[Samuel x Roman]

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Roman smiled softly, pleased to hear Samuel's words. His boyfriend was so gorgeous and amazing, and he never failed to make Roman stupidly happy, even when he was ridiculously tired and probably about to pass out from exhaustion. Roman snaked both of his arms around Samuel's waist and held him close, before kissing him gently on the lips.

"Honestly, I've never been more sure about anything than I am about you."

Samuel was the one Roman would be with. Samuel was the one Roman would stay with and fight for and love and cherish until the day he died. This was just the start of the next chapter in their lives, and Roman was ecstatic for it to proceed.

When Elliot came back with KFC the two boys were practically dragged out of their bed and to the living room, where the girls were dishing out their dinner onto paper plates. Roman claimed literally five pieces and a whole box of chips an sunk onto the couch to eat, scowling at Elliot because he woke him up.
Samuel cuddled up close to his boyfriend, glad to have his arms around him and the confirmation that he was as sure of Samuel as Samuel was of him. And with that he was allowed a a small nap before Elliot arrived with dinner and they both had to get out of bed very reluctantly.

With smelling the food as he dragged his feet up the stairs Samuel supposed he didn't mind having a friendly meal of KFC all that much. That didn't mean he wasn't a little annoyed about it as he sat down next to his boyfriend, laid up a normal sized portion of chicken for himself and started gnawing on it in tired silence.

After some food he did end up getting a little more energy though, but he would still go straight back to bed afterwards, maybe a quick shower while he was already up and walking.

"With risk of getting brutally murdered" Samuel said after having regained some of his energy and after finishing a piece of chicken "I suggest we don't eat KFC every day while moving in"

Somewhere through the meal he had realized it was the second time that day they were eating food from KFC and knowing Roman and Elliot it would be their first choice of restaurant while they were to busy getting settled in to cook. Which was amusing, but also a little boring.
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When Samuel spoke, both Roman and Elliot scowled at him intensely, as if she words he had spoken were deeply offensive and something that should not have been said in their household. Bella and Blake made little 'oh shit' noises under their breaths but otherwise made no comment.

"We're going to have to evict him," Elliot said to Roman.

"This isn't Big Brother," Roman said with a roll of his eyes. "Besides, you don't have my metabolism. You'll get fat if you eat KFC every day."

Elliot grumbled and rolled his eyes right back at Roman and Roman kissed his boyfriend on the cheek. He wasn't going to argue with Samuel on the issue of KFC because he was right. They shouldn't eat it every day.

After they had all finished eating, they put the leftover KFC in the fridge they'd brought from Blake's house and Roman stole the extra box of chips before the friends said goodnight and retired to their respective bedrooms. Roman flopped down on the bed and looked up at Samuel.

"I'll protect you from Ell."
Samuel's statement evoked about the reaction he had thought it would, but with a little more support from Roman than expected. He loved his boyfriend.

After dinner, they were back downstairs and Roman was looking way to amazing on that bed for Samuel to resist joining him. He could shower tomorrow morning after taking Lady out for a walk. He was planning on scoping out the neighborhood to find the paths with the least amount of dogs so that Roman could join in on walkies without being scared in the future.

"Thanks," Samuel said as he laid down next to his boyfriend placing one hand on his slender hip to let his thumb absentmindedly rub gentle circles in the area, amusement very much present in his voice as he continued "He might actually murder me in my sleep for not wanting to eat KFC daily"

He placed a kiss on Romans lips.

"Then again, you might do that to" he chuckled as he pulled back, the way to his boyfriend's heart was partially through food and Samuel was a little sad he couldn't cook for shit, "But I trust you to be my knight in shining armour, or whatever, anyways"
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"I wouldn't kill you in your sleep. It wouldn't be dramatic enough. I'd find some extravagant way to do it and you won't even be mad because it'll be so awesome."

Roman finished the chips and threw the box into the empty box they had used for the linens and things. He then kissed Samuel on the cheek and stood up, stretching his stupidly long body before crossing to the part of the floor upon which he had dumped his backpack. He reached inside, found his wallet and opened it, before counting his money.

