[Samuel x Roman]

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Roman smiled as Elissa, also a little tipsy due to the wine, giggled and followed her boyfriend over to the couch after taking off her shoes. They were both really happy drunks, and they were clearly very happy together. Roman was glad that they had both found people who loved them and who they felt comfortable with. All Roman wished for was his friends to be happy.

"Coffee," Elissa called to Samuel as she snuggled against her boyfriend and petted the cat in his lap. She was so adorable. Roman smiled again and made his way to the fridge, from which he pulled out a whole salted caramel cheesecake and set it on the bench.

"Ooooooh," said Elissa, looking.

Roman cut the four people generous slices of the cheesecake, drizzled some of the salted caramel sauce he had made the day before as well on top of the lovely dessert and carried all four plates like a waiter over to the coffee table. He set them down and Elissa reached forward to grab hers. She took one bite, then turned to Matthew with a shocked expression, as if they had just discovered gold.

"Oh my God, hun, taste this, it's absolutely amazing. I'm sorry, I have to move in with Samuel and Roman now, so I can have this every day."
"No, don't leave me, our apartment will be lonely in our apartment," Matthew whined with a slight frown, then he ate a spoonful of his own slice of cheesecake, "oh okay," he turned to Roman and Samuel, "We're both moving in,"

"Well we do have a spare bedroom," Samuel chuckled as he sat down Elissa and Matthew's cups on the coffee table. Matthew and Elissa weren't drunk enough not to be able to travel home by public transport or be driven home, obviously, but it honestly wasn't unlikely for them to spend the night. Whenever they had friends staying over late they had a place to stay in case felt too tired to get home

Samuel headed over to grab his own coffee and Roman's tea before positioning himself and his boyfriend in the couch, Samuel in Roman's lap, not the most convenient way to eat cheesecake, which was as delicious as Elissa had made it out to be, but he loved being affectionate with his boyfriend and convenience was a small price to pay for that.

"It was nice to see you on stage again," Samuel said casually to his boyfriend, "I'm a little sad it was over so quickly,"

"He should have gotten more time, he was obviously the crowd favourite," It was a very Matthew thing to say, except the fact that he was complimenting Roman without any objections, that was probably only due to being tipsy.
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Roman didn't protest at the compliments he received due to the cheesecake, and he grinned when Matthew gave him another compliment. "We should get Matthew drunk more," he murmured to Samuel. "He's so much nicer."

Roman did miss being on stage. Of course, singing a few songs was very different to musical theatre, which was what he truly missed, but that wasn't out of the realm of possibility. He could likely join a theatre company and perform with them. Or, he could continue to do live venues like he had that night, since that had been very enjoyable.

"Well, I'm not complaining about the time I had," he said with a shrug. "Like, Bohemian Rhapsody is really long, it's like I had four songs instead of three."

"But it was amazing," Elissa stage whispered.
"Yeah it was really cool," Samuel agreed and placed a cheescaky kiss on Roman's cheek, "I still wish it would have gone on longer, but I guess the point is that you did get to play at a place like that,"

Samuel took another bite of his cheesecake and sighed happily as he looked out over the apartment. It had been a nice experience to see Roman on stage like that, but he could always hear Roman sing and play at home, that was just as good.

Suddenly Samuel got an idea. He stood up and placed his plate on the coffee table before heading over to grab Roman's guitar, he placed the instrument in Roman's lap and sat down next to him instead.

"You can play an extra song now," Samuel smiled.

"Like a private concert," Matthew agreed with a little chuckle.
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Roman didn't protest when he was given the guitar. Why would he? He loved playing. He picked up the instrument and put it into position, before looking up at his friends and his boyfriend.

"Any requests?"

"No, just plaaaaaaaaay," Elissa urge. She stood up and sat down in Matthew's lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and clinging to him like a koala bear.

"Okay okay."

Roman hesitated for a moment, deciding what song to perform, before he decided and began to strum out a complicated, familiar rhythm. It was Girls/Girls/Boys by Panic! At the Disco.

His high notes were impeccable and his low notes were lovely. Elissa was staring at him with wide brown eyes.

"And never did I think that I, would be caught in the way you caught me, but girls love girls and boys, and love is not a choice."
Roman started playing his fourth song of the evening and Samuel straight away recognized the song, it made him smile and he listened carefully to Roman sing. Matthew was holding Elissa close as they listened both quietly, completely caught up in the music. By the time the song was over, this just as his performance earlier in the evening too soon, Samuel felt something wet roll down his cheek.

