Rose Witch Covenant

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@KitsyKitty @Gladis @Vio

The young familiar had indeed forgotten his place with in the Petrova family line, barking orders as he did to the Master of the house, Morris Petrova, and the fear showed clearly on his face as he blanched at the act of violence Morris committed upon his fellow witch, Ezra. What would become of Sebastian then, after all of this? Julian, Ana's very own butler-who was much higher on the totem pole than Sebastian- has committed a deed just like this only this morning...Would Sebastian be handled with just as he had, or would his fate be worse since he was not even ranked that high?

The White haired familiar snapped out of it, however, when he was suddenly jolted forward by Miss Ana's sudden thrashing. He would have to worry about his fate later. He felt the thud of his mistress on his back, and the icy sensation of the black goo race down his finely tailored flower jacket. He trembled, and even let out a cuss, gripping Ana by her shoulders and hauling her back to sitting position, a rather violent act to commit upon Lady Petrova herself and something that might land him without a job in the near future, however this was for the protection of his mistress Gwen, whose life was being put on the line by Anastasia.

He glanced up gratefully when Morris appeared before him to help, giving him a small nod of thanks. He stood upright, forcing his mistress in a standing position as well , acting as a support for the tiny Petrova so she could continue. The sensation of having his mistress so close was rather comforting...Being that he rarely ever touched her in his human form...but it felt nice to be the one supporting her...but now was not the time.

It seemed that Morris's hushed whispers to calm his mother had not worked for Ana jerked forward once more, suddenly gasping in sorrow as she fiercely shook her head. "I can't do it! I've had enough!" Anger suddenly filled Sebastian, his multicolored eyes suddenly glowing with an inner fire as he could no longer hold his tongue. "So you would eagerly break the memory connection like this and perhaps kill my mistress, then?" There was irritation in the young familiar's voice, and he knew he was clearly out of line, his comment earning a stare from the whole table. They all knew that Sebastian was rather cheeky, but for him to handle this situation in such a was out of his was not thought of. Ana clearly froze at that comment, for the first time holding still and allowing Sebastian and Morris to relax their grasp. She turned to stare at the familiar, clearly unsure how to handle the young man's insolence.

Sebastian seemed to blush and pale at the same time, a mixture of fear, anger, and embarrassment rushing through him. He quickly decided to switch tones, his voice becoming slightly more comforting as he bowed his head in respect. He took a couple of steps back then and glanced at Gwen, she was standing upright one more, but she looked as if she would die at any moment. The prideful familiar did something then that most thought he would never do. He fell to his knees then, a hard look upon his lovely face as he bent forward, planting his hands against the carpeted ground as he resting his forehead to it. He bowed...

"Ms. Ana..." He started, his voice calm for Gwen's sake. "If you break the connection now...My mistress will either die or be stuck in the memory plain forever. I beg you...please be strong for her sake. Her life is in your please hold out until this is finished..."

Ana stared in shock, just like the rest of the familiar who were rather unsure how to take this act of pure submission. This was rather unlike the naughty familiar who was always up to trouble...He had set aside his pride for the sake of his mistress, a true display of affection and care. And this was something that Ana could not ignore. Lady Petrova visibly calmed, leaning back against the chair as she closed her eyes, fresh tears suddenly making their was down her cheeks. She sighed, the memories of Xavier still so fresh in her mind, but she did not fight anymore. Her voice was nothing more than a defeated whisper, slipping out from between her red lips as the whole atmosphere in the room seemed to visibly relax. "..I will continue for Gwen's sake..."

Strangely, Nimhue had remained quiet throughout every passing second of the events unfolding with only the grip of her hand growing stronger with each moment upon the arm of her chair till her knuckles had turned a deathly white. Eyes, both red and blue, remained unearthly still upon the table as she silently tried to quell the sickly feeling that bloomed within the pits of her stomach as she pushed herself backwards, trying to distance herself from all of this and into the abyss she hoped that the chair she was on would turn into. Yet it didn't. However, despite her uncomfortable state, she did not tune it all out because her own stubbornness had decapitated that very idea upon entering her mind since she refused to become 'weak'.

She did not know much about these people...yet she found herself falling prey to feelings that swelled up at the simple observation of all this and with each moment she was tempted to leave the hall because she found little reason for her presence. Wasn't this something that the witches should keep between themselves? She knew little about any other witches except Morris who had her full attention and so she found herself puzzled on anything concerning the other inhabitants. Thoughts were discarded seconds later after her brief attention on her knowledge of the witches due to the sudden danger that became present between the red rose witch, Ana and the grey rose witch, Gwen.

Though, little of it was her concern...

Her jaw found itself tightening as her gaze had narrowed drastically, noting the black fluid that escaped them in response to whatever magical tricks they were up to. 'I really hate magical creatures...' Was her following thought as she continued to push down at the small amount of guilt that appeared for the young grey rose witch because even she, who portrayed hatred for them all, found herself unable to remain emotionless at it all. Staring only at these two, her expression had eventually softened into one of concern than she had not even noticed herself. She was worried. Her lips trembled, unable to retain the stoic line that they once were as they slipped into a small frown that quivered as her eyes watched carefully over the small girl. It was wrong to put such a young person through this.

Snapping her gaze towards Morris when she finally seemed to take a grasp of what else was going on, she could only stare as she watched the fork be used to stab Ezra's hand. Her usual moral's towards this type of behavior pushed aside, Nimhue did not react at all. Not even a change in her expression because she instantly decided that Morris definitely had a reason. Even as he left, Nimhue remained quite empty towards the moment despite a strange curiosity to why her current crush had done such a thing...

Brushing that off, Nimhue decided to turn towards Gwen once again as she noted that the situation had begun to settle..slightly. Ana had now agreed to calm herself after the begging from the witches familiar. Lips parted in a small sigh as she propped up her folded arms upon the table, settling her chin upon her lower arm as she stared passively at the events unfolding slowly, her fingers strumming a small but repetitive tune that was keeping her quiet. 'Such a large toll for her...' She paused, looking to her familiar who had fell to his knees before the witches and a small huff tangled itself from reluctant lips, eyes closing as she leaned back, expression stiff. 'I wonder if I really could leave...' Shaking her head, she eventually peered back at the head of the table "Be safe witch..." It was a bare whisper but Nimhue couldn't help but feel the risk was unfair on the girl.
The words his Master threw at him hurt like a slew of swords, even though the anger he knew wasn't directed to him he couldn't help but feel every hated word that ran from his lips and out into ven's ears. Ven sighed as his master began to become flustered and it turn into rage, watching as he began to make his way out the castle he followed along watching as he angrily flew down the steps and broke out into a sprint and his only instinct was to follow, Ven leapt down the stairs his body forming and stretching as he transformed into the rather large fox, and began pawing after his partner. He dug into the earth full force and sprinted after the smoke trail which was soon to turn to violent anger on innocent people. The day was far from being any way done or over with, and with this weird presences hanging in the air ven wished the day would end calmly. He ran after Ezra barking and chirping aloud trying to get his attention to turn towards him and face him with his anger, to let it out on ven, ven could take a beating for all he cared but Ezra was already in enough trouble.

@Vio @Crowley @Aka~Kitsune @Gladis @Sinopa

~On the Memory Plain~

Gwen reemerged on the memory plain, prying herself from the black ooze that had replaced the mirror surface of the memory plain. She coughed up the blackness, rolling over on her back only to stare up at the now red sky. She had paled drastically, her skin and hair now deathly white, her eyes having turned pure black.

Her eyes widened and she sat up, glancing around the now gnared and grim looking plain. She had been here too long and the balance of the plain was completely off. Large cracks sliced around the red sky, causing bits of red to break and crash into the ground below. The voices of everyone outside were ringing in her ears. She stood up, glancing around as she tried to regain her bearings. The memories were churning, all jumbled up in the black surface. Deep caverns sucked the them down to the depths of Ana's psyche. This was a dangerous situation and Gwen was running out of time. She did not know how long the plain could last in this state...or if Gwen could last in this state.

She felt a sudden pain in her side, only to glance down and see the black ooze draining out of her and staining the white of her dress. She may already have been too late. She took off in a sprint then, holding her hand to her side as she stumbled through the shattering plain. A large block a red fell close by, bursting through the black surface and causing waves of ripples to push against the small Gwen and knock her off her feet. A deep hole only followed, quickly sucking in anything around her. A black hole forcing the memories down into the nothingness of Ana's own thoughts. Gwen could feel it pulling her, tugging her towards it's black depths, but she rolled away and stumbled to her feet, giving the hole a wide birth as she tried to stay on course.