"So my parents gave me some moving-in money ... the rent is three hundred and seventy-five a month so that's seventy-five each ... I have two hundred dollars so we have about one-twenty for decorations and shit." Roman put his wallet down and glanced up at Samuel.

"You know we'll probably have to get jobs."
"Yeah I know" Samuel sighed a little, feeling adult responsibility suddenly weighing him down, "I have some saved up from refereeing kid's soccer games, enough to cover rent and then some, so add, like, an extra hundred dollars to decoration money,"

The one time soccer actually did pay off with actual money was when refereeing, and it paid pretty okay and was fun, he could totally continue to do that in a worst case scenario, but it was more a way for teens to get pocket money than an actual job since you got paid per game.

"We might have to take it easy with the decorating until we do have jobs though" He continued, they should honestly really be getting the most important things for now, but they did need things like towels for the bathroom so there was no point in completely stop themselves from having fun with it, "I mean, we do want food and shit like that as well,"

He looked over at Roman, tearing his glance from the ceiling where it had been placed for a while now as talking about money wasn't nearly as fun as joking around.

"My aunt knows this guy who owns a restaurant who might be willing to hire so I'm gonna check with them first" Samuel said, having already put thought to the whole needing to work thing, mostly because his mum had urged him too, "Although, I haven't talked to her much the past year so I don't know where I stand with her and my cousins yet"
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"Samuel, I don't think you understand how important decorating is," Roman said in a serious tone as he went back to the bed, nudged Samuel onto his back and laid atop him so his head was resting on his boyfriend's chest. Due to being so thin, Roman was probably the same weight as Samuel, so they could lay on one another with little issues.

"Pleasant decoration is the key to a pleasant life. And everything from Kmart is gloriously cheap so we'll have more than enough money to get everything we want and need. And Blake's parents are paying for our Netflix so we don't have to worry about that."

Roman looked up at his boyfriend and traced little patterns on his chest. "It's your mother's sister, right? So there's a better chance of her being chill than a dick." Because she had little to do with Manuel, Roman meant, though he didn't say that aloud.

"I think I'll get a job at Lush."
When Roman came back to bed to lay on top of him Samuel automatically wrapped his arms around Roman, placing his hands on his back and held him close as he listened to him describing the importance of decoration, a small but amused smile present on Samuels' lips. There was apparently no stopping Roman when it came to making his surroundings aesthetically pleasing.

When Roman switched over to assure him his aunt was less likely to be a problem Samuel nodded along. He knew Roman was right about her probably not minding, she and his mum were pretty close so if anything she wouldn't reject him to avoid upsetting his mother. Samuel really didn't care if she needed some more time to warm up to the idea as well, as long as it didn't cost him a chance to get a job.

"I think you'd do amazing at a job at Lush" Samuel had no doubts about that, Roman was both a charming and ambitious guy, he could work wherever he wanted to "Or anywhere really, but Lush would suit you and you'd be coming home smelling like bath bombs and soap, which sounds pretty neat"
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"Are you saying I smell?"

Roman was joking, of course. He shifted so he was propped over Samuel and kissed him deeply on the lips, since all the kisses they had exchanged that day had been only little pecks and things of that sort. So, Roman decided to give Samuel a proper kiss before rolling onto his back and laying beside his boyfriend.

"Nah, I wanna work at Lush because they let you wear whatever you like," he said. "Clothes, hair dye, makeup, whatever. I couldn't exactly walk into a job at Maccas or fucking Target with bright pink highlighter, could I? No. Lush is the place for me."

Percy jumped onto Roman's stomach, felt around the available surface and then curled into a ball on his owner's belly. Lady appeared a few moments afterward, licking Samuel's face before wedging herself between the two humans happily.
Samuel gave both Lady and Percy an ear scratch each as the two joined them up on the bed, and then gave Lady some extra pets because she was a puppy still and Percy seemed pretty content where he was all curled up and adorable.

With the cute little puppy, and the cute little, or well still kind of fat, cat, and his amazing and gorgeous boyfriend all cuddled up together in bed Samuel had hard to imagine what would ever make him happier.

