Sacrifice (Watase Yu x Izurich)

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Calista figured Drake would be uneasy coming into the laboratory. Knowing that Drake would be coming, they were being a bit more cautious, but not enough that Calista knew Drake would be uncomfortable. Any with the chemical were far from the main walking areas for this exact reason. The head alchemist's office was completely empty of any dragonsbane or the weapons they were working on for such reasons. Feeling Drake's gentle tug, Calista would quickly nod her head. "Of course, Drake. Thank you, my lord. You and your alchemists have done well. Keep up the good work." Calista would say with a bow of her head before leaving the room. "Of course, your majesties." The old man would say with a bow as they left.

. . .

Calista was currently rubbing her temple with her free hand. She had lost count of how many hours they had been here in the council room with her family, Drake, and the generals discussing the coming war. They were at a bit of a stand still in the discussion when the doors slammed open. With her free hand in her lap, Calista would drop the hand that was at her temple as her icy blue gaze shot to the doorway. "Shar'Karon ..." Calista would muse quietly in confusion. Her heart sank as he spoke of dire news. Her worst fears quickly came to mind and her gaze shot to Drake as Karon's spoke his news.

"No ..." Calista breathed, her eyes widening as Drake shot out of his chair. Her mother jumped slightly at his out burst, her father and brother looking to Calista and Drake with concern. She knew Camus was a cold blood serpent, but she didn't think he would sink as low as killing their father and turning their people against Drake. Her eyes watered as she looked to Drake as he sank back into his chair. She knew what his father meant to him. "Drake ..." Calista breathed as she fluidly left her seat and moved to his side. A gentle hand moved to his shoulders, snaking around them affectionately. She wanted to embrace him, tell him it would be okay, they would make Camus pay for what he had done to the Dragon King. However, with all eyes on them, this was no time for such a gesture. Calista would have to wait until they had a moment of privacy. "Camus will pay for his treachery. We will make all of Kogankell see him for the cowardly, backstabbing serpent that he truly is ..."

Nodding to Shar'Karon as he bowed and hurried from the room, Cali looked to her family. Her father had accepted her brother's withdrawal with very little argument. Her mother as well, surprisingly. Calista was officially the heir, as it should have been. "Father, Generals ... Time for debate and arguing is over. Our time has officially come. For Hetopia. For the Dragon King. For the people of Kogankell who are being manipulated by Camus' lies and treachery. We must defeat him." Cali would say somberly, a firm look in her eyes as she glanced to each in turn. "We are behind you, Calista. Drake." Isaiah would say with a firm nod, her parents nodding as well. "Yes Princess, all of Hetopia is behind you." The generals would say with nods. "We'll go ready the troops." The generals would say as they stood, hurrying from the room.
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Drake was deadly silent as Shar'karon left the room, the temperature around literally rose as he tried his best not to burst into a maddening rampage for vengeance, he must keep his calm, acting on his emotions would be exactly what Camus wanted from him. The dragon prince clasped his hands in front of him as Calista, her family, and the generals spoke. "Indeed, he forced our hand. I wished we could come up with a peaceful solution, no matter how slim it might be, now I realized it couldn't be so. We fight fire with fire." Drake said firmly as he nodded, more to himself as to affirm his stance on the matter, it pained him to fight against his clansmen, but it was for the greater good. "We will try to minimize casualties on both sides via the Dragonsbane weaponries, but I must tell you this, there will be losses." Drake knew they all had prepared for the worst, but he still wanted to say it. "Prepare the troops and defences with haste, Camus will either attack tonight, or tomorrow... it may be even in a few hours from now."

As the generals left the room, Drake would look at Calista and her family, "It's come to this, either we succeed or die trying." He stood up, taking a deep breath, then exhaling slowly. "Your Majesty, assign some of your soldiers to evacuate your people, hold them in the castle if possible, they will not survive out there." It was not just any assault after all, but a full-blown dragon invasion, "I know Hetopia and Kogankell had been at odds in the past, I didn't personally participate in it, I tried to stop my father, but he wouldn't listen." He grumbled, "I am sorry to say I didn't do much else than that, I simply ran away... but no more, no more running, we end this, right here, right now!" Drake slammed his right hand on the table, "I will be wearing the ancient armor and stay in my true form from now on... until this is all over." His hard gaze softened as he turned to Calista, "With your permission, I ask you to accompany during this battle, we will be going directly after Camus." Drake wasn't worried about taking Calista into certain dangers, she could take care of herself. With a final nod, the dragon made his way out the council room.


Over the next hours, commotions broke out in Hetopia as the most of the kingdom's military force prepared themselves for the coming attack. Catapults, trebuchets, and cannons were all outfitted with the dragonsbane payloads, soldiers coating arrows in liquified dragonsbane, footsoldiers carrying the bombs. The scouts were assigned to evacuate the people as quickly and orderly as possible, transporting as much as they could into the castle and areas around it, away from the residential area and farms. The sight of a Golden-armored lava dragon flying overhead the troops gave them a boost of morale, knowing at least not all of the dragons were against them. Shar'karon was nowhere to be seen as he's on the covert mission to convince those loyal to him and Drake to see pass through Camus' deceptions. Leona and Diana helped the lieutenants in briefing the troops, it would be a very busy and intense day.

After all was said and done, the phase moved on to the 'waiting game', the calm before the storm. It was midnight as the harvest moon shone in the sky, the usually calm crimson glow became red and menacing considering the circumstances. It signalled the bloodbath that was to come. All of Hetopia was in full alert as all watchtowers were active, torches everywhere, all able-bodied men and women directed their gaze at the sky, ears perked up for any signs of any draconic roar or flappings of heavy wings. It was quiet however... far too quiet for Drake's liking. The Prince was in his full dragon form, wearing the ancient armor Yulsaria gave him, he was perched on one of the castle's highest towers, ready and waiting. Shar'karon... where are you? The green dragon hadn't return yet, could it be...? No, Drake shook his head, Karon would never betray them, Drake was quite ashamed he doubted his life-long mentor and father figure.


Then, just an hour before dawn...

"Up there! From the mountains" A scout widened his eyes in horror as he looked through his telescope, "Sound the alarm!!" He shouted to his comrade as a loud horn blew from the watchtower which quickly spread to every other watchtowers, all eyes looked upwards. Wide wings, giant claws, scales, guttural grows, puffs of flame and frosts from dreadful maws all swarmed the early morning sky as the dragons soared from the mountains. Dogs barked, deers scampered, and all birds flew away in panic as the mythical monsters covered the ground in their shadows. "The dragons are here!! The dragons are attacking!!"

"About time..." Drake growled as he detached himself from his position as he flew downwards, landing on the training field where he would find Calista, all suited up in her Valkyrie armor, "My love, the moment is upon us... now, as I said before, we will be going after Camus once we spot him, but... I understand if you have other plans, so, what will it be?" In the back of his mind, Drake still wondered why Shar'karon wasn't here yet, did Camus find him? Possible, Drake could only hope he's still alive.
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They all listened to Drake, nodding with a new fire dancing in their eyes. Calista may had been the only one to ever be inside Kogankell. They only one of them to meet Camus and to see him for the cold-hearted snake that they had been told about, but they knew from Drake's and Calista's reaction that Camus had certainly went to far. Calista knew that at least with the king, they would have had a bit more of a chance to end this without blood shed than with Camus in charge. Her father was nodding, her mother going white with worry as the war that they had been preparing for was suddenly upon them.

