Rose Witch Covenant

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-The Princess's Bedroom-


Gwendoline's eyes fluttered open, newly red irises slowly fading back to foggy grey as she stared blankly at the rose print walls of her bedroom. She released a soft sigh, small arms slowly stretching up above her head as she sat up and gave her room a once over. Another vision, but not just any same vision that had come to her for many nights now...A blackened space, yet in the blackness a single sakura tree rested, but what was odd about this time was that...the tree died. The lovely tree that had graced her visions for days wilted and died. She brushed a single tear from her eye, mourning the death of such a gentle scene, but not only that. Confusion crossed her gentle face, eyebrows furrowing as she stared silently at her reflection in the vanity.


The deep, almost black voice rang in her ears once more. The ever present shadow that had always been present in this vision was gone, completely disappeared from her mind. It was as if it had disappeared from time itself. She gave another sigh and absently toyed with the lace on the edge of her dress. The vision was disturbing, fragments still washing over the edge of her mind's eye, but the voice was still there....just there.


Who was this voice? It was the shadow of course, she was not too stupid to realize, but who was the shadow? The long black hair, black suit and gloves, sword in hand...yet she never saw the face. He always seemed turned from her mind's eye, cheating her from gazing upon this image of loneliness and blackness seated in deathly silence under the sakura tree. As if he was hiding in some odd, self created pocket dimension. The man in black...


What was the shadow's connection to Moselle? Her visions had not graced her with this visions on future...Why did the shadow know her and why was it only now that it had called her name, a sudden pulse breaking through the dimension before the shadow disappeared. It sent a small shudder through Gwen to have seen this...Someone of true loneliness and sorrow. How did the man in black know Moselle? How long? He seemed to be absent in all of Gwen's visions of the girl. She had watched her whole life, over and over, and the man in black was absent in them all, as if he had never existed...yet here he was, silently whispering Moselle's name.

Gwen shook her head and let out another sigh. The feeling of dread had even subsided, as if it had existed and now was just...gone...She could see and feel on all plains of existence, and yet she could not see the man in black...where had he gone? She brushed her small hands over the fabric of her quilts, giving another small sigh before hugging her arms around her slim legs, resting her head on top of her knees and staring ahead once more.
"Where have you gone?..."


Sebastian had fallen asleep long ago, curling up next to Gwen's head until her felt her move and rise, causing him to roll away slightly back against the mountain of pillows. Giving a small growl, he rose his small head, beady black eyes once more trained on the waterfall of silver curls hiding hid mistress. His head only tilted to the side as he rose up, giving a slow stretch and a yawn before moving over to her side and pressing his tiny white paws against her hip. "Dollie?"

She did not answer. Instead, she fooled with the fabric on her dress and kept her eyes ahead, staring silently at her reflection in the vanity. He gave a small huff and lightly scratched himself under his chin before making his way to the edge of the bed, leaping off and in midleap, switching over to his human form and landing lightly on the balls of his feet. He kept his back to Gwen for a moment, staring silently into the floor length mirror as he adjusted his outfit of choice.

He had switched over to a simple jacket and dress pants, both black except for the single floral pattern stripes on each leg, the floral pattern cuffs and on the rolled up sleeves and the collar of his jacket. His shirt was a white v-neck, loosely fitted and untucked in a dress down fashion. His shoes were floral print as well, except the soles that came to match the black in his jacket and pants. His head wase pulled from his face with a simple black head band and around his neck was the same brown collar with the silver bell on the front.

He adjusted his jacket before turning once more to Gwen, who had seemed to take notice that he was actually in the room, turning her gaze towards him with a small smile. Moving to the edge of her bed, she let her feet hang off, long curls giving a small bounce as her smile grew.
"You look very nice, Sebby."

Sebastian on nodded at her compliment, fixing the cuffs of his jacket before asking in barely more than a whisper. "What was in your vision that bothered you?" Sebastian was not stupid. Like what had been said many times, a familiar was connected to it's master on many plains. They shared thoughts, emotions, feelings, etc. and Sebastian could feel the disturbance in Gwen's mind. She already had a challenge ahead. She did not need THIS as well. He lifted his gaze slightly to watch her shift in slight discomfort before she finally answered.

"...The Sakura tree died..." She spoke in no more than a mumble, staring down at the floor with a furrowed brow. Sebastian turned to her and crossed his arms over his chest, a small frown pulling on the edge of his lips. "And what of the Shadow Man?"

"I cannot feel him right now...I do not know where he has gone." She rose up from her spot then and passed Sebastian, moving to the door and standing quietly in the doorway before continuing. "He said 'Moselle' before he disappeared, Sebby. I do not know how, but the Shadow Man knows Moselle...we cannot focus on this now, however...dinner will start soon. Let us go greet the others." She turned back to Sebastian then and extended her small hand, a smile pulling at the edges of her lips as she gave him a once over.

Sebastian sighed and gave a small bow to her, eyes falling to the wooden floors before rising back up and gently taking her hand in his own.
"As you wish, Dollie." Without another word, they stepped off and stated making their way to the dining hall. However, an unsettling feeling still plagued the edge of both Sebastian and Gwen's minds...Gwen could feel something coming...and knew that the night would definitely not be as calm as any of them hoped...

