[Samuel x Roman]

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"Felicity, if you ask me one more time whether this is okay or not, I will tell everyone you know at school who you have a crush on," Roman threatened light-heartedly as he emptied out his basket onto the cashier's desk.

He understood people's reservations against being spoiled. He understood that some people felt uncomfortable when large sums of money were spent on them, and also, the feeling of not wanting to owe anyone anything. But this was Fliss's birthday, and therefore, they had the right to spoil her and buy her nice gifts. And Roman loved that he was in a financial situation where he could afford to do that for his future step-sister-in-law.

Roman paid for the cosmetics with his card then carried the large, stripey bag out of the store. Once they reached the car, he reached in and pulled out Fliss's three lipsticks, handing them to her so she could hold them and maybe even put them on.

"Okay, where do you want to go for dinner, birthday girl?"
"Ooh there's this restaurant I really like, it's not too far, I think," Fliss suggested upon being asked where she wanted to eat. She gave Roman the name of the place and the street it was on and soon they were on their way.

"Sammy, pick a colour," She held up the three lipsticks for Samuel to choose, for some reason she tended to let Samuel chose like that, he didn't mind it was fun and he was honestly getting better at matching colours together. He pointed towards a muted dark pinkish red, he still didn't know a lot of fancy names for colours, though, "Kay, thanks!"

She right away pulled out a pocket mirror from her bag and started to apply the lipstick, without messing up despite being in a moving vehicle, Samuel was impressed because that seemed like a hard thing to do.

The place Fliss had suggested really was close by, it was a small Italian place with a menu that offered salads, pastas and pizzas, the last one made the entire restaurant smell like the food item and Samuel could feel himself getting hungry going inside.

"Everything here is so good, I can never decide what to pick, I really recommend the pizzas though, they have the best ones ever" Fliss said as she looked through the menu that seemed to be familiar to her, she seemed like she was excited to show them her favourite place and that was really adorable.

"Do you think you can ask them to put on less cheese?"
Samuel asked and shot Roman a slightly teasing smile about his picky eating habits, Samuel was used to them by now and it was honestly kind of adorable sometimes.

"I mean sure, they are really nice here so," Fliss said with a shrug and continued to look through her menu.
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Roman loved Italian food so he certainly did not complain when Fliss directed them to a restaurant that served that particular cuisine. They got a table at the back of the establishment and Roman began to leaf through his menu, even if he knew exactly what he was going to get.

He rolled his eyes at Samuel and flicked him on the nose. "You're annoying," he told his boyfriend affectionately.

When the waitress came around to take their orders, Roman ordered a plate of ravioli and a whole Margherita pizza — with minimal cheese and extra tomato paste. He also ordered a Coke, of course, because he didn't drink anything else.

"So, Fliss, how's school?" he asked the girl.
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Samuel ordered one of the many salads with a glass of water and Fliss complained about him being a health nut and ordered a Prosciutto pizza that Samuel definitely was demanding a taste from further into their dinner.

"It's going well, I'm doing my homework or whatever, art class isn't cancelled anymore so that's nice," Fliss had mentioned the school having to shut art down for her year due to not having enough staff for a while and she had been devastated. This seemed to be info she didn't care much about now though, she wanted to talk about more important things, "But, remember that guy Jeremy I told you about?"

"The one with the dreamy blue eyes and nice hair?" Samuel asked, he knew exactly which guy she was talking about. It was the crush Roman had mentioned back at Sephora and the guy she could talk non-stop about for twenty minutes straight.

"Exactly, well he started dating this girl Jessica," Fliss explained, "But I really thought he was into me, so now I'm really confused and I dunno if I should just let it go or if he's just dating her now because he didn't think I was interested, and on top of that Jessica is a total bitch and she knew I like him and she didn't even seem interested in him before she got to know it,"

"Why are all people called Jessica evil?" Samuel said because honestly just hearing that name still made him uncomfortable, and also in support of Fliss. Anyone who made her feel bad was probably evil, even Jared, "And honestly, maybe Jared isn't that good of a guy if he didn't like you enough to ask you out,"

"No but he's actually really sweet," She sighed and looked at Roman in search of better advice than 'Jared's an asshole', she had long since figured out that Roman was the one with the most experience dating, "I just dunno what to do,"
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"First and foremost, Jessica is a bitch and she should fall into a hole," Roman said neutrally, tapping his perfectly manicured fingernails against the surface of the table. His nails were bright, metallic Barbie pink that day and looked very nice. "Ugh, I hate people like that." People who stole their so-called friends' crushes from right under them. Of course, it wasn't like Fliss had any more of a claim to Jared than Jessica did, but that didn't mean Jessica wasn't a total traitor.

