Secrets of the Night.

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Masa was fast asleep on the couch. She had the covers pulled over her again, but both her legs were off the side. Masa was asleep before Talea left, so she didn't notice her leave...or even get up. What was strange was that she was actually startled awake by Esperanza, something that was hard to do. She looked over at her, then down to the sword. "Thanks... How long do I need this...thing in my leg...?" She asked, her words being slurred because of how tired she was.
Esperanza looked over at Masa. "You'll need that in your leg until morning at the least, then it will be hardened all the way and the broken blood vessles will have started to heal properly. Then I can take it out and put stitches in to hold the skin together. Right now you just need to rest though. You've lost alot of energy and probably a lot of blood today, so you need the sleep. And youre welcome, the sword was a bitch to get back, police everywhere." Esperanza leaned her back against the front of the couch, sure her back was to Masa, but she felt no threat in that today. She was determined to stay up tonight, that man was just too, well creepily good. He shouldnt have been that good, and she shouldnt have missed his leg like that. Talea was probably in her room, and though injured, was more able at the moment than Masa was, so Esperanza was going to stay out here, awake and sitting in front of Masa. She sat there staring at the door waiting.
A large bird sat on the limb of the tree across the street from Where talea had picked up her daughter. the crow was silent and gazed down upon the situation absorbing all it could. white feathers dotted the tips of the crows wings and it had a black leather band on either leg.

The crow took flight when talea left and made it's way to follow her. It was only a crow however, and soon it lost her, growling in that horrible 'KHRAAAAW!' noise that crows make.

The owner of the bird stood on a rooftop and let out a matching, beastly call to his bird. IT cocked its head and held its beak open, sharp ridges resembling teeth shining in the moonlight as it made it's way to him, landing on his shoulder.

'I am sorry, Armand... My wings were too slow to follow her.' it spoke. only Armand hear it, for it spoke to his mind.

"Rest yourself old friend... You have always been a valuable scout." he smiled. " Now we know their weakness... I wasn't sure before... but Now i know at least one of that groupd weaknesses. and the general vicinity of their base. Inform your brotheres and sisters, Krahe...But somethgin tells me they are intuitive. don't get too close."

Armand smiled a toothy grin. "That girl who shot me... smells like a hunter..." he chuckled. Krahe flew from his hand and into the night, baying out his discord of voice. all over teh city, Crows listened to the call.

And Armand made his way back to his home before dawn could light the city again with it's light.
"I've got a bad feeling..." Masa mumbled and looked over in the direction of the door. She sat up straight, the blanket sliding off of her. Using her arms for support, Masa lifted herself off the couch...with some difficulty and pain involved. "Don't try to stop me...I'm just going to the bathroom..." She said to Esperanza. Masa began walk around the couch and towards the bathroom. >Having two injured legs makes this a pain in the ***...< She thought. Masa glared ahead because of the pain in her leg. She was hoping they would just be sore by tomorrow and that it would be easier to walk around.
Esperanza felt the blanket move and started to turn around as Masa sat up. "Fine, I wont stop you, but are you sure you dont want just a little help, I wont say anything, it'll be our little secret. And I agree with you, something isnt right at all." Esperanza got up and walked toward the window and looked out toward the driveway. She felt as if there was something missing. She walked through the house toward the garage, only the two motorcycles. She hadn't seen Talea's car in the driveway either. She hurried back out to the living room and stood waiting at the door. "HEY MASA!'' she called out down the hall. "Where would Talea be if she isn't here?"
"No...I don't need any help...." She said, limping over to the hallway. "But thanks for offering...." She mumbled, trying to be polite. Masa had just barely made it to the hallway's entrance when Esperanza asked here were Talea would be. She stopped and leaned up against the wall for support. "Well...maybe at the home where her daughter is...or a bar getting drunk out of her mind..." Masa said, thinking about it. "I'm not so sure really..." Then she continued on down the hall again.
"Shit, Talea." Esperanza muttered to herself. "You and I talked about your daughter. You should have left her where she was. If that crazy man was watching us, then she is in more danger here than she was with them. You've gambled a lot on this. He may not have even known of her existence, but he sure as Hell does now, cuz we gave up the ghost. Fuck." Esperanza punched the wall next to the door. "Now, there's gonna be a toddler with us on our jobs maybe? Cuz that's the only place you could have gone. But if that ass was watching us, he now knows what our weakness is. And I WILL be telling you this when you get back here." She ranted to the closed door frame. Not caring if Masa heard.
Talea drove in silence, her mind was a buzz with questions. Something didn't seem right when she left Sarah and Jim's home, it felt as if she were being followed. The feeling of eyes on her, made the back of her neck burn. A imagine of a large bird behind her car kept jumping into her thoughts. Can animals be used for missions in such a manner. Maybe cameras attached to their backs, or something in that nature. A deep sigh escaped her lips, "Animals really? That is impossible, and way to much trouble.....Though it isn't often to be followed by a random bird." Talea said to herself, glancing over at her daughter. Amberlin was fast asleep, such a strong girl. She was taken from the home she has ever known, and she hadn't cried once. Nor had she asked who Talea was.