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The weather girl and Ezra came in soon after I arrived. When Nimhue sat down I couldn't help but to bother her. "So weather woman, what's the forecast for today?"
After a quiet chuckle I glanced over at Ezra, who wore that same grim look on his face. After a few moments I let out a sigh and rested my head on my propped up hand.
"You're so gloomy and boring. Why did you have to be the one to decide to randomly come early, that's not like you." I made an extra effort to look bored.

(I'm so sorry it's so short, I have writer's block TTnTT)​
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Two colours stared at the gold loving witch as they burned with nothing but promises of inflicting pain. Her fingers shifted on the arm of her seat as tried to retain her cool, irritation causing her to shift uncomfortably as she turned at her waist to face one of the creatures she despised so much. "Dont worry about that witch. I might just make sure its slightly...temperamental...just so there will need to be a clean up." She hissed, her words spat from her lips like poison before she instantly turned her gaze away. Despite avoiding them she knew Lel was money obsessed and if she had to make a few changes to make him suffer she would.

Her form was visibly tensed as she stared at the doors, arms crossed as her anger slowly melted upon her childish features, causing her to pout dramatically as she was left unknown to her movement to sulking. "Im only here because Morris will come..." she whispered, tapping her fingers impatiently upon her arm as she leaned back, trying to have the seat consume her. "I cant stand you are all the same.." Nimhue held no silence before whispering those hateful words, her grip getting tighter as it began to paint the skin of her arms red. Letting her gaze drop, the hate filled Abaia fell silent, clearly unhappy being stuck with witches other than her dear crush.

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After Lel had taken his spot in the dining room, Zeros has quickly bowed before escaping, fingers tapping nervously against one another as he sighed heavily. His lips tried to quirk back Into his usual grin but he was left with the tiniest of smiles upon his features, the fact he could not bring himself to act normal made him huff. Zeros was not one to be worried Into the affairs of others to much but with all the witches gathering over recent events he was concerned. His steps paused, polished black shoes ceasing in his steps as amber orbs wavered, his arm shifting so it sat over his abdomen, expression dulled. "I hope Lel doesnt get to involved..." and as the thought of his gold loving master came to mind his cheeks were dusted pink, once again smiling softly. "Im sure he will be fine!" He told himself, continuing his walk.

Zeros eventually passed the kitchen, tempted to go in and help but currently both he and Isolde were not on their best terms. By that he meant he was annoyed with her for acting rude while she was simply going to be stubborn. Narrowing amber orbs he suddenly frowned, though to some it may see as if the butler was sulking, his expression dejected. With a huff he turned upon his heels, deciding to head to his room for the moment. "Ill just head back when the meeting is over..." he muttered, reaching up as he dragged the gloves from his hands, pulling at the tips before shoving them into his suits jacket.

With a huff he gently pried the door open, slipping inside as he fell into a chair, hands scratching his cheek as he finally relaxed, leaning back. "Stupid Isolde." He muttered, annoyed by his sisters hatred of Lel. "Lel is so nice to her..." he whined, sitting up as he folded his legs, leaning forwards with a tired expression. He could not understand. A few minutes later guilt swelled up from his mind and he cast his gaze to the ground, fingers pressing against his eye lids. "Ill sort it out with Sol tomorrow..." eyes barely open, he found himself strangely comfortable, something that had him reaching out for his usual book to give him something to do until Lel was done with the witches meeting.​

@Sinopa @Aka~Kitsune


Ezra had glanced over at Lel when he and Nimhue had had their small conversation. He could not help but let a small smirk cross across his lips at the girl's infatuation with Morris...Ah yes...Morris, the crazed- white haired Tirant of Petrova manner had another fangirl that wished to jump his bones, eh? It was almost sad to see that the girl's thoughts of Morris would be brought down rather quickly..Well at least he hoped they would. Ignorance was something that Ezra did not wish on anyone, but it seemed that Ezra was the only person who truely saw Morris for who he really was...a egotistical, insane, crack-pot with an obsession over his own daughter. It was something that made Ezra sick to his stomach and it took all of his just to not beat that fact into Nimhue's head...

Her name was Nimhue, right? In fact...Ezra could hardly remember the last time her saw the girl...Hell maybe months ago. He shrugged, brushing his long digits through those thick locks of black hair. Tonight of all nights, he had actually decided to look nice, however, he would have much rather preferred to show up in his favorite sweatpants and brotank...He should have done it, too, just to piss of Morris and Anastasia. However, Clarice's letter still prodded the back of his mind.

{We have enough going on right now without your input...bitch.}

He rested his hand over his mouth, eyebrows furrowing together as he scowled at the empty table. So that was what he was? Nothing more that a troublemaker that needed to be brought down a fucking peg? Was he that much of a nuciance that Morris would not even address him himself? Instead he would let his WHORE do all the talking? He growled, his gaze becoming a glare as he focused on a single scratched on the polished surface of the table. His body tensed, his fury rising as he could feel his own skin heating up under his clothes.

{Is that all I am in this damn family?...a nusiance? Not even worth YOUR time?}

He could barely contain himself now, staring hard at the same spot on the table as his shoulders shook. Oh how he wanted to make that man scream in agony...Rip the very foundations of this house apart, burn it all to the ground...But what good would that do? They would only rebuild and lock him away again...yes he was a prisoner in this Godforsaken house...A prisoner that was losing his mind.

