Seito-kai no Nichijō Seikatsu [Closed]

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Oh and you can rp that animal control came now, cause we need to wrap this up and move on to episode two. :3
Thank you. I didn't know what to post anymore. -m-;

And yes, Team Rocket. A guy like Naoto's a misfit with the good guys.
@Lady Bernkastel

The elite...Four? Sorry, I'm a little rusty on my Pokemon and fighting video games >.<''
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Team Rocket's usually the one mentioned because they show up in two regions, and they were the first example shown. (from the games/anime anyways, I'm way out of the manga loop) In Giovanni's case, you fight him before the championship (the Elite Four + the existing champion, you have to beat them to finish the game basically) because he's the leader of the final gym in the title where he shows up. It's different with other games and depends on the story, mostly...
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It does depend on the story, but none of them are fought after the champion has been beaten. It would defeat the purpose of a champion.

(Haha I'm really getting my nerd on for this one XD)
Isn't it scary for Naoto to be the Team Rocket by himself? XD That'd be so cool.
Also, that will be one cool Pokemon AU.
Upon going to the second Pokemon Center: "Huh...that nurse looked kinda like the one at the last center. Except that one was a guy. Are they related or something?"

Nope, Fujimoto's just a crossdressing master with a Pokemon that can use Fly (or Teleport), making it possible to be almost everywhere at once with no one the wiser. :3
Hm... It may be unorthodox this late in the game, but... Someone must represent the Honorable Health Chair!


Name: Kurosawa, Daisuke
Age: 17
Grade: 2
Trope: Wannabe Samurai
Position: Health Chairman
Personality: Honorable, Dignified, Patient
Skills: Archery, Kendo, Poetry
Bio: Daisuke was born into a family who was fascinated by the past. His father was a historian of the Sengoku Periods, and his mother was a historian of the Tokugawa Shogunate period. Daisuke spent his childhood engrossed in ways of the Samurai, and would get any media related to it. His attempts to be as heroic as the Samurai end in mixed results. He treats his role in the Student Council with the utmost importance, as any "true" Samurai would.

Mi-mi-miracle!~ ... A-aand clearly he would not take his honorable blade, or even a replica upon school grounds. *Bows respectfully*


Accepted! :D We're wrapping up the first episode so do you want to appear in the second or come in during the end of the first one?

Recap of First episode
The sports clubs submitted a request for the SC to get rid of a raccoon infestation in the athletic storage rooms. However, as the SC wasn't equipped for exterminating/relocatting vermin, disaster ensued. The President kicked open the door and a bunch of raccoon ran out and chased after the vice president, and then the DC chairman went to help her and got bitten. (ehehehehehe does he have rabies? :D) The historian tried to help but got swarmed by raccoon, and then the Newspaper chairman went all creepy yet cool and called animal control (after taking a bunch of pictures). :3
I think I'll start in the Second Episode. And yikes, a raccoon disaster! The Health Chair has brought shame upon the noble School Board! As for the rabies, I'm have not been able to examine it... There is a good chance, I am afraid. But at least animal control has honorably handled the situation. *Sage nod*
Okay guys! So every time I put a video with an ending song that cues the end of the episode! It won't always be the same ending song though. Suggestions are welcome! :3
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If a first episode sets the tone of a series, does that mean that this one is going to be filled with strangely lovable chaos? Because that sounds just fine to me. :) On that note, hi Dinorocket! (cool name by the way~)

@Princess of the Teacup - should we hold off on posting until the beginning of the next episode, once the song's posted? Just want to confirm.
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