It was Drake's fist hitting the table that drew Cali from her thoughts. "It is already being done ..." Her father would confirm with a firm nod, looking to his wife. "You are to stay with them. If things don't go as we hope ..." He would begin, his wife quickly shaking her head. "Don't talk like that." She managed with a frown. "Dear, we need to be realistic here. You remember the location of the passage? The one that leads out of the city and into the forest and mountains?" He would say as he removed a key from around his neck and placed it into his wife's trembling hands. "You lead them through that passage. Promise me." Calista's and Clarrik's eyes watered as their mother managed a nod. "Promise." With a kiss to her husband, she would embrace Clarrik, then Calista before pausing before Drake. "I know you cannot watch all three of them, but please ... Take care of my daughter." She would say, nodding gently before hurrying out of the room to help with the townspeople.

Taking a shaky breath, Calista brushed a stray tear that had escaped from her eyes. She had never seen her mother in such a shaken state. And neither had Clarrik, from the somber look on his face. Looking to Drake, Calista would nod her head gently. "Of course, Drake. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. With my father at his side, my brother should be fine without me ..." Calista would say, earning a soft smile from both of them. Grabbing his hand as he moved to leave the room, Calista would kiss the back of his hand before letting go. Looking to her father and brother, Calista would frown. "For mother's sake, promise me you two will be careful. Don't do anything heroic and stupid." Cali would murmur, hugging them both before quickly leaving the room. She needed to prepare.


The next few hours rushed by in a blur. The townspeople were borderlining on complete panic as the soldiers prepared for the coming battle. The cries of children as they were parted from parents and family, the clang of armor and weapons being prepared, and the cried orders of those getting all of the sick, elderly, women, and children into the castle and out of the line of fire was the music that filled Calista's ears as she readied herself. Now it was the waiting game and Calista could feel a knot form in her stomach.

They would get through this. That was the thought that Calista continuously chanted in her head as she helped soldiers prepare catapults and cannons. Though a shred of doubt continued to dancing fleetingly into her thoughts. Shar'Karon had yet to return. Had something happened to the dragon or had he betrayed them to Camus? Told him of their preparations for the upcoming battle? It was an ever present doubt that continued to grow the more hours that passed with no sign of him. Careful not to show said worry in fear of bringing down morale, Calista would give words of encouragement to keep them boosted.


It was nearly dawn before she finally heard it. The alarm from the watchtowers. They had arrived. All citizens unable to fight were safely locked away inside of the castle. All entrances were thoroughly blocked off, giving them a chance to escape through the passageway if anything was to go wrong. The city was silent in the premorning light except for the soldiers now hurrying to their positions. She was suited up, her arcane energy stirring within her, ready to burst to life. Her father and brother stayed at her side while the generals and soldiers around them stepped back, giving Drake space to land.

Looking to him, her icy blue eyes shimmering gently, Calista would nod her head gently. "I'm coming with you, of course. I can't let you have all the fun ..." She mused with gentle smile. Looking to her father, Cali would smile as he pulled her into a tight embrace. "You come back to me, my girl. We are all behind you. I love you, Cali." He would say, kissing her forehead affectionately before stepping back. "Stop talking as if this is goodbye. We'll see each other again, Papa." Before she could say much else, Clarrik was hugging her as well. "I won't let you down this time, sister. I fight with you. Be safe." He would say before stepping back. "You two be safe. If things go badly ... " She began, her brother quickly shaking his head. "Stop worrying about us and focus on yourself and Drake. Now go." Looking to Drake, Cali would run a hand over his snout, nuzzling him gently before placing her helm on her head. "Let's go get Camus, my darling. He has no idea what he has coming ..." She mused as she moved to climb onto his back.
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Drake was quite delighted to hear his beloved's decision, with her whole family supporting her, there was no sliver of doubt in the silver-haired armored princess, good, doubts and hesitations had no place in the battlefield. "Lead your troops well, Your Majesty, our fates depend on those good men." Drake said as he straightened himself after Calista climbed on her back. The golden-clad lava dragon rode by the Silver Valkyrie, a reimagining of the ancient kingdom. Drake roar mightily as he charged forward, taking flight as war horns rang all around them, the troops were ready for battle. The Defense for Hetopia began now!

Eyeing the Dragon horde's formation, they would arrive within the siege weapons' range in a short moment, Drake had something up his sleeve, a little nudge to further the tip the scales to Hetopia's advantage. The Dragon Prince spread his wings as he charged to the draconic formation, trailing golden-colored flames behind him, he also summoned a protective fiery sphere around him. Some of the dragons noticed him as they all roared in fury, the traitor prince who dared to murder his own father, he must be culled. Just before Drake reached within their breath attacks' range, the armored dragon took a sharp turn to the right, those five dragons took the bait as they broke formation, chasing after Drake. They launched fireballs, ice spheres, and lightnings at him, only for most of them to miss due to Drake's nimble movements, some that do hit him was dampened by his ember shield and armor.

He led them to one section of the castle where catapults were waiting, the crew got the signal as they steadied themselves, aimed... then launched the dragonsbane bomb at the chasing dragons. Drake suddenly dove downwards to avoid the approaching projectiles, which soon exploded on the scaly maws of his pursuers. "Let's see if it works!" He flew low above the rooftops , looking upwards to assess the situation. The five dragons suddenly flew in an erratic course, like drunken men going home from the tavern after too many drinks, two of them even crashed with one another then they all plummeted down from the sky, crashing into the residential areas surrounding the castle.

"It works! Look! The weapon works!" The cheers of soldiers erupted all over, morale incredibly boosted at seeing first-hand that they had a solid fighting chance. All of the troops stared with bravery at the approaching horde, let them come, Hetopia would prevail!

"Heh..." Drake smirked as he looked over his shoulder at the Princess riding her, "Not bad, right?" It was his plan all along, to let the troops taste a little victory before the real battle. "Be that as it may, they are still dragons, it is best we find Camus as soon as possible." Drake said as he kept flying low as the dragon horde flew overhead, "...and Shar'karo-... gah?!" He made a mistake, so focused on seeking out his brother, he noticed too late that a dragon jumped on him from above, the blow sending him careening downwards, crashing to the rooftops, tumbling, then finally stopping on the market square. "Calista?!" He recovered quickly, he was separated from the princess during the fall, just as he was about to fly again, the same dragon who attacked him also landed, snarling and growling.

"The Traitor Prince, it will do me great honor to see you torn limb from limb!!" The dragon was an acid-type, one of Kogankell's finest warriors, his acidic droll dripping from his jaw, making hissing sounds as it corroded the stone floor below, "I will slay you, betrayer!"

"Dunendal..." Drake growled the dragon's name, "Do you seriously believe Camus' lies?!" He snapped back, the two massive beasts circled each other, "No matter, call me a betrayer, if I have to use force to make you see the truth, then so be it!!" And thus, the duel began.


As for Calista, the princess would find herself laying on one rooftop, the armor protected her from any major injuries, but she'd surely bruise later. The moment she got up, a dragon - a hostile one, not Drake - would land nearby, its head swivelling left and right until it found the human, its bestial roar shook the air, it was obvious what would happen next.
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Calista couldn't imagine being anywhere else than at Drake's side during the battle. The thought of being alone or in the back with her brother and father did not sit well with the princess. "I will, Prince Drake. Bring her back to me." He would say, unsure if his words were heard as the pair took to the sky, worry dancing in the old king's eyes as he watched his only daughter take off for battle and possibly to die if things didn't go well. For the second time.