Talea pushed her head back into her seat following the narrow streets, the five hour drive took longer than it did before. City lights faded in the distance, and trees were scattered on each side of the road. The foliage was growing thicker and thicker with each passing mile, the smell of pine filled her mind. It always had such a wonderful affect, it washed away all her problems. That is why she lived here, Talea almost didn't notice the dirt road that lead to her cabin. Her foot pressed the brake, it awakened Amberlin. Those green eyes flew open, her small head rolled to look over at Talea. Those deep green eyes already held so much knowledge, then to Talea's surprise Amberlin spoke, "Are you my real mommy?"

Slowing to a complete stop on the dirt trail, Talea sat in silence for a few moments. "Yes I am real mommy......How did you know?" She couldn't help but to ask the young child. "I asked mommy and daddy why I didn't look like them. They said I was a gift from a lady who held secrets." Amberlin said with a small cute smile. Her chubby cheeks pushed into dimples, her little green eyes sparkled. At that moment Talea's heart melted, she reached out and hugged Amberlin. A small tear fell from her cheek, "I've missed you so much cherè, you have no idea how long I've waited to see you." That was the only words that could tumble our of her mouth.

Amberling hugged her back tightly, the child was smart and understanding. Talea was grateful, deep down she thought her daughter would fight the adjustment. Reluctantly Talea pulled away and tapped the gas lightly. Her left hand lifted to wipe the tears from her eyes, it wasn't long before her home came into view. The car lights glared off the windows of the house, coming to a stop out front. Talea turned off the vehicle, and opened the drive door. Slowly she stepped out, the air was crisp. The horizon had turned shades of pink, purple, and gray. Sunrise was only a few minutes away, but this one wasn't peaceful. Something felt terribly wrong, the air told secrets. Tension swamped her, it took her no time to run to the other side. Throwing open the passenger door she scooped up Amberlin, then reached over the seat to her bag. Throwing it quickly over her should she steadily jogged up the stairs to her porch.

Once she was right at the door she stopped, the girls had to be on high alert. They didn't even know she was gone, reaching out with one hand she knocked on the screen door. Talea didn't want to risk scaring them, "Hey guys open the door and make it snappy. Its kinda nippy out here." Talea said rather loudly.
Esperanza opened the door the second Talea had finished speaking. She had seen the car drive up and saw the girl so she hid her look of displeasure at the situation, but Talea would still be able to see it in her eyes. She stepped back away and let them in before closing the door quickly behind them.
"Hello, you must be Amberlin. You're much prettier than your pictures, your mommy here had told me so much about you. I'm Esperanza.'' She smiled warmly at the child and extended her hand in a friendly gesture.

