[Samuel x Roman]

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"Samuel, stop being a little shit, your coolness evaporated years ago,"
Roman chuckled, poking his boyfriend in the ribs jokingly.

They showed the attendant their passes and were directed to a small boat, with a seat shaped like a love heart, that floated on the little river that made up the ride. It was very corny but very cute at the same time, and Roman helped Samuel in like a gentleman before taking his own seat. He took Samuel's hand again and leaned against his shoulder as the boat ride began.

It drifted slowly through the ride, with cardboard cutouts of romance-stricken Disney characters everywhere, as well as cherubs and love hearts and other romance-related items hanging from the ceiling. It really wasn't too extravagant or exciting but it was honestly really cute, and Roman was happy to be there with his boyfriend.

He turned Samuel's head to face him and kissed him on the cheek. "I love you."
Samuel smiled, those three words were something he heard from Roman several times a day, yet they never failed to make him feel warm inside. In return Samuel captured Roman's lips in a longer and a little deeper kiss, it prevented him from seeing the decorated tunnel but Samuel didn't care, he was alone with his boyfriend for a moment.

"I love you too," Samuel said after pulling back, and finished with a final little kiss to the cheek.

For the rest of the ride Samuel let Roman's head continue to lean on him, and he moved his arms to be wrapped around his shoulder, he couldn't really properly do that when standing up since Roman was so tall, but now when they were sitting down and Roman was comfortably cuddled up to him Samuel would gladly hold him close. It was a moment Samuel was glad he got to share with Roman, one of pure happiness and love after an all in all good day.

When they climbed out of the little boat and started walking away from the ride Samuel right away placed his arm around Roman's waist, suddenly feeling a little extra affectionate after the romance themed ride and time spent alone with him.

"Is there anything else you want to do around here, or should we try to find the others?"
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"You know what? I think we're about done."

They had seen every Disney character and been on most of the rides. They had tried plenty of snacks and seen the sights. So, there wasn't really much more to do. Roman was sad that he had to leave the park, but at the same time, he was excited to get on with the rest of the holiday.

They met up with London, Evan and Allison again, the baby now awake and playing with her butterfly rattle as always. Then, they tracked down Stellan and Ingrid, who had made their way around the park at their own leisure.

Roman gave Stellan a proper hug. "Thank you for taking us here, Dad."

"Oh, you're welcome, son."
Their visit soon came to an end, Roman thanked his dad and Samuel smiled at how sweet the family were with each other. The day hadn't been perfect thanks to the mishap at lunch, but all in all, it had been amazing, just like it should have been. So, when they were leaving Samuel was mostly just happy Roman had gotten a good trip to the place he had looked forward to seeing so much.

Samuel kicked off his shoes and pulled Roman with him over to bed the second they got into their room, there was still some time before they would be heading to bed, Roman still had a full face of makeup to remove, Samuel was planning on taking a shower after a long day out at an amusement park. But it wouldn't hurt to rest for a moment and maybe share a couple of kisses.

"Did you have fun? Was Disneyland all you hoped for?"
They were lying face to face and Samuel had placed his hand in Roman's soft, teal hair, absentmindedly playing with it.
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"I had a lot of fun. Disneyland was all I had hoped for and more."

Roman was tired after the fun and fulfilling day they had had at Disneyland, but of course that was to no one's surprise. He guessed that everyone was tired. His feet ached a little too. But all in all, he was very happy.

"But it wouldn't have been half as fun without you," Roman told his boyfriend sweetly, leaning in to give him a kiss to the cheek.
A couple of days of sunshine, swimming in the pool and exploring Los Angeles passed and finally Christmas Eve came around, which no longer was just Christmas Eve, as it now also was Allison's birthday.

The little girl was always showered with so much love and affection it was almost ridiculous, but today was special, it was her day, and thus she was getting all the usual attention doubled at least. She was obviously picking up on it and was already having the time of her life.

They were doing the actual birthday celebrations in the main room in the hotel apartment, and it would be celebrated with cake, which they had decided Allison was old enough to have a couple of bites off. They had gotten cake mix so they wouldn't have to waste any ingredients when going home while still being able to make their own cake for her. While the cake was being made Samuel made sure to stay far away from the kitchen to not mess anything up by his mere presence, instead he and Evan spent some time playing with the birthday girl.