With the formation in sight, Cali could feel her heart thumping quickly in her chest. This was really happening. Holding tightly to Drake as he charged, Cali lowered herself, her icy blue eyes watching carefully. Her senses were humming in anticipation as she glanced over her shoulder to see if the dragons had taken the bait. Seeing that they had, Cali grinned as they dodged the majority of their attacks. It was quite the sight though. Fire, Lightning, Ice. Under less dyer circumstances, it would be quite stunning. As they straightened from their dive, Cali quickly sat up, looking to the dragons as they were hit with the altered dragonsbane. "Please let it work ..." She muttered, weighting.

Soon, they were tumbling to the ground as if they were passing out from to much to drink. "It worked! We may have a chance ..." Calista would say as she sank back down. "I agree, my love. The sooner we end Camus, the sooner we end this war." She would reply, her gaze drifting to the horde above them. "Drake, watch ..." She managed, but to late. The dragon was to close. She had two choices, be smashed by the on coming dragon or jump and take her chances. She had barely gotten out of the way in time, just as Drake was sent careening down towards the rooftops. She lost sight of him as a dust cloud rose. "Drake!?" She yelled before she slammed into the roof a building herself.

With a groan, her eyes would flicker open. Thankfully the armor and its arcane magic had protected her enough so that she hadn't gotten any major injuries, but my did she ache like hell. "Good lord ..." She muttered as she forced herself up. "Drake ..." She had to find him. Now. This was no time to be separated. She would be forced to stop mid-step as one of the dragons from the arriving horde landed before her with a mighty roar.

Wincing, Calista would instinctively raise her shield, sword quickly placed in hand. "So you are the sorceress human princess that tricked our prince to fight against his own kind. It will bring me great honor to kill you ..." The lightning dragon would say, electricity flickering through the air as he opened his maw and let out a lightning attack. Without thinking, Cali would raise her shield, an arcane aura dancing around her, taking most of the attack as she fainted left before quickly rushing to the right. Caught off guard by the human princess' speed, the mighty dragon would quickly swipe out with a claw, a fresh sweep of lightning lashing out towards her.

She would let the force of the swipe take her down, using the momentum to slide across the roof top, avoiding his lightning, and giving her the time she needed. Taking the small dragonsbane bomb from a pouch at her hip, Calista would cry out as she slid beneath the dragon's snout, barely missing his teeth in the process. Throwing the bomb, it hit the dragon directly in his nose. In one fluid motion, Calista would jump to her feet, rushing forward so that she wasn't beneath the dragon as he fell. Panting, Calista would look to the dragon, a nervous laugh escaping her lips. "What luck ..." Now to find Drake. And Camus. She needed to get higher so that she could find him more quickly.
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Two ear-deafening roars shook the air as the two dragons, lava and acid, charged at each other. Their massive bodies slammed against each other, flames licked at Dunendal's scales while acid splatterd against Drake's, however while the former roared in pain at the heat, the Dragon Prince looked just fine, his enchanted armor did its work. "You have no chance! The human kingdom is doomed, surrender and we'll give you a swift death!" Dunendal taunted as he made a claw swipe, which was promptly parried by Drake, "!?" His slitted eyes widened in shock at how swift the lava dragon moved, then Dunendal found himself slammed backwards, crashing against a building which immediately crumbled from his weight.

"Is that so?" Drake huffed as he burned the dusts and acid off him, his form glowing with a golden flaming aura, "I implore you to think otherwise, Kogankell is doomed the moment you let Camus took charge!" Drake spread his wings as he launched golden flames from his mouth, blazing straight to Dunendal. The acid dragon tried to counter it with his own acidic breath, but barely seconds later, the winner was clear. Dunendal's breath was pushed back until the flames covered his body, causing him to roar in pain. While he burned, Drake leaped towards him then used one foot to stomp at his back, keeping him on the ground, "You will not stop me from stopping my snake of a brother, Dunendal! Now... sleep!" Drake stomped at Dunendal's head to knock him out as he absorbed the flames back to avoid killing him. This done, the Dragon Prince surveyed his surroundings, looking for his warrior Princess, "Calista?! Where are you?!" He called out to her as he took flight.


The scales were tipped to Hetopia for the moment, but one general surveyed and through his experiences, he could see it wouldn't last if they didn't do something. The dragonsbane avoided what would be a curb-stomp battle, giving Hetopia a solid fighting chance, but they were still dragons, a lot of them. Fireballs, ice sphere, lightnings, all sorts of elements rained down from the sky, destroying the siege weapons one by one, burning down watch towers, and generally causing havoc among the troops. "Your Majesty!" The general exclaimed as he entered the main battle tent, "We are holding for the moment, but the dragons are too numerous, we need a change of strategy if we are to win this battle!"
Running full pelt to the edge of the roof top, Calista leaped from it with ease. Flying through the air, Cali aimed for the nearest, tallest roof top. Continuing her run in stride, Calista moved towards the other side of the roof. She had to find him. "Drake, where are you ..." She murmured as she skidded to a halt. The sound of roars and the sight of fire and acid dancing in the air a ways away quickly caught her attention. "Drake!?" She cried, worry dancing over her features as leaped to the next rooftop. She needed to get to him. Quickly.

And away she went, leaping from roof to roof, closing the large distance between her and her beloved. If they had any chance at ending this war, they needed to defeat Camus together. She thought that she was in the clear, only three more rooftops and she would be at his side again. She had been so focused on reaching Drake that she didn't realize the ice dragon until it was almost on top of her. Her arcane energy flared, sending out a heat shield which melted the bolt, however the force of it as it hit still knocked her off her feet. Calista landed on her back with a slam. "Oof!" She would cry as the air was knocked out of her lungs.

"I will not let you interfere. Dunendal will finish off the traitor prince while I finish you off." The ice dragon hissed, its scales shimmering the same shade of blue as her eyes. "I don't know how you did it, princess, but you will pay for turning our crown prince against us. I will enjoy killing you nice and slowly ..." He snarled with a roar, a fresh bolt of ice breath flying her way. "Uh oh ..." Calista would muttered, rolling quickly out of the way, ducking just in time to away the ice as it shattered next to her head. "I did nothing to the prince. It is Camus that has you all blind to the truth! Why can't you see that!?" She cried, slicing her sword towards the dragon, sending an arc of flame soaring towards the ice dragon, but he dodged just in time and sent his tail to Calista. Caught off guard, she hit the ground. Hearing Drake call for her, Calista managed to cry out as she raised her shield to block another attack. "Drake! Over here!" She yelled, her arcane energy making her voice loud enough for the large dragon to hear her.