"Talea, as soon as you get Amberlin situated, we need to have a talk."
Soft snoring could be heard from the hallway. Masa had laid down right there in the door way of the bathroom, her head in the hallway. She was simply too lazy to go back to the couch or her room...and the floor looks really comfy if you're tired enough. Masa was on her back, her arms spread out in the hallway and her legs in the bathroom.
Amberlin had her head laid against Talea's shoulder. A small yawn escaped her lips, Talea stepped in the house. Her eyes drifted over Esperanza slowly, the girl honestly looked pissed. She already knew it was because of her sudden disappearance, then showing up with a child. Shaking her head steadily, the bag slipped from her shoulder. It made a soft thud against the carpet as it hit the floor. Talea turned more fully, her own piercing eyes challenging Esperanza to dare speak her disapproval.

Amberlin on the other hand clearly didn't notice the tension in the room, a small smile pulled at her cheeks. Reaching out she took Esperanza's hand and shook it softly. Once finished her hand fell to her side lazily, "I'm sleepy...." Amberlin said softly, Talea didn't hesitate turning she strode to her room. She stopped for a second to look down at Masa, her body sprawled lazily on the floor. Tilting to her head to one side, Masa's chest rose and fell. At least she is alive, stepping over the sprawled limbs she continued on.

Taking the child straight to her bed, pulling back the covers she place Amberlin snuggle inside. "Good night cherè..Do you have anything you like to sleep with?" Talea asked softly, and the child didn't skip a beat. "That's for babies...I'm a big girl." Amberlin shrieked into a giggle. Talea couldn't help, but to pat her cheek softly. Turning quickly she was about to leave the room a soft voice slipped into her ear, "Turn the light on I'm scared of the dark." Talea didn't return a response, she simply flipped the switch. Smiling softly over her shoulder she exited the room.

Leaving the door open, in case any strange sounds came from the room. Talea wanted to make sure she could hear, walking back down the hall. Stepping around Masa she walked into the living room, "Before you even start Esperanza I have questions of my own....Why in the hell would a bird be following me?" The question even sounded strange in her own ears. Though Talea needed to know if it was at all possible. "Oh and we need to get Masa off the floor. She is passed out in the hallway." She said softly, trying to throw Esperanza off.
"I got a new contract today. And, I'm telling you about it because I've asked you to be my teacher. It's a contract that I am going to have to do alone, I dont want you or Masa getting hurt again. Now I dont know why a bird would be following you...unless...wait...what kind of bird was it Talea?" She walked down the hallway and lifted Masa up under the shoulders and started to drag her down the hall to her room. "And you are not going to get off of what you did tonight so easily Talea, we do have to talk about it. I promised I would help you protect your daughter, but your blind love for her, may have just put her in more danger than she was originally in. If that man was following us at all, and he probably is, he now knows your greatest weakness, and he now probably knows where your daughter lived. Her adopted family isnt safe, and if you care about them at all, you will make arrangements to keep them safe, it would hurt Amberlin to find out they were killed or injured. also, what are we going to do with a toddler while we're out on contracts? Leave her here, leave her with Elizabeth, take her with us? Did you even think that far? What kind of danget have we exposed her to now? especially if that man we fought earlier is really after us?"
Talea followed her down the fall with a small smile, but her eyes were cold. "I know what I did Esperanza, I don't need you to tell me my mistake. Though Sarah know if I shop up they know who to contact to get them out of the country....They should be almost out by now, and if they stay it is on their own stupidity." She said flatly, while lifting up Masa by her ankles. "By the way the bird was a f'in crow....That is a bad omen, always has been. Sorry to say but I am a little superstitious. Besides I will be calling a two dear old friends to come by when we are not here. If it comes down to one of us will be here at all times. Is that clear....?" She demanded a answer, her eyes glaring at Esperanza over Masa's head.