But now the cake was done and placed on the coffee table, a single candle shaped as the number one was lit on top of it and Allison was situated in her mother's lap, excitedly and with wide eyes looking around at everyone at everyone singing Happy birthday for her. She obviously didn't know exactly what was going on but she knew it was something fun and something that hadn't happened before and her excitement was extremely adorable.

"Happy birthday, sweetie," Evan said once the song was over and done with and pressed a little kiss to his daughter's head, "Blow out the candle and make a wish," Which Allison obviously didn't understand, but it was a cue for London to help her do it.
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"I am depressed."

"Roman, you've had a year to prepare for this."

"EXACTLY! It's only been a year!"

"Jesus Christ."

It was Allison's birthday. Allison Rose Grace Johnson, Roman's perfect little nephew, was one year of age. This was a fact that greatly saddened Roman -- he wanted the little girl to remain little forever. But unfortunately, that was not how it worked.

Currently, the whole family was seated in the living room as they sang happy birthday to the infant. London 'helped' her blow out the candle, meaning she blew it out and then congratulated the baby, and Ingrid proceeded to cut the cake up into pieces for all the people seated in the room.

Roman leaned forward -- he was sitting across from Allison and her parents, on an armchair -- and peered at the baby suspiciously. "She has wrinkles."

"She has no wrinkles."

"She has crow's feet."

"She has no crow's feet."

"She's turning into a fossil."


"Completely unacceptable. If you'll all excuse me, I'm going to find the Fountain of Youth."
"Roman let your niece grow up, she's literally only one year old," Samuel chuckled and ruffled his boyfriend's hair a little from where he was leaning on the armrest of the armchair he was seated in. Samuel was excited about the girl getting a little older, it was a little freaky how fast time felt like it had passed, but it was fun to see Allison grew up to be a happy child and in due time be old enough not to be an unpredictable baby who started crying for seemingly random reasons.

"Yeah, Allison, ignore your annoying uncle," the sentence was obviously more directed to Roman because as Evan continued talking he turned to his daughter and spoke with a mild and affectionate voice instead of the flat one he had used to call Roman annoying, "Do you want some cake? Let's get you some cake,"

Allison made an excited noise and Evan smiled as he grabbed a little plastic spoon and picked up some cake from his own plate to feed her. Allison happily accepted the food and seemed to enjoy the sweet dessert a whole lot.

"You can go find the Fountain of Youth and then you can stay there and be young forever all by yourself and miss out on how cute she is whenever she eats cake on her birthday every year."
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Roman made a whiny grumbly noise but otherwise didn't protest anymore as he was handed cake. He watched his niece with a tender adoration as she ate her chocolate cake, the little crumbs gathering around her small mouth as she was still a baby and therefore was quite messy on occasion. That was okay, she was adorable.

After cake, the family decided to sit around the TV and watch a Disney movie, The Princess and the Frog, while Allison played with her new presents. She was so adorable. Roman sat on the other side of the room to her, laying across the large couch with his head in Samuel's lap. Evan and London sat on the floor with their baby and Stellan and Ingrid occupied the other couch.

Roman wasn't really paying attention to the baby, he was invested in the movie in a way that no normal young adult was. However, he did shoot her the occasional smile for being so darn cute.
The cake was eaten and soon they were all seated watching yet another Disney movie, something which had long since become part of Samuel's life as his boyfriend adored them. Currently, he had said boyfriend's head in his lap, running his fingers through his hair out of habit as he watched the movie.

Allison would occasionally giggle or gurgle a little on the ground but it wasn't very distracting, only adorable really. She seemed especially happy whenever Roman she noticed one of Roman's smile, and it was after one of those she turned to her parents and flailed a little with her arms trying to get the attention she already had. She shaped her little mouth as if to say something. What came out was a little "w" sound that could have meant absolutely anything.

Evan looked at their little girl expectantly, and Samuel tore his eyes from the movie to look over with some curiosity. The parents had told Samuel and Roman she was almost saying words now, so, her father was patiently waiting for what slightly more understandable jibberish would be coming out of her little mouth.

"w-w-" She looked at her father with a slightly frustrated expression for a moment, as if he was supposed to know what her "w" sounds were supposed to mean, or maybe because she was struggling to really say what she wanted.