Clarrik and the king both were huddled over the main table with heads of their military. The dragonsbane was helping, yes, but their catapolts were being taken out quicker than the dragons could be taken down. What strategy would help change the tide to their favor? The king was racking his brain for an idea. If it kept going at the rate it was going, they would have no chance at all. "I may have an idea ..." It was Clarrik that spoke up with a determined expression dancing over his features.
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Drake searched left and right for the whereabouts of the Princess, it was hard to find such a small figure beneath all this chaos. Houses were burning, doused in acid, and frozen in ice, draconic roars and catapult fires rang in the sky. Finding Calista among all these was akin to searching for a needle in a haystack, even with her distinctive armor and glimmering silver hair. Fortunately for the Dragon Prince, he heard another Dragon landing not too far away from him caught his attention. "!?" His reptilian eyes widened at the sight of bluish scales and cold aura... "Cam-..." No, it's not him, it was just another Ice Dragon. Nevertheless, he listened to his words, then roared in anger at realizing the person he was talking to was Calista. "CALISTAAAAAA!!!" He swiveled mid-flight charging straight at the Dragon as the Princess called out to him. Drake's form brimming with golden flames as he tucked his wings, shaping himself like a fiery arrow.

With unrestrained might, he crashed into the Ice Dragon, tumbling the blue-scaled giant lizard down, its breath attack widely missing Calista as the result. Taken by surprise, the Ice Dragon had no time to fully comprehend his situation before Drake slammed down on his prone from from above, "Rrrrraaagh!" The Dragon Prince's mighty roar shook him to his core, made worse as Drake possessed the opposite element, also he was apparently much more powerful than before. Drake raised one foot as he slammed it down the ice dragon's neck, "Calista!" Drake turned his head at the Princess, also positioning the ice dragon's head to face the Princess, "Now!" once Calista threw her dragonsbane and knock him out. The Dragon Prince jumped off its body then landed near the Princess, hunching so she could leap up to ride him again,

"I gave a quick look at the castle, the battle is not going too well... we need to find Camus soon!" He flew up, searching the skies again, this was one wild goose chase. Smart Dragon, he must be hiding, knowing Drake would go after him, "Tch... damn it..." They could try to go into Kogankell, but that would be leaving Hetopia at a huge risk, "If only Shar'karon is here..." As if on cue, another set of roars reverberated through the air, coming from the West side of the battlefield. "Is that...?"


"We must make haste, Brothers and Sisters!" A booming familiar voice traveled through the arriving draconic ranks. Old green scales, Shar'karon had arrived along with a horde of his own, significantly fewer in numbers compared to Kogankell's main force, but would no doubt be a great boon for Hetopia.

"FOR THE TRUE CHIEF!" Half of the dragons roared.

"FOR THE TRUE HEIR!" The other half followed suit.

It would be a few moments till they joined in the fray, Hetopia would have to hold on until then.


"Your Highness, and Generals! Urgent report!" A scout entered the main battle tent as he bowed on one knee, "Shar'karon and his allies have arrived, they shall be here in but a few moments!" He finished then stood back up, exiting the tent to continue with his duties.

"Hmmm..." The general from before smiled, rubbing his moustache as he looked at the King and Crown Prince, "This is a relief, but still, we have to minimize casualties as best as we could. What do you have in mind, Crown Prince Clarrik?"
[OOC: Sorry for the delay!!! Homework has been insane these last couple weeks. >.<]

Calista sighed in relief as she heard Drake roar her name. So he was close and now he knew where she was. Still on the ground, her arcane aura and shield were taking the brunt of the ice attacks. At least until the ice dragon's attention was grabbed by Drake. The dragon noticed to late and slammed into the roof, diverting his ice attack from her. Drake had the dragon pinned to the roof by the time Calista was standing, a dragonsbane grenade in her hand. Drake got out of range just in time as the grenade knocked the dragon out.

Seeing Drake hunch for her, Calista would smoothly leap into the air, landing gently on his back. Leaning down, she would kiss his neck. "I'm glad I found you ..." She murmured, her gaze dancing around the battlefield as she listened to Drake as the took to the air again. "Then let's find that cowardly serpent quickly and end this! I hope he'll be here soo ..." She would cut off, following Drake's gaze. Sure enough, there was the green scaled dragon, his voice reaching her ears. "There! We are in luck. They need to hold on just a bit longer. Hopefully my father or brother has a trick up their sleeves." She would muse before looking back to Drake. "Now, let's go find your brother!"

... ... ...

Clarrik would frown, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "We need to draw their attention away from the catapults and cannons ..." He would begin, motioning to the outskirts of town on the map. "We need a diversion. Something to draw their attention so we can bombarded them with the dragonsbane. The more we get knocked out, the easier it will be for Shar'karon and their allies. And for Cali and Drake to get to Camus ..."
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"Yes, brilliant, Prince Clarrik, we will do that immediately!" The General nodded at him, such a simple but effective solution, why didn't any of them think that earlier? He went to the war table where a map of Hetopia Fortress and its surrounding land stood, "We will send some scouts to deploy fireworks in this area." He circled the plain just at the town's outskirts, coincidentally the same plain where Calista was sacrificed some time ago, "Once launched, the fireworks will create diversions in the form of explosions, hopefully the dragons will see this as a new weapon, drawing them there, then... bam, we take em. Any questions?" Nothing, "Good, the Gods bless us all." The General nodded as he went outside, giving orders to the Scout division to enact the plan as soon as possible.

Drake and Calista kept scuring the battlefield, occasionally dealing with the dragons who spotted them, but no luck so far, "Calista, I think he's not here, he knew he has the advantage, knowing him, he will not reveal himself until everything is lost!" Damn him, whether Drake admitted it or not, Camus was a brilliant and crafty dragon. A puppetmaster, not warrior, he wouldn't go into the front lines. "We are wasting our time here, let's assist our troops as best as we can, especially as Shar'karon is here now!" Drake roared, shifting his direction back to the fortress, staving off approaching dragons who got too close with Calista's help.


In another side of the battlefield, two women, one clad in red while the other silver, were escorting the scouts as they ran through the town, heading towards the gates. "Come on! Keep going!" Leona urged the squad, using her sword and magic to stave off fireballs heading at them, "Tch!" She was proficient with fire, but damn those giant flaming spheres were annoying. "Uuurgh... when will this be ove-..." A moment of weakness was all that it took for an spiky ball of ice to fall straight at her, she realized it too late.

"Leona, watch out!!" Diana pushed Leona aside then blocked the ice sphere with her own weapon, shattering it to pieces, "Ha... keep your guard up, damn it!" It was not often Diana could get so worked up, Leona acting careless was dire enough, a second too late and she would be frozen, considering the red-clad woman focused in fire magic, it'd not bode well for her.

"Wow... Thanks, Diana!" Good ol, Leona, always so cheerful.

"...Shut up."

And thus, the two continued their mission.

Moments later, they arrived at the plains, "Set up the fireworks, make haste!" The Scout captain ushered the squads while Leona and Diana kept guard. Fortunately most of the dragons were assaulting the fortress, not paying them any mind. They set the contraptions quickly enough, then light the fuse, "Now, retreat!!" They returned to the gates, the fireworks would do the rest.


"Over there, look!" Various colors of blue, red, and green danced in the skies. The humans knew they were fireworks, but to the dragons, they looked like the work of arcane powers. The bait worked as planned, a sizeable amount of the flying lizards headed there, significantly taking the pressure off the fortress defences. "Now men, fire fire!!" they proceeded to pepper the lured dragons with barrages of dragonsbane bombs, the previously empty plain was now littered with knocked out dragons. At the same time, Shar'karon arrived together with his loyalist, "Men! Take care not to fire at our dragon allies!" The artillery captain commanded, soldiers watching in awe as dragons fought with dragons in the sky, brutal and fierce, yet majestic. As the time went on, Camus' forces were thinning out, the balance was tipping towards Hetopia's favor. "I can't believe it, it's working!" One soldier pumped his fist up, watching as the battle line was gradually pushed back towards Kogankell.