Another block fell once more, and she heard Ana's scream sounding out against the plain. Memories suddenly forced themselves up from the black abyss. Victims, Friends, family, enemies, all being churned and forced down into the abyss. It was a grizzly sight...Something that would easily haunt Gwen for the rest of her days. She quickly turned from the hole, forcing herself forward, but was suddenly knocked over by a large weight on her ankle. She turned over, only to stare into the face of Xavier himself...or at least what she thought was Xavier, for the memory was just a white form, except for its eyes and mouth, which were all black.

It screeched to her, pulling her closer as the blackness oozed from between to gnarled chasm that was it's lips. Gwen kicked then, but the memory was holding on for dear life, pulling her with it towards the abyssal hole. If Gwen fell, she would be lost forever to Ana's mind. The girl panicked then, kicking and trying to pry herself free of the beast's hold. Turn turned over, reaching out to the plain as she let out a small cry. The beast snarled, half of it's form already in the hole as it tried to pull free as well, but Gwen gave one last kick, sending it over and into the blackness.

Gwen crawled then, rolling away from the black hole as she dug her nails into the blackness and crawled free. She huddled there then, gasping and shuddering as she searched for composure. Why had she ever agreed to this. Death had been so close, had almost claimed her! Could she not just break connection and leave it be. Ana would have other outlets, yes? Could Morris not just go back in time? Why was it that Gwen had to place her life on the line?

Gwen tried to force herself to her feet, only to fall back against the surface. She stayed on her hands and knees then, coughing as a river of black flowed from between her lips. The girl was spent, reduced to crawling as she moved forward. She could feel the memory so close by, only a few feet, but the hole plain was coming down....Had she been too late? Had she run out of time.

She came to a stop, moving to a sitting position as she hovered over a single glowing spot in the blackness. The ceiling was caving all around her, the connection having been broken and Ana's psyche unable to withstand anymore...But this last memory. Gwen looked up at the ceiling, seeing the blackness of the world suddenly flowing in. Everything was growing cold...She closed her eyes though and fell forward.


~Outside the Plain~

Silence had visibly fallen over the room, all but Ana's own shaky breath as she tried to calm herself before her family. Gwen's small hands remained firmly pressed against her skull, the energy still surging through them with the smallest buzz. Sebastian was close by, his hand hovering just behind his mistress, ready to catch her if she fell. Morris was close by as well, his hands remaining on his mother as he watched Gwen for any signs of change. The tension in the room was almost too much to bare, only growing more and more to the point where it felt as if it would seep from the very walls.

Sebastian glanced around for a moment, eyes falling on Morris before he felt a bit of movement. Gwen's face twitched, her body shuddering just after as her eyes opened, black as the deepest abyss. She did not speak at first, but her head turned, eyes glancing around the room before falling on Morris himself. Her head tilted slightly to the side, only to smile before she spoke, voice suddenly hoarse and cracked, almost older than time itself. "Blisterwort...Butterfly wing...Impstool...Swamp fungal pod..."

Ana's eyes opened then, widening as she repeated the very ingredients herself. "Eye of Scradal Cat, Blue mountain Flower, and..."


"To make a healing potion, you need these very-"

"Ingredients..." Those black eyes never left Morris, but her finger slowly twirled itself against Ana's red locks, a small, throaty cackle escaping her lips. "...Innocent.." Gwen shuddered once more, cackling against before her body clasped forward against Ana's form, hands falling her skull and laying limp against Lady Petrova's shoulders. Ana shiver, releasing a gasp and a sigh of relief as she grabbed the girl's hand, squeezing it tight as she leaned back against her chair. Sebastian moved as well, hands falling on Gwen's shoulder as he gave her a small shake. She was breathing, yes, but the ordeal had left her completely drained.
Lel sat just a few feet away from the woman and child, his hands resting on the arms of the chair as he watched. His gaze passed between the child's and his sister's face frequently, noting the slight changes in their expressions every once in a while, then Gwen spoke for the first time, her voice was different and it obviously stunned Ana. When the two closed their eyes again he let out a silent sigh. After a few moments another voice made the bisque witch's eyes widen. Xavier? Blue orbs darted towards Ana as he watched her crumble under her heavy emotions. She struggled to escape Gwen's grasp which worried Lel, but he couldn't do a single thing to prevent this, all he could do was sit there and watch.

The Grey Rose Witch's familiar held Ana back, Lel could see the worry of punishment in his face for being so rough with the woman, but Lel's opinion he was doing the right thing. If it came down to it he would defend the ferret to prevent whatever may happen to him, he believed the familiar's actions showed how much he cared for and was loyal to his master, and that was a respectable quality. Then the sound of laughter echoed through the room, interrupting Lel's thoughts. His head turned to Ezra who couldn't seem to stop laughing. His eyes narrowed, though the greedy witch was most likely even more heartless than the orange rose witch, Lel ruins lives for a living and enjoys every minute of it for fuck's sake, he still doesn't find his sister's pain amusing, at the moment. There was a time and place for everything. Then suddenly a flash of white fury stabbed Ezra's hand with a fork, causing Lel to flinch in his seat. Hellebore saw the attack happen before he could register it and shifted next to his seat, resting her hands near her guns. When Morris walked away and Ezra left, Lel held up his hand and Hell returned to her spot behind him.

Soon Ana was calmed after the prideless act the ferret had shown, Lel relaxed and scooted back in his seat. After that everything seemed less chaotic, except for Gwen, who looked taxed from it all. He knew what she went through must have been traumatic, but she served her purpose. He sat up in his chair and cleared his throat, disrupting the silence.
"Well, let me be the first to say that in my opinion that was proof enough. I believe Ana is innocent and stand with her in her defense." His eyes turned to the worn out child. "Thank you Gwen, it must have been horrible but you have convinced me. Good job dear." He gave her a warm smile before looking around at the other witches, waiting for their responses.
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Hellebore stood still at attention behind Lel's chair. Blank crimson eyes constantly scanned the room cautiously waiting for danger to threaten her master. She paid little attention to the meeting itself, just the people, though she knew none of the witches would attack another during this important meeting. That is, until Morris grabbed a fork. She recognized his expression; it was a blood thirsty one, one she knew very well that appeared on many people she had seen. Without hesitation, as the head of the house moved forward towards the previously manically laughing witch, she placed herself between Lel and the disorder that was currently occurring. She didn't know what would happen next, but she was prepared, holding her hands near her pistols, though not on them as that would most likely get her in trouble. However she would gladly take the chance if one of them lunged at her master, and embrace whatever her punishment would be, which would most likely be death.

As expected the fork planted itself in Ezra's hand, the all too familiar cracks of bones filled the air. The icy tone gave even Hell goose bumps. When Morris walked away she looked towards Ezra. She was impressed how well he took it, not a single sound left his lips, though his expression seemed pained as he stared at his hand and tried to move his fingers. She watched as he pulled it out and stormed away, followed by his familiar. Her crimson glance looked at the remaining witches until Lel's hand came into view. She quickly stepped back and went back to standing at attention. As the commotion continued she never let her guard down, even when everything cooled down. Gwen, and even Ana looked so drained, but the meeting was not over yet. She glanced at Lel as he began to speak.
So he decided to be serious for once? That's a first.
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Nadir's grin widened as he looked over at his partner, fangs still exposed making his smile seem even more mischievous.
"Currently there is a family meeting in the dining hall, so we shouldn't be bothered by the witches or their servants. He also wouldn't dare call Morris, the meeting is too important to be interrupted, he would surely be ignored, then scolded." An evil giggle left Nadir's smile. "And I'm pretty sure I can talk us out of anything else that might interfere, I've done it before. I want to revel in this just a bit more." He walked back to the furious snake familiar, the cat's smile grew, one would think that it wasn't possible.