A moment and a couply of whiny noises as her parents didn't understand her passed until finally she finally managed to say what she wanted.

"Woman!" the first sound being a replacement of the R she had yet to learn how to pronounce.

This all meant she had just said her first actual proper and understandable word. And that was her uncle's name.

Samuel stopped up his hands from running through his boyfriend's hair and stared at the baby who just seemed to wait for the people in the room to respond with giving her what she wanted, while holding up her little arms and making a grabbing motion towards her uncle. Evan stared at her too, with a look the clearly read that he felt utterly betrayed, but he had yet to say anything.

"…did she just?"
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Everyone seemed to tune in as it became apparent that Allison was trying to communicate using words with the adults. Even Roman tore his eyes away from the screen. This was a monumental occasion in Allison's life. It was her first word. Her first, proper understandable word.

And it was her baby version of Roman.

Roman sat up slowly, his eyes wide as he stared at his niece in shock. Her first word was his name. His fucking name. Roman looked at London, who was grinning. This was real. He wasn't dreaming it.

"Oh my God," Roman hissed excitedly, getting up and crawling over to where Allison sat on the floor. He picked up the precious baby and attacked her face with a flurry of sweet little kisses. "Oh my God oh my God oh my God!"

He then held Allison out to look at the beautiful creature. "You are amazing. I take back everything I said before. Please continue to age."
Allison giggled happily as Roman picked up, it had clearly been her goal and she seemed happy to have gotten her wish fulfilled. Hopefully, it'd be a moment where she learned that trying to speak actual words would help people understand her better and she'd start learning to talk, even just a little, soon. Samuel found this to be incredibly cool and exciting.

"No, this isn't fair, nobody heard that,"
Evan insisted suddenly, clearly not happy with this turn of events

"come on Evan, it isn't that bad, she just knows being with Roman means she will get played with," Samuel tried to assure his friend.

"It is bad. The worst actually,"

"She just said her first word, be happy,"
Samuel said bluntly, it really wasn't something to complain about but he supposed that if he could see where Evan was coming from with anything his frustration with this wasn't too unreasonable.

"I am, I have never been prouder in my life, but come on,"
Evan said sounding quite whiny, he was obviously not really angry, just a little annoyed after losing against Roman, he'd get over it eventually, "can't we just agree that names aren't actual words?"

Samuel rolled his eyes.
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"Hey," said London, batting her boyfriend's shoulder. "Stop it. She said her first word, it doesn't matter what it was."

"Thank you, London."

"And you, stop rubbing it in Evan's face."

Roman just rolled his eyes and laid down on his back, with Allison clinging to his chest, so they could watch the movie from the floor. He rubbed the infant's back calmly as they watched. Roman was completely over the moon.

His niece's first words were his name.

London snapped a picture of Roman and Allison laying like that and posted it to Snapchat. She was smiling. "Cuties."
Allison didn't really say anything else that held actually meaning that day, which honestly was expected and one word was impressive enough. Evan eventually stopped being salty about the word being Roman and continued to be proud of his little one year old who now was starting to speak.

The next day all attention was not going to be focused on Allison though, the birthday fun was over and now the entire family as a whole would be in focus. Samuel was a little sad about not getting to see his mum, but celebrating the holiday would be fun enough anyways.

He woke up that morning to the smell of breakfast being made in the kitchen and let his eyes blink open slowly, to find himself staring into his boyfriend's chest and with his arms around closely wrapped around him, not at all an unusual way for him to wake up really.

Samuel tore himself from his boyfriend, sat up and yawned, before climbing on top of him just like Roman always did when he excitedly shook Samuel awake for some event. Only Samuel was a reasonable level of excited over Christmas, so, he gently shook him a little and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Wake up, love, It's Christmas,"
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Roman suddenly sat bolt upright and grabbed Samuel tightly by the waist. "I thought I told you to never wake me up," he said in an obviously joking hostile voice, and kissed his boyfriend on the lips. "Merry Christmas, gorgeous."

Christmas Day, his second with Samuel, and they were celebrating it in Los Angeles. It wasn't snowy like it was in other areas of America but that was fine, Roman had never had a White Christmas so he wasn't disappointed with missing out on this one. Roman laid back on the bed with Samuel on top of him and pulled a pillow over his face.

