RWBY: Dust Like Ashes IC

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Weapon: Blue Dragon
Semblance: Favorable Winds
Mentioned: N/A
Location: Starting, Locker room, Finishing: mid flight
Interactions: Non Direct

"blah blah blah..." Sky grumbled under his breath at the intercom. He took his sweet time getting to the platforms, almost being late. He honestly couldn't care less, He just wanted to be done with this so that he could get on with what he had in mind. He wanted to see if he could get to the top towers of beacon with his wings. But he'd have to do this first.
He only half listened to the instructions, Grab a relic, grab a partner, done. sounded easy enough. at least he hoped it would be.

He looked at other students getting launched, nodding he took note of the timings. Counting down in his head he waited for his launch. It came and he grinned, the nicating membrane flicked down over his eyes keeping them covered while still letting him see. A few seconds after launch once he'd bled off some speed, he unfolded his wings, he saw other students dropping in to the trees, He honestly wasn't going to bother with that, keeping the speed from the launch he used his wings to carefully control his movement, speeding over tree-tops towards the goal. Several of the taller trees got a trim from his close passes.
Name: Azura Zuval
Weapon: War fans/daggers
Semblance: Perfect Counter
Mentioned: N/A
Location: Locker room > Emerald Forest
Interactions: None yet

The intercom spoke loud and clear. All first year students to Beacon Cliff. It was time for them, and Azura couldn't fail now. Everything she trained for and everything her parents taught her all came down to the initiation. If she couldn't do this, a life of failure would surely be laid out for her... Azura followed the rest of the first years out of the locker rooms, murmuring a good luck to herself on the way out.

Azura only took a moment to look at her fellow first years on the silver plates before focusing on the speech once more. She had to focus, she needed to be ready. This was a life or death situation now, because surely these instructors wouldn't launch them into a forest without some type of obstacles. Viorel stood not too far from her, and even he was paying attention to what was going on. He must have known this too.

Not only that, but they were going to get partners... Whoever this person was, she hoped she could be a legendary team with them.

Azura had her fans ready, her plan already in mind when she saw they were going to be launched into the forest. Her fans had dust inside them that would allow her to use wind. She could use that to slow her motion and cushion her fall as much as possible... By the look of Viorel readying a few arrows with green tips, it seemed he had the same idea.


Azura gripped her weapons tight to keep them from accidentally flying off her, the sharp winds and pieces of her hair striking her as she flew through the skies. She could see the trees quickly approaching, and with it the ground. Azura quickly opened her fans, the green lighting up of the dust symbols and she quickly swung, creating a large wind towards the ground that stopped her motion and pushed her up some. She landed on her feet without a hitch. And now, she had to find her way to the temple and get to those relics.

Name: Viorel Zuval
Weapon: Bow/Sword
Semblance: Perceptionist
Location: Locker room > Emerald Forest

Viorel readied up his stuff and capped his quiver to keep his arrows from falling out or from someone stealing them. The intercom had just sounded, and he, a first year, needed to report to Beacon Cliff and get this initiation started. He didn't think it was going to be some sort of written test, He wasn't worried too much about Azura. He knew she was keeping it together... Or at least as together as she could be right now.

It wasn't long before he and the rest of the first years were side by side on a series of silver panels. Listening in on the speech, he heard that they were going to receive teammates and a partner. One person that would be by their side for the next four years. A part of him hoped he'd be partnered with his sister, since they knew each other's movements to a T. But he knew that wouldn't happen. He'd have to be the luckiest guy ever to get someone he knew he could work with.

Viorel had uncapped his quiver and took out out three wind arrows before capping it again. It'd be really unfortunate if all his arrows fell out during the launch. With his bow and arrows in hand, he prepared himself physically and mentally for the launch.


Viorel flew threw the air before he knew it, paying no mind to the rest of the first years, since he needed to focus more on landing safely than where everyone was. He readied the arrows as the ground grew near and shot the arrows at the dirt beneath him. The winds forced him to slow down significantly, though the momentum forced him to tuck and roll to keep from shattering his ankles on the impact. Once he realized he made it, he dust himself off and grabbed his arrows, putting them in his quiver so he could get to that temple... But first, where the hell was he.
04.08.16 - 1.jpg

Hearing the intercom Braith looked down at the smaller girl before saying "Good Luck" she said before walking off in the direction toward the cliff. Soon arriving students were already making their way there. Once everyone had arrived Ozpin started speaking of teams and stuff. Braith hoped she could find the girl from before because she seemed nice.

Everything already explained she was ready to start and so were many of the people around here, she may not have looked it but she was ready to burst at the seems, excitement filled her, again it may not look it but she was very excited. No questions were needed she just knew that she was going to get to do what she wanted to. One by one students from her right were launch into the air in an ark. Five students were left to her right, she took out her sword, four her eyes tensed as she got into position, three she spread her legs ever so slightly, two she controlled her breathing , one she tensed slightly before...