"Calista!" Drake grinned, looking back over his shoulder, "I think they can handle it from here, should we try heading to Kogankell? I think the snake is hiding there!"
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The king beamed, patting his son proudly on the shoulder. "Not a bad idea, my boy." He would muse as the general excitedly spoke out the details. The king and prince would both nod their heads. "Let's get this show on the road. We have a war to win. Clarrik, you stay with the men back here make sure the plan goes off without a hitch. I'm going to head back out." The king would finish as he replaced his helmet on his head. "But father, you could get hurt or worse ... Please, let me go in your stead ..." Clarrik would begin, worry dancing over his features. However, the king's mind was set. With a grin, the king would wave to his son before leaving the tent to fight as an equal with his men.

With no way of knowing this new development, Calista was focused on making her way through the battlefield with Drake. As she listened to Drake, Calista would scowl gently as she nodded her head. "I believe you are right. He wouldn't make himself so vulnerable right out the gate." She would begin, lowering herself slightly so she was closer to Drake. "I agree, let's do it. Once we see an opening, we can go after your slimy snake of a brother ..." She would finish before Drake roared.


As they awaited the plan, the king was with the men at the catapults, staving off as much as they can and keeping as many as the catapults in take as possible. Shar'karon and his dragon allies helped immensely, they even had occasionally glimpses of his daughter and Drake as well, however there was still some blasts getting through. The king was distracted, shouting some orders to some of the men when the cries of warning hit his ears a second to late. When the dust cleared, the king was unconscious, blood seeping from wounds to his head and chest as he was pinned beneath a beam. "No ..." A pair of soldiers that survived the blast cried as they focused their energy on getting their king to safety.

The firework display quickly caught Calista's attention. Many of the enemy dragons quickly headed towards it, leaving an opening for their troops to fire away with the dragonsbane. Enemy dragons were falling like flies. Drake had read her mind. At this rate, the troops would be fine without them if they were to slip away to find Camus. "Yes, let's go Drake. The sooner we end him the better" With a nod, Cali looked over the battlefield once more. "Hold on just a bit longer guys ..." She mused gently.
An allied dragon who was just passing over the walls heard the cries for help. The female ice dragon turned as she hovered near the pinned the king, "Stand aside. I will assist him." Her commanding and intent were enough for the soldiers to move away, the dragon easily flicked off the beam and debris around the king, then she gently picked him up with her right claw. "Where shall I take him?" One soldier pointed to the main battle camp where healers were stationed, he needed to get there fast. "Understood." The dragon flapped her elegant wings, flying towards the designated camp. Once she arrived, soldiers were cautious at first but once they saw the king held in her right arm, they immediately flocked. "Your Chief is injured, treat him immediately!" She bellowed, playing the king down where soldiers promptly assisted the wounded king. They gave their utmost thanks, "For the True Heir." She flew up, joining the battle.


Drake and Calista flew without much hindrance, leaving the battlefield behind them, heading towards the mountains of Kogankell. Wasting no time, the Prince put all of his power to get there as soon as possible, the blasts of golden flames behind him acting like jetstreams. "They will not hold on, My love," Drake chuckled, "They will win, be assured of that." It was clear how much faith he put into Shar'karon, they had a long history of mentor - protege after all. The fly to Drake's home was silent yet intense, the only sounds were from Drake's flapping wings and flames, there were no other dragons visible in sight. Approaching the huge cavern entrance, still not a single soul, "...I don't like this. Be on your guard, Calista." They descended into the entrance, still nothing, "...Is this place truly empty... No, wait." Voices... further into the complex, one of them sounded like Camus while the other... unfamiliar, "..." Only one way to find out.

As they got nearer to the main gathering hall, there was an otherworldly aura in the air. Repulsive and dark, it felt like a weight had been placed on their souls, "...Do you feel it? Prepare yourself." No time to waste, Drake pushed away at his doubts then entered the chamber. "Camus!!" Camus was there, in his Dragon form, sitting, facing against a patch of pulsating blackness with two pairs of demonic purple eyes, "We're here to end your madness!" Drake didn't know what that black abomination was, but it seemed to be the source of the aura.

"Well well... welcome, 'Brother', what an unpleasant surprise, never expected to see you here." Camus slowly turned around, grinning as his previously blue eyes now glowed purple, in the same manner as the being behind him, "Come, meet... Amon the Demon King, Lord Amon, this is Drake the Rogue Prince, my... brother."

"Hmph, spare me the pleasantries, Camus," The blackness spoke, its voice guttural and demonic, "Our contract is not done until I rule Kogankell." Amon's eyes scrutinized Drake and Calista, "Oooh... You both are wearing the armors of those two fools, well... I presume you know how ended up, the same fate shall befall you. Hahahaha!" Amon then vanished into thin air, his presence could no longer be felt.

"Amon...?! Contract?!" Drake was horrified, it was the same name mentioned in the temple, the Demon King who turned Dragons and Humans against each other, long time ago, "C-camus, you sold yourself to this abomination?! Do you know he is the reason why we dragons and humans hate each other?!"

"Ha!! Listen to youself, brother." Camus snorted, rising his body as his wings spread, "Humans are insects, it disgusts me to think we once lived together with them... you even let one of them..." His purple eyes turned at Calista, "...ride you, have you fallen so low, Brother?" The two brothers were now circling each other, "I sold myself to a demon, while you sold yourself to insects, think about it, who's more fitting to be Chief?"

"...There's no saving you, Brother. It saddens me, but you've gone too far... what you did to our fathe-..."

"YOUR father, Drake!! He was never mine!" Camus interrupted him, his voice booming in the cavern, then he panted, "Did you know... long ago, when we were but hatchlings, human dragon hunters trapped Mother and Father? He managed to break free, then he left her to die!! That scum!"

"....No, impossible, Father said Mother... left us." Drake had to admit, the story was baffling, but knowing Camus, it could be a lie, everything about Camus was deceptions.

"I may be a liar, Brother, but I truly love Mother, she was everything I had... until your coward of a father chose to save his own wretched skin!" Camus roared, sadness lacing his voice. If this was a lie, the ice dragon was very convincing.

"Who told you this?" Drake growled, "Amon?!"

"That's not important, you will never change, Brother, for that reason, I will cleanse our clan from dragons like you and Shar'karon, I will cleanse the world of two-legged insects!! Insects who killed my Mother!!"

"Camus... then so be it!" Drake then growled at Calista, "My love, get off me and... try to find an opportunity to throw a bomb at him."

Both dragons roared as they each shot their elemental spheres, purple ice and golden fire clashing together, demonic and divine powers violently embracing, creating an explosion, shaking the humongous hall. "Rrrrgh!!" The two dragons then charged, crashing at each other, claws swiping, tails thrashing, wings flapping. The brawl of two powerful giant lizards.
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The soldiers were grateful for the allied dragon's help. There was no way they could have done it themselves. Though, they feared that it was still to late. It had been some time before they had even found the pinned king. Once the dragon had set the king down, a pair had rushed forward with a stretcher while two others lifted him onto it. Several paused to watch her as she flew away, the pair carrying the stretcher rushed to the nearest medical tent where alchemists and doctors were helping the wounded. Seeing who the newest arrival was, the head doctor went white as he looked to a nearby soldier. "Get the prince ... Now!" He finally muttered before directing the pair carrying the king to a bed shielded from view in the corner while snagging the head alchemist. It didn't look good for the king.