"Now fuck off and let me sleep for the next five hours, and then I'll get up."
Samuel almost yelped in surprise at Roman's sudden movement, but he didn't and gladly received the kiss and the merry Christmas wishes, stupidly thinking his boyfriend would be getting up since he had enough energy to pull a move like that. But apparently not, as Roman laid back down to try to fall asleep again.

Samuel had just woken up too so he was too tired to try to shake more life in him. Some hard to ignore kisses he could do, however. He pushed the pillow up a little with his head so he had access to Roman's jaw, placed a sleepy but nice kiss there and then continued down his neck, hopefully distracting him too much for him to fall asleep again.

"Roman, I can smell breakfast, which means someone is going to come wake you in a couple of minutes anyways," Samuel said and kissed Roman's neck again to keep his attention, "so, the smarter alternative is clearly to let yourself wake up in peace and quiet now so you won't have to force yourself out of bed after just having woken up,"

Samuel then pulled back and grabbed the pillow and threw it at the bottom of the bed, exposing his boyfriend's gorgeous and sleepy face.

"Also, If you don't get up I'm gonna kiss you to death," Samuel chuckled and placed a myriad of tiny little kisses all over Roman's face.
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"I'm sorry, I can't respond to this horrifying attack, I am asleep," said Roman in a monotone voice, not responding to any of Samuel's kisses, even if he loved them a lot.

Just as Samuel said, however, the door opened and in came London, Evan and Allison, the baby being carried by her mother. "Ugh, Roman, get up," London whined, sitting down on the bed beside her brother and then sitting Allison down beside him.

Roman took the baby, hugged her to his chest and rolled onto his side, thus causing Samuel to fall off the bed. "I'll be keeping this. Go away."

"I hate you."

"I love you too."

London rolled her eyes and looked up at Samuel. "What are we going to do about this loser?"
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Samuel stood back up, not really all that affected by the fall and stretched a little as the twins bickered. He gave London's question some thought. What was his boyfriend deserving off after all of this? There Samuel had been waking him up in the sweetest way possible, and what did he get as thanks? Being pushed out of the bed? Samuel was not defending him today. Nope.

"I say we all work together to steal back Allison and then we leave him here and celebrate Christmas without him since he apparently doesn't want to," Samuel suggested.

"Sounds like a pretty good plan," Evan confirmed, because, of course, he thought something like that was a good idea.

Samuel quietly gestured for Evan to hold Roma's legs down so he couldn't get away, and he did so while Samuel hurried around back to his side of the bed, jumped up into it and grabbed a hold of his boyfriends arms and quickly, but of course carefully both for Allison and Roman's safety, pulled them off from the baby and up above his head. Samuel was strong and Roman had just woken up, so this wasn't all that hard to do really.

"Take her!" Samuel instructed somewhat loudly. The baby was still laying down close to her uncle but she was turning and squirming a little to try to get a view of the excitement going on around her.
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When Roman realised what was going on, it was too late. He was being restrained by the two other young men and when he opened his eyes his sister was stealing back the small baby, smirking at him. Roman was very offended.

"Oh my God you bitches!" he whined, wildly flailing his legs until Evan let him go and then sitting up so Samuel had to release him. "Ugh. I hate all of you."

"We love you too. Come celebrate Christmas now."

Roman groaned, got out of bed and wrapped his arms around Samuel from behind, slumping against him with all his body weight. "Take me into the living room."

"Lazy ass."

"Don't swear in front of Allison, she's learning to speak."

London flipped him off and carried her baby back out to the living room. Roman kissed Samuel on the neck. "I'm sorry for throwing you off the bed."
"I forgive you, but only because it's Christmas," Samuel smiled and twisted around to kiss Roman's cheek, honestly, staying in bed for another five hours wasn't that bad of an idea if it meant cuddling for those five hours. But they needed to get up and get the holiday going.

Samuel gently pushed Roman away from him so he could get out of bed before he got too tempted to just stay there and pull Roman into a hug and just lay there for a while.

"I'm not carrying you, though, you know how to walk," Samuel said but held out a hand for his boyfriend to help him out of bed, he was nice like that.

They made their way out of the room to find that breakfast was indeed ready and very delicious looking. Samuel was pretty hungry but made sure to greet the people in the room he had yet to speak to, meaning Stellan and Ingrid, with a "Merry Christmas," instead of just heading to the food right away.