RWBY: Grimm World

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Spencer laughed heartily when he head her energetic response. It really seemed that he'd get along with this girl just fine. That is if he gets partnered up with her. From what he heard from his uncle, partnerships were formed as a result of the initiation. He was looking forward to being on the same team as her but he did mot get his hopes up since the spur of the moment could easily decide who his teammates were going to be.

"You sound like a true daredevil. I admire that. And what a thoughtful funeral that would be. Though after your ashes get washed away by the currents, you could become an angry sea spirit and send a tsunami at the people having a beach party." He jested.

"Anyways, every person is destined to die. I still have to achieve redemption before I could allow myself to perish. That is my only dream and I will do everything in my capability to achieve it." He replied in a solemn tone.
Tama ran to his bag and searched thoroughly for his food. He found his; reload packs, "Magazines" magazine{no -.-}, and his fish, but no "Frutella". "Someone's gonna die..." Tama shook his arm forming his full mech arm, he aimed it toward the sealing and shot a flare shell which left a trail of black smoke then fell into his hand. He crushed the shell causing a mini explosion in his hand. His eyes almost appeared as if they flamed with anger. "Who took my food..."

Meanwhile mini Frutella sits in his jacket pocket...

Tama conducted a wide search of everyone's items, finding no results he investigated under the instruments and decorations in the room. After all of the previous did not work he scaled the walls and checked the chandeliers. The amount of agility he displayed was amazing, finding no Frutella he put the fish in his mouth and hung upside down falling asleep. The Frutella started to inch out of his pocket into a unsuspecting Spencer's hand. Being asleep Tama fell shortly after the snack awakened by the impact. Regaining his vision and stability his sight darted in the boy's hand. Picking up an apple off a table he almost threw until looking at the table again with a bowl of fruits on it, he snagged a couple and used the soda machine cans as ammo. He shot Spencer in the shoulder.
"Redemption? For what? Wait...YOU are the criminal who stole the dust from multiple factories and you are trying to atone for your sins." Arielle said coming to a quick conclusion. She grabbed Spencer's hands and looked him deep in the eyes for a few seconds. Suddenly, she whispered "Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me." Afterwards, she let go and crossed her arms with triumph. Arielle feels satisfied with herself figuring out what caused that glint. She didn't need him to tell her and it was an amazing reason too. Who would've thought that he is an international criminal? Sure, he maybe a criminal but to Arielle, Danger=Adventure. Adventure= Not being bored. Not being bored= Fun. All Arielle wants.

Just when Arielle was about to turn off her semblance and say good night to Spencer, she heard something flying her way. Arielle all of the sudden does a cartwheel to the side to avoid whatever was flying at her. Looking to her left to see what it was she saw that Spencer was hit in the shoulder with what was flying. Fruit? She looks Taking it as a challenge Arielle shouts "You just challenged me. Prepare to taste defeat while I taste victory." Arielle runs over to her locker and quickly punches in the code. Taking it seriously, she takes out her whip. Walking out she snaps it on the floor. "You're on, fruit boy."
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And with that Alessa was momentarily dismissed from her cousin's presence. It had been the first time since early morning that the two Viola girls separated. As much she resented Alexis, Alessa had no cause for celebration for the brief split. Though temporary relieved of the heiress, it didn't remove the fact that Alessa was still charged with playing babysitter. As soon as she prepared for the evening, Alessa would return to monitoring her cousin's every movement.

She entered her Rocket Locker pin, frowning at the assigned combination.


Not today, she thought to herself as she produced a large bedsheet from her locker. Covering herself, she made quick work of changing into her night time attire before neatly folding the fabric. She stored the sheet back into her personal compartment, bringing with her a little something for emergencies before closing it. She tugged at her thin clothing, loosening the fabric as she strode out of the locker room.

She's not here yet. Probably mistreating her hair into that bland ponytail again. Alessa made short work of her braid, letting her purple hair fall past her shoulders. Already her head relief, just enough for Alessa to close her eyes in a brief moment of bliss. It was something shared between the women of the Viola family, a higher sensitivity to any euphoric sensations. Perhaps in that moment of weakness, Alessa had forgotten of the students around her. She came to her senses when she overheard an indecent conversation between a group of boys.

