Second Horizon - OOC

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Everyone busy with finals or something?
Everyone busy with finals or something?
Just lazy. It'll be up tomorrow, or maybe tonight if I'm not drunk and can actually type out something readable.
Tomorrow's my last day.

So. Much. Fucking. Stuff. Due.

For one class.
Hue. Same here. Let's triple suicide together and say good bye to our post-secondary institutions.
You mean quad. And for me, finals week started. Hell hath fallen for me
*sits his college graduate ass down*

I'll be here when you guys are ready to move on. I don't miss that part one bit.
Hey, Dough, just so you know...

Dart Throwing, or really, any physical, long-ranged weapon usage is considered more of a 'diversion' and a 'waste of time' in Second Horizon. Generally, any soldier worth his pay would be able to dodge arrows, so it's sorta point in learning.

So yeah, a 'skilled thrower' is really just a person with too much time on their hands.
Ah right, forgot about the speed thing. Lemme change that.

EDIT: Changed.
The collab hasn't even started yet?

Wow, collabs really ARE RP-killers. Shoulda learned from AAoA.
Well, it has, I was the first post. Just waiting on @Desire and @Neko That and I have no idea what AAoA is. So ignorance abundant here. XD
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