Before she knew it she was soaring through the air. It felt great but she didn't want to be up there for too long. Placing her sword below her feet as if she was to go surfing she activated her semblance. This sent her down faster than any of the other first years, though she was quite a bit up the cliff still. As her velocity increased while using her semblance she hit the ground. Normally while using her semblance she wouldn't have been able to keep going but since she was riding her sword she slid down the mountain. Weaving in and out of trees she was literally snowboarding, or at least as close as you could get going down a dirt slope. Skidding to a stop at the very bottom, she deactivated her semblance. Looking back up she looked at the giant dirt trail she made before turning away from the mountain, picking up and placing her sword on her back as she made her way to the relics.

Name: Braith Senna
Weapon: Jolly Maxwell
Semblance: Mountain
Mentioned: Nhung
Location: Beacon Cliff, Emerald Forest
Interactions: @Quincunx
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Reactions: Mollisol


Syuzanna Vesna
Weapon // Zavodila
Semblance // Water Skulk
Mentioned // Sky
Location // Locker Rooms
Interactions // @EddiEddi (not direct, but I want to clarify that Sky's the one she sees)

Having taken out and hidden Zavodila, Syuzanna broke out in an abrupt wide grin at the announcement. Finally, it was time to get out of this boring, boring place. She walked out with swinging arms and the smile still on her face. When she arrived at the platforms, she took a long look over the cliff. It was so green! Like the mountains of Voronin, the trees spread like a cloud, dark dots occasionally darting through. A thin stream ran through the landscape.

Syuzanna was expressionless as she turned around and backflipped onto the platform. That moment would be the only one where she noticed the remaining initiates. Were they skilled? Smart? Brave? She didn't have time to wonder. Her hands and then her feet touched down on the platform, and then she was thrown into the air.

She sped over the forest and slipped Zavodila out of her skirt. With a dramatic turn, so that she was facing up to look at the vast expanse of sky, she fired a wind dust round at a slight angle from straight up. The recoil propelled her just the right amount. She was freefalling towards the stream.

As she felt the cold water and her body becoming shadowy, she wondered where it would take her.

A short while later, she emerged from the water to set foot in a large clearing. It was filled with cracked stone structures that looked like they could completely fall apart at any moment. "Disgusting," she said to nobody in particular. Wait, what was that above the trees far away? It was too blue for a Grimm. It looked kind of... human. Syuzanna fully unfolded Zavodila as her eyes darted around the ruins and the sky.


Nhung Hong
Weapon // Dream Diver
Semblance // Calcify
Mentioned // Braith
Location // Ballroom --> Locker Rooms
Interactions // @Sasha Bliss

It was time to go, so Nhung said an equally quick thanks and goodbye to Braith (super cool!) and practically flew out of the room. She never ran out of momentum, and stopped only when she arrived at the platforms on the cliff. The view was dizzying! She couldn't wait to launch. It would be terrifying, and beautiful, and that girl just did a backflip into her launch, and did Nhung have a plan as cool as that? Probably not. Whoops. At least it was simple. Keep it simple, stupid, Nhung thought. Keep it simple!

She took a sure step onto the platform, and soon enough, shot into the air. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha!" She unstrapped Dream Diver from her back so she'd land with it, unfolded it intoa club, and gave herself a quick calcification buff. She liked to think she looked like a little pink star falling from the sky, ready to wreck anything unlucky enough to be below her. The treetops came closer and closer, and soon Nhung's club was bouncing her away from tree branches. Thud, thud, thud...

She landed with quite the thunderous sound. As her buff broke and the glassy pink glow shattered, the dirt exploded beneath her with the impact of her fall. The buff had barely lasted long enough; she hadn't felt a thing. As the dust settled, she looked around, and met eyes with the face from the initiate body she found most familiar - short hair, sharp features, a closed mouth.

Nhung shot up from the sitting position she'd landed in. "Hey Braith! How's it going?"

Is this how birds feel when they fly?
It was a magical feeling, sailing through the sky without a care in the world, free from it all. Then came the realization that she had nothing in common with the birds as the grasp of gravity set in and she began to plummet towards the treetops. Panic quickly took hold, rendering much of her thought processes null from mortal fear. She had to land safely, but how?!

Scanning the quickly defining features of the flora below, it appeared that nothing she could do would prevent her from a rough and painful landing, much to her despair. If that was the case...

Reaching to her side, she felt the familiar shape of the pouch containing her dust supply and quickly set upon it. From it, she withdrew two pill-sized shards of crystalline dust. Yanking down the gas mask that covered her mouth, she shoved them in, both of which would find their way to her molars. Biting down, the shards easily broke with a crunch, releasing the volatile energy of wind and water. The pit of her stomach felt ice cold as the dust elements combined within her, and the chill quickly began to spread throughout her body, flooding her muscles and senses with power beyond their usual capabilities.

Reaching behind her, she took hold of her weapon and by the time Daisy Pusher was fully free from its restraints, frost had already begun to form across it. Fully extending itself, Pallor gripped it with both hands and reared it back before delivering a mighty swing downward to the treetops. The blast of cold energy solidified the water vapor in the air, creating what would eventually become a long slide trailing through the forest's top and descending below.