"shit," he mumbled and quickly wiped the tear. It wasn't that he was sad or anything, it was just that hearing Roman sing that song, properly, not just singing along when it popped up on his playlist, brought him back to that day six years ago at the assembly, watching Roman belt out the same song with the bisexual pride flag tied around his neck, being unapologetically himself. It had been an important day for Samuel.

He quickly wiped the rest of the few tears that had escaped his eyes and then carefully moved the guitar back out of Roman's hands and placed it down on the floor temporarily so he could give him a big hug, "That was nice,"
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Roman initially couldn't figure out why Samuel was crying, but then he realised, it was due to the emotional connotations of the song. The day Roman had performed that song, Samuel had decided to come out of the closet. He had decided to fully accept himself.

And that was important.

"Thank you," Roman murmured, rubbing his back. "I love you."
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Samuel looked out through the window of the passenger seat in the car to see Fliss waving excitedly off the side to her school's parking lot. She was surrounded by a couple of other girls her age who were all peering curiously over at the car.

"Brace yourself for the teenage girls," Samuel joked to Roman as he pulled into a parking space. Not that Roman had much to worry about, teenage girls tended to love him.

Another couple of weeks had passed since Roman had been performing live and today they had planned in an afternoon with Fliss. Rather than to wait for her to get out of school and get home before picking her up they had just decided to drive by her school after they both got off work to pick her up there.

Once the car came to a stop Samuel casually stepped out of the car and gave his probably future step-sister, who was already on her way over, a small wave. Once she was close enough Fliss responded by giving him a hug. They had gotten a lot closer to each other the past two years and they kind of considered each other siblings, they would probably never have the kind of bond siblings like Roman and London had simply because they had met each other so late in life and hadn't grown up with each other, but they spent time with each other pretty frequently and often texted each other to talk about things that were bothering them and things that weren't. Fliss also frequently came over to hang out at the apartment and Samuel would head over to visit his mum and Ollie, Susan had properly moved in with them a good while back and Samuel thought it was nice to have something he could consider a close family living in the same city.

Fliss pulled away, today she was wearing her hair in two loose braids, and she was wearing her school uniform just like the other girls. Samuel waved a little to them too, he had picked up Fliss by himself once or twice before and he had met most of them. They hadn't met Roman however and Fliss was peering expectantly over to the other side as Roman came over to their side.

"This is Samuel's boyfriend Roman," Samuel informed her friends and gestured to the tall man, "Roman these are my best friends for life, Olivia," she pointed to a girl with bright red hair and pale freckly skin, "Chloe," A girl with long black hair and dark skin, "And Audrey" the last girl had tan skin and brown hair with teal dyed tips. They all looked up on Roman with wide eyes.
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Roman was very glad that Susan had finalised the divorce from Manuel and decided to move up to Melbourne. Manuel would be out of prison by now, meaning that since Susan had severed ties, he had no reason to accidentally run into Samuel anymore. And, besides, she was happy, as was Samuel. That was the most important thing.

He and Samuel had both grown quite close to Felicity over the last couple of years. She was like a younger sister to them, and Roman thought she was awesome. Currently, he had driven to her high school to pick her up so he and Samuel could take her out and spoil her like he believed all older brothers should. However, that seemed to mean they were meeting some of Fliss's friends.

Roman didn't think that was a bad thing. He loved meeting new people and any friend of Fliss's was a friend of his.

Roman stepped out of the driver's seat looking like a fashion model, with his skinny jeans and floral shirt, all the flowers in dark blues and purples. His hair was shiny due to a new shampoo he had started using and he wore cool-looking Ray Bans. He wore no makeup that day, since he hadn't been bothered. Roman came around the front of the car to stand beside Samuel and greet Felicity with a hug of his own.

"Hello, Olivia, Chloe, Audrey, it's nice to meet you,"
he said to the girl's friends.
Roman uttered his first words and of course the girls where all over him.

"How tall are you?" Chloe asked carefully.

"Oh my god Chloe, he's tall who cares," Audrey said and Chloe glared a little at her friend.

"Yeah, more importantly, Fliss told us you were a tattoo artist, can you show us your tattoos?" Olivia asked, the other two girls giggled as if it was the most outrageous question in the world.

Samuel gave Felicity a look to quietly asked "really?" and Fliss shrugged with the most innocent smile, pretending that she wasn't at all involved in her friend interest of Roman. Actually, upon further inspection she almost looked a little proud of the fact that her almost step brother had such a cool boyfriend.
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An influx of questions hit Roman but he didn't mind. It was no secret that he loves any and all attention, so why would this be any exception?