Possibly the Image of a very disgruntled Roman forced into yet another ugly polo shirt after finally being free from the ones they had to wear at school that was making its way into Samuel's head as Roman described why he wanted to work at Lush. It was funny and he couldn't help letting a chuckle slip.

"Now all I can think of is you awkwardly flipping burgers at Maccas" He explained with a small grin on his face his face as he looked over at Roman "It'd be fucking hilarious, can't you work there instead"
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"Ugh, fuck no," Roman half-spat. He flicked Samuel on the forehead irritably and glared at the ceiling at the thought of working at Maccas. "I don't even like Maccas that much. Why would I work there? At least if I worked at KFC I'd get free or discounted KFC."

Roman playfully bit Samuel's shoulder as if to punish him for insinuating he should work at Maccas, then kissed the same bitten spot and gently moved Percy so he and his boyfriend could get under the blankets and try to fall asleep.

"I love you. And I'm so happy you're here with me."
"Same, or I mean, I'd be a little happier if you didn't just bite me" Samuel chuckled and cuddled up a little closer to Roman, "But I love you, nonetheless. A lot."

Then he closed his eyes, cuddled a little closer and mumbled "goodnight". Not before long he was fast asleep, still very exhausted after a long day.

"What about this one?" Samuel said as he held up blue and white striped cushion in front of his boyfriend's face.

The day after the big move in Samuel had gotten up at a pretty decent time to go out for a jog with Lady, taken a quick shower and then woken up his boyfriend with much excitement as they were going shopping for whatever was still missing from the house.

While shopping for decoration might not have been what Samuel was the most passionate about in the world he knew Roman was looking forward to making their living space look amazing and Samuel knew it was going to be fun, and he liked doing things with his boyfriends and friends.

A breakfast consisting of leftover KFC and a drive later they were all at Kmart, ready to spend whatever cash they had scraped together to decorate the house. And Samuel was ready to annoy his boyfriend with his lack of style.

"It's fluffy and cozy" he continued, motivating why he had chosen that cushion in particular, and looked at Roman, waiting for him to tell him if it fit into his vision for their room or not.
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"Get it away with me," Roman said in disgust as he slapped the cushion out of Samuel's hands.

The Kmart shopping day had come and Roman was having far too much fun with the entire thing. Well, he thought he was having fun. Everyone else seemed to think that he was being far too intense about the whole thing. Bella, Elliot and Blake had drifted away and left Roman alone with his boyfriend so they could make decisions about their bedroom without being abused by Roman.

Roman picked up the cushion, put it on the shelf and turned to Samuel. "There is no place for blue in our bedroom," he said dramatically, before assessing a gold cushion.

"Okay. I'm being a Nazi. I'm thinking we have black for most of it but with some browns and golds and dark blues ..."
Samuel just laughed a little at Roman's offended reaction and chuckled a little again as he contradicted his statement about blue by listing it as one of the colours he had for it. And over the fact that he barely had to list black, Roman wasn't really Roman without black.

"You want black? No way, who could have guessed" Samuel said with an amused eye roll.

"But, yeah, that sounds kind of nice" Samuel could say he could actually visualize the colours together like Roman probably could, but they were all nice colours he liked and Roman knew what he was doing so it had to end up looking good, "I'll just try to find things in those colours, and then you can approve them"

He placed small, and maybe slightly teasing kiss on his boyfriend's cheek. He still wasn't super into the whole being super couple-y in public, especially in a new place, but showing Roman affection had become such a habit that he didn't even register all the little kisses and touches he would give his boyfriend, even when they were out and about.

"I like that one," he said and poked the cushion Roman was currently looking at, "It's cool."
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"I'm glad you agree with the colour scheme I have suggested," Roman said formally, kissing his boyfriend's cheek in return. "And I agree. This cushion is very cool. I propose we adopt it." And so, Roman picked the cushion off the shelf and put it in the shopping trolley he was pushing.