"Secondly, I think you should tell Jared how you feel," Roman continued. Their drinks and garlic bread came, and Roman sipped a little bit of his Coke before he continued. "You're a smart girl, so if you think he liked you then he probably did. And it's obvious that Jessica is only dating him to hurt you, if she didn't like him before she found out you did, which means that she's using him and is therefore even worse than we initially thought."

Roman was good at relationship advice. He was always counselling his friends on how to proceed with their love lives and nine times out of ten, his advice lead to a success. So, he was confident that what he was telling Fliss now was helpful and constructive.

"So tell him how you feel about him. Maybe he'll realise that you're so much smarter and prettier and better than Jessica and he'll dump her in the gutter where she belongs."
"Yeah you're the best, so if you tell him you like him and he doesn't like you he obviously has shit taste," Samuel said matter of factly and Fliss gave the two men a small smile.

"Aww, thanks, I guess," She started sweetly, "I just want to have a relationship with someone nice and be as happy as you two are, I'm totally jealous, like you two started dating when you were my age? Why can't I find someone like that,"

"Fliss you don't need to be in such a hurry with dating, you'll find someone when you find someone, It could be this Jared guy or it could be someone else,"

They had plenty of examples of friends who had started dating the people they were with later, so that was why Samuel knew Felicity didn't need to rush. Hell Gabi didn't seem to be settling down any time soon and she seemed to be just as happy as anyone.

"Well yeah but that's easy for you to say, Roman is literally the first guy you dated and you two are perfect for each other," that was the moment their food came in so Fliss stopped briefly as they all got their plates put down in front of them, "What if I'll be alone and miserable forever,"

"You won't, come on, stop being so negative, you're too nice of a person for there not to be anyone out there who will make you happy," Fliss usually wasn't the kind of person to put herself down this much, Samuel guessed it had to do with the whole Jarred situation, so, Samuel glanced over to Roman so he too could confirm that she wouldn't be alone and miserable forever.
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"Felicity," Roman pressed, looking at her seriously. "Don't think like that. I know heaps of people who don't find partners until later in life. We have these friends, they're a couple, and this is the guy's first ever relationship -- she was his first kiss and everything -- and he's twenty-five. And they're absolutely perfect for each other. Good things come to those who wait."

He was talking about Matthew and Elissa, of course, but he kept their names out of the picture for the sake of privacy. Roman also knew that was very, very lucky to actually be with his high school sweetheart still, to have found his soulmate so early in life and to therefore have secured a lot more years with him than a couple who met when they were, say, in their late twenties. He and Samuel had been through so many significant life events together, and he loved that. He loved that most of his years will have been spent with the love of his life.

"But who says you need someone to make you happy?" Roman continued as he ground salt and pepper onto his pasta. "You make your own happiness. You don't necessarily need someone to complete your life. I mean, I know I definitely would be a lot more of a shittier person without Samuel, but that doesn't mean you'd be better with a boyfriend."

He gave Samuel an affectionate look and nudged him under the table with his foot. He then turned back to Fliss. "Why do you even want a boyfriend anyway? Guys suck," he joked. "They always smell, and they never shave their armpits and they leave their dirty clothes on the floor and they track mud into the house on their soccer shoes."
"Aww come on you're not perfect either," Samuel insisted, it was obvious that Roman jokingly and affectionately was getting reference from their life, "there's always make up all over our sheets, and whenever you get the groceries without me you always prioritize coke over anything healthy, and you occupy the bathroom for like five years both when you're getting ready and going to sleep,"

Samuel pressed he little kiss to Roman's cheek, they both had little things they did that annoyed the other, but they were both saying it in good fun

"Okay you guys have both convinced me that I don't need a boyfriend and that you two both are annoying to live with... Hey maybe I should get a girlfriend instead," She gave it some thought for a moment while she took a bite of one of her pizza slices and chewed, then she made a slight grimace "Nah I don't think I could do it, guys are way hotter,"

"Right!" Samuel said in agreement. It was a little silly that Fliss just decided to consider dating girls for a moment, she had obviously been joking, but it made Samuel happy to know that she felt comfortable enough with herself and the people she surrounded herself with that she could actually consider other possibilities, "I'm not sure Roman agrees though, but that's okay, he is entitled to his own opinion,"

Then they stayed on the topic for a while, Samuel asking his almost step-sister if she actually could be into girls as well or something, just to make sure she hadn't been trying to tell them something by joking about it. By the end of that conversation, she had basically told them that no, she wasn't into girls but that she supposed she wouldn't rule it out completely until she had tried it.