Talea understood her concern, but she did not have time to be discussing these kind of matters. She will handle it in the morning, and besides they needed to look through that file. Glancing over her shoulder, her eyes peered behind her. The uneasiness was still growing in the pit of her stomach, deep down she knew something bad was coming. Like a terrible storm brewing to take over all of them.
"Wait, did you say it was a crow?" Esperanza looked uneasy and worried. She had been working on a contract for a few years now, about a man who used crows as spies and had certain other dangerous talents. "Talea, that's not a good thing. I have a sinking feeling about all of this. Crows and Ravens are a dangerous messenger sent by another like us. He's incredibly dangerous, and some of us have been contracted to take him out, i've been working on him for three years now with no luck. If it was really following you and wasnt just a random bird, then we have a serious issue. one much more dangerous than we originally thought."
"He still doesn't know our base Esperanza....I lost him shortly after I left." Talea said softly, the worried expression still crossing her brows. She already knew they have met this man, and clearly he was dangerous. Her brows furrowed together, a furry of curse words fell out of her mouth. This man could easily kill them one by one if he caught them alone. They needed to come up with a plan together. As for Esperanza she believes she would be chasing this man alone, she was dead wrong. Either Masa or herself would follow her to make sure other wise. "We need to look over that file Esperanza." She said tossing her half of Masa's body onto her bed.
"I'll have to go get it. I dont have any of my files here with me, i keep them all locked in a safe location. And if he's the man from earlier, than his file was right, and i have a really good idea of how to deal with him. I'll watch my back. But i'm going to go get it now. you need to be here to watch Masa and you daughter."
She walked back into the garage and Talea could hear the engine of the bike start up and the garage door opening. Esperanza flew out of the garage and down the driveway at breakneck speed. she had to get there in a hurry and get back. she knew she was pushing her luck, but she had to get that file, and she had to pick up the new case file on this other guy while she was at it.
she wound her way downtown and stopped at the post office and picked up the new file. soon she was on her bike and headed into the high class business area. She stopped at a large building that looked like a bank and showed an id card to the doorman. he turned and punched in a code letting her in. she had to go through three more security check points but soon she was allowed into a room full of metal doors just like safety deposit boxes. she handed her key to a man in a business suit and he walked over to a door and opened it, pulling out a large box and depositing it on a table. Esperanza walked over to the box, retrieved her key and went through her files. after five minutes of searching she had the file and was out of the building and back on her bike headed back to the house.
Talea didn't say another word, just watched Esperanza leave. She walked slowly out of her room to head towards her own room. Stepping inside she sat on the edge. Reaching out with her right hand to pick up a lock of Amberlin's hair. She twirled the strand idly between her fingertips, what have I done? Talea asked inside her mind, her head tilted down ward. Maybe she hadn't thought about her actions rationally.
This time the crows were ready. Once spottign Esperanza a relay of several Crows followed her. Armand was slumbering and unaware, but soon the crows would travel to him. for now, the black birds of ill omen followed ehr on her bike, these creatures much faster than th aging Krahe, their elder.
Esperanza had made sure to look around for the birds, but she never managed to see any of them. and that meant one of two things, that either they werent there, or they were crafty. esperanza was hoping it was the first. Either way, she took many winding paths and back roads. her bike couldnt go as fast as Talea's car could, but she might get lucky and out run the winged freaks. It took her an extra hour to get home, and she tried to get the bike in and inside as fast as possible. Talea would probably hear her running through the house looking for any sign of the birds as she went to all the windows. After she had checked and saw no sign of them she went into the kitchen and set down both of her files on the counter. both files were rather large and made more noise than she wanted when they flopped on the bar countertop.
Talea looked up sharply hearing the sounds of Esperanza's entry. Standing slowly from the bed, she strode down the hall. Her eyes followed the girl, she was looking for something outside. "Cherè what are you looking for? Seems to me you think you were followed." Talea's voice was soft as a whisper, not wanting ears to fall onto their conversation. Slipping past Esperanza she sat stood beside her at the bar. Her eyes mesmerizing the files, anything that would stick out not normal. "Do you have the file we took tonight....I can't remember where I sat it." Talea said lifting one hand to rub at her temple idly. She didn't notice how bad her head had been hurting before, but now it seemed like a sledge hammer was beating her skull.