Set Sail to the Seven

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The island of Delnia, nestled in tropical waters miles off the shore of one of the largest continents in the Kinari Sea, is a port home to a very wise assort of business. Given, most of that assortment is rather shady in and of itself. After all, this was one of few ports favored by pirates. And so, our story starts here at this very island.

Just as there is in any city, announcements, propaganda and advertisements are pinned to any surface allowed. Among these pages, is one page in particular that ought to stand out. It's a flyer for joining the crew of the ship Ula. Beneath the black print, there is a print only readable to those who aren't totally human. This ink also has a property to dissuade anyone too human to take any interest in the overall message. (red)

Do you thirst for adventure? Or perhaps wealth beyond your wildest dream? Or maybe you're just bored? Would you like to try your hand at the open sea? If you've answered yes to any of these questions, or perhaps you have your own reasons. The Ula will be setting sail to chase a legend, the Legend of the Seven, to be exact. She leaves the harbor Monday's morn.​
If you're interested, go to the Mermaid's Lament and pick up an application to join the crew of the Ula. The captain of the vessel will be at the tavern This Saturday's eve between the times of noon and ten to receive any applications and build her merry crew. Ask for a Miss McClain.​
For those of you who aren't human, consider this a special invitation to join the Ula's crew. Mention any accommodations needed on your applications.

After reading this flyer, one with interest in the proposal may find themselves walking to the Mermaid's Lament. As they would walk to the counter they'd be able to find the barkeep. To anyone with the right eyes, they would immediately notice his lack of humanity. The barkeep is a merman in human skin. He'll gives them a grin, eyes twinkling at the secret.

"Evnin' wha can I interest ye in?" He'll drawl as he starts to clean a glass with a rag of red. After one asked about an application, the old merman will bend, his bones creaking to pull out a small basket of rolled parchment, each an application. He'd hand that person a page with a wink. "I s'pose ye'd be needin some ink then, aye?" He'd ask then he would hand over the ink and a quill.​

(sign up Sheet)​
If you are reading this, then you wish to be part of the Ula's crew! Thank you for showing interest in the voyage. Please fill out the application to the best of your ability.​
Desired Position: (first mate, crow's nest, cook, crew grunt, ect.)​
A description of your appearance: (an image can be inserted here if so desired)​
Why you'd like to join the crew:​
Skill Strengths:​
Skill weaknesses:​
Accommodations needed:
Luggage description (inventory):​
Weapon (of choice) or training you've had with a weapon (or lack thereof):​
Desired Position: first mate

Name: Ellen Lancaster

Age: 27

Race: Fairy

Abilities/powers: Flight and small enchantments

A description of your appearance: I have curly red hair that reaches my shoulders. My eyes are green. My face is pale and covered in freckles. I am relatively short and slim, though not to well endowed. My body is also covered in burns.
Why you'd like to join the crew: The promise of wealth is to good to turn down
Skill Strengths: I'm agile and quick-witted.
Skill weaknesses: I'm terrible with defense and a bit physically weak.

Accommodations needed: As long as I have a nice private room I can hide my wings without trouble

Luggage description (inventory): Bombs of all different kinds and a gem or two
Weapon (of choice) or training you've had with a weapon (or lack thereof): I use bombs that I make my self. I also have a bit of training with guns.

Other: I have some knowledge of alchemy, though I use it mostly to improve my bombs.
The Barkeep waited until the fairy in human guise looked up.

"Ye probably do know th' Legend o' the Seven, but Miss McClain asked me to recite it for any who sought her application." He paused, taking a gulp of water, before his pupils elongated into slits then bounced back to their human appearance. He gave her a grin before he began to recite:

One chain to bind​
A stone always cold​
With a glass to find​
A reflection bold​
A sword that's never been kind​
With a tome of old​
A challenge of the mind​
These are the seven to behold.​

As he finished, he threw another chipper look at the fairy before he pointed to a room towards the back of the tavern, private, yet not.

"Ye'll be afindin, Miss McClain back there'" [ ]He informed the girl. "Best o' luck to ya"
Desired Position: Captain

Name: Ashlyn (Ash) McClain

Age: a hundred or so, I've lost track. But if a mortal where to look at me, they'd say I look to be in my low to mid-twenties.

Race: Cursed Siren.