They continued to eat dinner and Fliss was back to her normal happy self that didn't put herself down because of some guy, they finished eating, Samuel had stolen a taste from both of their other's food and all types of dishes had actually been really good, Fliss had good taste in restaurants. Then again, Samuel really loved Italian food.

"Are we still going to the movies?"
Fliss asked as they had gotten into the car, "If we do I probably won't want any snacks, an entire pizza is too much for me,"
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"I maintain that neither guys nor girls are better or more attractive as a whole," Roman said with his hands up in surrender, "but Samuel is the best and I love him more than anyone else on the planet."

The conversation remained on sexuality and Roman couldn't help but remember when Samuel had been that age and he had also been discovering himself. Roman had gone through that period of time much earlier than his boyfriend, and he had faced very little difficulty in finding himself. He was glad that Felicity seemed to be sure enough in herself to confidently say that she was straight, since it meant she didn't have to go through the same confusion that Samuel did. But she should still be open to experimentation.

"We are totally still going to the movies and fuck you, we're getting snacks," Roman said as they got back in the car and he began to drive. They reached a movie theatre and Roman linked his hand with that of his boyfriend as they walked up to the front counter. He turned to Fliss.

"Alright, birthday girl, what do you want to see? If you pick a horror movie Samuel might cry, but we can just leave him in the bathroom while we watch it."
"Oh my god Roman, I do not cry during horror movies," Samuel insisted and gave his boyfriend a small slap on the arm with the hand Roman wasn't holding, then he turned to Fliss "But also don't pick a horror movie please, it's your almost birthday and all but I don't actually want to be left in the bathroom,"

The thing about horror movies was that it wasn't unlikely for them to have a lot of sensitive subject matter and violence in them, which really wasn't the best combo for Samuel, he could watch them but he'd rather do it at home just in case.

"Don't worry Sammy I was going to pick something nice and family friendly anyways, there will be no crying in the bathroom for you,"
Fliss patted Samuel's arm and proceeded to point out a rom-com chick-flick. Samuel shone up a little because he could definitely get behind that.

"Do you want to be left in the bathroom instead?" Samuel teased his boyfriend a little, because Roman three very obvious favourite genres, horror, animated and musicals, this movie wasn't one of them.
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"Jokes on you, I'll watch anything," Roman retorted to his boyfriend. He definitely had his three favourite genres but he wasn't going to turn down a good rom-com. "And this looks like it has a bunch of hot people in it, which I'm never going to protest."

Roman bought the tickets and then went to the snack bar, leaving Samuel and Fliss to go find them good seats -- meaning in the middle of a row that was halfway up the room, which was always the best seat. He rejoined them carrying two large bags of popcorn, three large Cokes, a bag of Mars Bar Pods, a bag of MnM's and a package of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. He sat down beside Samuel and handed him the other bag of popcorn, and then passed around the drinks.

"You say you won't be hungry during the movie but you totally will be," Roman told the other two, already grazing on the popcorn. "Or maybe that's just me."
"Yeah love, that's just you," Samuel joked and stole the bag of Mars Bar Pods, "Nah, actually that usually happens, and besides Fliss you didn't even eat an entire pizza cus I ate like two of slices from you,"

"Oh shut it, and like it isn't even about being hungry, like put a tub of popcorn in front of someone who just ate to the point of feeling like throwing up and they'd eat it," Fliss reasoned and dug into the popcorn as if to prove her point, "So, it would have been smarter not to buy the popcorn because then we won't feel like dying later, or at least me and Samuel wouldn't, who eat like normal people,"

Samuel laughed a little at that, "Yeah Roman, you're an actual human garbage can, I love you, but I have no idea how the fuck you work," Really Roman's metabolism was a mystery to everyone, but it allowed him to eat pretty much whatever he wanted and Samuel felt that with all of Roman's health issues he at least deserved to have some good genes in regards to that.
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"I feel very attacked right now," Roman said sadly, pouting to his boyfriend before chuckling and shaking his head. "Nah, I'm kidding. I don't know how I work, either. My body is a mystery to all, even my doctors." Really. He baffled every medical professional he saw.

Soon they had to shut up because the movie was starting, though, they did whisper to each other a little throughout the duration of the picture, mostly to comment on the acting and the stupid things the characters did.