{Why would you keep me here, then?}

"You're so gloomy and boring. Why did you have to be the one to decide to randomly come early, that's not like you."

Ezra glanced up from his seat, red eyes flashing back to the natural honey gold as his temper slowly subsided. He had almost forgotten that he was not alone at the table, his eyes moving from the silent Nimhue, to the bored expression of Lel. He had not even registered his question, simply gazing at him until it came to him what he had asked. He blinked, a bit of annoyance running over him as he gave a small click of his teeth and leaned back against his chair, crossing his arms over his chest and giving a small smirk.

"Why indeed..." He sighed and brushed his hand through his hair once more. Why DID he come down so early? It was more like him to be the last person down...or even be completely late. It was a very rare occurance for him to be the second witch down. He gave a small sigh and raised his hands just above his shoulders as he gave another light shrug. "The Bastard wants me on my best behavior...even had his WHORE write me a letter speaking of my many...disturbances in the family." He almost laughed at that. Disturbances? He was never even HERE to do anything TO the family. What did they care that he had some fun while he was in Nautchwald? They did not even know the whole story.

"So I figured I would be a good boy and model myself after you, old man." He gave a small tease, letting his arms fall back to his side as he stole another glance at Nimhue. "Make....Morris...happy, eh?" When he said his name, it came out with a bit of venom. A subconscious act, seeing as he was so use to insulting the man when he said the name. He leaned forward, resting his arms on the table as he glanced up at Hellbourne, who stood just behind Lel. The girl was pretty damn stolic, to be honest, even seeming to beat Ezra in the brooding contest. He tilted his head slightly to the side, a sly smile making its was across his face as he spoke, directing his question to Lel. "So...what brought YOU down here so early, Old man? No fat bags of money to snatch from poor, unfortunate souls?" It was nothing more than a tease. Infact, Ezra rather liked Lel..when he was not utterly pissing him off. He found him more...understanding of his current situation with the family and even seemed to show SOME form of care when it came to his well being...even when he was scolding him like he was some child...Lel had always been like that, however...the more Benevolent elder in the family, even though he was a heartless, greedy bastard...and Ezra could not help but have SOME form of care towards the Bisque Rose Witch, even though he rarely showed it...Lel knew all of this of course. It was a small, unspoken bond between the understanding in a way of speaking.

Ezra glanced at his Rollex, feeling rather antsy for the dinner to begin...only 20 minutes left, it seemed...So only a matter of time before the others joined.

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-Generator Hall, Core Facility-
Stella had no complaints on the girl leaving, however the sudden summon to the mansion was very inconvenient. After all Stella spent her nights preforming experiments in the underground laboratory, there was no time for needless socialization or formalities.
Since Nimhue left and the head witch would be busy with this dinner or meeting, Stella decided to preform the core switch, while this would usually call for a complete facility shutdown, Stella had something in mind.​
Call for Suzuya.
Stella didn't address any of her familiars in particular, while her familiars used to be completely bound she granted them semi-independence, this eased up the magical power demands.
Besides that the familiars created a magical network that allowed Stella to contact them in a way that the most useful familiar for the task would answer, like now.​
Uh, right boss, we'll send her to the Core Facility immediately.
Stella could easily replace the core if Suzuya substituted for the lost power, she believed this was within Suzuya's abilities, and it would be a great test of her magitech power levels.
While Stella was ready to wait up to forty minutes, which is how long it takes to get past all the security checkpoints. However rather then that, in a bright yellow flash of light, Suzuya appears on one of the catwalks near Generator 4. The girl walks up to Stella and bows slightly.​
"You... Called for me?"
Suzuya was still quite timid, despite being incredibly combat capable this was mostly due to the lack of socialization, in this case Suzuya was looking around nervously.​
"You will provide auxiliary power while I preform the core switch."
Suzuya nodded and headed towards the main outlet cable, the cable is an exit point for all the electricity produced by the Core generators, so Suzuya should be able to provide power from there.
Stella flew up to the Core access hatch and entered it, quickly entering the Core itself. The now slightly reddish star was still shining brightly in the middle of the Core. The Core switch procedure itself does not take long, however due to the fact a power drop would occur, meticulous preparations in the public service departments were necessary. However if Suzuya supplements lost power, Stella doesn't have to bother with Public Services. Or the witches.
Stella extends her arm, and an equation appears midair in front of it, the star starts to shrink, until it is replaced by a small black dot, a black hole.
As the star disappears, the equation does as well, and the black hole disperses as suddenly as it appeared. Now a yellowish haze appears in the center of the room, gathering until it ignites into a new, yellow star. Unlike creating black holes, which requires workarounds, creating stars is Stella's ability, and takes almost no effort.
Stella now quickly makes her way back down to the Generator hall, she wants to check if Suzuya managed to supplement for the power drop. Unlike her familiars Suzuya is not a part of Stella's magic telepathy network.
In the generator room, Suzuya was standing next to a massive square construction which was connected to the outlet cable, it didn't take Stella long to recognize a battery. She flew over to Suzuya, gently landing next to her. Suzuya turns around, then looks at the battery as it starts to disperse into glowy orange dust.​
"Uh... Battery seemed like the best idea..."
Stella looks over to the dispersing battery and then to the cable. The idea wasn't exactly the most high-tech solution, but it worked.​
"Crude, but effective, good work Suzuya."
The girl smiled and nodded​
"You are free to do whatever you wish for the rest of the day, I will finish some paperwork and head on to a meeting."
Suzuya nods once again and disappears in a yellow flash, no doubt heading to read the Human communication network.
-Several Hours later-
-Stella's office , Core Facility-

