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I gave most of it already in the first post of the RP, but yeah, I've been working on a full layout since… forever. It's kinda complicated as it's on a hill, and my architectural skills are not that great, plus there's a whole load of other things to think about as well. Anywah, working on it XD
@Ali Okay, I give in. Admittedly, yes it is adorable X'D Can't help but notice Sebastian though.. Did he just turned into a drama queen? O.o

Aaaaand I'm done posting for Alon ^__^
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Ahaha yes! But only because Killian cursed him and I chose the curse of crying x3 Figuring it would turn off his game towards chicks and cause humiliation X'D
I'm gonna pick on Sebastian quite a lot X'D
Teehe XD
We all need a character to pick on :P
I feel bad, but that made me laugh until I almost cried ;n;
I think I'm gonna make Jack pick on him. A bunch. Don't let her see him D:
I'll post for Inkeh later today. It's time to go art!

What theme songs? :o

And I'm so sorry for Jillian. So so sorry.
quote jack:
"Do you mind if I tinker with your playthings?"

… why did that go horribly perverted in my mind...
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Because I'm pretty sure your mind just saw the word playthings ahahaha
but it went so wrong in my mind too xDDD!!!
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Yes, it most definitely would be that word that ruined it all XD I loves it XD
Wouldn't it be that whatever Jack says, whether it may be just a casual thing, always end up sounding perverted in our ears? X'D

And poor Sebastian. He caught something really bad for his ego TwT
Poor poor ego Q_Q What's he gonna do with all his suitors now X'DD?
@Vinyl I can't actually remember if Jack told Jill her name..but I kinda just included it without thinking Q_Q SWORRIE <33
I don't know.. Maybe some of them will laugh at him, thinking that he finally had his heart broken :o Which is kind of sad, despite how bad it is to be a player :P

Oh gosh, I just read your post.. All these tinkering... "And so Jack ended up tinkering with Jill's playthings," is like a twisted version of the kids' song TwT My perverted brain just can't stop.

AHAHAHAHA oh gawd I nearly died at that one XD Jack and Jill go up the hill to… tinker with her playthings...
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You really had to do that @Olissa XD

... Jill sat down until Jack's done,
Then Yala came to smite her.

Traaaalalalaaaaa *dies*
OMFGOM! You cheeky little! ahahahaha This just can't go farther down the drain, no way, just no way XD
Actually, it can. That was the "friendlier version" :'D my perverted brain actually first came up with something worse...

...... Jack went down and made Jill c-*bleep*,
Then Yala came to smite her.

I am so sorry @Ali and @Vinyl TwT You can kill me noooowww...
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