvy set the cruiser was at top speed as he took him back home. He tried over and over to let them know he was returning with Blaxdon but he wasnt able to reach anyone. Why werent they answering him?

With the flip of a few switches he made the three hyper space jumps and came into a gentle orbit around Skoonek, but it was more like what was left of it. Somehow in some cosmic event the planet was hit by either a huge metor or blow apart by some unnatural force. Jovvy did his best to guide the ship around all the rocks that were once a very beautiful planet. Tears filled his eyes as he looked back to Blaxdon. He and Blaxdon were now the only ones left of their race as far as he knew. Lowering his eyes to the scattered remains beyond the windshield, he set a course back to the planet they had just been at hoping to get medical aid for Blaxdon.
Not moments later there was another ship falling in to orbit - or what was supposed to be orbit - near Skoonek. A slightly beat up, but in good shape cargo ship painted in dark shades of purple and navy with the logo of DIOMEDES MECHANICS AND SHIPPING.

"Well, what the fuck." The pilot and soul living crewmember on the Diomedes tried signalling the planet that obviously wasn't there. When the ship nearly collided with a big chunk of flying rock, she let out of a few curses. That's why she did a scan for any surviving ships or... anything... that might be in orbit where Skoonek used to be.

One ship! Just one. The pilot hailed Jovvy's vessel.

"Hey! Helloooo. Anyone actually alive out there? Where the hell did the planet go! Anybody need assistance? Pickup? Tissues?" So she had a grim sense of humor. ...Fuck, that was a planet of people that was gone, and everyone has been in an uproar about a bunch of spoiled fatcat politicians being held hostage? She slid over to the broad range communications panel. Someone needed to contact the Galactic Police!
Jovvy heard the transmission and picked up. It was a broken up connection due to all the displaced energy and floating debirs.

"We are here, we are here... Royal Pilot Jovvy here." he was tried and heart broken. His own world gone with no reason. "Blaxdon the Royal 225th is with me, he is hurt bad. We dont know what happened but, well it lookes like that Comet we knew was coming had more power then we knew."

Shaking his head Jovvy hated to be wrong, the comet coming wasnt a blessing, it was an exterminator. Something in its tail must have come loose or had been pulled into the planets orbit and collided with it. Looking at his last image of the planet Jovvy had to dab his eyes.

"I say again, I have a Royal with me, he must get medical care or all will be lost, take care of the debirs." Jovvy's voice was choked up with fear and tears. He looked out his windshield and gasped.

"In coming!" he shouted as larger and larger rocks spun toward them, he dodged the first two but took a direct hit on the portside and the ship was spun out of control. Jovvy rocked back and then forward again his body jamming into the windshield cracking it. Sadly he was killed instantly.

Blaxdon's body slid across the floor and slammed into the door. The ship was disabled as the storm of rocks showered the area. Blaxdons ship spun out toward a distant star, its single beacon of distress was activated. The ship and its only surviving passenger, floated out into space.
Nodding more to himself then to the Sweet Lady, Adrian intoned in a short sequence of keys to alert the captain that he had new coordinates to locate. The Serpentine star system was a glorified string of slums all grouped together. Poor planets with poorer morals...and citizens who scavenged and pirated like ants. The shifter had chosen a dangerous place to take such a prized vessel as the Phantom Zephyr...but desperate times and all that.

"Of course," He responded casually, fitting a chocolate cherry between each row of teeth before consuming the dark sweet. "I'll rendezvous with you upon your arrival then shall I? After all, one of us has to throw the Skarrathos warship down a false trail."

Cutting off communication, Adrian rose from his chair and swayed across the distance between him and his alcohol bar. Within he retrieved a bit of brandy and poured a shot thoughtfully. If the Ambassador were to get out, she would attest to the site of Shape shifters...while some of the hostages could probably be ignored, Ziranova had a gift of winning over crowds of people and certainly his quickly doctored video would never get past the real police sniffers. Much as it irked him to admit, Ziranova held more sway then he when the commoners were concerned. Certainly securing her would be an important task nearly tantamount with gaining the Shapeshifter cooperation.

As such, he would need to plan carefully.

As his sleek ship vanished into a slipstream of lightspeed, Adrian gazed out of his window and drained the last of his shot.

Sweet Lady's move now...
Orias' eyes grew wide and he found his breath knocked out of him! He was weaker than most shapeshifters and so the simplest movement was taxing and drained him of strength. He swallowed and looked up at the man. His emotions weakened his control of his form until he was a little boy with half of his short hair blonde and half of it black and white bird's wings instead of arms.