As Stella said, she spent the remaining time in her office finishing paperwork for the Core Facility, after all the laboratories officially did not exist.
However now it was time for the meeting... Or dinner however the witches wish to call it. Looking at herself she considered changing her outfit, but decided against it, the witches weren't really worth such effort.
She heads out of her office into the junction and extends her arm, slowly light starts to bend inwards towards the point where she is pointing at, several seconds later a small black orb appeared, however rather then a black hole, this was a wormhole.
-Dining Hall, Petrova Mansion-

At the same time in the dining hall, a similar hole appeared, until it expanded to a sizable oval-shaped portal through which Stella stepped in. As soon as she did, the portal closed, disappearing without a trace. Stella looks around, several witches and their servants were already there, and there was also Nimhue, squirming around on her chair. Stella barely remembered the name of the head witch, so remembering others was obviously not going to happen.
Stella didn't bother sitting down, she headed to the head of the table, where the head witch will sit down and stood some distance from it, hopefully none of the witches will ask unnecessary questions.​
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"Dont worry about that witch. I might just make sure its slightly...temperamental...just so there will need to be a clean up."

My eyes narrowed at the girl, but I only smirked. "I'll be sure to take the repair money from you, I'm sure I support you financially somehow." didn't pay any mind to the insulting comments she made afterwards, it was already a well know fact that she disliked us all. I turned back to Ezra.

"The Bastard wants me on my best behavior...even had his WHORE write me a letter speaking of my many...disturbances in the family."
"A letter?" I let out a laughed. "How cute, reminds me of elementary school. And will you be sending one back? Showing how much you 'appreciate' her child-like actions?" I shifted to lean on the other side of my chair, facing Ezra a bit more.

"So I figured I would be a good boy and model myself after you, old man."
I chuckled. "How delightful, you aspire to be like me, I'm flattered. You're most certain to become a better man if you keep this up." I jokingly put on a narcissistic smile. Conversations like these were always fun, Ezra was the best one to have them with. We could joke around and insult eachother all the time, but at the end of the day none of it is taken to heart. I was a bit surprised at Clarice's actions, surly she knew that a letter was not the right approach to Ezra, or anyone for that fact since we all live under the same roof. Maybe she's stress and wasn't think right or something like that. I wonder how he reacted...

"So...what brought YOU down here so early, Old man? No fat bags of money to snatch from poor, unfortunate souls?"
"No, I'd rather not get caught up in the hurricane wrath of my sister. Though earlier I had some trouble from one of those unfortunate souls, he was trying to get me to lower the price of something or give him money or something, I can't remember. When I refused he actually got a body guard to try to hurt me." I dissolved into laughter. "That didn't get too far. I'm sure that adorable young man soiled himself! Some people are just complete imbeciles."

After my laughter subsided I sighed as my bright sky blue eyes swept over the room. The only one who entered the room was the star girl, Stella. I wondered why she hadn't sit down but I didn't question her. I turned back to Ezra.
"How was your trip terrorizing my town?" I asked with a small chuckle, trying to pass the time.

@Sinopa @Nocturnia

Ezra's gaze turned momentarily to look over the girl that had just entered. He knew he had seen her before, but...she had no idea what her name was. He blinked, looking her over a couple of times, his head giving the smallest tilt to the side until he heard the burst of laughter errupt from Lel.

"No, I'd rather not get caught up in the hurricane wrath of my sister. Though earlier I had some trouble from one of those unfortunate souls, he was trying to get me to lower the price of something or give him money or something, I can't remember. When I refused he actually got a body guard to try to hurt me. That didn't get too far. I'm sure that adorable young man soiled himself! Some people are just complete imbeciles."

Ezra gave the smallest purse of his lips as he listened to that. How stupid could people be to even try to lay a finger on Lel. Hell, he had picked a fight with him once and almost lost his head to a raging Hellbourne. He gave a light click of his tongue and let a small chuckle escape, brushing his fingers through his hair and accidentally messing up the style he had placed it in. Eh, what did he care...he liked the messy look.

His attention was pulled back to Lel once more upon hearing his question. He glanced up, a smirk crossing his face as he tried to hold back a laugh. "Your town? Last time I checked, that place still belonged to..." He paused on the word, his face suddenly becoming sour as he let it slip past his lips. "Morris..." He shook his head, suddenly becoming angry become hearing that name. He sighed and leaned back in his chair, giving a small shrug before he continued. "Ahh...nothing much actually. That gang was causing trouble so I took them out...Might have blown up that warehouse at the end of town, but eh...casualty of war...And the police tried to get involved, but you know me...." He gave another smile and tapped his fingers against the table before glancing up at Lel again, golden eyes glowing with sudden mischief. Ahh yes, Lel knew Ezra very well. He did not have to give all the details because Lel could fill in the blanks all on his own. "Why? Did you miss me?"