Abilities/powers: I, like the elder who owns the Mermaids Lament, can walk on two legs and look very human for as long as I desire, as long as I don't go swimming. Some ocean spray I can handle, but if any part of me is submerged, could be a finger, a strand of hair, a toe, or any other part of me, I'll wind up having to shed my human skin and return to my natural mermaid form. When I do get sea spray on me, patches of my scales will show up or my pupils will turn to slits like they do in my natural form. When I sing, my voice has the normal, well, I'd like to think above normal, entrancing quality of my kinds is famous for. One thing that separates me from my species is my ability to Storm Call. (rare even among her own kind) I can call a storm to me, I can't control the storm itself though, wish I could. I don't age unless I go soft and stop drinking blood, that ain't happenin' anytime soon.

A description of your appearance: My hair is a warm brown that falls waves to my upper back, when I don't have it trapped in a ponytail or braids. I've been told that me eyes are the color of a sea at storm, deep blue grey. My body is that with which would tempt, tall with enough curve to draw men's gazes with creamy colored skin. They look like simple black metal bands with no seam. I have couple of tattoos and scars adorning my pale flesh. A black crescent moon sit on my right shoulder blade. A tattoo of the compass star encircles my belly button. Scars crisscross over my arms and one large scar is on the right side of my collarbone from where a harpoon hit me long ago. With two legs, I stand at 5'10, when I am with tail, I am six foot and 8 inches from tail tip to head. I have two anklets, the damned things I can't remove, they are evidence of my curse.

In my natural shape, my hair lengthens to fall to my waist. My beautiful tail is covered in shimmering black scales. My nails lengthen to claws that turn color to match my tail. Each forearm gets a small fin. Below the fins on my arms, scales similar to my tail scatter from wrist to elbow. The pupils of my eyes revert back to their catlike nature.
Why you'd like to join the crew: I'm after treasure of course, rumor among my kind says that there is an artifact hidden within the riddle of the seven legend that can cure anything, even curses.

Skill Strengths: Swimming. (bet ya'll never saw that one comin' ) fighting,

Skill weaknesses: Navigation, I can't do it. Sooo sorry. Hope ya'll don't mind getting last every now and then.

Accommodations needed: I dehydrate easier than most beings. If I'm not careful, I can dry out and die.

Luggage description (inventory): Backsword, Pistol, gunpowder, powder horn, compass, book on the Legend of the Seven, bottles of blood (I always have one on me, the rest are stored in my cabin)

Weapon (of choice) or training you've had with a weapon (or lack thereof): Well, that's another oddity about me from the rest of my race, I'm good with weapons. I prefer my backsword and a pistol though. However, I can handle, or figure it out fairly quick how to work the basics of others.

Other: I may have been kind of exiled from my dwelling…they couldn't take a joke apparently.

Curse Details: I can't be submerged for longer than a total of four hours per day. If I go over my time limit, I'll revert back to human form while the anklets of the curse will grow and drag me deeper into the sea until I suffer the same fate and drown as the old hags son did.
Desired Position: (first mate, crow's nest, cook, crew grunt, ect.)
Wherever you see fit



Vampire (Daywalker)

Normal Vampire Stuff but with extra speed.
My Knuckle dusters of elements gives me magic but only two at a time.

A description of your appearance: (an image can be inserted here if so desired)
My pic to the left but its slightly old pic my hair's much longer now.

Why you'd like to join the crew:
For wealth so I can repair my ship and get new crew.

Skill Strengths:
Speed, Loyal, Endurance

Skill weaknesses:
Long range. Cooking. Gets hurt a lot

Accommodations needed:
Just a bed and Chest will do me

Luggage description (inventory):
Knuckle duster of elements
Unbreakable bottle which never empties.
My Long cape with many pockets.

Weapon (of choice) or training you've had with a weapon (or lack thereof):
Hand to hand combat is my speciality.

I am a Captain of my own ship but due to circumstances I am need of wealth and a lot of it.
Even when I have enough wealth I will ask to leave but if you still need my service I will be happy to stay for as long as you need.
Or you could become commodore when I'm set up with enough wealth but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Desired Position:
Ashta Lawrance
Mind manipulation and a gift with substance alteration
A description of your appearance:
Why you'd like to join the crew:
It's quite boring here and an adventure is always welcome
Skill Strengths:
I can make you drink a poison that I created out of the sea water alone. Pretty neat, yes?
Skill weaknesses:
I am easily susepctable to certain elements and some pyshical injury….if you can get close enough
Accommodations needed:
Somewhere to store my more… peculiar herds and spices
Luggage description (inventory):
Assorted food substances, basic shirts and pants, a collection of books on alternatie sea species, blank parchment and spare quills/ink, and cooking supplies
Weapon (of choice) or training you've had with a weapon (or lack thereof):
I've had slight training with a close-range dagger but not much else.
Every man is allowed a couple secrets, yeah?​
The old bar keep gave both Scrubs and Ashta friendly smiles.