"Fa--fa--faulty? You--you don't understand ... You--you're in grave danger here."

Sweet Lady

Sweet Lady smirked. Leave it to a male to let a female fend for herself. That is why she preferred taking female forms. No one ever expected the beast in the beauty. She gave the first mate the coordinates as the other parts of the ship went their separate ways. Whatever happened, she couldn't fail. Not again.

Sweet Lady stopped in the middle of the corridor and saw a familiar young shapeshifter (there was only one onboard who couldn't control his ability) cornered by someone. Well, well, well ... She smirked and then one arm shot out for the stranger!


Celix looked at the girl and just raised an eyebrow. This one was proving to be more trouble than she was worth. But then he turned his attention to trying to find a way for the door to open. Maybe the door's open mechanism was only accessible from the other side or maybe there was a special key somewhere on the pirate.

No, no, he had taken everything he could from him. Maybe it had something to do with a palm print somewhere but if that was the case, he should be able to find a scanner nearby.
Ziranova Sachavik

At first, while Ziranova was tip-toeing down the halls, it was eerily quiet. She expected to come across more shifters or anyone. There was not a single person to be seen until she was drawing nearer the halls towards the escape pods. When she rounded a corner, she nearly slammed in to someone that was barreling down the corridor like hell was on his heels. An older man, looking ragged and wild, probably not even human and in his hands a weapon that look suspiciously like a Skarrathos gun in his hands. One he pointed at her as he shouted.

"Get back shifter! Back!"

Zira blinked, holding up her hands and taking a few steps back. "I'm not a shif-"

"LIES. ALWAYS LIES. You're every where, taking weird shapes... trying us mad...!" It must have been true, the man hardly looked like he had all of his marbles as his hands shook with the gun pointed at her. After looking her over again his eyes narrowed. "What's that in your hand?! Key card?! Give it to me!"

"There's no reason to panic! Please just calm down a minute and I'll"

"GIVE IT TO ME!" he shouted again, lunging forward to grab her.

Zira dashed to the side holding the keycard behind her back while raising up her other hand to block him. "CALM, please! I can take me with you, but you have to calm down so we can-" But he wasn't letting her speak! The man was in such a bad panic, he couldn't see past his own fears. The more she dodged and tried to talk, the angrier he got. Finally he had lost all patience, pulling the gun and - BANG. The keycard was claimed and he was running down the hall.

Ziranova slid to the floor, clutching her side. Bright red seeping through the fabric of her dress and through her fingers. She had never been shot before - and with a lot of curse words going through her head, she didn't want to feel this again! The pain was almost unbearable, but... but if she didn't find a way out, the others might suffer worse.

Forcing herself to her feet, Zira stumbled down the hall. If that running prisoner had a Skarrathos gun, maybe there was a rescue party on the ship! She was hoping..!

"Maybe we can blow the door off." offered the Princess.

"Or climb through air vents!" she suggested two seconds after the first one.

"Or we could stab someone and then scream for help!" five seconds after her last suggestion. Several people in the back snorted.

"There HAS to be a way back out, you idiots!" Hanatia turned around to yell at the other hostages. She was looking back up at Celix again, with a system's worth of adoration. "Isn't that right? There is always a door out or something to open it, kind of like those things-" she pointed at the strange looking areas at both sides of the doors, "not that they would have anything as nice as we have on Papilla but I GUESS a bunch of criminals might spend all their lootings on fancy prisons."


The pilot sitting in her ship shifted back to the controls when the radio was blaring in with a response signal.


"What the fuck." she grumbled, flipping the switches trying to get a better signal. She opened the communications to hail them back. "Hey, your signal is breaking up bad. I think all the debris is jamming the- Hey, it looks like someone is coming at you on rada- ...Shit! Shit, damned, hellfire!" Too late! It looked like one of the bigass rocks hit the cruiser and from how it was reading out, their systems had to be down.

Mumbling all sorts of nasty things under her breath, the pilot guided her own ship through the mess of rocks and debris, dodging killer pieces to chase after the cruiser that was now spiraling off towards the star in the distance.

"Come on now! Someone answer the damned radio!" Nothing! She was up out of her seat, shouting at a weird robot likely built out of random spare parts to take over the flight deck. Jumping down the hall she was pulling on a vest and a gun belt and marching on to the cargo bay of Diomedes. Back there, while her Bot was chasing down the out of control cruiser, she was jumping in to the control deck for the cargo grappler. One big giant set of pinchers to guide out and go snapping at their target.