Slowly, the Abaia was beginning to grind her teeth against one another, rage consuming the light of her eyes as she kept her gaze upon the ever so lovely witch, her fingers thrumming against the arm of her chair. It was swelling up, the anger and frustration, till she was practically surrounded by a icy chill that fell from her form. Nails, painted a light blue began to dig into the seat as she continued to glare at Lel with hatred, loathing being a far better term. "As if I want any money from you. I don't even see the need for it.." She spat out, deciding to take her anger out on what she believed he favored most. "Its useless." Nimhue hissed, snarling slightly as she fell back into her seat, arms folded. Being what she was and how she lived, she never needed to care for money and even now she found the idea of it odd. Lel just became annoying with his infatuation for it.

As the two conversed she decided to stare at the door, her demeanor softening as she sighed softly. She idly patted her clothes, making sure they were neat and pristine, despite the fact she had only changed a short while ago. Murmuring to herself she smiled a tiny smile, fingers relaxing as she idly kicked her legs, leaning back. Once again she was back to thinking of when the white rose witch would arrive. Her attention focused upon her thoughts of Morris, she barely payed attention to the Orange and Bisque rose witches, finding them annoying. "Itches." She stated suddenly, propping her arms up on the table as she settled her head in her hands. "You witches are all like itches...or cockroaches." She finished, closing her eyes as lashes fluttered against her cheeks, lips parting in a deep sigh.

By now, Nimhue was paying attention to the conversation, mostly since she felt like she needed to mentally argue against every tiny word from their lips, if only to satisfy her need to snap at them. Though it was mainly Erza who she paid attention to because even thinking about the blonde made her want to bang her head against the table...actually it was more like she wanted to rip his head off. Beginning to grin at the thought she chuckled softly, her mind running miles with the thoughts, only cut off by a tone set in the air. Her eyes snapped to Erza, narrowed once more as she cocked her head. "Why must you sound so rude when talking about Morris?" She asked with a curious tone, yet each word was venomous in her retort. There was no way that she would accept that Morris has done anything to deserve such a tone.

With a huff she closed her eyes once more, only opening the twin orbs to stare at Stella when she arrived. Smiling slightly she gave a short wave. Stella was alright by her terms, though due to her lack of any type of education she pretty much was failing to understand the star girl half the time. Scratch that, most of the time. Staring once again at the door, Nimhue decided to thinking upon a new topic in hopes of disregarding her anger. Mostly, it meant thinking back to her meeting the White rose witch. Nimhue did hold some small amount of annoyance for him due to their initial meeting, though the thoughts brought a annoyed grin to her lips, twisted almost. "A guardian of the sea...bested so easily..." She whispered, shaking her head, casting pink locks around her face. She released her arms as she sat up straight in her seat, expression once again annoyed by the scowl upon her features. "I am bored...when the hell does this stupid meeting start!"​
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Ven rose from the rough floor slowly rubbing the back of his head due to him falling down the stairs, it really hurt him. He felt a bit groggy from drinking and waking up three hours later but his nose told him that people were gathering and so was his sir, He began walking his motion wobbling a bit before he leapt forward changing into his wolf form, his read luscious fur swaying as he landed and began running towards the house from the garden. His paws bounding to and fro as his rather large wolf body scrunched up and expanded once more creating a much longer stride. He rushed through the house madly as his paws scrapped across the smooth floor, he spun out once and slammed into the stairs before leaping up them slowly and continue to run towards the gathering. As he ran down the long hallways like a race horse dipping between butlers legs.

As he slid to the open door his body hit the door frame and he laid there in his wolf form until he looked up at everyone and slowly rose from the ground grunting and dusting himself off, His eyes wandering the crowd for Ezra until he spotted him and made his way over calmly and quietly. He sat on the floor in his wolf form next to Ezra his eyes seeming to be half open half closed as he let his tongue hang out the side of his mouth.
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The Pink Rose Witch's Familiar

Rin was no fan of this side of the city, that much was obvious. The infamous Petrovas resided here, and lord knows how the people reacted (or didn't react) to them and they're familliars. She had no interest in being outside of her home, but she needed cheap, GOOD TASTING food and she knew this was the only place she could find the items she sought after that was anywhere close to her. She pulled her black and blue knee length kimono tighter around her, and pulled her black thigh high socks up as far as they could go as her black skirt flapped in the wind. She walked into the convenient store and loaded her basket with peanut butter cups, chips, and ultra-red flavored monster energy drinks. Three cases to be exzact. She checked herself out, avoiding the older gentleman behind the counter eyeing her. She could practically read his thoughts. Don't you dare think about stealing you dumb teenager. Dont. You. Dare. She giggled to herself and paid for her goods, making her way back home, slipping back into the house like she had never left.

When Rin entered the house, she realized all of the witches were most likely trying to begin gathering in the dining room, where familiars were allowed to do as they pleased at this time. She lugged her groceries up to her private quarters, and threw her perishables into the fridge on the other side of her bedroom. The set a vinyl on her clear top record player and fell onto her bed, trying to relax. Hoping that someone would interrupt her temporary, self induced solitude.

"Everyone gather around for a show,

watch as this man disappears as we know,

do me a favor and try to ignore,

as you watch him fall through a bleeding trap door."

And she fell asleep to the sound of her music.

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Morris & Skylar

"Why, thank you for acknowledging the fact that I do ended own this town. Technically speaking...." The sultry, yet crisp voice of Morris rang out unexpectedly. Sudden enough to catch anyone unaware by surprise. The white haired warlock sighed softly as Ezra spoke of destroying a warehouse at the docks. "Do you even realize how angry Mr. Jay is right now? The explosion you caused, caused a fire to spread to his store warehouse and he lost a month worth of stock. Honestly, Ezra why can't just let the police do their job."

