Searching for Light

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Lucinda looked around. "I could try getting a better view from above....but you don't want me doing that." She said softly," and besides...wouldn't an entire world map be a bit too big to be useful?" she asked. She pulled out her staff after putting her container away. After all it seemed like they kind of needed that bit of help. They had no idea where they were or how to get back to the others, surely they were worried about them.
Rea sighed. "I don't want you carrying me around and exerting yourself too much. If you could take a quick look around, that would be great." She smiled before chuckling. "Well, it would be more useful when it's the kinds of maps I use where you can focus in on your signal." The red head glanced around, making sure that there weren't any heartless sneaking about or any enemies to worry about.
Lucinda took a deep breath and used her spell again. She took off into the air and started to look around, flying in a large circle to try and see if she could spy the ship. She couldn't help but wonder what the guys were up to, after all it had to have been quite a while since they had gone missing. She did manage to spy the coliseum and landed, the wings vanishing in a flurry of feathers. "Over that way is the coliseum!" she said pointing.
Rea smiled and nodded. "Great! Let's go!" She started towards the direction Lucinda pointed toward, glad that for once she was going to be able to find her way somewhere. She nearly wanted to run, but she was way too tired.
Lucinda followed with a smile, happy to be getting somewhere. She was just as tired as Rea, all she wanted was to sleep....well food wouldn't be bad either. She yawned as they walked, nearly exhausted and with an aching back. She never told anyone but sometimes that spell hurt her back and there were actually faint scars from when she first used the spell. She knew that was a minor side effect and the more she used it the less it hurt.
Rea turned to look at Lucinda and frowned when she noticed the slight pained looks the girl tried to hide. "Here." She knelt down. "Get on my back. I'll carry you the rest of the way." She had carried her younger sister all the time when they were younger, and she was fairly strong. Once she had to carry Aaron for five miles without a break.
Lucinda looked at her and shook her head. "I'm okay...besides you're tired too right? I'll be fine, really it's just a dull ache, really," She said with a slight smile. She didn't want to tire out Rea, sure she was tired but she had to be strong because she can't rely on others forever. At some point she'll have to step out on her own and take care of herself.
"Alright, I can understand that." Rea nodded. As she looked around, she sighed. "This must be a lot different than what you're used too, huh? I mean, your home is a giant city with superheroes... it has to be a whole lot different than this place." Rea was too used to travelling to think of a 'home' anymore, unless they were talking about the base. That could technically count as a home, but Rea wasn't entirely sure.
"Well most of what I know of is city...yeah. But I know there's wilderness out there. They just didn't trust me to go out. When I was younger I didn't have very good control at all....coulda started a forest fire ya know? I'm so used to the city that I don't care much for being out in the wilderness. I like the fresh air but I don't like the emptiness. The tower was more like a school than a home. I rarely got to do what I wanted to do," Lucinda said as they walked. It was true, she didn't care much for being outside of cities but she dealt with it. She had been lectured a lot about how important it is to conserve nature and how beautiful nature could be. She never really got to see the beauty though, she had been locked in that concrete jungle since she had gotten there.
"Hm... That sucks. Like, really sucks." She ran a hand through her hair before finally seeing the coliseum. "There we go! We're almost there!" She started to run, ignoring her screaming legs and her tired eyes. She just wanted to get back to the ship. At the entrance of the coliseum were the boys, waving frantically at the sight of the respective girls.
Lucinda didn't have the energy that Rea did to start running. She gave a big grin as she saw them, she was even happy to see that jerk Aaron. She finally got there with Rea and hugged Roku. She was glad that they were both okay. She ignored her aching feet and back, just glad to be back around more people. She knew Rea was happy, she could tell by the way she ran.
"For once I am glad to see your face!" Rea said as she hugged Aaron tightly. The brunet smiled, keeping her in his grip. He looked like he had been waiting a long while for this to happen as he was reluctant to let her go. She even gave Roku a good pat on the back.

"So, where were you two?" Aaron asked, curious as Rea seemed a bit too happy to see them.

"Oh, you know, Hell, the Underworld, whatever you'd like to call it." Rea replied, starting to walk toward the ship. They would have a good meal then it was off to sleep for her!

Roku's mouth fell open. "You went to Hell?!"
Lucinda nodded. "More or less. Do NOT recommend it. It drains you of your magic," She explained, "It wasn't fun and there were a LOT of things there." She yawned looking tired now, it had been the longest day she'd ever had to go through so far and she was sure that this was just going to continue on like this.
"What do you mean-" Roku was cut off by Aaron, who knew how cranky Rea could get if pushed when tired. He also saw how tired Lucinda was and wanted to spare the poor girl of constant questioning.

"Must have been rough. Let's get you two back to the ship." Aaron said, leading the way as he thought of what possible food he could feed the two obviously drained girls.
Lucinda nosed tiredly. She was beat and really to fall asleep. She didn't even notice her stomach rumble in protest to her minds idea of sleeping. She trudged into the ship after Rea.
"I'll start making some dinner." Aaron said as Rea walked into the girl's room where a few bunk beds were. She sighed as she flopped onto her bed, glad for the nice little comfy bed in the corner.
Lucinda followed after her and simply crashed on the first bed she came to. Her head was at the bottom and her feet hung over the headboard as her eyes drifted slowly towards slumberland. She seemed exhausted and really had no motivation to do anything. A fuzzy memory came to her mind of being carried on someone's back shouting "yah! I'ma bwave knight!" she smiled a bit to herself as she slept wondering if it was really a dream or a memory.
Rea couldn't quite sleep, but she did enjoy not moving for once. She smiled at the smell of food, sitting up and closing her eyes. she imagined exactly what the smell was, and how delicious it would be when she finally tasted it on her tongue. She sighed before glancing back at Lucinda, wondering what the young girl was dreaming about.
Lucinda looked happy as she slept occasionally mumbling something about rescuing a princess. She looked happy as she slept but the happy dream quickly dissolved into a nightmare which often happened when she dreamed of being a little girl. She suddenly seemed to awaken only to curl up and start to sob. She had no memories of who the person carrying her was and that hurt more than the nightmare.
Rea frowned and walked over to Lucinda. "Hey... are you okay?" She asked, laying a hand gently on her shoulder. The red head sat down on the bed next to the girl, hoping that she wasn't too shaken.
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