It was tricky trying to tell some dumbass robot how to fly while she was trying to use a hook meant for stationary pieces of cargo to grab on to a flailing ship. But damned if she didn't do it just in the nick of time! They were close enough to the sun that even her own ship was starting to flicker from the heat damage as she reeled in the Royal Cruiser to the Diomedes cargo bay. With it sitting, she had to work on prying it open so she could get inside.

"HEY. ANYONE IN HERE." Quiet. Stepping over damaged pieces of the inside ship, she frowned when she came across the first body. Must have been the pilot. Then there was the second, that looked even worse than the other. Whelp, looked like it was too la- "Holy shit, this one is still alive!" Shocked and kind of alarmed, she was shouting at her Bot to come help her with the guy. He was HEAVY.

It only took moments to take Blaxdon to the sickbay and get him hook up to the med systems. He was in such shitty shape, she was pretty sure he'd die any minute. His face was the worst, with that gaping hole exposing the bones. So she took a great deal of time trying to speedgrow some of skin back. If he died anyway, at least he'd look pretty at his funeral. ...if any of those Skoonek people were still alive to give him one.

"Man. It sucks to be you, guy. I won't blame you if you kill over." she muttered, cleaning up the last of that blood. Now if he was gonna live it was up to him.
Musical Score: Mortal Kombat theme.

The Brigadier showed no suprise at Orias' transformation, nor the appearence of the new shifter.

he pushed the boy away and spun, holstering his sidearm, dodgeing the blow by twisting his body and grabbing sweet Lady's wrist all at the same time.
"I accept your challenge" he said gleefully, his eyes bearing none of the customary bloodthirst of the Skarrathos military.

Near the Lady Ambassador

The Stormtrooper was alone, his armor had for the msot part been destroyed by gunfire and makeshift melee weapons and he was wounded, his rifle had been discarded when it had jammed on the last magazine and his sidearm had only what was left in the weapon.
the Trooper entered a new room to find a woman shambling towards him.
in the blink of an eye his gun started to come up, though as the gun pointed to the Lady Ambassador's feet when he stopped raising the weapon, the mixed look of terror, hope and pain that crossed her rather beautiful if unscarred face alerted the trooper to her identity.

he moved forwards, holstering his weapon and grabbed his rudimentary field medical kit.
"Milady, the Overlord sends his regards" he growled, drawing a slightly dirty bandage from the medical kit and moving to wrap it around the wound, running the bandage OVER her dress, the bandage now holding that part of the dress tight to the ambassador's body like a belt.

"that will do for now, Milady follow me" the trooper grunted, moving to grab his sidearm from its holster and pressing a button on what looked like a throat mic.

"Brigadier, this is Corporal Vlaadek of squard terribus, Lady Ambassador located, making way to the nearest exit" he said, his voice sounding harsh
and rough.

"understood" the Brigadier muttered as he blocked another of the shifter woman's blows. The Brigadier was mildly suprised, he had fought shifters before, and usually only the leaders and elite warriors had evern been so skilled in the martial arts.

as he thrhust his palm towards her solkar plexus, Sweet Lady leaped over the Skarrathos Officer and delivered a vicious kick to his spine.
the Brigadier's back moved with the kick and he spun around, his torso seeming to strech as it turned faster than his pelvis and legs.

The Brigadier and Sweet lady fight, both are highly skilled martial artists, and it is revealed that the Brigadier may be a shifter, or have some shifter blood in him.

the last survivor of the Skarrathos combat team, Corporal Vlaadek, finds the ambassador and treats her wound with a basic bandage.
the corporal has only his sidearm, his armor and rifle having been lsot in the brutal fighting, and he too bears a bandaged wound.

the corporal is trying to get the Ambsassador to some kind of safety.
Blaxdon could only make out a few sounds as he blinked and came too hours later. He had no idea where he was or why. All of him hurt be he felt a little giddy from all the pain meds. He tried to sit up but felt something tug him back. Looking down he found that he was hooked up to something. The needle was stuck well into his arm and he didint dare touch it. Just the fac that he saw it scared him to death.

He heard the beeping of a monitor and knew then that he was alive, how he didnt know and why he also didnt know but he was grateful that the nightmare was over at last. He could feel something strange on his face and grabbed the tray next to the bed, sending all the tools on it to the floor in a loud persession of clattering and clangs.