"Eeh? Ezra's the one that beat up that gang? Ha! No wonder Al is pissed!" Skylar's voice rang out behind her father's large frame. Just like her father, she had arrived quietly and spoke up. The surprise nearly caused Morris to jump out of his skin. He clamped a cold grip on his shirt above his heart, then turned to his daughter with an intense look.

"Don't sneak up on people Darling."

"What!? You just did the same thing not even a minute before I did it!" She protested.

"Skylar, I'm not arguing with you over this."

@Vio @punkyears @Sinopa @DoomyCakez

The Pink rose Witch seemed to be in an awfully good mood as he strolling along the cobblestone paving leading up to the magnificent Petrova mansion in all it's glamour. He was wearing his trusted black leatherjacket with a high collar, deliberately leaving it open in order to display the spicy pink shirt underneath, which just screamed flamboyancy and a need for attention. His tight jeans were black, and his long purple hair had carefully been tyler into a somewhat messy looking braid. A chain of silver roses were dangling from his left ear, matching the long silver necklace with a rose pendant attached around his neck. The grin painting his face was almost predatory, his purple eyes glinting with a hint of amusement and mischief.

Chuckling softly, Yukari drew a deep breath, taking in the fresh evening air as a light breeze tugged lightly at his hair. It was quite nice to be back home, after having spent the last two months in Japan. While he did enjoy visiting his home country, never mind traveling around to his hearts content... Yukari could with ease state that he had never felt as home anywhere else than he did at the Petrova mansion. Even if this was not his place of birth and none of them were close family, he treasured every one of the family members and servants more than probably anyone of them could imagine. There was little that could compare with his and Skylar's deep friendship, one of the few people he actually felt like could understand him. Besides, she was an amazing drinking buddy- a thought which made him decide that he would have to take her out drinking soon. Yukari also enjoyed the company of his servant(s), all of which he found rather interesting in their own individual rights. Hikari who was so adorable, he couldn't help but want to cuddle and kiss anytime he saw him. The psychotic Kira who's philosophic views never ceased to be interesting, though did seem to need a good smack in the head from time to time, and Rin, who's cold nature made an amazing challenge for Yukari.

There was one person, however, whom Yukari had been especially excited about reuniting with.

"Rin, sweetheart... where are you? Daddy's finally hoooome! I want to give my little girl a hug!"

He sent the thought to his familiar, whom he had left behind for reasons he'd been avoiding to state. A gentle smile was playing on his features, though it quickly was replaced by a frown and slight pout of the witch's lips. See, I thought I'd forgotten about something. Glancing at his bracelet watch, Yukari prayed that he wouldn't be late before making his way towards the dining hall. Despite being somewhat in a hurry, Yukari walked in his own pace, his hands lazily stuck in his pockets. The purple hair entered just in time to catch the mildly aggressive conversation between Ezra and Lel, plus Morris' and Skylars' remarks.

"Betrottled flowers," he remarked in a way most people would say 'oh my', clasping his hands together, "lively as always, and not even a little time to spare for a greeting upon your long missed uncle's marvelous return," he spread his arms dramatically, mocking an insulted look. Then he dropped the farce and chuckled softly, eyeing his family members with glee. "I'm sure you all suffered in my absence!" Yukari mused boldly, striding past most of the people in the room before diving for the seat right next to Ezra, a promise of mischief glinting in his bright purple eyes.

"Ezra, darling, always up to trouble, aren't you? With abilities like yours, one would hop you have at least some sort of control over yourself... wouldn't you agree? There is a quote from some film," looking thoughtful, he tabbed his chin, narrowing hi eyes as he tried to remember. A moment later a grin spread across his lips and he removed his index finger from his chin, holding it up as he recited the quote from his memory. "Ah yes; "'With great power comes great responsibility', was it?" the slight smirk tugging the corners of Yukari's lips was just ever so slightly taunting, though of course it had mainly been meant to be a joke.

@Gladis @punkyears @Sinopa @Aka~Kitsune @Nocturnia @Vio @Akuma

The series of events that unfolded infront of Ezra was almost too much for him to handle with a "calm temper."

First it was Nimhue's question that, of course, had an obvious answer. Irritation ran rampant across Ezra's stature. It was completely obvious just by how the tapping of his fingers became rougher and a small scowl slowly crossed his face. He did not turn to face her at first, but he did comment is a surprisingly softly voice. "I hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but Morris is a rotten, selfish bastard who deserves none of your...infatuation." He glanced at her then and offered a small smirked and was even about to continue until the next thing happened.


A large "bang" just outside the door drew Ezra's attention, just in time to watch his massive, red fury of fox muscle bust through the door and clasp on the floor in a giant heap. Ezra's jaw could only tighten slightly as he stared at his familiar in silence. {{The bastard's drunk...}}He was not really sure how to take this, only able to watch Ven pull himself up from the floor and make his way to his side. Ezra only sighed and rested his hand on the beast's massive head, brushing his blacknailed digit through his course red fur. He released a single sigh, but nothing more, not even glancing down at his familiar as he petted him, but the gesture was enough to let Ven know that Ezra was happy to see him.