By the end of the film, Roman had eaten an entire bag of popcorn, plus about a quarter of the other one since the other two hadn't wanted it. He had also eaten most of the Reese's and a good chunk of the MnM's, and he still felt as right as rain. Roman really loved to eat.

"You should text Oliver and tell him we haven't kidnapped his daughter,"
Roman told Samuel as they went to the car and buckled up. It was pretty late. "Did you have a nice time?" Roman asked Fliss.
"But haven't we actually kidnapped her though," Samuel joked as he pulled up his phone and did indeed text Oliver that they were bringing his daughter home soon.

"Mmm, I had a pretty good time," Fliss said from the back seat, a little less energetic now that it was getting so late, "I don't feel kidnapped at all,"

"Ah that is your Stockholm syndrome talking, we gave you nice things and now you love us so you don't even feel like you're kidnapped," Samuel chuckled, his phone buzzed with a reply from Oliver, "but your dad says we can take you home whenever we feel like it so I guess you're not actually kidnapped,"


"I told him you didn't want leftover dinner, by the way," Samuel added.

"Yeah, I don't think I'll be able to eat for a week after this"

"I feel ya,"

After a little while they pulled up to Olivers house, Fliss was half asleep in the back seat, so Samuel twisted around in his seat to shake some life into her, "Hey Fliss, were there now, we're not going inside because I think mum and Ollie are sleeping by now,"

Fliss blinked a couple of times, yawned and sat up properly to remove her seat belt, "Oh okay," she yawned again, "Well I had fun, thanks for taking me out,"

"anytime," Samuel smiled, because really hanging out with Fliss never failed to be a lot of fun.
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Roman drove Fliss home silently, smiling at his boyfriend every now and then. He loved that they were in a position where they could actually spoil their loved ones as they had done tonight. He was glad to have made Fliss happy as he had.

"See ya, sweetie," he said to the girl as she left the vehicle. "Happy birthday. Make sure to have fun with those lipsticks."

They waited until Fliss had gotten inside before Roman started the car again and pulled back onto the road. He reached over and took Samuel's hand in order to kiss the back of it.

"I hope you had fun tonight as well."
Finally, the day had arrived. London and Evan's wedding. There had been a lot of planning the past months, London and Evan coming over to Samuel and Roman's apartment to talk about colours and flowers and locations and a million other things. Evan had had surprisingly much to say about how he wanted the wedding to be, sure he didn't have much taste, but he had clearly been interested in being involved in planning the event. Unsurprisingly Roman had also been very keen on planning the event. And so, the tree of them had all worked it out together while Samuel played with Allison and the pets on the floor. The colour scheme was to be pink and peachy colours, the main flowers cherry blossoms, the ceremony was going to be held in this nice little chapel in the middle of August.

Outside the weather was nice, little chilly maybe, but the sun was shining and it was going to keep shining for the rest of the day. But they weren't outside to experience the perfect wedding weather. No, Samuel and Roman were standing by the podium, on separate sides, Roman on the bride's and Samuel on the groom's, Roman London's Man of Honour and Samuel as Evan's best man. He was dressed in the colour theme of the wedding, in a suit a couple of shades lighter than Evan's dark grey one but with the same pink tie.

Evan seemed both nervous and excited. Most of the people in the pews just seemed excited, everyone excited for the happy couple, no one objecting. In each row, there were familiar faces of friends and family, but also people Samuel didn't even know, on both sides of the chapel. Friend's and people from the parts of Evan and London's life Samuel wasn't a part of, they were pretty few though, since really Samuel's life was so intertwined with the couple's at this point that they basically were family.

For Roman, who looked so handsome on the bride's side, they really were family. Samuel smiled over to him, he knew this was going to be a very emotional day for Roman too, this was his twin sister getting married. His twin sister who was about to walk up the aisle looking stunning in her wedding dress any minute now.
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The day had come.

After months of meticulous planning, it was finally time for London and Evan to say their vows and tie the knot. Roman was beyond excited. He was so happy for his sister, so overwhelmingly happy for her that he couldn't stand still and was instead bouncing on his heels, straightening out the sleeves of his medium gray suit, fiddling with the cherry blossoms racked onto his lapel. You would think he was the one getting married.

London had also been very excited this morning, but also nervous. She wasn't nervous because of Evan — no, she knew this was the man she wanted to marry, she knew that they were soulmates and there never would be anyone else. She was just nervous because she badly wanted the ceremony to go without a hitch. Roman had put in every effort and went to every length possible to ensure that would happen. Nothing was going to ruin his sister's special day.