Did they not recognize the practicality her clothes? It was a simple silky gown that allowed some exposure of her legs and shoulders. There was absolutely nothing risqué about it.
Before Spencer could even utter a single reply, the hyperactive young girl had already concluded that he was some sort of international criminal who stole Dust from several companies... Seriously, did he look that much of a vandal? Still, he hated mentioning anything regarding his family. He wanted to be as low profile as possible since his business is his alone. He does not want anybody to get caught up in the mess he is in called life. As such, He neither confirmed nor denied the redhead's claims of him being a thief. In fact, he was quite flabbergasted at how she managed to come to that conclusion based solely on the word "redemption". Something told him that she was going to be a great friend and comrade. Thinking back, maybe it was a fortunate coincidence when he bumped into her just a little while ago and he is quite grateful that Fate willed that incident to occur.

He was just about ready to call it a day when he felt a blunt object make impact on his shoulder. He didn't pay it any mind as he was used to getting bullied even back at Signal but he dealt with it either by ignoring it, or resolving the problem through verbal or physical confrontation when necessary. He decided to ignore it as he does not want to be involved in any rambunctious activity this late in the evening, However, Arielle interpreted the gesture as a challenge, prompting her to scoot back towards the rocket locker rooms and get her weapon, a whip. First day in Beacon and hell was already about to break loose. It was then that he noticed the peculiar thing place precariously on his hand; some sort of candy called "Frutella". He was mystified as how the candy had mysteriously materialized on his hand but he was not interested in it. Surveying his surroundings, he noticed a green-haired individual stockpiling on makeshift ammunition with one clear target on his mind: Spencer. He was dumbfounded that misfortune had already found him this early in his stay at Beacon but he was well aware that the chances of both Arielle and "Fruit Boy" at getting admitted to Beacon would drop down exponentially if they were to cause a ruckus in such a densely populated area. Not to mention that they may cause harm to other students who simply wishes to be relieved from their fatigue and would want nothing to do with any commotion. He needed to resolve this conflict as quickly and efficiently as possible and without utilizing his weapon. That would only add fuel to the fire.

He once again looked at the candy and the guy with the murderous look on his face when a sketchy idea came into mind. Still, it was the only possible explanation as he was sure that he had not wronged anyone on this eventful day. Before he could change his mind, he nonchalantly started walking towards the green-haired guy, avoiding any projectiles thrown at him in the process. Once he was at a close enough distance, he handed the candy to the guy with a bored look on his face.

"I assume this belongs to you?" He said half-heartedly.

Alexis waved over to her cousin, bouncing on her heels while showing off her signature smile.
"Come on, we still need to get our bedding." The heiress approached Alessa, her long violet hair bouncing with her steps while she waved her hand forward in passing, gesturing that she was to follow. Alexis knew she would anyway. The two were almost always together.