Calista ran a hand gently along Drake's neck as she listened to him over the sound of the wind and flames. "I know, Drake ..." She would say with a nod. Though she didn't have the same level of blind faith in Shar'Karon as Drake did, she still knew with the new arrival of Dragon support that the tides had been turned to their favor. The silence and lack of life made Calista feel uneasy, her senses kicking into overdrive. "Not quite empty ... I don't like this, Drake." She murmured quietly, one voice familiar, the other washing over her like a cold, oily darkness.

The feeling only increased as they neared what looked to be some sort of gathering hall. Cali had to kick up her arcane aura to lift the almost suffocating weight of it off her chest. "I'm with you, Drake ..." Cali managed, her eyes narrowing as she carefully kept her orb-like aura shield in place. As they entered the room, her ice blue eyes immediately shot to the source of the negativity cloud that was trying to suffocate them. 'Could it be ... ?' Camus soon confirmed her fear, The Demon King himself.

"I do believe you are the Rogue Prince, Camus ... Not your brother. You're the one who has abandoned your people, your father ... And for what? Corrupted power? He'll get rid of you as soon as he gets what he wants from you, Camus ..." Calista spat, her gaze soon pulled back to Amon as he mentioned their armor. "Separated, they were weak ... We are not so easily turned against one another, Amon! We are not so weak, we will not make their mistakes!" Calista called, a hand running along Drake's neck.

She could feel is disbelief. His anger. It was practically radiating off him in waves. Calista stayed silent as she let the two dragons hash it out. She knew her voice would most likely go unheard. "How can you believe anything from a demon? Especially the demon king? He likely told you what you needed to hear so he could wrap you around his little finger so you would do anything he wanted you too. You must realize this, Camus. Be smarted than this ..." Calista muttered in between comments, her head shaking gently. "My ancestors knew nothing of killing dragons, Camus. There was a reason the sacrifice was in place ..." She finished with a gentle frown.

Before she knew it, Calista was being forced off Drake. "But, Drake ..." She would mutter with a frown. She knew there was no arguing with him. Reluctantly, she would kiss his neck before she slid down to the floor. She hadn't even hit the ground when the two brothers were charging at one another. How could he expect her to find an opening? There was no way. She would have to make one and she only had two dragonsbane grenades left. She had to make them count.

In a fluid motion, Calista unsheathed her sword, twirling it in her grasp. Channeling her energy, Calista would give it a short sweep through the air, a small, powerful burst of arcane energy flying at Camus. If she was to get the opening she needed to hit him and only him with the dragonsbane, Calista was going to need to make herself the bait. "Camus!" She would yell, doing it again, this time the burst much larger than the first. "Come and get me ..." She mused to herself, her free hand resting behind her back, one of the dragonsbane grenade held tightly in her grip.

Camus had gone too far into his vindictive rage, resulting in the Princess' words went over his head. Granted, Calista had no chance to convince him anyway, even if Camus' sober, he'd never listen to the words of an 'insect'. The two draconic brothers unleashed their furies upon one another, a fight to the death, not one of them would stop until the other ceased moving. Roars violently tore through the air, thrashing scaled limbs rumbling the cavern, rocks and debris began falling from the ceiling. The two dragons growled in pain as they both squared a clean hit, causing them to reel back in pain, chests heaving.

"Rrrrgh!" Just as Camus was about to charge again, an interruption in the form of a small, but strong, arcane blast hit him squarely on his cheek, the sheer power was enough to turn his head sideways as if he's being slapped by a fellow dragon. "!?" In anger, he turned his demonic eyes towards the little bug who dared to shout his glorious name, a second burst was directed at him, but this time, he was prepared. Camus opened his mouth to counter the blast with an ice breath, then he'd freeze the female insect followed up by shattering her tiny frozen body under his claws, see if Drake loved seeing his loved ones die in front of his eyes. He took his father, now he'd take his lover.

"Die- Ooof!" Of course, the aforementioned brother wouldn't just let Camus do as he pleased. While Camus was distracted, Drake launched a golden sphere of flames at the Ice Dragon's body, flinching him. As a result, Calista's second blast also hit him, then Drake followed up by charging at the disoriented Camus to tackle him then pin him on the floor, "Now!" taking his signal, the dragonsbane grenade left the princess' hand in a mighty throw. It made a loud thud as puffs of dragonsbane powder erupted from the impact point... which was Camus' snout. "...Finally, it's ove-..."

"Fool!!" No, it was not, made obvious by the thrashing ice dragon underneath Drake. Camus was clearly moving and seemingly unaffected by the grenade, it didn't miss, Calista threw it perfectly, it just didn't work on him. "Hahahahaha!!!" His insane laugh rang in the air, there was only one explanation, it was the power granted to him by Amon, Camus was no longer a dragon, he had become part demon. A blast of purple ice exploded from his body, throwing Drake off him, "Brotheeeeer!!!" Camus immediately got up as he charged at Drake, grabbing him then continued to push him, the two was locked in a vengeful embrace with Camus on the advantage.

Spreading his wings, The ice dragon began flying up as purplish-blue streams of cold elemental energy jetted out behind him in a similar manner as Drake. Carrying the lava dragon with him, Camus headed for the ceiling, slamming Drake's back onto it, the impact was so powerful, it tore a hole, and even then, Camus didn't stop. From the skies outside, they'd look like a reversed meteor, one that blitzed up instead of down. "Aaaaarrrrgh!!" Roaring in crazed anger, Camus continued flying upwards, pushing against Drake. The lava dragon tried his best to release himself from Camus' grip, but the momentum and position didn't work in his favor. A trail of blue could be seen under the moonlit sky, Once they reached a certain altitude, Drake managed to wrench himself free, then an aerial combat begun as they slashed, whipped, blasted each other with impunity.

Calista on the ground was left worried about her lover, but she had bigger things to worry about. As a result of the feuding brothers, the cavern around her was left maimed, it continued to crumble and before long, everything would collapse, she had to get herself out of the mountain, fast.
Calista watched the battle silently, her icy blue eyes darting between the two dragons. She felt almost useless. Even using her full strength, she had little chance against a dragon so warped by demonic energy like Camus was. At least she was able to get the dragon's attention, though the look in his eye proved that he was much more angered by it than Calista had anticipated. Keeping her composure, Calista readied herself for the blast that was to come, yet it didn't. Drake, thankfully, came to her aide which allowed her to get a second blast in.

Calista quickly chucked the grenade at Camus, hitting him squarely in the snout. Holding her breath, she waited to see if it would take affect. Or had the demon energy taken to much of a hold on Camus? Her fears would soon be proven correct as Camus blasted Drake with purple ice, throwing him off of Camus. "Drake!" Calista yelled as Camus charged at Drake and pushed him across the room. Her eyes widened in shock as Camus spread his wings, lifting them both into the air. Calista found herself running full speed to the new hole in the ceiling, skidding to a halt as her eyes followed them upwards.