At first glance he didnt believe what he saw, he almost dropped the silver tray, but then looked again. He could see the skin growing and then looked away. He had been disfigured but he with any luck he might heal with only a bad scar. He could live with that. He noticed that he was only able to use one eye. The other was covered and he knew it was gone. No amount of medication or specialized device could bring it back.
Shaking his head, he just let everything settle in his mind.

His thoughts went to the Laday Ambassador, for some reason he couldn't think of her name. Thinking about anything hurt so he just laid back and tried to rest. Moving around to much was a bad idea too since that needle thing was still in his arm and seemed to move when he did that hurt like hell, and he again didnt even want to look at it.
Ziranova Sachavik

Ziranova had been startled, afraid that she might be shot at a second time... but it was a relief to find a real and true Skarrathos coming to aid. There probably wasn't many in the world that would feel that way! She bit her lip not to make a cry of pain while he wrapped the bandage around her. It hurt so much, and with someone with her now, she was tempted to pass out in to oblivion. ...but it would've made it so much harder for the soldier to get them both out!

She stayed on his heels as they snuck their way down the hall. Occasionally stopping for a breath or to lean against a wall when she needed the extra support to stay on her feet.


"Shut up, I already called them!"

Beepbeep BOOP. Beep.

"What? Hell no, he's an organic lifeform you twit!"

Bloop bzzzzz Beepbeep!

"I don't CARE if it works for robots! It doesn't work on live people!" The woman stepped in to the med room, shouting at the tall spindly looking robot that walked in behind her. At first, she hadn't noticed their guest was awake, or the instruments that were on the floor. She was snatching up some gauze and a bandage from a counter while complaining. "You oughta watch your mouth and go see what we can salvage before I scra-"

Suddenly she paused, catching sight of some bits and pieces on the floor, and the subtle movements of the person lying on the table. She rounded around, looking pretty suspicious and doubtful that he was even able to move.

"Heeeey, there, stranger. You took a nasty beating, didn't you. Welcome aboard Diomedes, I'm Kendra. We uh... picked up your ship." Kendra wasn't sure how much the guy already knew about the planet and his pilot. She was going to have to restrain herself for blurting it all out.

"I've some... bad news for you..."
Blaxdon heard someone enter and smiled seeing the woman and her robot. It was nice to listen to someone else that seemed to hate them as much as he did. When she turned to talk to him he got up onto an elbow. "Um..." Blaxdon was trying so hard to remember things but his mind was a fog. All he could say was the only thing that kept him going.

"Ziranova is she alright and the others have they escaped" Blaxdon was talking so fast that me made his head spin. Grabbing his head he groaned and laid back.

"I've fail her havent I, she's dead, they are all dead, those pirate bastards!" Blaxdon was already feeling the horrible pain of all that might have been as his thought of all the nasty outcomes that may have come to pass.

"Oh my god and the women, and Jovvy, and my ship, wait you said something about my ship, but I thought..." Blaxdon sat up again and shook off the dizzy spell. "its here, then we can go save her, we still have a chance right, come on, we have to get back to them, where are we, I can fly anything Jovvy thought me, he was the best pilot back home on" Blaxdon had been talking as he half jumped and moslty fell off the bed and past the woman and the robot he was calling back to her as he moved around her ship looking for the cockpit, once there he looked out to see the debir field and froze.

"What happened? Where am I?"
Orias swallowed hard. Oh no, Sweet Lady was here! This did not fare well! He looked around. The other pirates were elsewhere but he was in trouble for sure! He scrambled for safety!

Sweet Lady

Sweet Lady grinned, lips pulling back to reveal fangs. The revelation that this Skarrathos could possibly be a shifter himself or possess shifter blood was quite a thrill. "Oh oh oh, what is this? Fighting fire with fire, I see. You must do your Overlord proud, soldier."

She landed neatly on the ground, her very clothes morphing. Her gown and hooded cloak was gone revealing an armored bodysuit that clung to her like second skin. She swung her arm which grew longer, the nails ending in claws at the soldier.


Celix examined the areas on either side of the door that the Princess pointed out. When examined closely, one of the sides resembled a handprint scanner. The other looked like a card reader. He reached into his pocket to pull out that card he'd taken from the pirate. Could this be it? He glanced from the scanner to the reader and back again. But he wouldn't be able to do both at the same time, the distance was much too long.

Celix handed the card to the Princess. "This is for the card reader." He went over to the pirate to drag him to the side of the door for the scanner. "I'll scan his palm at the same time you slide the card through and maybe that will open the door."
The Brigadier laughed and his body contorted as he moved backwards, Sweet Lady's claw just catching on the edge of his tunic, tearing it free off the brigadier and ripping it off his body, revealing that he wore a skintight blue bodyglove.