"Shall we take this a step further? Hana, would you perhaps have a marker on you? I believe a mustache, smile, and unibrow, would top this off, don't you think?" He gentle grabbed a strand of the green hair and examined it. "Just a few more minutes and it will be ready... Maybe some hearts and flowers on his cheeks too? Oh how I wish I had a camera." His gaze went to the sleeping woman in the bed.
"Hmmm…" Though she was in the perfect position to prank too he decided he would spare her for now, she hadn't been introduced to the duo yet after all, and Nadi liked to mess with one victim at a time, resulting in complete focus to ones suffering.

He walked to the front of Alexius and and placed his hands on the familiar's arms who were taped to the arms of the chair and leaned forward. "If it makes you feel better this could have been much worse. We could have used permanent hair dye, which would be ridiculously hard to get out. Plus I hear the chemicals in color remover ruins hair, making it brittle and frizzy." Another giggle left him as he stood up straight and glanced over at Hana.
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Youk-kun, w-why is it that something always happens at the most unexpected times?

"Unexpected?" Yukari murmured, his lightly painted lips curling into the slightest of amused smile, "funny you should say that, love. Doesn't always something unexpected happen in this family? It's the Petrova's were talking about, after all," chuckled very quietly, he gently ran his pale fingers through the soft but short fur of his familiar, tilting his head just slightly to the side as he watched the commotion. His purple eyes remained calm, just as the rest of his demeanor. That was the thing about Yukari. He had a way in stressful situations that would let him remain completely cool, even when everyone around him panicked. It was a skill he had spent many years to complete, yet became ever so useful in these kinds of situations –– which were rather common occurrence within the Petrova household.

The only thing that caught him slightly off guard was Lel. Never had he expected to hear the bisque rose witch be this… sincere. It was as though the pale golden butterfly displayed a side of himself the pink rose witch had never witnessed before. Even his features remained unchanged, Lel's actions earned him an impressed glance from Yukari, before the purple eyes continued to wander over to the food which had been placed on the table so neatly. It was quite a shame, really. So much delicious looking food and no one dared touch any of it. If only everything hadn't needed to be so dramatic all the time, they could perhaps have enjoyed this lovely meal together. But no, of course that wouldn't happen. Everyone needed to be present for these kind of things, even if they didn't think of themselves as being particularly involved. In a way, Yukari thought he could understand Ezra's frustrations.

"Let's just hope all of this is over soon enough…" he finally murmured, breathing a deep sigh as he turned his attention back to his familiar. Yukari would definitely leave the mansion as soon as possible. A drink sounds very appealing, at the moment. Perhaps a visit to the bar wouldn't be entirely out of place… provided I manage to slink away, somehow.

@Gladis @Vio

Rin could not help but to nod her small head in agreement, bumping against Youk-Kun's long fingers.

"Unexpected?" He had muttered, "funny you should say that, love. Doesn't always something unexpected happen in this family? It's the Petrova's were talking about, after all,"

He wasn't wrong. Truth be told he hardly was. He being wrong was about as rare as Lel showing any ounce of sincerity, but it seemed like this was a night full of endless possibilities. But, little less was to be expected from this particular group of...people. Yukari's face gave nothing away. She knew he had spend years perfecting this look, and she had come to expect it at this point, but was surprised at how good he had become at pulling said face in the time he had been away.

Truth be told Rin was more than ready to leave the sad excuse for a diner. Not a single scrap of food had been picked up. It was much like a repeat of earlier in the garden, no food had been touched yet again, even after the hard work that had been put into it. It was a shame really. Rin quite enjoyed the food prepared in the house.

Rin glanced back around the room. The scene before her had not changed since the memory walk ended. Well, with the exception of Ezra and his familiar leaving the room. She envied the pair. Well, she also believed they were incredibly stupid, even exceeding the trouble she had caused earlier. For gods sake he had been /stabbed/ in the hand! Never the less she knew that in good time Yukari would take his leave, and she would be obliged to follow; not that she would complain.

Rin pawed slightly at her nose. She was coming down a with a cold of some sort for sure. Great, a cold. Just what I need at this exact moment. She thought.

"Let's just hope all of this is over soon enough…" he completed after observing the chaos around him. She had to agree with him. She nodded into the hand stroking her fur once more, and let out a quite sneeze.
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Elena Banner.png


Elena had been silently perched on Lel's shoulder during the beginning of the meeting, her skin tingling beneath black fur from the slow growing tension that had appeared when Miss Gwendolyn had first entered the dining room with Sebastian. It was obvious that the girl was scared, and soon after it was visible that she was in pain. The familiar felt bad not only for The Grey Rose Witch, but for the small ferret as well. The memories that had been voiced between Miss Gwen and Miss Anastasia were considered heart-breaking in the back of the rabbit's mind, but that had changed when The Red Rose Witch's voice had raised. "No, Xavier! Don't leave me! PLEASE!"

Her ears had flattened backwards as she tried her hardest to not lose her composure to the sudden fright that filled her bones. Miss Gwen was convulsing. "Don't just stand there! Help me for crying out loud!" The next shout from Sebastian had been what unnerved her. Carefully, she moved herself from The Bisque Rose Witch's shoulder to his lap with a forward slide. She had seen enough and needed some sort of buffer between Ezra's cackled comments and the loud voices that made her ears ring.

She pressed one side of her head against her Master's abdomen just beneath his ribs, doing her best to concentrate on the faint pulse beneath his skin. Soon after the yelling had died down she felt him adjust in his seat and speak. "Well, let me be the first to say that in my opinion that was proof enough. I believe Ana is innocent and stand with her in her defense. Thank you Gwen, it must have been horrible but you have convinced me. Good job dear." Was it over? Elena didn't dare move from her spot of comfort. Instead, she peered up at her Master and quietly commented in his head. {Monsieur... The next time we come to a meeting, remind me to bring a pair of earplugs...}
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For a brief moment his eyes flickered a white glow again, and the middle aged man lifted a shaky hand to support his heavy aching head. Had he blacked out again? Hearing the groans of his mother, Morris held onto his mother gently, as he watched over them both with tired yet careful eyes. When he finally registered what has been happening, he felt as if this turned out to be an obvious disaster, yet progress none the less. Many things needed to be tended to after Gwen and his mother are taken to their rooms. The most important though was Ezra. Morris felt over whelmingly horrible for what he done to the poor boy. Having loosing complete control like that and allowing one of THEM to stab him was horrid. When the frail and distorted voice of someone he didn't recognize fills his ears, the White Rose Witch immediately snapped his attention from his mother to Gwen. He immediately shuddered from the surprise of seeing something utterly new to him, and caused him to step back in awe. While it looked to have Gwen's sweet fact, there was someone, no, something there. It felt as if it was staring not just at him, but peeking into his mind. Involuntarily trying to protect himself and whatever remained of his darling Gwen, Morris spoke shakily.

"That is not wise. Even you would get lost in the depths of my mind." It wasn't to be taken as a threat, but as a warning. Though whether the creature even heard Morris's careful whisper was unknown to him, it was just something he said under his breath in shock. Morris would never know, because immediately after whatever illusion he just witnessed completely left the young girl as she collapsed unto her grandmother.

Morris blinked for a moment and rubbed his eyes, thinking that it was just one of the others playing trying to make him weak from inside. Those blasted past lives where a hastle and he wouldn't put it past him. Thinking it was no more than a fabrication of his own broken mind he brushed it aside as nothing and turned his attention to his mother and Gwen. "I should have never doubted you mother. If only Moselle knew as well. That's another problem for a later time though." He says softly as he looks over to one of their servants. Beckoning the individual over Morris directs a creature of another sort; One that was clearly not some trick of the mind. Winston is unique in the sense that he is the dead walking among the living. Originally the Lime Rose Witch had brought Winston back to life, but they tossed him aside after no longer seeing a use for the poor fellow. Morris immediately grew fond the clumsy skeleton, and took him under his wing. Ever since then the lad has been an excellent friend and confidant towards Morris.

"Winston please take Gwen to her room. I want you to tend to her with the up most care. Bathe her with a wet clothe. I don't want her to move around to much. Just clean off her face and arms. Put her in new, clean clothing, and then tuck her in bed. Oh and tie her hair back, maybe that will keep that tar from getting all over her while she rests." He instructs the creature carefully, expecting no less from his servant. Wintson's teeth chattered softly in response, and the sound of cold bone rubbing and grinding against each other echos in the room as Winston helps Sebastian with Gwen and carry her away. When they left the room, Morris turned to face his uncle Lel who spoke, and his kind supportive words warmed Morris's anxious heart.