Ingrid was sitting in the front row on the bride's side with Brooklyn, who they were on good terms with now. Their whole family — all of Stellan's siblings and even Ingrid's who had come from overseas, were in the audience. It was amazing to see.

Roman looked up at Evan. "How're you feeling?"
"Good, but nervous," Evan smiled at his soon to be brother-in-law, Evan was fidgeting a little with his hands, he was obviously even more nervous than during the proposal, but other than that he seemed pretty composed, "mostly good though,"

"You don't need to be nervous, Evan, it's going to go well," Samuel assured his friend, because he knew it took a lot to make his friend Even this small amount of nervous.

"Yeah but everything has to be perfect," Evan was the kind of guy who wouldn't care if he stumbled over his words or something got messed up, but London would care if something happened that wasn't supposed to, and thus Evan cared. He truly loved London from the bottom of his heart and he just wanted his bride to have the most amazing wedding, for nothing to go wrong so she wouldn't look back at the day only to remember the wrong details.

"I'm telling you, it's going to be, Roman helped plan things, he's obviously not going to let it be anything but perfect," of course no one could actually promise him it would go down perfect, that was impossible, but Samuel was very confident things wouldn't go wrong, not only because he thought the couple deserved it but because there was no reason for it to go wrong. Everything had been planned in ridiculous detail, all invited guests approved of the wedding, all the guests had arrived so no one would be running in mid-ceremony, "right, Roman?"
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Roman confirmed. If anything went wrong, Roman would personally take to it with a baseball bat, but nothing would go wrong. He was sure of it.

Then the music started, and the whole room snapped to attention, facing the doors expectantly. Allison came first, looking absolutely lovely in a cute, frilly dress, which was peach coloured like the decorations. She held a small basket filled with cherry blossoms that she scattered along the aisle. Roman watched her with nothing but affection and so did the whole room.

She reached the end and Roman picked her up as London wanted him to do. "Hey, gorgeous," he murmured, kissing her on the cheek. "You did a very good job."

Then the bridal music began, and the audience rose to their feet.

Roman had seen London in her dress, he had been with her all morning, but he was still swept away by her beauty when she appeared at the end of the aisle, her arm linked with Stellan's, holding a beautiful bouquet of cherry blossoms and peach roses. She wore a stunning, lacy veil that was swept back to reveal her beautiful face, and her hair was woven with cherry blossoms in an identical flower crown to Allison's. Her lovely gown hugged her frame and fell to the floor.

She was so beautiful Roman quickly wiped a tear away from his cheek.

She glided down the aisle, her dancer's grace apparent in her steps. Stellan wasn't bothering to hide his tears as they reached the end of the aisle. London handed her bouquet to Roman, and Stellan ceremoniously put his daughter's hand in Evan's, giving her to him.

London stepped up onto the platform, positively glowing with beauty. Stellan took his seat beside his bride. London beamed at her husband-to-be.

Only moments after Roman's conferment the music started and an adorable Allison walked in. Her father looked at her with utter adoration and followed her with his eyes all up into Roman's arms, then smiled at her proudly.

Allison looked absolutely delighted to get her uncle's praise and was looking out all over the room from the height of Roman's arms, Samuel gave her a small little wave and she waved back. But then the bridal music started and all eyes were turned to the end of the aisle.

London looked absolutely stunning, everything from her beautifully done hair with the cherry blossom to her flowy white dress was absolutely perfect. Samuel suspected not a single eye in the room was dry, if it wasn't for London's beauty it was for how sweet it was to see a father so emotionally hand over his daughter, and if not for that it was for seeing Evan dry his tears before grabbing his future wife's hands.

"Hello," He replied quietly, him too with the brightest of smiles, "You look beautiful,"

Evan seemed a lot less nervous now that London had walked the long way up to him, now that they were together. The ceremony had barely started yet and was already a truly beautiful moment to witness. Something about the couple just getting to stand there together hand in hand, about to get joined together in marriage for the rest of their lives, just struck a chord with Samuel and he had to reach up to wipe a couple of tears of his own.

And then the officiant started speaking, "We have gathered here today to join London Hemlock and Evan Johnson in..." and he continued on to talk about how the two were from this day onwards they were going to be husband and wife. While he talked Evan was looking at London so deeply in the eyes that it almost seemed like he wasn't even listening, but he probably was, with how adamant he had been for things to be perfect he wasn't going to mess up even the timing.