"Drake!!" Calista found herself yelling again, her heart pounding in her chest. She had to get to him, but how? The ground shaking pulled her from her frantic thoughts. Looking around to see what had caused it, Cali found the roof was collapsing in on itself, large chunks of rock and stone crumpling to floor from the battle. Drake would have to wait, there would certainly be nothing she could do to help him if she was dead. Channeling her energy, Calista took off, her arcane energy giving her a large enough burst of speed to barely get out of the room as the last of the roof fell in.

As much as she wished that would be the end of it, the entire mountain was quaking now. She had to get out. Quickly. She used her arcane energy to launch herself from the cliff she was currently standing on and into the air. She would land on the wall, gripping a small handhold for a moment before she would leap again. This is how she would proceed, zigzagging from wall to wall until she neared the mouth of the mountain entrance. The end was in sight, however the mountain was beginning to cave in all around her. She was now having to dodge or anticipate falling rocks before hand as she hurried toward the entrance.

With one final push off the wall, Calista aimed for the ground near the entrance, however she had not anticipate the large boulder now headed right towards her. Instinctively, her arcane shield flared, flinging her through the air, out the entrance, and to the ground. Cali would hit the ground with a thud, rolling several times before she came to a stop. Groaning, Calista would stand with a wince before looking to the sky, following the fire and ice trail until she spotted them. "Drake ... I'll find a way to you ... I promise." She murmured before she looked to the mountain. She needed to get higher.
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Trails of red and blue streaked under the sky as two shadows furiously danced under the moonlight. The two blood brothers spilling each other's. Drake and Camus. enhanced by ancient arcane armor and demonic power respectively, matched each other blow by blow, slash by slash, breath by breath. Fighting relentlessly on the air, like two wild brushes painting the canvas with gold and purple paint. Camus dashed forward, aiming to swipe his claw at Drake's neck, but his target managed to dodge by dropping downwards, now the lava dragon was directly underneath his treacherous brother. Missing his attack, Camus gave Drake an opening, a second was all it took for Drake to blast himself upwards, slamming his armored head against Camus' belly. *Bam!* A clean hit, even the demonic-powered ice dragon felt that one. "Brooootheeeer!" Camus roared in pain, countering with a tail swipe that managed to whip Drake's neck.

Even when powered by the ancient queen's armor, it was still a long way to the top for the Princess of Hetopia. Still, without her superhuman speed and leaps, she'd never reach the mountain peak under the two dragons so the armor made a difficult task plausible whereas it'd be impossible. The battle at Hetopia was too far behind to observe, while things went well when they last left, the possibility of Camus' dragons winning was still there. If worse came to worst, the only hope of victory - and with it, survival - was to defeat the crazed dragon. After much struggle, she painstakingly reached the mountaintop right underneath the brawling brothers. A large shadow loomed over her, Calista only needed to look up to see... a dragon falling straight towards her position. With quick reflexes, she could move away before the gigantic scaled body crushed her... it was then she noticed the dragon was none other than Drake himself. He was maimed, gash wounds and ice shards all over his body, the armor was shattered in various places. "Ugh..." A weak groan escaped his maw as his reptilian eyes slowly focused on Calista, "..." then he passed out.

As if on cue, another shadow graced the mountain top, but not followed by any crash. Heavy wings flapped above Calista as Camus landed on the ground, "Haha... AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" his maniacal cackle echoed in the mountains. It was at this moment Calista knew, Camus had defeated Drake. "Hahaha... haaaa.." The ice dragon chuckled in glee, he was also wounded, bleeding here and there, but obviously in a better condition than Drake. "One down..." His glowing purple eyes turned at Calista, a beast hunger for the blood of humans, "One to go!"

Opening his jaw wide, Camus roared so loud, the snow around them shook, creating avalanches falling down the cliffs. "DIE, INSECT!!" With his victory over Drake, Camus fell deeper into insanity, it seemed the act of killing his father and driving his brother to near death took its toll on his mind after all whether he realized it or not. Purple misty swirls gathered near his mouth as Camus launched a freezing beam of frost at the Princess, turning his mouth to follow wherever Calista moved. The insect was a quick one, he had to give her that. "Run! Run like the bug you are!" Camus gathered his magic as he summoned floating purple icicles to spawn near his wings, which immediately flew to impale the human princess with extreme prejudice. An insect she may be, but an important one, with Drake and the Princess dead, Hetopia would surely fall and Amon would reign supreme!
Calista's eyes widened as she saw Drake now lying before her. He was the strong one. The one that was going to defeat Camus. Now she found herself alone to finish the battle. Her icy blue gaze quickly shot upwards as Camus' laughter filled her ears and felt the earth shake beneath her feet as he landed with a loud thud. If Drake couldn't beat him, how could she? She had no time to dwell on the feeling of dread beginning to form in the pit of her stomach as Camus' gaze found her. It was her turn.

As he roared, Calista would instinctively place a shield barrier around Drake. Another blow would kill him and Calista couldn't afford the split in attention worrying about an attack straying and hitting him if she was to have any chance in surviving this, let alone defeating him. Thankfully Camus was at least wounded, so Cali at least had a chance. Right? As he launched his breath attack, all Calista could do was run to avoid it. Her mind was reeling as she ran as she tried to come up with a plan of attack. 'What can I do ...?' She thought to herself as she continued to run.

She had to get close. That was her only advantage. She was small. In his wounded state, he wouldn't be able to do much with her right underneath his nose. Hopefully. It was the only thing she had that he didn't. Speed and lack of size. For once being small would be helpful. She quickly changed her path, zigzagging her way across to avoid his freezing breath as she headed for directly beneath his feet. Raising her shield, Calista let herself hit the ground in a smooth slide as she avoided a slash of his claws. Coming to a stop between his feet, Calista would quickly roll to the right, avoiding behind smashed.

Using the momentum to get to her feet, Cali would launch herself in the air, crying out as he slammed her hip with his tail. The momentum of the hit only helped her, launching her further up his back. Thankfully she found a handhold before she could slide back down his back. Pulling herself upwards, Calista would grunt as she pulled herself up to his shoulders. "I may be an insect in your eyes, Camus, but even an insect can kill something mighty with the right weapon..." Cali would cry as she held on with one hand, the other gripping her sword tightly. An almost electric aura swam around it, having been imbuing it with her arcane power. With a final battle cry, Calista would force the weapon upwards, a bright, crackling flash leaving the blade as she stabbed it towards wear his head met his neck. All she could do was hold her breath and pray it found its mark.
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They battled, human princess versus dragon prince, a painful reminder of the great schism in lost history where the Human-Empress and Dragon-Emperor clashed with Amon laughing in glee at the background, likely the Demon King was doing the very same thing, oh how amusing. "Hrrrgh! You hide behind your plates of metal, as expected from a cowardly bug!" Camus wanted to just charge at Calista then slam her with his massive size, but he was too wounded to make any sudden movements, significantly slowing him down. Calista may or may not realize this, but his tattered wings couldn't lift him up to the air anymore. It took everything from him just to properly land earlier, a definite advantage to the princess, unknowingly or not.

Unbelieveable, it actually took effort in his part just to squash one tiny bug. Just weeks ago, the blonde insect was so fragile... so helpless when clad in shackles and collars, locked in a cage, a mere pleasure slave of his brother, now... she was resisting him! Impossible, unacceptable, an insult to his draconic pride. "Why do you resist?!" Camus breathed out another stream of purple frost, again dodged by the little human. "Rrrrgh!" Just to add salt on the wound, Calista dared to dash towards him, Camus raised his claw to crush her, but he missed, then as expected from a bug, she made a foolish movement. Jumping up only positioned her just right for the tip of Camus' long tail to whip her body, there, that should break every fragile bone in her tiny body... or not.

