Saved Your Life

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"Wait wh- oh! Ok!" He said as he was pulled away.

He seen her do that nervous habit of hers and smirked, "Relax girly. I'll go first."

He opened the door and seen the blonde girls smiling face. She looked tired but was happy. He seen the little baby wrapped up in a blue blanket, "Oh so its a boy?" He asked walking up to her.

She nodded and smiled, "Yep!" She looked at Leah and smiled, "Hello, who is this?"

Bryce looked at Leah then back at her and chuckled, "That's my friend Leah."

She smiled, "Hello Leah."
"Ehehe..." She awkwardly laughed, staring at the baby in awe. "Oh, I mean, hi." Leah waved and smiled quickly.

After a moment of decisive thinking, she asked, "So, what are you gonna name him?" Still standing only a couple feet into the room, twiddling her thumbs.
Haley smiled, "Well I am going to name him Bryce."

Bryce paused for a moment, "Wait what? Why name him after me?"

She smiled, "Because you saved both from a burning building! And plus I never told ya this but I always liked your name!"

Bryce rubbed the back of his head, "You know you don't-"

She chuckled, "Oh hush you I am naming him Bryce. My child so I choose that he be named after our hero."
Leah squealed, "Ohmigosh, that's adorable! Perfect! I was just about to suggest that!" She laughed with joy.

"Ahem, oh, sorry." Leah cleared her throat, calming herself. "Hopefully he'll be happy ...At least happier than the old Bryce normally is." She motioned with her head towards Bryce, making a cringing face to be dramatic.
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By the time she was looking at Bryce he was actually smiling. He felt so honored to have a child named after him cause he actually did something good. He was smiling from ear to ear at this point, "Thanks Haley!"

She smiled, "Wanna hold Little Bry?"

He nodded slightly as he ever so carefully held Little Bry in his arm. Little Bry giggled a little and took Big Bry's finger.
Leah stared at both of them in awe, one reason being that a fresh new human had just came out of Bryce's friend's vagina literally a couple of minutes ago, and the second reason being that she had never seen Bryce be so delicate. "Aww, it looks like Bryce and Bryce are getting along well!" She giggled, loving to watch this new side of Bryce.
Haley giggled, "Be careful Bry. Your sweet side is showing."

Bryce chuckled as he played with the baby, "Oh shut up. Even I can't be mean to children."
"Well, thank goodness for that." Leah grinned, leaning against the doorway and staring quietly at Bryce, "You should show your sweet side more often. You'll probably be able to get a wife and a baby of your own when you're that nice!"
Bryce shot her a look then rolled his eyes, "Oh you hush," he then looked a Little Bry then at her, "You wanna hold him?"
"Ehehe, no..." She backed away awkwardly, waving her hands dismissively. "I'm not good with babies and babies normally aren't good with me. Besides, she just met me." She said, motioning towards Haley.
Haley giggled, "I don't mind."

Bryce smirked, "Come on girly. If I can do it so can you." He said as he slowly handed the baby to her, "Be sure to watch his head."

He wasn't even giving her an option.
Leah nervously smiled, "I- Um, oh," She had no choice but to go along with holding little Bry so she stood completely still, keeping the baby in her arms, praying that he wouldn't start crying. "Em..." She starting whispering, "What do I do with it...?"
He chuckles, "Just keep holding him." He said as Little Bry grabbed her finger and yawned cutely. He looked up at her and giggled.
She hesitantly nodded, not being able to keep back a smile when looking at little Bry. She let out a sigh of relief, "I think he doesn't mind me." Leah said while attempting to sway softly back and forth.

After spending a few hours in the hospital Bry and Leah decided to head back. He led Leah back to the car, "Well today was an interesting day. I think I'm ready to hit the hay. All this rescuing stuff is exhausting."
Leah chuckled, "All this people stuff is exhausting." She sighed, resting her head against the side of the seat in the car, nearly falling asleep. "Just drop me off at my house." Leah shooed at him, paying no mind to anything.
He nodded slightly as he drove off. He had noticed she was falling asleep and using one hand he decided to mess with her and flick her earlobe which he knew could hurt. He chuckled at her reaction.
"Ow- Hey!" She absentmindedly flew her hand back in the general direction of his face, hitting him in the back of his head, half out of reflexes and half out of annoyance. She scowled as she scooted further back down her seat to get compfy.

Once at her house, she grumbled from exhaustion when getting out of the car, tripping on her own feet for a second. She called back out to Bryce before closing the door, "If you need anything or decide to go jump in another fire, you have my number, text or call me." With that, she slammed the door closed, feeling slightly lonely after spending a whole day with Bryce and now being alone again. By now, the sun was already about 1 hour until setting.
Bryce smirked as he got out the car. He jogged over to her... he wasn't sure why until he grabbed her hand and made her face him. With a smirk he knew just then exactly why he had stopped her. Making her lean her back against a tree he leaned forward and kissed her deeply.
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