That happiness, however, was soon gone upon hearing...HIS voice. Ezra, his anger suddenly flaring, gripped ontp Ven's fur, nearly ripping it out before he let him go and stared a hole into the square of red wallpaper in front of him.

"Bastard..." It wad only a mumble, barely audible as it slipped past Ezra's lips. He rested his free arm on the table, continuing to leave his other hand on Ven's head. He tapped his fingers on the table as Morris directed his speech to him specifically. "Well, he's ab idiot for keeping his warehouse so close to a mob boss's warehouse, eh? Not a very smart business choice, in my opinion." He was being condescending now, only to piss off Morris. In fact, he was actually sorry for destroying so much of Mr.Jay's stock. The man had been a friend of the family for years. Before Ezra had turned into the monster he is now, he and Mr.Jay had actually enjoyed each other's company. He sighed, eyes narrowing for only a moment as Morris continued. "If the police actually did their job, they would not have to call on Ana.. And it Ana's men did their job, I would not have to be called on, eh? You see, Morri, I'm afraid your system is rather inadequate. If you had well trained men, rather than cowards shitting themselves at the thought of a fight, then I would not have to go in and take out the trash, now would I? Let the police do their job? HA! They only job they are willing to do is sit around and stuff their faces with donuts." He offered Morris a sly smile, watching him and Skylar argue for a moment before the smile melted away.

The next person to come in sent chills up Ezra's spine.
"Shit..." Yukari waltzed in and did his usual flamboyant routine, which honestly made Ezra laugh a little, before Yukari's attention was directed fully on him. Ezra scowled when tye Purple haired man sat down next to him, his flamboyancy claiming Ezra's attention, who could only stare at him, his scowl growing more and more. "Always in trouble? And here I thought I have been a complete saint." He let his sarcasm ring out, glancing over at Morris for only a moment before directing his gaze back to Yukari. "I have plently of self-control. I could have easily burnt down the entire right side of the city if I wanted to..." Yukari was taunting him...testing Ezra's patience as he usually did. Sadly, this time it was working. Ezra was working his hardest to keep everything in check, but he could feel himself heating up more and more as he grasped tighter ontop Ven, drawing in a shaky breath as he could only smirk at Yukari's quoting.
He was losing it already...
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Rin, The Pink Rose Witch Familiar

@Gladis @DoomyCakez


Rin sat bolt upright. The pin on her record player was still spitting out music, and wasn't even close to needing to be flipped yet but here she was, awake not 10 minutes after she 'fell asleep'.

"Rin sweetheart… where are you? Daddy's finally hoooome! I want to give my little girl a hug!"

"Bastard." She growled. Her ever-so-caring caring master had returned from wherever the hell he had been. Quit frankly she hadn't wanted to go to the meeting, but she had no choice but to go and give her reckless, self indulgent, jerk of a master a piece of her raging mind.

She ran down the stairs, slipping slightly in her socks as she made her way to the doors of the dining room over the hardwood floors. She listened in on the conversation for a moment, making sure Yukari was truly in there. After hearing his teasing of Ezra, and scolding of Ezradestroying a warehouse by the port, she slammed the heavy doors open; chest heaving, and breathing erratic.

"You." Rin narrowed her eyes at her master, who sat next to Ezra, smirking or smiling at something someone must of said before she burst in.

"Where have you been you bastard!?" She hissed in a half shout at her Yukari,"You gave me the command to stay and then you left. DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT HAS BEEN. DO YOU?!?!" Her voice picked up a few octaves as she continued to yell, getting louder as she spoke.

"And you." She looked at Ezra and his familiar, quieting slightly, "Who in their right bloody mind destroys a warehouse?! You must be dull to think that there wouldn't be repercussions for your actions!" Rin shut her mouth abruptly when she saw the looks the other witches were giving her. she huffed and ignored the tears running down her cheeks that danced on her collarbone and evaporated like her sudden vote of confidence, casting her eyes down to the floor.

She noticed that her inner animals tail and ears had burst out mid rant, and she forced them away. She knew it was wrong of her to burst in and speak out of turn in such a flippant manner but she was right out pissed. She also knew that there would be repercussions to her actions but she couldn't be bothered to care.

"Who in their right mind would leave their familiar alone for two months without a single word of assurance that you're alive. Not a messenger, not a letter, not a phone call, not a telepathic message, not an email, not a text, not even a simple word. One word was all it would have taken to let me know that you were ok. But no; you left me without even a goodbye and then you expect me to- to be ok and merry, run into your arms and be the same as when you left me?" Rin choked out in a whisper, directed at her master. She doubted herself. She knew how hurt she felt, but if she hadn't seen that smirk or smile or whatever it was on his face- if she had seen worry, or remorse on his face- she would have gladly run to him. She knew he could hear every word she uttered at him, so she then turned to leave.

"I apologize for my intrusion, and I will take my leave." She admitted formally to the other Rose Witches, and did as she said she would.

Rin ran as fast as her legs could carry her to the garden to find so peace. She took a seat on a stone bench under a huge guardian angel statue, and let herself cry.
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"Yukari. You are lucky my mother was not here to see that. She's already had her butler fired for threatening Moselle, and her patience is pretty much non existent at the moment. I suggest you teach your familiar how to hold her tongue." Morris pursed lips lowered into a scowl. He, and everyone else had enough of the drama for one day. Running a hand through his hair Morris sighed. "On another note, the girl is right. I give you the option of tending to her or the meeting. Either is fine." He gave the purple haired man a reassuring smile before it quickly faded back to another frown as he returned his attention to the lot in the room. "If anyone dares speak out again on some trivial matter I will with hold your dinner for the next three days." His voice firm, and chilling.