"Thank you Uncle. Thank you everyone for participating and showing your support."​
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Skylar had sat there in silence during the entire dream walk. A sly smile graced her features as she watched, actually enjoying the freak show herself. Though she wasn't stupid enough to laugh about it in front of the others like her cousin Ezra, bless his soul. Then again she didn't find it to be humorous, more like entertainment after a wonderful meal; however She refrained a cheshire like grin to hinder her unamused scowl. She picked at the remaining bits of food on her plate with a fork trying to appear as if she was being absent-minded. Her red hues then looked up at the blonde one as he spoke in her grandmother's defense. How....unlike her uncle to stick his neck out for anybody, then again what did she know? He must have known Ana for years now being Xavier's brother. Her eyes darted across each of their faces before they finally came to a stop at the chair which Yuukari her mentor was previously sitting in. The show had actually caused her to forget of his sudden return. Feeling that now was a good time as any to leave, Skylar stood from her seat and excused herself moments after Gwen had been carried out of the room. Leaving her place at the table behind she escorted herself out of the room, nothing but the light thumps of her converse soles echoing in the now silent room and then the click of the door as she quietly shut it behind her. Now she just had to figure out where her beloved teacher had gone to. After taking a while searching the manor she finally found the purple haired man in the backyard garden with his familiar. Immediately seeing him brought a large smile to her face, something only he could ever do out of all the people with in the house.

"HEY PLUM HEAD!" Skylar called out to him teasingly as she usually did, she lifted a hand to wave as he turned to look at her. Running up to him she gave him a welcoming hug and a big smile. "Glad you finally found your way home Yuu."

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Ezra sat, unmoving under the large tree just behind the Petrova Manor's front gate. His body was turned towards the gate, seated on a large stone; his body was hunched forward, elbows resting on his knees as his hand was covering the vicious scowl that plagued his full lips. His eyes were locked on the gate, but he was silent, slowly clenching and unclenching his wounded hand, having become numb to the pain moments before. He had been in this position for quite some time, every fiber of his being telling him to just leave and never come back; however, there was some small...insignificant part of himself that wanted to listen...wanted to be the good little prince that that Bastard Morris was always trying to force him to be...and was indeed failing.

What was truly bothering Ezra was why he had laughed in the first place....Yes, he indeed found himself hating this family that he honestly did not even feel like he belonged in. He felt set apart, personally targeted as the "black sheep' of the family...their eyes always judging him for his poor choices and lack of etiquette or refinement that seemed to marinate the Petrova name. Could he even call himself a Petrova? Ezra was not even related to these people, much to his understanding. He was nothing more that a ward, some poor sap that just happened to be able to do fancy shit with elements. Ezra sighed, golden eyes turning away from the gate as they stared right, looking at nothing in particular as he slowly rubbed his chin.

Why had Ezra laughed? Of all of his years being in the Petrova, he had never had an outburst as...disturbing as that. He held no hate personally for Gwendoline, and Anna was one of the more tolerable of the family...Even that pussy Sebastian could be entertaining at some points, so what had made Ezra fall into such depravity and laugh at their agony...He had almost taken pleasure in it, some rotten part of himself, and that disturbed him even more.

He honestly thought it best to just leave, allow things to cool down before returning to the Manor...Maybe he could go back out into Nautchwal-....oh...that was right. With the recent destruction of those warehouses, Ezra found himself unable to return to Nautchwald without causing trouble. He was in enough trouble as it was...he did not need to add another few layers...His rebellious, stupid side was still cackling, egging him on to go cause more and more trouble. It was telling him to just fuck it all and go rip up the foundations of the town...that would show Morris...Show Morris what? Show Morris that Ezra was just as far gone and disappointing as Morris already thought he was? That look in his eyes stilled pissed Ezra off...

He looked to Skylar and her abilities with such pride, even if the bitch was too stupid to notice....Gwen was basically his walking model citizen, and with this recent display, his admiration was only going to increase. Morris had even traveled through different dimensions in search of this Moselle chick, so his pride for her was possibly higher than all the others...but what about Ezra? There had once been pride there...Morris had once seen so much promise in Ezra; however, Ezra only behaved naturally. He had been on the streets for as long as he could remember...hell...he did not even remember anything before his 8th year. Ezra sighed once more, his knee bouncing in annoyance as he started to smolder underneath his clothing...Good thing Ana thought of making them all fire proof.

But why he laughed was still bother him...The situation had not been funny...well thinking back to it, Ezra remembered himself actually being worried...but then..everything was suddenly hilarious, bathed in a completely new if his vision had been glazed over by a layer of pure insanity. He shook it off, writing it off as too many bumps to the head before looking down at his hand. It was swollen, blotches of purple already visible as the the cloth was stained red from his own blood. He found himself focusing on it for some odd reason, golden vision darkening slightly before he pried his eyes away and glanced back towards the Manor. He could not go back yet...and there was no way he would be dumb enough to head back to what would he do?

Ezra decided it best to just stay outside for now. He stood up, dusting off his pants as he loosened and pulled off the tie around him neck. "Might as well go do something useful with yourself and train..." He started walking to the back gardens then, to the training grounds where he could easily let out his frustrations on plenty of least here, his want for destruction could be satisfied with mindless violent. He pulled off his jacket, tossing it aside carelessly into the yard, knowing very well that one of the servants would collect it later. As he walked, his stomach growled, but he ignored it, eyes remaining forward as his pace remained cool and collected. He was not sure what the rest of the family was up to; however, at this moment...he did not really give a fuck.
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@Vio @Ana @Gladis

Oh how haggard the Grey Rose Witch had become in these few moments, having pushed herself so far beyond her own abilities as to cause the near collapse of her own consciousness. She laided motionless, only held up by the strength of Ana's back and the large chair which she sat. Sebastian felt sick to his stomach as he stared at his mistress, momentarily deaf to everything else around him as he could only focus on her. His wide eyes had turned slightly teary as he softly held onto his mistress's thin shoulders, giving her a small shake as he tried to wake her; however, this would all be to no avail, for Gwen was indeed comatose...deaf to the world around her as her glazed over eyes stared lifelessly at the dark wallpaper...This was traumatizing for Sebastian, who lived to serve his young mistress and closest friend. For him to be of little to no use now would quite possibly send his shaking form over the edge.

As Morrise spoke, it did not really register in his mind, his multi-colored eyes slowly lifting to look at the man's face...How much this moment had aged him as well, a look of utter horror and guilt crossing his expression; however, he had been staring past Gwenie, towards the far corner just behind where Sebastian now stood...sebasitan's eyes followed, resting them upon the black space in mild confusion; however, he found his attention pulled back once Morris called upon Winston, and in all honesty Sebastian felt a sudden twinge of fear rise up in him. Sebastian rarely ever saw this creature of what he deemed a horror, but here he was now, moving towards him rather quickly. Sebastian visibly tensed, his arms moving rather protectively around Gwen as he opened his mouth to protest; however, the bag of bones worked rather quickly, reaching for Gwen in an attempt to take her away. Sebastian protested, pushing Winston back as he spoke rather quickly to the creature. "D-don't touch her!" Winston listened, drawing his hands away as Sebastian lifted Gwen into his own arms and turned, giving a small nod of his head to Morris and the rest of the party.

Gwen seemed rather light now, her limp form curled up in his arms as he let Winston move passed him and open the door. Sebastian was rather quick to leave, keeping a wide birth from the Skeletal Winston as he made his way across the open parlor towards the west wing stairs. Winston had followed, the cold chattering of his bones causing Sebastian to shiver in discomfort. This was unsettling...and despite the condition of his mistress, Sebastian was only able to concetrate on keeping his eyes forward to avoid glancing at the horror that was the walking skeleton...It was not that Winston had done anything personally to him, but the idea that this creature had once been human was something that he could not get over. Sebastian gulped, shifting Gwen in his arms for a moment as he glanced at the skeleton through his peripheral. Winston was walking right beside him, and being that they were about the same height, Sebastian could clearly see his line of vertebrae and hear his bones creaking softly as they scratched against the wooden surface. It must have noticed Sebastain's stare, for only a moment later, the creature's head snapped right, staring with empty sockets at the side of Sebastian's face. It chattered his teeth, an empty howl escaping it's lips as if it tried to speak before it reached a hand forward, lightly placing its bony fingers upon Gwen's paled forehead.

