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@Nameless Thanks! Glad to be here. Was lurking and talking to Damien for a bit, but CS is done, and it's nice to have it up finally.
So when are we starting or is there more to do first^^
Imbalance is bound to happen when variety is imbalanced, especially when that imbalance favors the protagonists - in this case, them demons. Actually, demons being the protagonists probably precludes that on its own. lol
I strayed from ze technology for a while there. I'll start delivering on mah promises tho
Tons of people all over the site seem to be relaxing their frequency - must be enjoying the sun. *shame*
Oh sorry, wasn't trying to generalize in a rude way or anything, lol. I just meant I've noticed things have slowed down a lot - I think people have things better to do than sit around inside all day on the computer. It's this weird concept some cultures of human hold that being outside is healthy for them or nature is pretty in Summer or something - like I said, weird.
Oh, no you're alright. I myself have been a bit absent. Mostly because of work though >.< When I get home I pass out, lol.
That's almost my life. Except I've integrated to the internet>sleep cycle, so.... I'm here waiting for that little blip in the bottom right-hand corner to tell me there's something to do! On my days off anyway. Work does keep me for ridiculous hours, which is why I'll sometimes be off for a day or two, but I'm almost always one at least every other day just to keep updated.


Male | Fallen Ophanim | Pride

Of all the angels that fell from the Heavens, none are as unique as the once adamant Sargatanas, whose repentant heart longs for Heaven's forgiving touch. It is quite atypical for both a Fallen and an Ophanim to stray from the lust for power through conquest as well as the strict observance of duty, but such is the heart of Sargatanas, who's more like a Seraphim in the variety of mind. However, his tongue and wits are sharp still, and he lies constantly about his allegiance to Lucifer to the other proud members of their Circle, merely to fit in. He has no qualms about Lucifer's ways, and cares not for he First of the Fallen's choices; his only desire is to find a way back home towards the skies and leave the burning Hells. Another reason for Sargatanas' compliance to Lucifer is the innate fear he has of Lucifer's abilities, all of which were described by all of Heaven as unfathomable and second to none. Patient and unyielding, the Fallen Ophanim, in spite of the apparent hatred he has with himself, his situation, and his lowly peers, is a Noble Major in Lucifer's Fallen Army.

As an Ophanim, he is no stranger to order and prowess. Much like Raguel and the rest of his kind, he is drawn to battle like moths to light and excels in the field of bringing justice to where it's due. In his angelic prime, Sargatanas was a knightly figure of gold and silver, and held great confidence. His ways, though by-the-book, were deemed as benevolent albeit fierce, and even Raguel himself looked at Sargatanas with promise. He is a warrior at heart, and stands heftily at seven feet tall. In his angelic prime, he was an Ophanim of silver steel and golden linings with long sheets of superheated iron blades flowing from his back, and was revered for his unique fighting style that was elegant albeit defensive. Eons before the war, Sargatanas wanted nothing more than to eradicate those who existed outside of Heaven's touch. Upon siding with Lucifer, he was one of the countless angels that were imprisoned in Adamantinarx and was pushed out of Heaven's borders.

At first, he was vengeful and loathed Heaven for their callous dismissal. Many friends, loved ones, teachers, students, brothers, sisters, and the like were separated by Michael's rule, and he hated the lack of forgiveness and Michael's apparent hypocrisy. The angel who fought for love and forgiveness spared none for those who really mattered; the other angels. And so, Sargatanas fell. Like the rest save for Lucifer, he was corrupted by the touch of demons and overexposure to Hell's elements. He was lustful and worldly, and chased and mated with countless demons. The Ophan of silver steel was now sanguine with rust and obsidian. After countless years, he began to long for the warmth of Heaven, and after much meditation and reflection, came to the conclusion that Hell was not his home. Sargatanas realised he was wrong to war with the children of Elohim, as he too, was once His child. Filled with remorse, Sargatanas wants nothing more than to go home.

Character's History

Sargatanas' tale began during the descent of the Fallen. Before the Angelic War, Sargatanas was widely unknown, for he was just another Ophan following orders, doing all he believed was right for Heaven. He chose his side, and paid duly for his crimes. As the chains that bound him and the rest of the Fallen disintegrated, Sargatanas found himself in the midst of the lands of darkness - a Hell before the time of the angels. The angels knew not of the creatures below Adamantinarx, which now seemed to float in Hell's atmosphere, and the monsters below them looked in terror at the anomaly above. Sargatanas, still holy, flew down. The first few years of his newfound life was filled with white-hot anger, and spat words of vengeance and requital. Unlike other Fallen, whose hearts started regretful and then malformed over time, Sargatanas' heart was blackened the moment he was chained. Ironically, it was in Hell his actions and state of mind started to clear, for his guilt and shame saturated him as the days passed.