The icy platform cracked under her weight when she landed, her boots squeaking against the slick surface in protest of their misuse as she slid down the path provided for her. Branches and leaves whipped at her body, numbed by the cold of her semblance in action, and the blade of her shovel ensured that nothing less yielding would stop her descent. Soon enough the forest's floor greeted her, the momentum built by sliding down leaving her with little choice but to surrender herself to the reintroduction of friction, sending her tumbling and flailing into the ground.


Pallor Romero

Weapon: "Daisy Pusher"
Semblance: "Dust Biter"
Mentioned: N/A
Location: Emerald Forest
Interactions: N/A
Name: Logan Abeila
Weapon: "Boom Stick"
Semblance: "Bigger than Appear"
Mentioned: N/A
Location: Emerald Forest
Interactions: N/A
Well, it would appear that they wouldn't be getting breakfast. Guess they were really going for the whole "make it as real as possible" thing. You didn't always have time to eat breakfast when you were a Huntsman. It was kinda ruined by Ozpin talking, so maybe not. Who knew at this point. At least they got to do something. Whatever that something was. What were they going to do? Get a relic at the other end of the forest? Great, just let him get going and....

Suddenly he realized what was happening to the students to the left of him, especially when the one right next to him suddenly disappeared and was then seen flying through the air. "Oh no." he said before he felt the platform beneath him quickly raise up beneath him and launch him into the air.

Well what was he supposed to do now? Flap his arms and think light thoughts? He didn't have a fancy way of landing like the others. His Boom Stick couldn't keep him from slamming into the ground. And he couldn't magically sprout wings that he could glide with. No, he had to do it the old fashion way. Tuck and roll. Sadly, he could do neither, for a tree had decided to grow where he was wanting to land. And with a resounding thud, he slammed right into it. Lucky him his aura and semblance kept him from blacking out and breaking any bones. However, he was now in a lot of pain, and rather high up. "Okay. You can get down, Logan. You've climbed plenty of trees back home. How different could this one be?" He muttered to himself as he sat on the branch he ended up landing, and staying, on, getting his breath back before he begins his journey down.
She was beginning to feel cold and the faint throbbings throughout her legs were the prelude to the aches and soreness that would eventually come as her semblance started to wear off. Pallor trudged on, not wanting to linger and attract the attention of a stray Grimm. The path behind her was filled with sounds of water drops from melting ice, hitting the leaves in much the very same way as rain would. Hopefully, that would mask the sounds of her footsteps for at least a little while. Collapsing Daisy Pusher into its trench form, the shovel's compact form allowed her to easily deal with the thick brush and branches that threatened her passage. She couldn't be certain she was completely going the right way, but there was no point in second-guessing herself at this stage.

Suddenly, an arrow struck the clearing ahead of her, bringing her a step back defensively in search of the supposed assailant. Several more arrows followed, activating some form of dust use who appearance reminded her to affix her gas mask over her mouth and nose. A boy descended from the sky, hitting the ground with a landing roll far more graceful than her own had been. He was one of her classmates, although, aside from that, a complete stranger. Part of her wanted to hide, to try and find someone she knew, but she remained still, waiting for his next movement or his acknowledgment that she was there.


Pallor Romero

Weapon: "Daisy Pusher"
Semblance: "Dust Biter"
Mentioned: Viorel Zuval
Location: Emerald Forest
Interactions: @Jessica2477
Name: Viorel Zuval
Weapon: Bow/Sword
Semblance: Perceptionist
Mentioned: Pallor
Location: Emerald Forest
Interactions: @CasketCase

Viorel took a look around him after the impact. He was glad he had extra wind arrows ready... If not, he might have become meat and raspberry pudding... Viorel fell silent, the sense that he was being watched... Not from the front, not to his sides.. Viorel looked behind him, noticing that this was not a Grimm that was looking at him. But a girl. One of his classmates it seemed. He hadn't even noticed her in the locker room, but she seemed.. nice. That gas mask made her look creepy, but hey, one shouldn't judge a book by its cover right?

He approached her, stopped at arm's length, then held out his hand to shake wearing a smile on his face. "Hi, I'm Viorel." He introduced himself, hoping they could start off on the right foot. This weird girl was going to be his partner for four years, but the sooner they became friends the better.
She hesitated, but only for a moment, before she took his hand and returned the shake.

"I'm can call me Pally."

The words still felt awkward, but now easier from the repetition. Unsure of what to do afterward, she kept shaking his hand, a tad bit longer than what would be deemed "normal", but eventually released his grasp upon realizing this.

"We should go...we might attract Grimm sticking around too long..."

This would, of course, bring up the question of which way they would need to go, but the important thing was that they start moving, or so was her reasoning.


Pallor Romero

Weapon: "Daisy Pusher"
Semblance: "Dust Biter"
Mentioned: Viorel Zuval
Location: Emerald Forest
Interactions: @Jessica2477
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