Roman pushed his sunglasses up so they sat on his head and he could make eye contact with the girls. This obviously exposed his brilliant green eyes. "I'm six-foot-nine," he answered Chloe shamelessly. He then proceeded to show the girls his tattoos.

"I can only get small ones. So I have the Deathly Hallows sign on my wrist here, some planets on this finger and some celestial bodies on the inside of these fingers." He then pushed his left sleeve up. "These are the leaves from Pocahontas and these --" he tilted his head to the side to show his behind-the-ear tattoos "-- are the characters from Peter Pan."

He then showed them the rose on his hand. "I got this rose the day Samuel got his daisy," he explained, taking Samuel's hand to show them the daisy. He then showed them the hummingbird on his boyfriend's arm. "I also did this. I've done all Samuel's tattoos, and the Deathly Hallows sign and the planets on my left hand all on myself."
All the girls made watched and listened as Roman shoved them his and Samuel's tattoo's, they occasionally made little ooh and ah sounds but didn't interrupt.

"Sammy has a really cool tattoo Roman did on his back as well," Fliss chuckled once Roman was done showing everything, looking straight at Samuel with a slightly mischievous look as she said it. She had picked up Sammy from Susan and Samuel had just decided to let her call him that, she was family anyways, "It's a sunflower,"

All of the girls briefly turned their heads to Samuel for a moment, as if expecting to get to see more of Roman's amazing work. Samuel just smiled awkwardly and shrugged. The girls seemed to realise there would be no showing the sunflower and turned back to Roman.

"I wanna get a tattoo," Audrey sighed and then looked up wide-eyed at Roman, "Could I go to you for a one?"

"Oh shut up you're not even eighteen yet and your mum would kill you," Chloe scolded her friend and this time it as Audrey's turn to glare at her friend.

"She wouldn't need to know, it could be somewhere she wouldn't be able to see it," Audrey insisted as if that actually would make getting a tattoo under the age of eighteen without a guardian's consent more legal.
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Roman chuckled but just shook his head. He couldn't imagine where this girl would want to get a tattoo, in a place where her mother couldn't see it, and quite frankly, he didn't want to think about it.

And, he didn't want to have to deal with an angry parent. That had happened a few times before and it had not been pleasant in the slightest.

"As much as I love to encourage freedom and individuality, I'm afraid I won't be able to tattoo you until you either turn eighteen or get permission from a guardian," he told her pleasantly, giving her an apologetic look. "So, the second either of those things occur, come and see me."
"Aww," Audrey frowned.

"Well I mean, you mostly just asked because you wanted him to touch you, right?"
Chloe said and Audrey's face heated up. Judging by Chloe's eyebrow wiggle and smirk she was definitely joking but Audrey still let out angry "No!" and slapped Chloe on the arm. Olivia rolled her eyes.

"Well I think it's good you don't break the law," Olivia told Roman sweetly and at that, both Audrey and Chloe rolled their eyes at her instead.

Around that moment Fliss seemed to decide that her friends were starting to get out of control and hooked one arm with Samuel's and the other with Roman, "Well, girls, we have shit to do," she said in an official tone and her friends looked a little disappointed.

"See you guys Monday," Fliss said then in a more normal and friendly tone, her friends seemed to accept that they wouldn't get to fawn over Roman more and said a couple of see ya's before leaving the three others why giggling and shrieking, Samuel had a feeling they were still talking about Roman and he honestly wasn't sure if he wanted to know what about his boyfriend made the girls act like that.

Fliss didn't seem to care at all, though, and just urged everyone into the car before taking her spot in the middle of the back seat, "I showed them your Instagram a while back and they've been freaking out about you since," Fliss chuckled as she leaned into the front of the car, "anyways, where are we going?"
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Roman didn't even have to fight to keep composure -- he was used to this kind of thing. Everyone loved him, but especially teenage girls. He made sure to keep a gentle hand on his boyfriend's arm so he didn't get jealous, or, at least, not so jealous that he hurt anyone's feelings. Because these girls were just ... silly. They didn't mean any harm.

When Fliss decided to send them on their way Roman gave them all a polite wave and a smile. "Bye," he told them pleasantly, before going around to the driver's seat and sliding into the vehicle.

"Did they follow me?" Roman joked. He had a lot of Instagram followers, almost four thousand, and therefore got a lot of likes and comments on his pictures. He definitely didn't mind the attention.

"We, my sweet Felicity, are first going to Sephora because I want a new highlighter palette, and then we are going to dinner, and then we are going to the movies," Roman told the girl as he started the car and pulled into traffic.
"Ohhh that sounds like the best!" Fliss said excitedly, "Sammy are you excited to go makeup shopping?"

