Searching for Light

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Lucinda nearly dropped him when she saw Rea. She then landed on the top edge of the coliseum. "that's Rea!" She exclaimed, "she's my friend.... Those things are a pain to get rid of.... I hope she doesn't get hurt." She frowned as they watched. She was a bit nervous for her.
"Oh..." Roku nodded as he watched the girl sweating as she fought the black beasts with her keyblade. "Are you two related?" He asked after analyzing the girl for a while. The two girls definitely looked similar, but their hair and eye colors were different. Must have been very weird parents. He stretched as he looked between Rea and Lucinda.
Lucinda shook her head. "not that I know of. I know she's looking for her little sister who's blonde but that's about it," She replied with a frown, "I hope she's okay though. It looks like she's having some problems....Should....should we go help?" she looked at him unsure of what to do.
Rea had been blocking when she noticed the blonde on the edge of the coliseum with some guy. She felt a protective flare as she glared at Roku before finishing off the rest of the wizard-like heartless. "Lucinda!" She called. The blonde had a lot of explaining to do! "Who's the guy?" She asked as she back flipped over the next round's opponent. When the centaur said that this was going to be a harsh tournament, he was not kidding!

"The name's Roku! I'm a mage!" The black haired boy called back to Rea. "I think your friend doesn't like me. Though, she looks like she's got it."
Lucinda looked down as she heard Rea shout. She was glad Roku had answered. "He's a friend!" she shouted back as she stretched the wings still on her back. She then turned to Roku again. "Yeah...looks like she'll be fine. I don't think she likes much of anyone. She didn't like most of my uncles and aunts." She said with a sigh, "She looks kinda mad....." She sat on the edge and kicked her feet a bit.
"Maybe she hasn't eaten yet? People get grumpy when they don't eat." The boy nodded sagely as he looked back at the red head. "And why wouldn't she like people? She likes you, doesn't she?" He turned to the girl, sitting down as he swung his feet back and forth.

Rea huffed, but accepted the answer. Of course the boy would be a 'friend' but the next thing she knew that boy would be smacking all over Lucinda's lips! He was not just a 'friend' and she knew it! The girl took her rage out on the heartless, felling them in two clean sweeps.
Lucinda laughed a little and shrugged. "She just doesn't seem to like a lot of people. It's like I'm the exception or something. I dunno....But she seems pretty mad...." She sighed and looked at him. She liked just sitting up there and talking. There was something comforting about it. "We'll have to get down once the fighting's done probably."
"Why would she be mad?" Roku asked as he watched the girl cut through the last of the heartless, her last opponent coming out. It was a man. He wore a dark cloak and had silver hair. Pulling out a blade, he fell into a fighter's stance as Rea did. They struck at the same time, the red head's keyblade meeting the man's large blade. He had blood red eyes, Rea noticed as she jumped back, knowing the stalemate would do her no good.
"I dunno....but she sure looks like it," Lucinda replied. she saw the strange man and wondered who he was, she couldn't really see his face and she worried a bit when he met Rea strike for strike. She didn't like the way this was going but she couldn't be sure of the outcome. In silence she sat there watching, curious as to who the strange man was.
Rea fought with as much strength as she could, finally getting the upper hand when the man made a simple mistake in footing. She held her keyblade to his throat as the crowd cheered. The games were over and this girl won. At least... that's what they thought until a large dog crashed through the walls, sending people scattering. It had three heads, each more vicious than the next. "Shit!" Rea yelled, getting off of the guy and keeping her guard up against the strange beast. Roku shot up, ready to use some long-range magic to help if needed.
Lucinda stood up and looked at roku. "Let's get down there and help!" she said before grabbing him by the waist and leaping from the edge. She waited until it looked like they would hit the ground before her wings flew open and they glided over to Rea. She set down Roku and dispelled the wings in a brief flash of light. She held the card in her hand and put it away. She hardly had any magic left at the moment but she wasn't about to let Rea fight that thing alone!
"Right! Blizzard!" Roku called as he cast the spell on the beast. Rea was going to ask about him, but was too focused on keeping the beast away from her. She gripped her keyblade tightly.

"After this, you're going to have to explain a few things, Lucinda!" Rea told the girl, more worried than angry, but she would never show that. She dodged a bite and swiped at the beast, keeping it at bay.
Lucinda took a deep breath and nodded at Rea. She switched back to her normal staff and did her best to cast low level protection spells. Roku had offensive magic covered so she took up defense. A determined look set upon her face as she continued her work. She was getting a bit tired but she knew that she had to keep up the fight.
"Thunder!" Spells flew as the trio fought. Slash after slash and it didn't seem to affect the beast. Finally, the weak point was found. After a misaimed spell hit the middle head, Rea knew exactly where to aim her next hit. She slammed it right into the forehead of the beast, causing it to freeze. It stared at Rea before disappearing in a cloud of black smoke.
Lucinda gave a weak smile and fell back on her butt, relieved that they had done it. "whoo! we did it!" she said tiredly. At this point she felt completely tapped out, then she remembered something the packed and pulled out what appeared to be a small vase of sorts. It was a little present from Haka, he understood what it was like to be unable to control your powers and had given her this artifact from his people. It could help restore energy by filling it with water and simply drinking it. She un-corked it and took a few sips.
"Ah ha." A smooth voice said as the sky darkened. A blue skinned man rose up from the ground in flames, looking around at the coliseum. "Alright Herc, like my pres-" The man blinked when he saw three children staring back at him. "Hold up, hold up... Were you three...? Did you three kids beat up a giant three-headed dog?" The man asked, incredulous.

Rea frowned at that. "Yes, but I assure you, we aren't kids. Though, compared to you we're probably just babies." She glared at the man, gripping her keyblade tight enough that her knuckles turned white.
Lucinda slowly got herself back up when she saw the strange man and drank more water. She didn't like the looks of him, it looked like he had planned for someone else to be there. She readied her staff and put the container away after sealing it back up. She had a vague inkling of who he might be. She took a few deep breaths, ready to fight again if they had to.
The blue man raised an eyebrow, not amused. "Feisty, aren't ya?" He circled around the red head. "I guess it explains the hair." He played with a lock, only to be hit with the blunt end of Rea's keyblade. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Calm down there! I wasn't going to hurt ya..." The man said with a smirk. He seemed like he was going to continue when a couple of demons ran up to him.

"Master Hades!" The red and blue demons called. "The heartless! They're gone!" The red one said, quaking in fear. This seemed to make the man, Hades, growl and almost explode.

Lucinda frowned and pulled up her staff. She didn't like the way he tried to play with Rea's hair. She then watched the strange man nearly explode. She didn't like this, he was clearly in league with the heartless. She really wanted to put out his flamey hair just to see what he would do but she did her best to curb her gut instincts. She really hated this guy, he was up to something and she needed to be ready for it. Silently she readied a blizzard spell, ready to cast at a moments notice.
The demons seemed to shrink as Hades calmed himself. "Of all the... I'll deal with you later." He glared before disappearing in a burst of blue flames. The demons followed soon after. The sun was setting as Rea sighed, tired and sweaty.
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