Sebastian flinched and jumped back, pulling Gwen away as he shot Winston a death stare. "Hey! I said don't touch her..." It was a momentary panic that washed away with silence between to two as they continued down the hallways to Gwen's room. The entered rather quickly, Winston once against holding the door open before moving towards the bathroom to run a bath for the small mistress. Sebastian was left standing in the room then, holding Gwen tighter as he came to a sudden realization...His eyes widened drastically, a look a horror crossing his face as he realized that Ryuu was no where in sight. If Ryuu was not here, that would mean that Sebastian would be left to do his of them would be bathing Gwendoline... Sebasitan had no intention of letting that sack of bones touch her, but he knew that doing such a thing would be completely out of his abilities. Sebastian's face reddened drastiacally, looking around rather frantically as Winston entered the main room once more, teeth chattering as it gestured towards the bathroom.

Sebastian shook his head in defiance, his blush only darkening as he spoke in a panicked voice. "I-I CAN'T DO THAT!" Winston only stared back for a moment or two, Sebastian unable to tell his its expression for the creature lacked any way to actually show expression; however, in a sudden rush of movement, Winston rushed forward with chattering teeth, arms extended as if to take Gwen away from Sebastian. The familiar instantly panicked, foot coming up and kicking Winston square in the chest, knocking the creature away into a pile of stuff animals in the corner of Gwen's room. "CUT IT OUT, SKELETOR!"
Last edited:

Anastasia kept her gaze lingering upon the doors of the hall, expression having spun into one of concern as she watched, briefly, the retreating form of the unconscious Gwen, her familiar and the living set of bones, Winston. For a moment, her brows were knitted together as her mind and body both remained exhausted by the experience, her lips pursed in protest to her desire to brush it all away. A deep sigh parted from red lips as lashes settled upon her cheeks. The sound of a chair being moved broke her current thoughts as the red rose witch turned a weary gaze to her brother who now stood before the rest of them. She awaited a moment or two before her grip on the arms of her seat tightened drastically, painting her knuckles white. Then she stood, using all she could to raise herself to her feet.

"Thank you, Lel..."

Sending a small nod in his direction, an small action of her gratitude, before her attention had shifted towards her son, Morris. With his apology, her expression had softened and her posture relaxed from its previously tense state. It was all over. Ana had not moved from her spot, but soon she had directed her speech to the remaining witches in the room. "My innocence has been proved and so this is done." Her voice was strong, yet in the backgrounds of the rolling syllables was evidence of her need to rest. Her fists, at her side, loosened and went limp as the red haired woman nodded softly. "Thank you to those who now come to me defense." She glanced over to the door before back. "But now, after this all, I will retire to rest." The strong willed woman turned with a small wave, intending to leave and retire to the confines of her room.

The floor met the rise and fall of her boots and the taps that echoed traced she who approached the door. Gently, a hand rested upon the decorated wooden form before she turned to gaze over her shoulder, expression blank as a slate as she uttered a few words to those who she dined with. "Please inform me if there are any changes to the condition of my granddaughter or Gwen." She asked, voice low. "Otherwise, please rest well, all of you." Her hand dropped down to the golden handle of the very item she was resting her weight subtly upon before she pulled it open and slipped through the opening to escape to the halls.

Heading down the halls in silence, Ana had raised a shaking hand to settle upon her left temple, lips pursed into a thin line as her gaze remained narrowed. She was tired, her muscles strangely seemed to rebel against her will and desire to go lax while her mind simply wanted to settle and be distracted from the events just before. She swallowed, a soft groan breaking her silence as she approached the door to her room to which she hurriedly opened and stepped inside. The door followed behind, closing itself as Ana approached her bed and instantly found herself relaxing into the soft sheets. Ana's eyes fluttered closed, body still as the red rose witch began to relax after the events at dinner.
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@punkyears @DoomyCakez @Vio
The Petrova Gardens


Great, a cold. Just what I need at this exact moment.

A soft chuckle escaped Yukari's lips as he gently lifted his familiar up and placed her on his shoulder. "You shouldn't be complaining about a cold, sweetheart. After all, it gives yours truly an excuse to spoil his little darling rotten – with all the love and care she deserves~" he mused quietly. The pink rose witch's tone of voice was light, his mood seeming to have perked up by his familiars behavior, somehow. Yet he still shoot her a mildly concerned glance before shrugging his shoulders. As long as it was just a cold and nothing serious, it was fine, he supposed. He glanced up as Anastasia spoke, finally dismissing the meeting. Yukari was relieved, to say the least. He considered briefly asking Anastasia if there was anything he could do for her, yet decided against it as she tiredly left the dining hall. Above all, he reasoned, she probably needed rest. It had been an exciting evening, after all.

Breathing a deep sigh, Yukari rose from his seat, casting a somewhat regretful glance at food on his plate. He'd lost all appetite after the event. It was a shame food the cooks had put so much effort into should go to waste, yet the pink rose witch simply couldn't stomach it. Perhaps he'd ask Ryuu to put it away so that he could have it later, should he regain his appetite. Yukari quickly dismissed this as well, seeing as the dragon seemed to have left the kitchen by the time the witch got around checking. I guess it doesn't really matter... "Let's head for the gardens, love," he said to Rin with a mild smile gracing his features. The garden was usually calm – which was exactly what Yukari felt like he needed at the moment. Perhaps he could meditate for a while, or something.

Yet unlike what he'd hoped for, the backyard wasn't empty. The first view he was greeted by as he entered the garden was... Ezra taking off his shirt. Sweet~ Now, if I remain really quiet he probably wouldn't notice me so I could–


Yukari froze, at first feeling a search of mild irritation before he registered whom the voice actually belonged to. His lips curled into a hearty grin as he rather gracefully swirled around to face his student. "Well, if it isn't my darling Sky-chan!" he called back with glee, catching her as she flung her arms around him. Wrapping his arms around her, he gently returned the hug.

"Glad you finally found your way home Yuu."

"So am I," said Yukari as he entangled himself from her grip, taking a step back to get a proper look at his disciple. A slight frown creased his forehead as he thoughtfully rubbed his chin. "Hmmm..."

@Vio @Gladis

The training grounds rested on the far right side of the gardens, just beyond the line of musty willows and far away from the massive flower garden where Gwendoline was known to hold her many tea parties. A path led to it, just to the right of the patio, circling the right side of the pool and disappearing just behind a simple, brown gate. It was connected to Yukari's dojo, meaning that this was 100% his domain, with many of the man's accents scattered about the area. The actual training area, well at least the one Ezra used, was behind Yukari's dojo, encircled by another brown gate, scorched from the Orange Rose Witch's many session. Large craters were dotted about the area as well, Ezra wanting to leave them despite Yukari's protests. A Few training dummies laid on the outskirts of the arena, a wall of weapons resting just behind the entrance to Yukari's Dojo.

Jab right...forward...block up....strike....block down....jab jab....kick high...

Repetition. Repetition was key to meditation. That was something that Yukari had taught Ezra when the Orange Rose Witch started fighting. The sounds of crushing wood, smoldering dummies, cracking Earth, and his own fists pounding against the thick hide of each practice was music to his ears. Exersion....that was the key to Ezra's release, and nothing was better that beating the shit out of a lifeless dummy....well there was one thing.

Ezra slid back, leaning forward and resting his palms on his knees as he drew a deep breath. The sweat upon his brow dripped down to the scrotched earth below, leaving a dark spot in the dirt. He must have have at this for a while, his head slowly rising to gaze around at the mess he had made. He must have broken at least half of the dummies, bits of stuffing and burnt burlap scattered about the dirt, a painting of his destruction and frustration. It was almost disturbing to think that if he had gone to Nautchwald, these would have most likely been human. Ezra gave a small chuckled, bringing his injured hand up to wipe the sweat from his forehead, his raven locks sticking to it and his neck.

He had long since removed his dinner shirt, deciding to fight in the tight, white muscle shirt underneath; however, the sudden heat was causing Ezra to think rather differently. He straightened, hands gripping the edge of his shirt before he pried it off, tossing it to the ground with a soft thud. "pheww...." He decided to look at his hand to survey the damage, only to find its swelling had increase, the deep bruise now working its way up his fingers and thumb. He clenched it, wincing softly at the pain before releasing a soft curse. Maybe it was stupid to train with his hand in such a condition; however, Ezra had valued letting off some steam to get his thoughts straight over trying not to injure his hand any further.