"Well, whaddya know? Little Miss McClain's advertising worked." He laughed, deep bellowing belly laughs. "SO, I'm sure ye both know th' Legend o' the Seven, but as per request I hafta ta tell th both o ya anyways, so here goes." The man paused before he recited the legend again, but this time for the two newcomers.

One chain to bind
A stone always cold
With a glass to find
A reflection bold
A sword that's never been kind
With a tome of old
A challenge of the mind
These are the seven to behold.

After he finishes the retelling h flashes anotehr grin at the two. He inclines his head towards the back room again.

"Th' lass be awatin' o'er that way." He informed them.
Desired Position: Surgeon​
Name: Unim Kiliem​
Age: 28?​
Race: Human?
Abilities/powers: I am an accomplished healer both magically and surgically. Some would say my methods borders the realms of necromancy. I find this a foolish notion and can only be spoken by people of ill repute.
A description of your appearance: My clothing does not seem to fit what one would describe a doctor. I wear clothes made for easy travel. This consists of leather pants, a clean white shirt, and large cloak. My cloak carries numerous pockets full of useful tools. I dare say I have quite a plain face and dark muddy hair. But hopefully my unkempt look does not make others deem me a vagrant. People often noted I have a sinister smile. I proudly say I cannot understand such notions. I have a wonderful smile. It keeps people wary. My eyes are quite the rarity. Bright green with a proper shape. Sadly children often run away when they see my eyes. For some strange reason they perceive me to be dangerous. Children are quite clever. I stand 6'2. Quite tall for someone of my profession. Do not mind my left arm. It is such an unruly thing. For that is the reason I keep it covered in cloth and always wear a black glove.​
Why you'd like to join the crew: I do love myself a mystery. Curiosity has certainly sustained me and brought me to my profession. Your goal of seeking such a legend intrigues me greatly. And on such a journey I may expand on my knowledge of nonhuman races. For you see I am quite the seeker of knowledge and specifically ones that pertain to foreign entities unknown to most humans.​
Skill Strengths: I'm an excellent doctor... or so I'm told by my patients. Which I do proudly say are quite living... I fancy myself quite a magician. Although focused in the arts of healing, such as knitting up skin, quickening growth, or perhaps even amputations. But that last is a grisly sight and I prefer a knife.​
I am also quite knowledgeable concerning the biology and culture of nonhuman races. As such is one of my passions. I have treated numerous cases with majority success. Much pardons on that troll family. At that moment of my career I did not know fire had such an effect.​
Skill weaknesses: I do believe I have very few failings. Although many have told me numerous times, I may be to over zealous in my healing. I merely reply "What is healing if not enhancement. To enhance one's injured self to a new superior self is healing itself! " They scream me mad. Such insolent fools. Can you believe I've once been called necromancer? The nerve of people!​
Accommodations needed: Amusing ink. I found the flyer to be quite amusing indeed. Most useful. Later I will have to request for the recipe. My profession requires a proper room for medical operations and storage. Preferably soundproof. I find people make such irritating noises when under surgery and I believe others would not like to hear such things.
Luggage description (inventory): A large trunk full of my tools, herbs, healing goods, written journals and notes, and numerous tomes and grimoires. I ask you to be very careful with this trunk for it has items most valuable to myself. I also have my bag of healing. It contains knives, injections, bandages, medicines. I also ask you to not judge certain... things in my possession. I believe most would think them to be... unfashionable to common men (skulls, bones, flesh).​
Weapon (of choice) or training you've had with a weapon (or lack thereof): I am quite handy with my knives. They are quite sharp. Excellent for cutting, piercing, severing, slicing, and mutilating... for healing purposes of course.​
Other: I beg you to discount any rumors you may or may not have heard about me. I am quite the capable doctor. Surely you can't believe folk stories and foolish sayings. I am not a necromancer, heretic, murderer, or kidnapper. Never have I committed the crimes spewed forth by some local drunk. I have saved many lives and live to my oath to heal. My methods may be strange, perhaps even bizarre. They work. And as a final thought I bid you a good day and an expedient confirmation of this application.​
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The bar keep blinked at Unim before he rubbed at his eyes. He looked again, then took a swig of salt water. He looked with his natural eyes before he finally tilted his head.