Camus felt tiny feet thumping against his back, revolting! "Get off me!!" No matter how much Camus squirmed, he couldn't shake Calista off. Soon enough, his reptilian eyes focused on Calista standing on his shoulder, giant slitted iris full of insane hatred, then mixed with surprise as Calista boasted. Before Camus could reply, the warrior-princess unleashed everything she got into one powerful attack, a blitzing blue lightning, booming like a thunder, hotter than lava, faster than wind, the lightning didn't even take a second to reach the base of Camus' head. "A... aaaaaaaaarrrrg-...!!" A scream of extreme pain cut short as the bolt sliced through his armor-like hide, the divine power of the ancient empress purifying Amon's protection, cutting Camus' head clean off his neck. The disembodied head tumbled down the ground as Camus' decapitated body fell down with a loud thud, sending snow everywhere, blood spilling from the mutilated neck.


She had done it... the Princess of Hetopia defeated the corrupted Dragon Prince, history shall remember this day. She could go home now, help with moping up the rest of hostile dragons or celebrate victory if they had already won, all with her lover, Drak-... A dire thought sneaked in between the euphoria, her problems weren't over yet, Drake was still there, laying on the ground, tethering between life and death. "...Calista..." He called out to her, one of his claw twitching, the mighty dragon looked so weak and vulnerable. Once the princess reached him, Drake focused his tired eyes on her once more, "Heh... i-it's over... it's finally... over..." The prince sighed, "But, i-it looks like... I *cough*..." blood spilled from his maw, "...won't make it..." Drake was painfully aware of what he implied, "I'm sorry... h-however.... I have... no worries, you have *cough* grown... so much... I-... 'm sure you will make a great... queen, my love..." The flames in his eyes started to die down, now mere smoldering embers, "...kiss me, for one last time..."
Calista ignored Camus' angry cries as he tried to shake her off. She clung on for dear life, knowing she wouldn't have another chance to finish the job. This was her only chance. The thunder clap made her ears ring for a moment as it struck Camus, her sword slicing through his neck as if it were butter. His screams and the sound of sizzling rang loudly in her ears for a long moment after the silence took over. As his body hit the ground with a loud thud, Calista tumbled forward with a cry, the air getting forced out of her lungs.

Her gaze danced to Camus's body, his head coming to a stop a few feet away. The metallic smell of his blood pouring from his mutilated neck soon hit her nose, making her quickly turn away. With Camus gone, the rest of the hostile dragons should quickly fall into line if they hadn't already. All that was left was to ... A gasp would leave her lips as she quickly forced herself up. His voice soon hit her ears as she scrambled to her feet. "Drake!" She muttered as she hurried to his side. Dropping to her knees, Calista would set her sword down with a clatter as she grasped his hand with her trembling ones.

Holding his gaze, Calista would listen quietly as she held his hand tightly. "Don't talk like that ..." She would murmur, tears brimming in her eyes as she squeezed his hand gently. Shaking her head softly, Cali would close her eyes in an attempt to hold the tears back. "You can't leave me ... Not like this. I can't do this without you." She finally managed as she opened her eyes, tears freely rolling down her cheeks. "I'm nothing without you, Drake. Our people need you. I need you ... I love you." She barely managed, her bottom lip trembling as she looked to the ground for a moment. At his request, Cali would choke back a sob as she nodded. Leaning down, both hands clasping his one, she would press a passionate kiss to his lips. She couldn't deny him this. She couldn't deny herself this either. His last moments would be of her showing him how much she loved him.

Her tears... full of sorrow, the strong warrior shell broken down for the moment, revealing the tender princess underneath, the golden-haired noble whom he met at the sacrificial circle, who brought so much change into his life. Drake didn't want to see her crying over him, he wanted to see her happy during the last few moments he'd spend in the mortal realm, would he survive in the end? He didn't know... nobody knew. Dragons weren't gods, they couldn't predict the future, behind all their might and power, dragons were just like humans, sentient creatures who had desires, emotions, and flaws. He left it all to fate, but even he did pass away, he'd go with a smile, knowing both Hetopia and Kogankell were in good hands.

"Calista..." For the moment, he just wished to relish an intimate moment with his precious lover and friend. Their bond had transcended beyond physical attraction alone, it was an unbreakable bond of two beings forged through fire and flames. Drake lowly growled in comfort as he worked the remains of his magic, shrinking himself down into his human form, just to better hold her and bought himself more time by conserving energy through the smaller, weaker, humanoid body. His hand grabbed hers, clenching it tight, taking in her warmth. The dragon prince closed his fiery eyes as the human princess leaned down, their lips embracing each other, not a deep lustful kiss, no tongue involved, just a simple kiss... yet it felt more pleasurable than any of the kisses they had done so far. "....and now... I rest..." Sighing in exhaustion, Drake closed his eyes, the last thing he heard were the heavy sounds of multiple flapping wings approaching the mountaintop...

Shar'karon arrived, along with two other dragons, but only he landed. His reptilian green eyes glancing to Camus' mutilated body, paying no more heed to the dead traitor, he turned towards Calista and... "Prince..." his former protege, Drake. "Is he...?" Shar'karon shifted into his human form then quickly made his way to the duo, his right hand carefully checking for the prince's pulses and breathes, "He's alive, but barely... we must get him back to Hetopia as quickly as possible, we may be able to save him, Princess." He backed up then returned to his draconic form, motioning for Calista to carry Drake and ride on his back. Once she had done so, the green dragon flapped his wings, flying back to the fortress escorted by the other two dragons, leaving Camus' body to rot amidst the snow.


1 week later...

Peace returned to Hetopia and Kogankell, the two nations rejoiced at the end of the war. Shar'karon, Calista, the Royal Family, even Diana and Leona, all helped in reducing remaining hostilities between Hetopia and those who supported Camus, ironing out any misunderstandings. The proof of demon magic traces in Camus' chamber and the stone tablet recovered from the ancient temple certainly helped their case as gradually, more and more dragons saw the truth behind the dead ice dragon's lies. The sacrifices, the girls and women seemingly 'enslaved' by Drake, now lived in Hetopia, both former Hetopians and people from across the world. As it turned out, when Drake was exiled from Hetopia, he had commanded Shar'karon and his loyalist to bring the slaves into a safe location. With the conflict over and sacrificial traditions abolished, they could be released from their servitude and live normally. Lingering tensions still lurked of course, but for the most part, Hetopia and Kogankell would pave a new path for an era of peace.

However, the hearts of both Dragons and Humans were still distraught by one thing, the uncertain fate of Calista's lover, Prince Drake. The lava dragon had been in a state of coma for seven nights now, laying motionless in one of the castle's infirmary chamber. His body was alive, his heart beat, his lungs breathed, but he wouldn't stir, not open his eyes. A doctor sighed as he finished his routine examination of the human-formed dragon, shaking his head slowly, he turned towards Calista who was faithfully waiting for him in the room, hoping for the day where he'd wake up. "Princess... I am afraid he's still in slumber, I can't say for certain if and when he will return to us. Forgive me." He then left the room, leaving Calista alone with her unconscious lover.
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