For the next ten minutes, Roman explored the home decor section of Kmart and occasionally looked at the object Samuel had picked, either approving it or looking at it with contempt. He picked out a few bits and pieces himself -- a couple of more cushions, since he believed they needed at least five, in either gold or dark blue. He also found some new pillowcases, which were black with gold stars on them, and a gold pencil cup, as well as a dark blue rug to put on the floor.

"I think we need a cork board," he said to Samuel as he surveyed one. "So we can put up pictures and shit. We each have a desk but we can put this up on the wall."
Samuel was having a lot of fun trying to find things that would look good, it felt a little like a challenge of trying to find things in the right colours that he thought Roman would like, and that Samuel liked himself. Whenever Roman would approve of something he'd happily put it with the rest of the things they had gathered in the trolley, if Roman didn't approve he'd just shrug and try to find something else.

"That's a nice idea" Samuel confirmed that they did indeed need a cork board, "My mum threw like an album's worth of pictures on me before I left,"

His mother had taken a whole lot of pictures when he was younger and she would occasionally end up with two or so very similar ones, so she had given him a bunch of the doubles that hadn't ended up getting a spot in one of the many family albums. Samuel doubted there would be many he would actually want to put up but he was sure there would be one or two fun ones in the mix.

"Then I'll get to tell her I did something with them instead of letting them collect dust in some drawer" he continued as he let Roman decide on which cork board would be worthy of being a part of the décor in their room.
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"Excuse me, I demand all pictures of baby Sammy to be put upon this cork board," Roman declared as he selected a simple board with a black border, and then threw in a box of metallic gold push pins that they could use to tack up the images they favoured. He also added some dark blue sticky notes and a set of metallic pens, since notes were nothing if not aesthetically pleasing.

"Right, now comes the most important part of any decorating mission," he said, wheeling the trolley over to the bathroom section and gesturing to the vital detail of their decor. "Hand towels."

There were many options to choose from and Roman tapped his chin thoughtfully as he assessed them. "Right, so this is the moment where we decide if we want the same aesthetic in our bathroom as we have in the bedroom," he said, making the entire issue sound a lot more life-and-death than it was. "I'm thinking the same tones of dark blue and gold but maybe with some marble elements to make it look modern and cool? Or we could go with wooden for a more vintage feel. What do you think?"
"uh," Samuel took a moment to try to think what would be best suited for their bathroom, not really having thought that far yet. He had literally no idea what he was talking about. He probably liked what Roman called a vintage feel better, but he did feel like it was more fun with some variation, "well we already brown and wooden stuff for the bedroom, and marble is probably easier to find for bathroom things, so let's go with that"

He said it with a shrug and tone that didn't really match the importance Roman had put into the question as he wasn't as confident in what he was talking about as Roman, and then he spent some time studying the hand towels, gaze going between the different shades of blues, greys and blacks available.

"I like those dark blue ones" Samuel decided and pointed towards the navy blue hand towels and looked over to Roman to see if that was an acceptable colour for the 'most important' thing they would be getting.
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"I agree completely," said Roman, taking two of the blue hand towels and four matching body towels. He also picked out a dark grey bathmat, a marble soap dispenser, a matching marble toothbrush holder and a cotton-scented air freshener because that reminded him of his bathroom back home.

"Oh, and we need to pick out candles because all mine are back home and I cannot live without some form of scented candle," Roman continued, turning back to Samuel and kissing him on the forehead. He couldn't resist giving his boyfriend some form of affection while he was standing there, looking all cute.

"Also, we need a new alarm clock."
Samuel smiled, very delighted over getting the little kiss, and gave his boyfriends shoulder a slight nuzzle before heading over towards the candles, since he very much wanted to keep alive and well. While picking out a couple in the right colours they also ignored the colour scheme slightly in favour of getting some that smelled nicer while golden candle holders to compensate.

"I don't really see the point in getting an alarm clock" Samuel confessed as they got to an aisle with both alarm and wall clocks, "I just use my phone"

What he had just said didn't stop him from actually looking at available options though, and it really wasn't hard to find one that with the theme they had decided upon, with one completely golden and one black with golden metal details.

"I think the black one looks cooler, but you're the one who wants one so you decide" Samuel shrugged after having pointed between the two clocks.