"Oh you know I am," Samuel said in a flat tone but then he grinned at her to show that he was joking. Sure makeup wasn't his thing but he had come with Roman to various makeup stores in the past and he and Fliss had stopped by them once or twice while they were out and about and it was always fun. It was one of those things he liked doing because someone he loved liked doing them.

The spent the car ride blasting music Fliss liked, which meant music Roman liked, which meant music Samuel enjoyed because he wasn't picky and he had come to like Roman's favourite artists a lot over the years.

They arrived at the Sephora with Fliss bustling with excitement, practically dragging them inside, "I was here a couple of days ago with my friends, and I find so meant things I have to show you," she informed Roman as she pulled the two men over to the highlighters, "Which palette are you getting?"
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"I'm getting the Ofra On the Glow palette," Roman said, picking out a simply huge highlighter palette with six different circles of product. Most of those circles had smaller sections inside of them, that had different colours. It was literally a hundred and ninety dollars and therefore very expensive, but he had wanted it for a while and had therefore saved up for it. Besides, he was going to get a lot of use out of it.

"I might also get some Jeffree Star highlighters, but you have to buy them online," he said with a little sigh and a smaller shrug. Once he had picked out the highlighter, he went to the eyeshadow section and picked out a single compact of his favourite Colourpop eyeshadow, simply because he was running out.

"Did you see the Instagram post about the new Tarte lipsticks?" he asked Fliss, leading his two companions over to the lipstick section.
Upon seeing the prices for the things Roman was getting Samuel couldn't help but question his sanity just a little, but it wasn't like Roman didn't make the kind of money to buy expensive makeup and Samuel knew he would use it because highlighter was always Roman's go to even for days when he didn't wear much makeup. Plus, Samuel would easily pay at least twice that for a new pair of soccer shoes, so, he couldn't talk.

"ugh yes, they are so pretty, when we went here the other day it was to see if they had them yet," Fliss searched the shelves of lipstick until she found what she looked for and pointed them out, "I was going to get one, because the prices are okay and I have some money saved up, but I decided to wait until after my birthday,"

Fliss' birthday was coming up in just a couple of days so that was the reason they were spoiling her today, of course, Samuel was pretty sure both he and Roman would be willing to spoil her anytime else, her birthday was just kind of an excuse for it. They couldn't do anything on her actual birthday though, it was on a weekday this year and Oliver and Susan had allowed her to get time out of school so they could go visit her grandparents. Samuel and Roman had been invited to come with as well, but they both had work.

"So I won't end up with something someone is getting me anyways, you know," Fliss continued, it was a pretty reasonable way to think and act.

"Well they are pretty," Samuel nodded, "Do you have them on your wish list?"

"Well no, they just came out dumbass," Fliss chuckled and poked Samuel teasingly on the arm in true sibling fashion.

Samuel poked him back, "Well I'm sorry, maybe you announced to the world that you needed them the moment you saw them, I know how you get with makeup,"
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Roman picked out a lipstick for himself, then looked at the collection Fliss was eyeing. It was lovely, and since it was her birthday soon, Roman saw no problems with buying her a few shades from the set. He put his lipstick in his basket then turned to Felicity.

"Pick out three, it can be your early birthday present."

One of the good things about making as much money as Roman did was that he was able to spoil his friends and family as much as he liked. He absolutely loved buying things for his loved ones and making them happy and today was no exception. Even if they were already spending a lot of money on her, since it was her birthday soon, he saw no problems with buying her a few lipsticks.

Besides, he was making close to two thousand dollars a week.
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"Really?" Fliss asked, eyes wide as if she didn't believe it.

"Of course," Samuel gave her a small smile and patted her shoulder a little. Samuel knew he probably wouldn't be able to spend money on her like this if it wasn't for Roman making as much as he did, Samuel didn't mind, he knew what page they were on when it came to their economy. Roman made more, he was also a little more keen on spending more sometimes because Samuel still hadn't really gotten out of the mindset of being a poor student despite it being years since they had had to think about whether or not they'd make that month's rent.

"You two are the best, thank you," she gave them both one big hug each before she got to swatching the lipsticks on her hands. She picked out three after discussing with Roman which ones would look best with her complexion and wardrobe, Samuel zoned out a little at that part, though.

After Fliss had picked her colours they goofed around in the store a little, swatching fun colours on each other's skin and by the time they went to pay for their things Samuel's hands were covered in different kinds of makeup products in an array of different colours.

"You sure it's okay?" Fliss asked carefully as she placed her lipstick along with the rest of the products Roman was doing in front of the cashier.