The Brigadier thrust a rapidly changing hand towards Sweet Lady, the knuckles changing into pointy bone shards
"what makes you think i serve him rather than the whole of Skarrathos" the Brigadier's grin betrayed his slight unease, he had expected this would be easier.

"In Here Milady" Vaaradek ushered the lady ambassador into an escape capsule big enough to comfortably fit several people, he hastily shut the door behind him and activated the ejection panels.

on board the Skarrathos warship

"My Lord, Signals report that the Lady Ambassador is freed, but the other hostages are still inside.

Tharn smiled banefully.
"lock onto The Brigadier's signal and fire boarding torpedos, we have them now" Tharn bellowed, his mind racing ahead to the battle that should ensue.
"and send a shuttle to pick up the Ambassador and escort, Immediately" he added swiftly.
Sweet Lady

Sweet Lady smirked. She hadn't had a fight like this in ... well, for quite some time! She giggled as she merely bent her body backwards, back arched to avoid the hand thrusting at her. "Mm ... Do you?" she purred, completing a back flip and then jumping out of reach.

"Drop shields and engage hyper-drive," she said out loud. At the Brigadier's look, she grinned again, showing those fangs. Before the Overlord's boarding torpedos were fired, the Iron Maiden's form blurred and disappeared into thin air!

"By the way, sweetling, in case you have a tracking device on you, the Iron Maiden has a device that jams the signal. Not enough to nullify it, oh no, that wouldn't be any fun. But enough to scatter the signal so it becomes a series of weaker signals seemingly broadcasted from random parts of the galaxy."
Kendra was right on his heels and following him. She didn't bother trying to order him back in to the bed. Usually men were stubborn and weren't going to do the sensible thing anyway.

"Are you talkin' about that hostage situation deal? Guy, you have your priorities all whacked." The lady eyed him carefully. He probably still had some of the meds in his system, and he was already blabbering all confused. Seemed like he really didn't have a clue what was going on.

Heaving a deep sigh, she rubbed the back of her head. Trying to break bad news to people wasn't her strong point. "Uh. First off, I don't know if that hostage mess was worked out yet. There's still a blitz of gossip on the news bleeps, but nothing all that solid. Frankly, I don't give a crap about what's happening to a bunch of uppity politicians anyway."

"Why don't you hold your horses for a few minutes." she said, resting her hands on her hips. She nodded her head towards the big screen that had empty space and loads of debris showing on the monitors. "All of that used to be a planet. Skoonek. I was supposed to deliver some goods, and showed up to find the whole damned planet gone. I made contact with your ship but... eh... Your pilot didn't make it. I got his body packed up and preserved if you need to see it. But if you were wanting to get to Skoonek, well, it's too late for that now."

"Uh huh!" Princess Hanatia nodded vigorously, watching patiently as Celix moved the body and prepared to put the hand down on the panel. As instructed, she swiped the card and within moments the doors opened and they were free to walk out. The Princess nearly squealed her delight, but clamped a hand over her mouth as she peeked out from the doors to take a look in the halls. No one was there! The coast was clear!

"Princess, you can not go with this man! I am begging you, stay here until the negotiations are through! If you leave this room, there is no protection from those barbarians!" begged the Councilman.

Hanatia turned up her nose. "No! My Lucifer will protect me and we're going to escape! So if you want to stay here, you can stay!" It seemed her mind was made up, and none of the other hostages were brave enough to join them. Hanatia scoffed. She was scared too... terrified also! But now she had a pet and defender. They could go on a wild adventure and it would be worth all of the scary stuff!

"Lets go Lucifer." With a hmph and a flourish of her cape, she trotted out in to the hallway and picked a random direction!

Ziranova Sachavik

Meanwhile, the Lady Ambassador and the lone soldier were found by the search shuttle. Sitting still had not been very good, she had nearly passed out at least three times, but was fighting hard to stay awake so the rescuing soldier would not have to worry. From the escape pod, to the shuttle, an then on board what was very obviously a Skarrathos vessel, everything felt much like a slow motion blur.

Ziranova refused any fussing over her, insisting that she stay on her own two feet, and more importantly that she was able to see the Overlord! "I need to speak with Overlord Tharn right away. N-no, this is a little blood, but it's very important!" Needlessly being stubborn, but seeing him was imperative to making sure there was a successful rescue of the hostages. Her own needs would wait!