He decided to further ignore the pain, raising his hands up above his head and arching his back, hearing the soft crack of his spine. He mood had lightened...but just slightly. He was luckily alone with his thoughts, his head clearing from the original anger and allowing him to really think what happened. It was still bothering him that he had laughed in the first place, but had no one even thought to come in his defense? Everyone had just stood frozen after the attack, as if Morris was some God itself, striking down the blasphemous shit that dared to have mocked him. Ezra had not felt he was mocking; however, upon further analysis, he could now see where he had gone wrong...but what had been so funny? This confusion on angered him further, Ezra finding himself smoldering once more, the ground beneath his feet slowly roasting under his surpressive aura.


Ezra visibly tensed, eye moving up to gaze across the training grounds to the outer garden. He knew the voice all too well, his eyes narrowing slightly. It was Skylar, and just in front of her was Yukari...That was rather expected, being that the two were so close...and if Ezra was correct, Yukari had just returned from his trip as well. The man was usually gone as much as Ezra was, having more freedoms and being able to stay gone as long as he pleased, unlike Ezra who was usually hunted down and dragged back. Ezra frowned, finding their conversation an interruption towards his thoughts. He did not want to be anywhere near his family at the moment, wanting to have found solitude in his own presence. Plus, if they were here...that meant that the meeting was most likely over...and that Morris would be looking for him.

Ezra grumbled, his mood darkening once more as he turned to move to another training dummy. He got in his usual stance, knees bent just slightly before, like a snapping rubber band, he struck, leg extending fully and striking the dummy on the side of its burlap head and sending it rocking to the side with a loud THWACK . He kept striking then, moving between his hands and legs as he circled around the lifeless dummy. Half of him was picturing it as Morris, a sick cheshire grin curling its way onto his face as he struck again and again. He was slowly starting to see red, his moves becoming faster, harder, and less technical. He was striking, but they were primal, full of power. He grunted, stepping back before swinging his leg once more in a full roundhouse, completely separating the Dummy's head from its body. It flew off, landing outside the gate and disappearing into the line of buses to his right.

Ezra's smile faded then, his body straightening once more as he brushed his fingers through his loose locks, resting his free hand on his hip before turning away from the dummy to stare back at the Manor...It was only a matter of time now.

Kitchens > Petrova Gardens > Gwendolyn's Room
@Aka~Kitsune @DoomyCakez


Lost in thought, it took Ryuu a moment to notice Isolde, or to even register that someone was addressing him in the first place. This in itself was a sign that Ryuu wasn't quite his usual self, as he certainly wasn't the kind of person to space off. Always in need of something to keep him occupied, just seeing him stand there, doing nothing was a rare sight in itself.

"Ryuu could you help me finish this?"

"Oh? Eh? ... Right!" blinking, he shook his head briefly as though he were trying to shake himself out of this peculiar state of emotion before heading to Isolde's side. His gray eyes traveled between the cake and Isolde's working hands. "I'll go get the cre-" he had already started turning away from her to head for the fridge when she called out out to him. Ryuu stopped in his stride, turning around to face her. "It's that obvious, eh?" a warm smile crossed his features. "I'm just a bit worried about you, I'd suppose... also," his gray orbs focused at the door leading to the dining chamber. "I have a bad feeling regarding this family meeting."

The dragons gut feeling hadn't been completely wrong. Although he remained completely composed throughout the meeting, spending most of it with Isolde in the kitchen - The commotion from the dining hall had him all but relaxed. Even so, he feared that if he entered the dining room, even if just to check on the young mistress, his presence would be considered nought but a disturbance. He killed time by talking to Isolde and helping out around the kitchen until he eventually headed outside into the garden to feed the fish in the pond.

"I don't like the presence I'm feeling, either," the dragon murmured to himself as he tossed a hand full of fish pellets into the pond. He watched keenly as they rippled the water surface, smiling mildly as koi of different colors hurried to get their share of the meal. His favorites were the silver and red ones. Somehow that combination of colors appealed to him.

"There's a lot you don't like to day, mister."

Surprised by the sudden disturbance, his gaze flitted up towards the tree branch the voice seemed to have come from. Intense gray met emerald green, and a his frown answered with an innocent grin. Willow was seated on his favorite branch, his feet casually dangling back and forth as he regarded the dragon with bright eyes. "You're surprisingly talkative today," Ryuu retorted, his lips curving into a slight smile as he tossed another handful of fish pellets into the pond. "For being so shy, that is..."

A shade of pink rose to Willow's cheeks. "It's just scary when so many people are around. Besides, I already know you, sir, and Gwennie... so-" before Willow could finish his explanation, he suddenly vanished without warning. Ryuu was just about to call out to him when-

"Ryuu, sir," the kitchen maid who'd appeared snapped for air. Her face was red, her chest heaving and falling rapidly and her eyes full of concern. It was clear that she'd hurried outside. "Miss Gwendolyn is in dire need of your assistance. If you would just be so kind and-"

"Where is she?" Ryuu interrupted her calmly, keeping his gaze focused on the maid.

"R-" she panted "-Rroom-"

"Thank you." More than that he didn't need. Ryuu was already on his way to his mistresses room. He hurried past witches and servants, dashing through the corridors and up the stair case– refusing to stop before he'd reached Gwen's room. The door was open, the sound of Sebasitan's yells and Winstons rattling bones leaking out into the corridor. Worried about Gwen and fairly interested in what the commotion was all about, Ryuu stepped inside without hesitation. He was instantly greeted with the sight of the tiny familiar desperately kicking the well meaning skeleton into a pile of stuffed toys. This certainly wasn't a time to laugh, but Ryuu found himself smiling just slightly nonetheless. Even if the situation itself was all but funny, the scene had looked mildly comical.

"Oi, furrball! Shall I take over?" asked Ryuu, making his presence known as he resisted the urge to tease Sebastian about the blushing. This definitely wasn't the time for teasing.
Morris and Ezra Collab



The room quickly fell silent as winter's nights and the only souls who remained within were Morris and his wife Clarice. He had returned to his seat, sitting there limp with his head tilted back. His eyes were closed and an exhausted sigh escaped off his lips. This had been one of the most tiring days he has ever experienced. There were still much more questions than answers, and even more issues to face. The top one on his list was apologizing to Ezra.

[BCOLOR=transparent]"You need to go talk to him dear. I'm surprised you even lost control….you just had your medicine."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"You're right my love. My mother may have to up my dosage." [/BCOLOR]Morris sighed again with irritation and a touch of sadness. He turned his gaze onto the beautiful features of his wife and smiled faintly. Who knows where he would be if not for her constant loving care and strength. Getting up Morris brushed his knuckles against her cheek and they kissed lovingly. The small smile never left his face as he tells her to go ahead and get some sleep. She needed it just as much if not more than he did. Leaving her side, he immediately began to look for Ezra who no doubt either escaped by now or tried to find something to release his frustrations on. Not only that but he heard from another servant that he had completely torched his room. The boy would have to sleep in the guest quarters until the repairs are done, and he would need new clothes. On his search around the manor he thought about some things that Ezra would want in his room. Maybe he should have two beds, one for him and the other for Bel? Ah, he would have to ask when he found the raging loon. It wasn't long before Morris found him at Yukari's dojo, tearing apart the training dummies. Very like him. Before approaching him he stopped at Skylar and Yukari, and told them to go find something to do. Ensuring that he and Ezra would be alone.

[BCOLOR=transparent]Here we go….[/BCOLOR]Morris thought almost a bit hesitant to approach the boy, but this needed to be done as he had put the boy aside for too long. His footsteps in the dirt were quiet as he approached the black haired young man. He honestly didn't really know what to say until he saw Ezra's hand swollen and bruised. He had not dressed it yet? [BCOLOR=transparent]"Give it to me…." [/BCOLOR]Morris mutters to the child a bit harshly as he held out his hand, the palm facing up.[BCOLOR=transparent] "Let me look at it."[/BCOLOR]


Ezra had nearly lost track of the minutes that had slowly ticked by as his personal training had continued on throughout the remainder of the day. He had not even noticed as the sun started to shield itself just beyond the Nautchwald horizon for his attention had been focused on the dummy just ahead of him. With its head now across the training ground, Ezra felt a momentary sense of a sort of euphoria after being pumped full of adrenaline...better; however, that feeling did not last long.

