Seraph of The End ;『 Owari no Seraph 』

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It's cool, man! It's been a little slow lately and I can only blame my inactivity for that.
Hmm I'm going to wait a bit before I do more on my end.
That's fine. Sorry about the extended wait, guys. This is definitely still alive, but first week of school was more hectic than I thought it would be.
Well guess leaves me waiting on you two, or three. I'll check back time to time.
I assume that the majority of you are flooded by studies as well? Ahahaha!
I'm actually waiting for Valor to post, considering the plot is stuck without him. Unless we powermove him into whatever we want, which is a viable option to keep the club alive.
I am simply waiting on more people to post as well.
I can post..its not normal for someone other than the OP/GM to move their own plot ahead, though I could..
why doesn't someone pm Valor, then we can find out if it is possible to move ahead for the time being.
She hasn't replied to me. For the most part, she said she's overwhelmed with studies right now. xD
Is there anyway we can continue without leaving the airfield, that way we could finish the mission and pick up the next part of the storyline after that.
Only way I realistically see that happening is if we clear out the "counter attack" I planned in my last post, around the fuel depot with the lone major and team one. That would leave the airfield in their control, but nothing to do after.
But it would definitely allow the rp to continue, at least temporarily.
My semester just started, but I'm not overwhelmed (at least not yet). I just check back here every once and a while to see if anything's updated. Aside from Yoshio being fabulous, I can't do much.
I can take it ahead, but honestly I don't like taking over others work, or moving it ahead rather. If there is a strong enough demand I guess we can at least finish this, but we don't know what valot had planned in regards to this. So I guess we can continue, wait, or start our own :/
It has certainly gotten quiet around here. We could theoretically come up with something to fill in something to do at the airfield - that's easy enough. Everyone certainly feels quite... distant to each other in a certain respect too (maybe it's just me). Maybe we can explore something to explore the touchy-feely side of things the squadmates' bonds?
@Ehb I would say the bulk of the squad with how they are barring a massive trauma inducing eveent would sooner kill each other than share bonds.

As to it being quiet in this rp, what else is new? 98% of Iwaku is half dead, its honestly very off putting, having to wait three days for one bloody damn post. I could go on with this rant but will stop there. Lets just say the consideration of dropping RPing given this and my old rp place is likely.

Regardless as I said, I could move it forward a little technically IC wise I have "Authority". I just do not like taking over others work, though if it remains dead much longer I'll lose interest and simply not post.
I think Valor wouldn't mind if we took over, RAS, specially considering he can't RP right now. Everyone wants the story to progress and he isn't here to do it so I think he would be quite understanding if he returned to a new story. Why don't we just get this airport shit done with and then let everyone do whatever they want or go into training again? I really think that would be less impacting to the story and would leave some space for characters to develop relationships...
If everyone feels that way then I'll advance the plot..I might "incapacitate" Valor's characer, nothing serious just a means to justify the other major taking command.

Unless there are any objections I'll advance this forward.
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