☆RWBY RP: Rescuing Remnant☆

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Alright everyone, i'm finally back and working on a post! Sorry for the delay :)
@Winter thanks you are seriously awesome (I know you said it take minutes but that doesn't matter you did it for us so that is really cool)
The anger is so real. XD Rococo ain't got time for dat conceptual talk.
Wait, a little confused here. What exactly WAS the general reaction to the speech? I had put in applause, assuming that Connie's reaction to the speech was the norm, but in redlemonaide's post, all the students were going WTF about the length of it?
Probably redlemonaide since in series there wasn't any real applause, more of discontent/confused chatter.
I'd like to think everyone applauded out of habit/courtesy while WTFing.
Someone shoulda thrown a shoe at him. huehue
I did read everyone's, this just reflected my character's thoughts a little more as the scene kinda went: "Attention, please." *5 min wait* "Less than 5min, generic speech w/o passion" *walks off stage* "You're dismissed". Like, >_>. If Glynda had said something while he was getting his coffee, then totally. But since we don't know that she did... I assume she didn't and Hazel's like WTF and noticed everyone else who WTF'd. People who enjoyed it and clapped might notice those who also enjoyed it and clap. A paranoid someone might think WTF and notice everyone clapping like mindless drones. Someone narcisstic might clap and notice everyone WTF'ing like, oh no, maybe they're embarrassing themselves by clapping right now. Perception is everything.
Heading out of town, not sure if Internet will be accessible until the 2nd or 3rd.
Have fun and don't die.
Wahhhh I'm sorry for the inactivity! Was a little busy these past couple days so I couldn't get in a full reply, so I've just been lurking around. I'm working on one right now : -:
I'll post when plot things happen. Unless someone wants to interact with Desire, but lol, you probably don't...for your own well-being.
I'll post when plot things happen. Unless someone wants to interact with Desire, but lol, you probably don't...for your own well-being.
Well, I'd argue it's better to get the introductions done now, rather than while fighting off Grimm haha
Well, I'd argue it's better to get the introductions done now, rather than while fighting off Grimm haha
Oh, but where's the fun in that? ;p
Oh, but where's the fun in that? ;p
While true, I can't promise a sound wave wont 'accidentally' have you colliding with a tree.
Desire would probably make a comment, giving in that she can be top if she feels that strongly about it.
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