"Yer human." He stated bluntly. For several more moments the mermaid elder stared at the human before him before he finally shrugged. "I s'pose you ain't human enough fer tha' ink t' repel." AFter another long moment, a grin flashed across his lips, for you s, he is a jolly ol' fellow. "Well it be your choice t' go on a mad treasure hunt with a bunch odd folk." HE paused adn took another swig of salt water, pupils elongating then bouncing back to human. He cleared his throat and recited the legend for the man before him.

One chain to bind​
A stone always cold​
With a glass to find​
A reflection bold​
A sword that's never been kind​
With a tome of old​
A challenge of the mind​
These are the seven to behold.​
As he ended the ryhme, he gestured with his thumb towards the back room. "You'll b afindin' Miss McClain in th' back." He instructed with another grin. "Best o'luck to ye, human."​
Think I will join on board.
The barkeep gave the newcomer a grin.

"Aye, I'm sure Miss McClain would love to have ya," he paused. "But ye best get an application turned in." He answered the newcomer.
Desired Position: (first mate, crow's nest, cook, crew grunt, ect.): Is there really a desired position that I have to fill well if so I am a great scout and an even better thief, I can gather info and steal maps and such in a blink of an eye.

Name: Viper

Age: Seemingly ageless but looks around 19 or 20

Race: Elven

Abilities/powers: I have many abilities and powers but we will let the imagination take up for those

A description of your appearance: (an image can be inserted here if so desired): I, as Viper stand a little over five feet tall with long black hair. Deep golden eyes seem to swirl and rest beneath the darkness of my hood. I have heard stories and rumors that right before people died something sinister flashes in my eyes before they are skewered by one of the many weapons that stay hidden upon my body. My face has never been seen and I generally like to keep it that way.

Why you'd like to join the crew: I seek adventure and for once the town and city has fallen short on adventure

Skill Strengths: My strengths are adamant, my skill is in stealth and espionage. I tend to remain upon the shadows guarding and protecting the values of myself and others. As long as I remain paid your ship remains protected.

Skill weaknesses: Even a thief such as I has weaknesses, my main one is if someone see' s my face I am a wanted criminal everywhere and thus it is good to leave for months at a time.

Accommodations needed: None

Luggage description (inventory): You don't need to worry your pretty little head over my luggage trust me anybody that stands against you and our goal will.

Weapon (of choice) or training you've had with a weapon (or lack thereof): I am trained in many weapons but the rapier and a nice set of finger claws are my preference weapon of choice.

The Barkeep looked at the hooded figure and scratched his head.

"Well aren't ya a mysterious fellow?" He spoke before he shook his head, amusement clearly playign over his fatures. "Aye, tha' little missy will eb ahvin her hands full with th' crew she's gone an attracted. But I s'posose ye wouldna be a carin' bout that, now would ye." He paused as he scribbed at a really stubborn spot on the glass he was working on. "Well, the legen o the seven, ye've heard of it, aye?" He asked before he looked up, eyes twinkling before he went ahead and repeated it for the hooded figure.

One chain to bind
A stone always cold
With a glass to find
A reflection bold
A sword that's never been kind
With a tome of old
A challenge of the mind
These are the seven to behold.