Hopeless and forgotten, Sargatanas simply knelt like his other kin, before Lucifer his "king." He willingly submitted, knowing full well Lucifer's ways were wrong. The First of the Fallen's ethereal and unholy charisma held no power of Sargatanas, whose principles were still heavenly at best. It was as if Sargatanas was the polar opposite of Lucifer: aesthetically evil, corrupted, and imperfect, albeit with a heart that begs the forgiveness of the skies. Feeling like he had no choice, Sargatanas merely scouted the rest of the burning Hells. Much like a mapper, the Fallen Ophan, along with other Fallen, explored and drew Hell in a map. He was a witness to the beautiful darknesses of Hell. Although it was a dangerous journey, Sargatanas respected the way Hell was made. It definitely was beautiful in its own, twisted way. The journey was harrowing, and Sargatanas, in spite of his courage, held back from interacting with the demonic inhabitants. In his journey with others, many Fallen were killed, having too much pride for their own good. Only he was left, and hid from all demonkind until he visited the desert lands of Avarice.

The Fallen was welcomed by none other than Mammon, who looked at Sargatanas with delight, for the otherworldly gold and silver that the Ophan was naturally composed of literally shone before the crowd. The Demon Lord offered the Fallen Ophan demonic whores in exchange for pieces of Sargatanas' armour and, in his sin, accepted. That night, he completed his aesthetic corruption by laying in bed with the Avaricious demonesses. His armour and metallic skin corroded and blackened, and his holy energies turned deathly purple. That day, he slept, guiltier than ever. He denied it so, but he was disgusted by what he had become. That night, the Fallen Ophan fled - murdering the whores in his sleep, weeping as he flew back to Adamantinarx. From that day on, he wished to be Heavenly again, and simply followed Lucifer's whims in fear of what the First of the Fallen can do to him.

Position, Rank, or Occupation
Sargatanas was nothing more than a noble member of Heaven. He was a good fighter, but held no special rank. In Hell, he is baptised as the Demon Major, for his role as point-man for the demonic individuals that will accompany him in his quest.

Skills, Abilities, Equipment, Weapons, and Armour

As any angel, Sargatanas is able to summon a personalised weapon, although he himself is one. Unlike other Ophanim, his armoured physique is composed of countless blades as flat and wispy as cloth, which can harden, elongate, and move so long as Sargatanas wills it. These tethers are prehensile, and flow with the wind. Sargatanas has four legs, his feet being extremely sharp prongs that stab deep into the ground. He fights gracefully, having many twists and twirls that make use of the flowing nature of his tether blades, and can also balance himself on the ground using one pair of legs, while the other pair of legs act like blades to slice and pierce flesh.

He needs no weapon, but can also summon two hook-like blades that are jagged and chaotic. He summons these weapons by having his threads clip and wrap around themselves, hardening to create a monstrous blade with blinking eyes. These hooks, connected to Sargatanas' thighs, clamp unto his foes' flesh to bring them near the Fallen Ophan, so that he may eviscerate them. For his ranged attacks, Sargatanas removes his bladed halo, which merely floats around his head, and throws it at mighty speeds. Glowing with an evil purple light, the energies that exude from Sargatanas' crevices, eyes, weapons, and halo burns skin by way of extreme cold.

As an Ophanim, his rumoured strength also holds true - he is monstrous in his physical abilities, and is extremely defensive in battle. He still has mastery over sound, although is now solidified blasphemous and demonic screeching, instead of praise and worship. In spite of not having any wings, he can still fly.

Weaknesses, Annoyances, Dislikes, Fears

Sargatanas has no evident physical weaknesses aside from lack of speed and mobility. Being an Ophanim, he makes up for this lack in sheer power and brute force, coupled with the fact his body is literally riddles with blades.

Sargatanas' true weaknesses lie in his emotional state. His annoyances, dislikes, and fears revolve around his self-loathing. Being extremely disgusted by his inability to say no or choose Michael over Lucifer, Sargatanas feels as if he's wasted eons upon eons of living a full life. He hates Fallen who accept their state as corrupted angels, and also hates the shame of thinking about Heaven. He fears if angels see him, they will treat him like a monster in spite of his repentant soul. The thought of this greatly contributes to his mental instability and imbalanced way of fighting.


And with that, I now have a way of efficiently leading the RP on both sides. :)
  • Love
Reactions: Wanderfool
I thought you'd be Lucifer?
I'm technically everyone, but Lucifer's only for very important things and Gabriel will be the main Angel, and Sargatanas will be the main in the side of demons. :)
@Defaeca Hey! Definitely, you can make a character for Lust if that's what you like, although if you also want, you can be Envy, Avarice, or an Ophanim to balance things out. (Angels are outnumbering Demons though, soooo yeah.) :) Welcome to Iwaku! :D
  • You'll all be happy to hear that the in-character thread is up and running as of now. Visit the thread at so please do finalise your character sheets! :D
  • For minor changes, I've added two new characters of Envy: Rahab and Ceto, who are extremely expendable Demon Lords in Envy as I've realised a country-sized whale monster cannot attend Lucifer's presiding with the many delegates of Sin.
So since you ended with a question aimed at Nitzan, is there a posting order to keep in mind?
No specific posting order as of yet. Gabriel merely spoke to Nitzan, but your character doesn't need to interact with Gabriel only. Remember, there are others with us, namely Medomai and Zadkiel. You can always do something just to get the feel of the RP, react to seeing Gabriel running back, or interact with others. :)

Also, for demon characters, you'd be interacting with Lucifer and Sargatanas, mostly.
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