Sailor moon, Re-unit!

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Perhaps I'm just finding your replies more snarky then playful because of earlier, sorry about that DX
@Hanuel There's a little more to it then that but you're right lol
-hugs Blue Jay- It's okay
I don't really care what happens as along as we all have fun
Well, I'm not really having much fun. I think the other scouts need to reply, so we can all get into it more, and it's not just the same people posting over and over again. Seems like some of them seem to have forgotten about it.
*Walt in* Do I sense trouble on the horizon? :3

Actually Kota and I dont remember began to talk about the ship C:
Well as far as that, it took a bit to get it off and going. I already stated that in mine you are more than willing to reply long as at least two people are between your post and your new one. It's a group RP, no offense but there gonna be slow kicking off, they all are. It's just the way of the group Rp, no one is making you stay just saying.
No Yuki, no trouble, just misdirected frustrations. Taking out problems on people that actually have nothing to do with it. It is taken care of. ^^
And I wasn't saying that it wouldn't be slow, I just am not seeing certain characters even making an appearance yet, it is a little saddening. I've seen many rp's where the role players are all for it, then they just forget to actually join the rp. It's frustrating to think that some people would forget about this one. I was so excited about it. I just expected more effort from others in it. My mistake.
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Alright, you just have to remember not every one is in the same time zone, and you do not know what is going on in there personal life. I only requested that they be able to post once a week, not once a day. Because there are even times when my own life gets really hectic, and it is hard for me to post at all really.

@Kota gets favortised XD so he always gets replies, but that is cause I love him.
Never mind then. I just hope it turns out good and everyone ends up being involved.
Because I am a pretty, pretty princess and must be pampered. -flicks hair and sits on his royal throne, looking down upon all you peasants-
Also, to reiterate, the Negaverse is NOT the villain of this RP. They were destroyed by the previous generation of the Sailor Scouts. However, since I'm kinda in charge of the villains, I'll state that in my mind, the Negaverse was a part of the Moon Kingdom that was in charge of keeping the villains in this RP in their bindings, but the evil corrupted them into the Negaverse. Now that the Negaverse is gone, the villains are making their appearance.
The shipping of Uranus and Neptune

I was just staying, I am normally a really nice person and really sweet, but I have a rather mean streak when people piss me off. So, I was not trying to be mean or anything. I was just stating.
Because I am a Bipolar tempered person, and I don't like being called out.

I on the other hand was Joking, and just stating facts of why the Rp was going slow at first, which most tend to do. I plan on going to those that have not replied and personally messaging them. Cause, I understand that it's slow and its a bit on the annoying side, but at the same time it's not like we can force people to post.
In a nutshell, it's just a little slow because we're trying to get everyone involved so they have a chance. Then once that's done, we'll be going at a quicker pace because there's not as much of a strain on the roleplay. Just a couple posts in between. It'll pick up, no worries. It's already slowly starting to do so. We're just in the beginning is all.

So, everyone just relax and deep breaths. Positive vibes, ya'll. Positive vibes. :'D
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