Afterwards, the man nodded his head towards the back room. "you'll be afindin Miss McClain and abuncha yer crewmates back there." He instructed.
Alright...I'd like to join, but I'm wondering if it's too late. Could I possibly squeeze my werewolf boy in here somewhere?
The barkeep looks over at the next new comer and scratches his chin.
"Well, I dont think a couple more would hurt em none." He reassured the werewolf. "But ye best be quick, the time allotment's tricklin' away, tha' she is." He nodded as he handed over the application.
Desired Position: Crew member? Anything I can help with, really.​
Name: Simeon LaGrande​
Age: Twenty four​
Race: Werewolf
Abilities/powers: I can shift into a wolf-like form on command.
A description of your appearance: I'm a pretty tall, lanky guy. Not very muscular, but I keep fit. My hair's dark brown, and I keep it cut close to my scalp because it turns into a curly mess when it gets longer. Green eyes, and I'm pretty tan from working out in the sun. I'm, uh, I'm dressed casually right now, just a simple shirt and breeches.​
Why you'd like to join the crew: Adventure, as cheesy as that sounds. Guess I just want to explore the open ocean.​
Skill Strengths: I'm pretty fast on my feet, decent with a sword, and great with a rifle. I learn quick, too.​
Skill weaknesses: I tend to shift when I'm excited, and physical strength is not my forte. Plus, this will be my first time out at sea as a ship's crew member.​
Accommodations needed: Might have to lock me below decks on the night of the full moon, but...might not be a problem. Never tested it to find out.
Luggage description (inventory): My father's gun, a saber, and a bag of clothes​
Weapon (of choice) or training you've had with a weapon (or lack thereof): Put a rifle, any rifle in my hands and I can show you marksmanship you might not believe.​
Other: I don't know...I got turned when I was six? Left home a couple of years ago, looking for adventure. Really hoping I've found it, this time.​
The barkeep gave the wolf a grin when he noticed the man finish up.

"Well laddie, I hope ye know the legend o' the seven, but alas, It dosna matter, yer about t' here it again anyways." With that, the old merman again repeated the legend.

One chain to bind
A stone always cold
With a glass to find
A reflection bold
A sword that's never been kind
With a tome of old
A challenge of the mind
These are the seven to behold.

After the barkeep finished he used his thumb to gesture to the back room where people where milling about some. "Ye'll be afindin Miss McClain and a buncha yer future crewmates abck there." He instructed before he went back to cleaning the glass in his hand.
Desired position : Navigator

Name: Trilkian D'annour aka Trilk

Age: I was tutored under the great master Puck right hand to my lord Oberon. That's the only clue thou is going to get . . . . honestly, I can't remember.

Race: Fae

Abilities/Powers: I am a master illusionist. I can make thee believe I have shrunk to the size of an ant, or thou have, I can cause a fishing boat to look like a warship, or make myself completely invisible.
Enscrolling, I have the ability to befuddle thy mind for a short time, to make thee my slave, of course it is far more effective the more human blood thou has.


Description: I am a tall well build man, with long dark hair that is strung with silver bells, my eyes are slanted and so green they could give a clue as to the foliage of my home. I am told I have a charming smile, and a beak of a nose.
My outfit consists of thick sturdy boots, dark trousers and a heavy leather vest over a high collared royal blue shirt. I also wear thick leather gloves and a heavy belt with various items affixed to it.

Why you'd like to join: I am a traveler, I enjoy seeing the world. Let's be happy with that.

Skill strength: I'm fast and durable. I have full mastery of my ability, and a deft hand when it comes to sword play. When it comes to navigation give me a chart and a compass and I can lead thee anywhere in this world, or failing those thing I can guide by the stars.

Skill weaknesses: Let not iron touch me. Even the lightest touch may prove fatal if a skilled physician is not at hand. Tis why I allow only my face to be uncovered. One thing more. Should thou require my abilities of illusion thou should know that the greater the illusion the more quickly I tire, thou should also be prepared to feed me properly when the job is done.

Accommodations needed: a bed and truck will be fine, also a work table and a place to keep any charts would not go amiss. And plenty of food.

Luggage description: all I own I can fit in my rucksack. A silver comb, a silver knife. A chart that will lead me home should the need arise, several books and a drawing case, and a change of cloths.

Weapon of choice: a silver broadsword.
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The bar keep blinked before he rubbed his eyes and a grin lit his face.

"AN I thought twas odd to see a fairy, but now even one o' the fair folk show an interest in little Miss McCalin's adventure?" A chuckle rang through the mermaids lament before he began to recite the legend to the man before him.

One chain to bind
A stone always cold
With a glass to find
A reflection bold
A sword that's never been kind
With a tome of old
A challenge of the mind
These are the seven to behold.

As the rhyme came to an end the barkeep pointed to the back room, it was filling up fast now. "Ye'll be afindin' Miss McClain an' her crew back there." He directed.
And that, good folks, is the end of the casting call. [MENTION=3495]Zathura Endou IX[/MENTION] you have 24 hours to get an application up, [MENTION=4559]MissMaine[/MENTION] same goes for you hun. Anyone else who wants to apply needs to shoot me a pm first.
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