After grabbing the necessary futon, blanket and pillow the two made their way to the Ballroom.
"Looks like we were missing the party." She leaned closer to Alessa while she spoke without actually taking her eyes off of the scene that was unfolding, one brow raised curiously while they stood in the doorway. Already other students were running around, shouting and generally causing a whole lot of noise. Some were even fighting! One of the girls ran past them, perhaps forgetting something from her locker? "I don't think anyone will be getting sleep like this." The violet haired girl shook her head before taking her first steps into the room to find a spot to set her things down. She didn't show it, but thoughts of tomorrow were already weighing on the young woman. Initiation was really hyped up; could it be that dangerous? No sense dragging down the mood. She thought, finding a suitable spot that had yet to be claimed.
Slate wandered around the ballroom with his pillow, futon, and blanket in tow. He had yet to find anyone to hangout with and so he had also been unable to find a place to sleep. So instead he just shuffled around aimlessly, lost in his own thoughts. I wonder what we have to do for initiation? Probably kill Grimm right? But that's too simple, there has to be something else. Maybe a duel. Ugh all this thinking is making my brain hurt, i'm just going to stop. Just then Slate saw an open spot to put his stuff, and instantly he rushed over. When he had got to the open spot though he was surprised to find that someone had already taken it. Quite loudly he exclaimed "Hey this is mine spot you lousy… wait a minute I know you two." Slate stared in shock at the girls before him, it was the Viola cousins. "How did you… why.. when..." he stuttered. He was absolutely speechless, of all the people in signal they had to be the ones to make it. After a few moments of stuttering he was finally able to get a few words out "What is the princess and her bodyguard doing here?"
Tama was in between annoyed and intrigued, he accepted the girl's challenge and got into a loose fighting stance. Just when he was going to charge his snack mystically appeared before him in the palm of a boy's hand. He looked down at the guy's hand cautiously, as if to observe if it had been poisoned. Tama slowly brought his stance to attention, before lifting a hand and taking the snack. "Thanks." Tama folded his arms staring at the student with a tilted head. "You, don't see very many people with guts like that." Tama tossed the Fruitella around in his hand, before opening it and eating the jello like candy. He wiped his mouth and smiled. "Now that, that's over let's deal with the problem at hand. You stealing my food!" Tama shook his hand cocking a peeled apple skin out of his mecha arm. "You don't mess with Tama Anaru!" He pulled a table over in front of him, slamming down on the edge causing it to pop straight up, and rammed it with his shoulder sending it flying at Spencer. Tama ran after the table.
Arielle watched the scene that occurred in front of her. Spencer gave back the candy. What sucker would do that after they hit you in the shoulder? Not only that, it's just a lame and mature way to solve it. Fruit Boy said a few words she couldn't hear and ate the candy. "What a shame." Arielle sighed as she started to fold up her whip and turned her back to walk to the locker rooms to hang the whip up. Just as she turned her back, she heard a ruckus occurring behind her. Arielle looked behind her out of curiosity to see what was occurring behind her. Fruit Boy was going on a rampage on Spencer. "Let's have some fun." Arielle said before unraveling her whip again and cracking it on the floor. She then swung it up so it hit the ceiling lights and caused them to cease function. As an effect, half of the ballroom went dark. Arielle smiles at herself with no regrets of what problem she just started.
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"Students." Cordin started out, watching the carnage happen in the Rocket Locker room, but noticed quickly that no-one had heard him or just plain ignored him."Students!" He shouted but took note as they still hadn't noticed him, and had even taken out the lights now, a table was also heading towards another student, so he quickly reacted and jumped in front of the table as it smashed into him, tossing him from his position and into the middle of the student-potentials as the table shattered into pieces, his smile faltered before it turned into a hard frown, the frown looking unnatural and more intimidating then any other look. "STUDENTS!" He yelled as loudly as he could, happy that it had stopped the strange chaos as he activated his Aura as the cyan colored sparks started zipping across him, giving him an eerie, dangerous, and downright evil look combined with his frown. "While i appreciate how, enthusiastic, you are about being in this academy, i would appreciate it if you would please stop fighting, as i will not tolerate it if it is not in your combat class if you do pass initiation, and i can tell you right now that i'm not particularly fond at the idea of you passing if this is how you would act while here. Now, if you would please head out of this room and head to bed, that would be much appreciated, seeing as i now have lights and a table to fix," He pointedly looked at Arielle and Tama, the look increasing his scary factor "please leave this room immediately." Cordin finished, before going back into his smiling visage, which looked even scarier than his frown under the eerie light, watching as each of the students put their weapons back and heading out to the ballroom.
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Spencer sighed boredly seeing as his attempts to solve this predicament in a civilized manner were thrown out of the window when the green-haired individual refused to cease his violent assault. The chap even threw a table at him,which only served as incriminating evidence that he was dealing with a Neanderthal rather than a civilized being. Nonchalantly, he bent his body backwards wherein his knees up to his feet were the only part of his body that remained upright. It was somehow similar to a move in a movie he had recently watched. What was that called? "The Matri--" Oh well it seemed he had forgotten about it already. Anyways, he had avoided collision with the table by just a hair strand, the table shattering upon impact with the wall. He was determined to stay on the defensive if this foolish quarrel ensues but fortunately, the headmaster stepped in to resolve the conflict.... though through the use of very unorthodox means.

Breathing a sigh of relief, he ignored the green-haired vagrant and regarded Arielle before he began setting up his futon. He wanted to end this day without any more troublesome occurrences transpiring. Tomorrow was the initiation. Something that shall very well determine if he is to come one step closer to achieving his goals.
Looking at the scary headmaster's face, Arielle starts to roll up her whip once again. "[BCOLOR=#00ffff][BCOLOR=#000000]What a party pooper[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]." She grumbled from under her breath while making a pouty face. She looks back at the headmaster to see if he heard that and starts working faster because his face has gotten scarier by the second. Arielle speed-walked to her locker and punched in 7-4-5-8. She threw her whip inside not caring about what happened to it. "Crap. Doesn't look like this one plays around." She thought as she escaped the room with the demon still in it.