Ezra's eyes slowly slid close as he tuned into the silent footsteps making their way across the dirt arena. [BCOLOR=transparent]Here we go…[/BCOLOR] He released a small sigh, his peaceful expression slowly callusing to an emotionless, almost robotical stare - well, as robotical someone as transparent as Ezra could manage. He did not turn to look at Morris as he approached, instead managing to watch his march through his peripheral vision.

As Morris shooed Yukari and Skylar away, Ezra felt his gut tighten, part of him wishing for the others to stay and not leave he and Morris alone...It was not that Ezra was afraid; however, Morris had just stabbed him in the hand...that would cause anyone to exercise caution. Ezra went back to training, focusing on the Dummy's pressure points before he was suddenly greeted with a harsh command from Morris.

Ezra tensed, momentarily pausing in his training as his eyes shifted to Morris' polished shoes. They had been slightly dirtied by the dust of the arena, the polished black now dusted with a layer of soft tan. Ezra only stared a moment more before his eyes rose up to glance at Morris' palm, knowing what the man wanted. For some reason, Ezra shifted back slightly, his own pride and stubbornness causing him to act in mild defiance.

[BCOLOR=transparent]"It's fine." [/BCOLOR]He muttered rather coldly, shielding his injured hand slightly behind him before he went back to striking the training dummy, eyes glued to the task ahead as if he was dismissing Morris. In all honesty, Ezra felt as if Morris was only doing this to protect his reputation among the rest of the family. He had reacted rather carelessly, allowing himself to lose as much control as to lash out and attack a defenseless person - not that Ezra was exactly defenseless- however, it did not change the fact that Ezra believed Morris was only out here to try and salvage what ever of his reputation he had lost, especially since Morris was commanding Ezra to cooperate. It only made Ezra wish to defy more.


Morris' hues of gold and blue couldn't help to roll at the clear sign of defiance from the child. Of course it was to be expected, but why did the boy have to make apologizing so damn hard? His expression hardened even more as he watched Ezra hide the injured hand wrapped in cloth. He noted that the burgundy material looked like something off of Ven's outfit. Morris took a moment to gaze at the distance to see if the fox was nearby, but there was no sight of him. The icy touch to Ezra's tone struck Morris with quite the affliction, and his brows furrowed in a slight agitation. The sensation causing the voices to stir slightly, but he immediately refocused his attention on going on the defensive to keep his emotions under control. Hardening his expression Morris persisted further with his attempt to calmly apologize to the boy. [BCOLOR=transparent]"I'm not leaving until we talk about this and you let me fix your hand Ezra." [/BCOLOR]


Ezra could not help to feel Morris' burning gaze upon the back of his head, causing the taller male to stiffen with slight annoyance. Personally, he would have loved to take his fist and bash that expression until it was unrecognisable; however, Ezra knew just how stupid that would have been...but that knowledge did little to deter his active imagination.

As the odd silence continued, Ezra's strikes only hardened, power behind each hit growing and growing until Morris' voice cut through his concentration, causing Ezra to grip onto the dummy's shoulders, leaning against it momentarily as he drew a few short breaths...quick meditation was key to keeping the temper under least that was what Yukari always said.

When he straightened, Ezra still kept himself from looking at Morris, rather focusing on the horizon and setting sun. [BCOLOR=transparent]"Well..." [/BCOLOR] Ezra rested his hand on his hip, the other coming up to wipe a bit of sweat from around his jaw. He was smiling behind that hand, not out of amusement or happiness, but out of the frustration and ridiculousness of even having this talk...not that these talks were uncommon...said for the hand stabbing business...but Ezra and Morris has had these sort of chats more than once.[BCOLOR=transparent] [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]"What's there to talk about, Gramps? I laughed. You stabbed me with a fork. I left. Nothing else...besides, this is nothing that a trip to the infirmary couldn't fix itself." [/BCOLOR]Ezra couldn't shield the venom in his voice, nor the momentary pause as images of his hysterical laughter came back to him...Not that he would actually share this confusion with Morris. [BCOLOR=transparent] [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]"So, I guess you will be standing here for a while, yeah?"[/BCOLOR]

He gave a small shake of his head, deciding it would be best to end training here and just walk away. He turned, shoulder bumping roughly against Morris' as he walked towards the dojo,scooping his discarded shirt from the ground and praying that the conversation would just end here, but knowing Morris...things would most likely be the opposite.


A twinge of anger flared in Morris' expression as Ezra decided to so rudely dismiss and brush him off. Bumping shoulders with his own only caused the white witch to release a heavy seething sigh before reaching an arm back to grab at the boys wrist. Unfortunately, Ezra had already stepped just out of reach of Morris' digits rendering morris incapable of latching a firm grip onto the boy and pulling him back. He immediately turned in the child's direction, watching him casually walk away. For a brief moment he imagined deleting the existence of the earth in Ezra's next step. Watching him fall on his face would be most satisfactory, but Morris had to be mature about this. After all the boy had a point, although that did not stop a quiet unheard chuckle to flitter off his pale lips.

Despite the dark humor brightening his own mood, it is safe to say that Morris' agitation had grown with the boy. After Ezra had pulled on his shirt and began to leave for whatever his next destination may be, Morris scurried after him in order to stop him in his tracks. Catching up Morris grabbed Ezra's wrist of the uninjured hand and immediately pulled him back. [BCOLOR=transparent]"Don't pass this off like it's a no 'hard feelings' kind of situation Ezra. We need to talk about [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]why[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent], and not just over the meeting. I thought my ways of handling your erratic behaviour over these past few months was going to help you but it hasn't correct?" [/BCOLOR]Morris began, his words were sharp but the tone in his voice seemed to have softened to a less demanding tone.

His eyebrows furrowed in a way that indicates his distress over the situation, whether it be anxiety or some kind of frustration. It was most clear by the frown on his face. He caught himself staring over Ezra's face, looking at the boy's own expressions. Feeling even more frustrated over this current ordeal, he immediately found himself looking passed the boy flustered by the sheer annoyance of it all. Still holding onto Ezra's wrist Morris glanced at the child [BCOLOR=transparent]"You idiot I'm trying to apologize."[/BCOLOR]​


[BCOLOR=transparent]"Oh, glad you noticed, Pops. You want a fucking cookie for your efforts?" [/BCOLOR]Ezra spat sarcasm directly into Morris' face, whipping around to face him head on as Morris yanked him back.[BCOLOR=transparent] [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]"This ain't a no 'hard feelings situation'. I just don't see why you insist on pressing something that I don't want to talk about. Take the hint , old man, and [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]back the fuck off.[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]" [/BCOLOR]Ezra felt his temperature increasing, the sweat upon his skin suddenly evaporating and rising up into the air. He was losing his temper, not uncommon, but not good for the current situation. He found his own eyebrows furrowing, glancing over Morris' face once more with a look of agitation.​
When Morris claimed he was trying to apologize, Ezra suddenly laughed, completely exasperated with this whole affair. [BCOLOR=transparent]"Do me a favor, Morris." [/BCOLOR]Ezra suddenly reeled back, yanking his wrist free from Morris' grasp as he turned away once more. [BCOLOR=transparent]"Just don't." [/BCOLOR]Ezra was suddenly fuming, smoke rising from his feet as his steps scorched the earth. He quickly brushed his hands through his hair, forcing it out of his face as he took a deep breath; an attempt to calm the storm that was rising inside of him. He was letting this get to him too much, that stare Morris always gave him...It was as if he was nothing more than a child to that man... and it did little to nothing to calm Ezra's burning rage.​

[BCOLOR=transparent]"You're being ridiculously difficult. I offer you the chance to talk all this through and you brush it aside like some ungrateful welch! This was my last effort to turn things around by attempting to empathize with you and ask for [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]your [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]way, but since you can't be bothered by any of it.."[/BCOLOR] Morris paused, his heterogeneous eyes of blue and gold burned vigorously as he watched Ezra pull away from him and walk away. His face twisted into the most angriest scowl, before he took a deep breath and exhaled with a sigh. Shaking his head from side to side, Morris rushed passed Ezra with a new found look on his face, a complete and utter blank one. He stood in front of the boy with his arms crossed as the stark final words left him and hung in the air. [BCOLOR=transparent]"Pack your things, and get out of my house. I want you off my property by the time I rise in the morning." [/BCOLOR]

With nothing more to say to the child, Morris turned on his heels treading in a different direction from where Ezra was originally going. Morris was fed up with him, now he could focus his attention back on his two daughters. Moselle's situation can be cleared up without him, and Skylar's rampant rebellious attitude needed to be ceased. He had let her have her fun for far too long now, and it would be hypocritical of him not to punish her after doing so to Ezra. Or at least that is what he was thinking after having such a long tiring ordeal with the Orange Rose Witch. Regardless no amount of thinking could cover up the awful heavy feeling of failure weighing over him. Though maybe some time in the real world would snap Ezra into realizing that Morris had always had his best interests at heart, not much to what the fool believed.


