Seas of Silent Hope

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"Oh... Oh... Oh girl... I didn't knew you would be so thrilled about it..." Muttered her blushing. "I..." She cleared her throat and took a deep breath to erase the blush off her face. "This Friday, which is... In a couple of days... Is in the morning... Not to soon, tho, so you can relax and well, prepare yourself for his questions and I don't know... Maybe thinking how could you get to make him tell you about Kestreel?" Said him half asking half saying that sentence.

(( Hey! Feel free to advance a little bit the plot. Make something out in the time between now and the appointment... Or just skip that time if you see it fit ; ) ))
In the few days that followed Ri prepared herself for the appointment. She figured out what questions she wanted to ask, what outfit, and keeping her temper under control. When Friday rolled around Ri was more than ready for the interview. She dressed in a cute short black skirt, white blouse, and black heels. "Well...wish me luck!" she said waving to Martha as she walked out the door. Ri walked to the doctor's office and knocked on the door.

"Yes? You may come in. It's open." Said the doctor, which by the small plate on the door, his name was Walter. "Hello, lady. Please, take a seat." Said Walter getting up like a gentleman and pointing where did Ri had to seat. The usual, past century gentlemen, with his bow-tie, glasses and three piece suit. "It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Walter... And excuse my lack of professionalism, but I think I didn't got your name. You friend, Martha, was so eager to made this appointment that I believe she forget to even tell me your name." Said him with a smile as he sat again in his sofa.
Ri opened the door and walked in with a bright smile on her face. The older gentleman pointed out her place to sit and Ri sat down. "Why thank you." she said. She glanced over him when she entered the room and noticed that he reminded her of a grandpa. But she knew not to let her guard down. Just because people looked friendly didn't mean they were she reminded herself. Ri laughed softly when Mr. Walter told her that Martha had forgotten to give her name. "Yes, Martha is a very enthusiastic person. My name is Elle." she told him.
"A pleasure to meet you." Said Walter sitting in his chair. "So, tell me, Elle, Martha told me you had some issues remembering things?" Said him as he put his hands together and leaned in the comfortable chair. "Is just sometimes? Maybe just a specific time of your life? Please, explain me, I'm listening."
Ri had to really think about this before answering. She couldn't tell him the truth, that she was actually an escapee from the GDA and they caused her to not be able to remember anything before coming here. No that wouldn't sound very good at all. Plus he'd probably call security on her. So she instead she said, "That's true. You see i was walking home from work and something happened. And now i can't remember anything before that moment."
"Anything at all?" Said him. "Tat's more than a minor memory issue..." Muttered him. "Mmmm... Well, Elle, tell me about your life. No need to be too detailed. Just describe a little bit what you do everyday, your routines, people you know, friends, family." Said him. "Your mind may have forget about some things, but your subconscious didn't. Anything you do today may be something you were used to do in the past, something you like, a flavor, a color... Those kind of things are usually linked to things you have lived." Explained him, starting to wonder off the topic, as he usually did. "So, tell me, Elle. Tell me things about your routine." Said him smiling.
Giving an answer didn't take long. Ri hadn't really done much recently since the point of losing her memory. "Well I haven't done much. My life is actually kind of mundane and I doubt I did any of it before I lost my memories. I usually wake up, make breakfast, shower and get dressed. Then I read or paint or do something that doesn't require me to go outside. I also like to kick-box." she said.
Walter listened to her closely. A peaceful girl... Not too many of them nowadays, thought him. "Kick-box? I'm afraid I'm not versed in that terminology." Said him very politely. "Is that some kind of new sport... Or maybe a music style?" Asked him. "Oh, I know; Is and abbreviation of something? Young fellas like yourself are really used to those." Said him. "A couple of days ago for example; I learned what 'xD' meant. It's a face laughing!" Exclaimed him, lightening the mood really smoothly.
Ri laughed when the doctor explained how he just learned what one of the smiley's meant. Ri appreciated his sense of humor. Not many people had one nowadays and his was a welcome change. "No its not an abbreviation or musical style." she said, "It's kind of like a style of fighting. I just use it to calm me down sometimes." The doctor was much different than what Ri originally thought. Ri relaxed and sat back into the chair but didn't put down her guard too much. She still remembered where she was.
"Ah, that's nice. Doing exercise is really useful, not only to the body, but also for the mind." Said him with a smile. "But what I'm a little bit worried about is what you said; 'Things that doesn't require to go outside.' " Said him. "Staying at home for too long is not going to help you with your memory issues. You have to go outside, meet all kinds of people... Maybe just a walk in the park may seem useless, but that is really helpful to your mind." Explained him.

"Besides, knowing that friend of yours, Martha, I'm pretty sure she is always eager to take you to places and do things with yo, Am I wrong?" Asked him with a smile. "And I'm pretty sure she also worries about you. I mean, she was like an entire week calling me everyday to get an appointment for you." Said Walter. "Rememnber, you must let your friends help you as much as you must help your friends when they are in trouble."
Ri listened as the doctor began talking about how she didn't go outside. She knew that part. She had wanted to go outside but was always afraid of being brought back to the GDA. Of course she couldn't mention that to him though. That would sounds completely ludicrous. So Ri just smiled and nodded as he talked. "Yes doctor i'll make sure to keep that in mind." she said. Ri wanted to find out more information on Kestreel after all that's why she came here in the first place. Ri looked thoughtful for a moment then "Actually doctor I think there is something i'm starting to remember from my past...or a person rather." she told him.
Walter tilted his head a little bit and leaned forward. "You do? That's perfect." Said him. "Close your eyes and take a deep breath, I will help you get a clear picture of that person." Said him. "Tell me, what do you see? Smell anything unusual? Maybe a color?" Asked him.
Ri did as he said and closed her eyes. She didn't need help to bring Kestreel's face into her mind. She could think of it all by herself. But to please the doctor Ri scrunched her eyebrows as if in deep concentration. "Well I see a man. He's tall and has a cold stare." she said.
Walter nodded and kept talking in a calm and serene tone. "And tell me, is he friendly? Do you feel safe around him or do you feel threatened by him?" Asked him.
Ri frowned again. She remembered how he had treated her at the beginning but then became nicer as time went on. "He's friendly. I don't feel threatened around him. I feel very safe." she said deciding to stick with the friendlier side of him.
Walter scratched his forehead, trying to remember all the steps for this kind of procedure, but still, he had the feeling he was forgetting something. "Mmmm'kay.... How old is he? Way older than you, a little bit older than you, or maybe younger?" Asked him.
Ri actually didn't know the answer to this question. She knew he was older than her but by how much she wasn't sure. "I'm not sure. Only a little older I think." she said.
"Alright..." Muttered Walter taking notes with his pen in a old notepad. "This may be a little more difficult... But can you identify that man? Is he a friend? A brother? And how about a name? Do you remember his name?" Asked him.
Ri kept her eyes closed. She pursed her lips and tapped her chin for a few minutes "thinking" of what his name was. "No he wasn't brother. And I think his name started with an M? No no a K! Kestreel? i think it was." she said.