Arielle went back to the futon she settled earlier in the middle of the room. She took a deep sigh as she fell backwards onto the futon. "Owwwww." Arielle groaned as she felt the effects of her head missing the pillow and hitting the floor. Arielle scooted herself downwards so her head was actually on the pillow and rolled onto her right side. Not caring for a blanket today, she laid on top of it and fell asleep to have her usual dreams of nonsense.
Princess. The name some of the students back at Signal had given her. While technically untrue, it always amused Alexis. As did the way that the student trying to claim their spot had reacted to their presence.

The boy that had approached the pair was named Slate. She had seen the guy around a couple of times. He used some ridiculously over-sized sword. Was he trying to compensate for something being so buffed up and using a large weapon like that? Did he just enjoy showing off? The thought of bringing it up put a mischievous smile on her face, her deep blue eyes narrowing. No. Not yet. "Lousy?" The heiress addressed the last word he had uttered before he realized who he was talking to. "Correct me if I'm wrong; Which I'm not, but you having to walk over here to tell us that we are in your spot means we were here first. Right?" Alexis leaned herself forward, as though her arrogance would enhance her point. "Right. So why don't you--"

The voice of the Headmaster pierced through the room, only making it that much more unnerving when she heard everything else fall silent in response. It seemed the background noise had escalated to more than simple banter between the students. Looks like the actions of a few cost the rest of them the chance to talk and learn about each other before going to bed. "You heard him. Off to bed." Alexis pointed towards the nearest wall, indicated that she and Alessa were not going to forfeit their spot to Slate. Without even waiting to see if he would protest, Alexis shook her blanket out straight and dropped her pillow onto her futon, following soon after by resting her cheek onto it.

Rest wouldn't come easy. Thoughts continued to race through her mind. Just how hard initiation was and what it meant that she and Alessa passed it. Being one step closer to the dream she and her cousin fought for.
Tama continued to ram the table with his shoulder until he came into contact with a rock solid object. Immediately Tama activated his aura in order to shield himself from any harm. The table shattered with great force knocking Tama back, his aura masked him like a fog giving him a look that matched the title given to him by his neighborhood and enemies. Even with this confidence it would no longer be as effective against the beast before him, the headmaster's blank eyes mixed with his angry stare and electrifying aura gave him the look of a true monster. Tama took a step back in trepidation, he had never met such an intimidating foe. The ears hidden underneath his beanie matted against his head, Tama's mech went back into bracelet form and the black fogged aura slowly came down eventually making a gust circle as high as his ankles then disappearing. His body snapped backwards running out the door.

Tama found the highest point of the school campus, a strange tower. He gripped roofing so hard he made hand imprints, making it obvious as to where his location is. Tama made it to the top leaning against the tower's point. He ranted his self to sleep. "Die..."
Alex was quiet all through introduction. He had nothing to say and no one to talk to. He quietly made his way through the crowd to his locker. He input the code 1945 and took his night clothes out as well as his weapon. He changed and walked over to an empty spot next to a pillar to lay his futon. He put his shields beneath it and laid down. He could barely close his eyes with all the commotion in the room. Luckily Cordin calmed everyone down and gave them a stern talking. Serves them right. He thought. Though, he still couldn't sleep. As if the energy still lingered in the room like a ghost. He sat upright and took his shield out. He polished it like it was a trophy. Sometimes the best offense is a good offense, disguised as a defense. He thought. When he finished polishing it the little light in the room reflected beautifully off it. He used the sheild like a mirror and directed the light into the eyes of other students.
Clang! Windia was awoken to the sound of the Bullhead's ramp making contact with the pavement. She had fallen asleep for an uncertain amount of time while she was on the airship. She found flying to be quite the unusual experience since this was the first time she ever rode on such a contraption.For the first 5 minutes of the flight, she was gawking at the scenery laid out before her by the windows. The exhilaration she felt at that moment as she stared wide eyed at the discovery she made by viewing the world she lived in from such an alien perspective was profound. It opened her eyes to a whole new way of viewing her world and its beauty... Then after those 5 minutes of achieving enlightenment had passed by, she was reminded of her true objective and it all became meaningless. Before she could allow her self to marvel at such wonders, she must accomplish her lifelong mission.

Now as she stepped off of the Bullhead, she had already gotten her priorities straight. Her objective is to become a Huntress because only then can she fulfill her Ultimate Goal: The Co-existence between Humans and Faunus without any and all discrimination from the former towards the latter. Of course, even if that was her goal, she still knows that completely diverting all her attention towards realizing it would not be beneficial on her part. Such dreams cannot be merely accomplished by charging towards it head on. It would only spell her utter ruin. For her efforts to come to fruition, she needed a more systematic and human approach towards it. Equal and balanced portions of work and play so as not to stress her psychological state. Knowing when to bum rush matters and when to take it easy could mean the difference between success and failure.