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Collaboration between Doomy and Gladis
@Gladis @DoomyCakez
Characters: Gwen, Ryuu, Sebastion, Winston
Setting: Gwendoline's Room

To say that Sebastion felt rather guilty for kicking the deemed "skeletor" across the room would have been a bit of an understatement, being that the kick had only been a momentary reflex; however, relief had graced the white haired familiar's face as Winston landed safely in Gwendoline's excessive pile of stuffed animals. That did not detract from the fact that Sebastion could have still hurt the chattering skeleton, causing his expression to change to one of momentary guilt just as the bedroom jar felt completely open.

"Oi, furball! Shall I take over?"

Red faced and flustered, Sebastion turned..only to find Ryuu standing in the doorway. He was unable to hide the wave of relief that washed over him, his eyes watering up slightly as he called in an oddly exasperated voice. "Oh thank God you-" However, that wave of relief was suddenly replaced with a look of pure annoyance - Sebastion trying to conceal that fact that he had actually needed the butler there - as he barked at Ryuu. "How can you just stand there at a time like this?" His voice changed slightly then, deciding to mock the teasing dragon out of his own frustration with the situation. "'Shall I take over?' Shall you take over? Noooo...Just stand there like an idiot and block the doorway, while I do your job! OF COURSE I WANT YOU TO TAKE OVER!" It would be hard to tell, of course, that Sebastion was not really angry...more so embarrassed that he had been caught with "his pants down".

"...and don't call me furball." He added on the end as he shifted Gwendoline's limp form in his arms. It was strange how heavy she had gotten within these few moments, the familiar's arms starting to shake from exhaustion as he stubbornly held on. His gaze shifted, another look of relief coming to his face as Winston freed himself from his plushy prison, phalanges gently brushing against his rib cage as if to soothe any pain that had been caused by Sebastion's thoughtless action.

"Then don't yell at me, furrball," Ryuu said, not actually seeming to mind the way Sebastion had reacted. It was understandable considering the circumstances, after all. Without further delay he entered the room, gently taking Gwendoline from the exasperated familiars arms. Sebastion was unable to stop the look of frustration that deepened on his youthful face, glaring eyes following Ryuu's calm demeanor as he plucked Gwenie,much like a simple ragdoll, from Sebastion's grasp. It was common knowledge that Ryuu's strength was far superior to that of Sebastion; however, it did nothing for the little familiar's pride, which had been slightly bruised.

The Skeleton glanced up as Ryuu entered the room, teeth chattering frantically before he angrily pointed to Sebastion, as if to say that Sebastion was the cause of all of this disorder. Sebastion gasped, offended by Winston's wordless gestures as his voice nearly jumped an octave. "Don't you dare blame me, cript-keeper! You're the one that ran at me!"

Completely ignoring the squabble between Winston and Sebastion, Ryuu was unable to hide the expression of worry crossing his features. "Come on, young lady. Let's get you all cleaned up, shall we?" he murmured in a soothing voice as he felt her worryingly lifeless form settled against his chest. Pausing, he cast a weary glance in Winston's direction. "Thank you for helping out. I'll take over from here." With that said, the dragon carried his mistress into her bathroom. Sebastion took notice of that glance, in turn causing him to worry as well. Gwendoline was far too unresponsive, Sebastion only able to feel the flutter of her lifeforce settling to nothing more than a dull murmur. That did nothing to settle the familiar's fears.

Winston stood silently in the center of Gwen's room, coming to terms with the fact that he was of little to no use anymore, knowing that Ryuu was finally there to calm the chaos. He gave a small bow and turned, exiting the room to return to his prior duties. Sebastion followed, closing the door behind the creature. He leaned against the door then, releasing a long sigh before turning and following Ryuu into the bathroom.

Ryuu carefully held her in his arms even as he put the plug in place and turned on the tap – steam rising as hot water started pouring into the tub. It was almost as though he were afraid that the moment he let her go, she might die. After making sure to turn down the heat somewhat so that it'd become just the right temperature for Gwen, his attention was completely on her. It wasn't all too easy to take slip her out of her sullied garments due to the way he was holding her, but after some gentle pulling, untangling and fiddling he finally managed, sitting her down in the by then half full bathing tub.

Sebastion had remained in the doorway this whole time, glancing up and watching Ryuu in mute. He would have offered to help; however, something told him he would be nothing more than a nuisance... Plus, Sebastion knew that Ryuu often felt the same...It was good for him to do this alone; however, Sebastion could not hide the blush that quickly broke across his face upon seeing Gwen undressed before his very eyes. A look of momentary panic rushed through him before he looked away embarrassed. How Ryuu was able to accomplish this task, without a flinch, a heart flutter, or any other sort of reaction was beyond Sebastion's knowledge, however, the familiar could commend him.

When Sebastion finally managed to look back, he watched as the water dirtied slightly from the black sludge slipping into its depths. He had never actually seen Ryuu do his job before...let alone see Gwen in such a state. Embarrassing or perverted as it was, Sebastion found himself unable to look away, the scarlet on his cheeks only deepening.

The dragon worked quickly and efficiently; in every sense like a professional. It was evident that he'd long since gotten accustomed to even this part of serving the Gray Rose Witch, not seeming even slightly flustered, unlike a certain familiar. Not that he paid him any mind. Ryuu was too focused on getting Gwen cleaned up so that he could put her to bed. Above all, he believed rest was what she needed.

Before long he'd wrapped her petite little body in a towel, ensuring that she was fairly dry before dressing her in a fresh night gown. Every now and then he would check her pulse, as though he were afraid she may drop dead any second. It was highly unlikely, yet Ryuu couldn't help but want to ease his worry. He'd never seen the young mistress in such a dire state before. Naturally he would be on the edge.

Very gently he tucked her in, just like his mother had done for him, back when he was young and sick. "Get well soon, little lady," he murmured softly as he regarded her pale, sleeping face. There was a softness in his voice he only rarely expressed. His expression was one of concern and affection. The way he gently brushed a loose strand of silvery hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear. The way he brushed the back of his hand against her forehead to check her temperature, and the way he eventually leaned over to plant a soft kiss on her forehead. They were all proof of how much he cared.

Gwendoline had become like a little sister to Ryuu. Losing her would feel like losing his family all over again. It was not a pain he would like to bear. "Sweet dreams," his lips curled into a gentle smile as he straightened up, for the first time since he'd started caring for his mistress paying attention to Sebastion. The smile faded and his expression became more buisness-like. "If there's anything you need, I'll be in the washing room," as he spoke, he gathered Gwen's dirtied clothes and the towel, "just ring the bell and I'll be here as soon as possible. I think it would be best to let her rest for now," he cast Gwen one last glance of concern, "alright?" by then Ryuu was standing by the door, his gloved hand resting on the doorknob.

"Alright." Sebastion mumbled softly, his place in the bathroom doorway having grown rather stale at the moment. He found himself floating towards Gwendoline's resting form, sinking down onto the edge of her bed, by her feet as he always would while in human form. He placed a stiff hand upon her covered leg, shoulders saggy from the realization he had been of little to no use to his tiny mistress today, whereas Ryuu had done all of the work.

Ryuu was still in the doorway, and this caused Sebastion to turn, glancing over his shoulder at the dragon. He offered a small smile, unsure what was the cause of it, as well as his words. "She needs you more than you may feel, Ryuu...thank you."
Ryuu was slightly surprised, yet refrained from letting it show. It wasn't all too usual for Sebastion to say anything kind to him. "You're welcome," the dragon butler said softly and then he left.​
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