As she walked aimlessly towards the premises of the Academy, she was pondering on how she should interact with those around her. Even though she is indeed human, she had little exposure with socializing with those of the same race as she belonged to. Most of her friends were Faunus to begin with, only managing to make a handful of human friends. Still, she wasn't about to let such a trivial matter become a hindrance to her. Now that she was finally here, her dreams have become oh so close than ever before. She was so enthralled by her thoughts that she barely made sense of the instructions to proceed to the auditorium. She managed to live her belongings in the lobby as instructed, and proceeded to the auditorium while still deep in thought. Her attention was diverted back to reality when she heard the Headmaster's speech. She had to admit, it was fairly good to know that the Headmaster himself promotes equality among the Faunus and the Human students but even so, she knows for certain that there were still going to be some prejudice towards the Faunus even in the likes of Beacon, one of the only institutions that accepts both Human and Faunus students.

After the welcoming speech, she was led by a rather eccentric looking lady towards their temporary sleeping quarters, the ballroom. They were instructed on how to make use of their own rocket lockers and were told to sleep early or socialize with everyone before departing. She immediately made her way to the lockers and punched in the number code 6-9-9-6. After entering her desiired code, mechanism in the locker began to whir and the release mechanism triggered with a cling. She checked that her luggage, together with Zephyrus was there. Afterwards, she grabbed a Futon and immediately went to sleep.
Headmaster Cordin Gale
Cordin stared ahead as he looked at the student potentials stood before him atop of metallic spring plates that would do the honor of launching the teenagers into the Emerald Forest. The Emerald Forest would test the students before him in both their combat skills, leadership skills, and social skills. It was filled with many different types of Grimm throughout it's tree'd hills. Though Cordin was currently a little lost in thought thinking about something else as he smiled upon the students. I still wonder why that student, I think his name was Fen something or other, had left after my speech... or why yet another student by the name of Brendan had also left at some point during the day. Oh well, time to get this show on the road! Cordin snapped out of his thoughts after the last one, and studied the students before him, he stopped his scanning momentarily after catching sight of the group of 3 who had caused a lot of trouble last night. I can already tell that those three are going to give me headaches throughout this school year... Cordin thought as he continued his studying, landing on the last student potential who stood at the beginning of the line, Alex if he recalled his file, looking as if he had gotten the most sleep out of all of them, even though he had stayed up all night distracting himself by shining lights into other student potentials eye's as they slept.

"Hello students, as you know I am Headmaster Cordin Gale, and I do apologize for saying that so much but my assistant insisted on it, said something about establishing authority or some such other non-sense, anyway, it is now time for your initiation. Now, team's will be formed as such, the first person you meet, is your partner throughout the school year, after you have your partner you must head to some old ruins beneath the other cliff face you can see across from us, in this ruins will be pedestals, on those pedestals are colored shapes, it is 1 colored shape per pair, whichever colored shape you and your partner take, is which team you'll be put on. If you fail to get any colored shape or a partner, then you have failed the initiation and will be put on a ship back home. Now, what you all are standing on are metallic springboard launch-pads, they will launch you into the forest, so i do hope you have a way of landing, as we wouldn't want to clean up the mess..." Cordin finished, unnerving some of the students due to the morbid nature and how he is still smiling throughout all of it. "I will be monitoring your progress, so have fun, and don't fail. Oh, and do watch out, as their are all manner of Grimm inside of the forest." As if to symbolize this, loud roars of all types came out from the forest, startling even more students. Then slowly the launchpads starting activating one-by-one, launching them into the forest as some of them talked amongst eachother until it became their turn, in which they got ready to launch. After the last student launched, which took around 20 seconds for every student to be launched, he turned around as his assistant Clare came to him and they both turned on their Scrolls, to watch each student-potential as they traversed the forest.
The Viola cousins were standing side by side the following day, listening to Headmaster Cordon Gale give his speech and inform all of the students about the initiation process. At the news that they were to be partnered up with another student for the entire school year put a smile on Alexis' face, intrigued by the idea while Alessa widened her eyes with concern. I'll have to make sure I find Alexis before anyone else. She couldn't give up the traditions of her family. Despite the fact that she resented her position, it was her duty. Alessa knew that she couldn't keep Alexis safe and be paired up with somebody else all year at the same time.

Alexis, for her part, was glad to have the opportunity to join another student and let Alessa 'unwind' so to speak. The news that they would need to find a safe way to land from being jettisoned into the air didn't seem to deter either of the Viola girls. Alexis was catapulted into the forest before her cousin, giving a shout of excitement when she was propelled through the air, spreading her arms wide while her ponytail whipped wildly behind her. She was headed for the heart of the forest. Once she had reached the apex of her flight arc and began to descend, her deep glue eyes glowed with a violet shimmer. The large canopy of the forest as well as the thick tree trunk she was on course for didn't so much as rustle as she passed straight through them with the use of her semblance; being able to phase her body through matter. She even seemed to fall through the very ground itself, only to reappear several seconds later. "That wasn't so bad." She said to herself with a smile, looking around her surroundings. There was no sign of other students. At least not yet. "I wonder who I'll see first...[/i]

As Alessa's turn came, she braced herself and was propelled through the air without a sound. Aside from the yelp of surprise when she was first launched. It seemed all of the pads were set up to deliberately deliver each student someplace different, so meeting another person was entirely random. By the time she approached the trees, Alessa's neotina, extremely strong wires that she controlled with her aura extended out to grasp onto sturdy branches to swing and slow her fall. Ending up on a strong branch twenty feet in the air, Alessa lowered herself to one knee and looked overhead, spotting another student sailng past her and heading farther into the forest. Finding Alexis in this maze of trees and Grimm wouldn't be easy.
Tama was perched on his springboard launch-pad like a frog, awaiting departure. The professor stood there explaining the rules and all that fun stuff. "Hello students, as you know I am Headmaster Cordin Gale, and I do apologize for saying that so much but my assistant insisted on it, said something about establishing authority or some such other non-sense, anyway, it is now time for your initiation. Now, team's will be formed as such, the first person you meet, is your partner throughout the school year, after you have your partner you must head to some old ruins beneath the other cliff face you can see across from us, in this ruins will be pedestals, on those pedestals are colored shapes, it is 1 colored shape per pair, whichever colored shape you and your partner take, is which team you'll be put on. If you fail to get any colored shape or a partner, then you have failed the initiation and will be put on a ship back home. Now, what you all are standing on are metallic springboard launch-pads, they will launch you into the forest, so i do hope you have a way of landing, as we wouldn't want to clean up the mess..." Cordin finished, unnerving some of the students due to the morbid nature and how he is still smiling throughout all of it. "I will be monitoring your progress, so have fun, and don't fail. Oh, and do watch out, as their are all manner of Grimm inside of the forest." As if to symbolize this, loud roars of all types came out from the forest, startling even more students. Then slowly the launchpads starting activating one-by-one, launching them into the forest as some of them talked amongst eachother until it became their turn, in which they got ready to launch. After the last student launched, which took around 20 seconds for every student to be launched, he turned around as his assistant Clare came to him and they both turned on their Scrolls, to watch each student-potential as they traversed the forest. Tama took his whole conversation and narrowed it down to "Partner, Find, Grab, and Win" while flying through the air. After a while He stood up in mid-air as if he were standing on a flat surface and put his hands in his pocket, Tama then put his feet out front and bent his knees. Using a tree Tama exerted a massive force, as a result of his velocity, pushing the tree up and away allowing him to land safely and the tree taking his punishment. "You'd swear he's trying to kill us..." Tama's bracelet turns into his mech arm and he inserts a gas canister of black dust. A Grimm wolf leaps out of the shrub and Tama turns around spin kicking it, the Grimm shook it off and lunged again this time Tama grabbed it's mouth and shot the canister inside. "Come on just breathe it in..." The Grimm started to slow down before wandering off a meter or two and collapsing. "Good night." Tama cracked its neck and continued on.
Alex was undetered by Cordins attempt to scare them before being catapulted into the forest of death. As he flew through the air his unprotected eyes teared up a bit, blurring his vision. As he got closer to the ground he took one of his shields and placed it beneath his feet. He landed and slid on the shield like a sled. He had kept alot of momentum and stood on the shield like a surfer on a board. He had fun until a large tree appeared infront of him. He attempted to steer it out of the way but was not as good as he thought he was and fell off. He rolled on his side until he hit the tree with a thud. "Thats gonna hurt later" he thought as he slowly stood up. A bit dazed from the hit. "Now to find a partner". He grabbed his shield off the ground and wandered deeper into the forest.
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