Morris eyes then quickly dart over to Ezra's seat. He knew Ezra would clearly lash out for being embarrassed publicly like that. A simple warning look to hold his tongue. "I will talk to you privately later young man. Now is not the time." He then drifts his eyes over every single individual person in the room before speaking up. He lifts a hand to his pressed tie of silky blue, and tugged on it in agitation."That goes for all of you. Now is NOT the time. You have an issue, you come to me, Clarice, or Anastasia. Privately. End of discussion." He spoke up, his tone hinting to the finality of the topic and the sincerity of his previous threat.

When the room quieted he looked over to Nimhue with a charming smile. Then glanced back up at everyone a last time. "Now, Why don't we actually relax and enjoy each others company for once? Everyone take a seat if you haven't already. I had just come from the Kitchen and I must say, Dinner smells fantastic." He chuckled kindheartedly as he stepped down to the other end of the table, and pulled out a chair. He smoothed out his pant leg before finally taking seat at the end of the table. His Mother would sit to the right of him, the only chair at the end of the table, and his wife would sit to the left of him. The seat across from him had a white standing card placed there with "Gwendoline" engraved in gold lettering on the parchment. He raised his hands and clapped them, signalling the Servants to start adorning the table with various appetizers.

@Gladis @punkyears @Sinopa @Aka~Kitsune @Nocturnia @Vio @Akuma


With's Rin sudden bursting through the door, Ezra could not help but laugh at her tantrum directed at Yukari. It was always nice to see people lose it like that and lash out. In fact, he felt that the man deserved it, seeing as how he just up and left like that....Well Ezra had done that, too...So he could not really say anything without being hypocritical, but Ven was use to his absence. It had become an unspoken tradition between the two. Rin, on the other hand, was not use to Yukari leaving like that. This was completely different.

Ezra chuckled as she screamed, a smirk crossing his features as he simply commented. "Looks like someone missed you, Yuka-" He was cut off, however, when Rin's attention suddenly focused on him. His face reddened, only slightly, from the embarrassment she instantly caused him for calling him out like that. It was a strike to Ezra's pride, and whatever patience that was there, instantly flushed from his face as his lips set in a firm line. He was in mild shock, so by time he had recovered enough to retort, she was already gone and Morris was instantly trying to play the 'good leader' instantly took control of the situation. Ezra only watched him momentarily until those judgemental eyes met his own in a look that could only say. "Say anything and I will rip your spine out." Ezra bit his lip to keep from speaking, balling his fist as he gulped down his pride and remained silent. When Morris told Ezra he would talk to him in private, Ezra only glared at the wall, digging his nails into the arm of his dining chair. He knew that this was going to come and to be honest, Ezra had no idea how this was going to turn out, but he had a hunch it would be like usual. Morris yelling, Clarice coming in and shutting Morris up, then Warning Ezra again, empty threats, and in the end Ezra would leave once more...and for some reason he had a feeling he would not come back.
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Fingers reached up, gently running through the pink colored locks, fingers finally escaped as the ends fluttered from her grip, her eyes settled upon the orange rose witch with the usual dark tone laced into red and blue. She heaved a heavy sigh, rolling her eyes as she fell back into the confines of her chair, arms resting limp at her sides, hands upon the ruffled black skirt with a shut of her eyes. While she honestly hoped Ezra would remained quiet, almost silently begged, she was proved wrong when he had to retort on the issue of Morris. Her face twisted and scrunched up as her nose twitched, lips pulling into a pout that seemed to accompany her slight glare. However, it was far less than the one for Lel. Cocking her head, nails curling within the black material of her skirt as she huffed. "I do not think Morris is selfish bastard!" She hissed in response, yet she seemed to have calmed slightly. Resorting to sulking. "Morris is amazing..." She replied, turning her head away as she glared at the walls.

Nimhue visibly flinched, her body seemed to almost jump form her seat as her eyes turned towards doors as they were continuously open, bearing people who both dampened and brightened her mood. First it was the familiar but he was easily disregarded as a nuisance. Then came Yukari with his usual attitude and it caused her to become quiet. Nimhue was effectively silent, her mismatched gaze remaining on the pink rose witch who clearly scared the living hell out of her. Why was he so...unpredictable! Nimhue sometimes had to work out what she felt for the pink rose witch but she often ended up just freaking out. The past two months were definitely heaven despite her disbelief in that crap. Her dampened mood was lifted when finally the object of her affections entered, her eyes widened as a smile appeared upon light pink lips, white teeth appearing happily. "Morris!~" She cheered, sitting up properly as she seemed to perk up. It was clear if she could she would have hurried over to tackle hug the man.

Silenced by Morris' change in tone, Nimhue always seeing the charming side of him, she stared with curiosity as he made his point across about all the disruptions. However, by the end of his words she was silenced only by her curiosity at his words, possibly the alien tone she heard as well, her eyes wide with childish need to find out every detail and pull it a part to find even more. Screw being centuries older than people, she was still a kid to her own kind. "Anastasia fired her butler? Insulted Moselle?" Nimhue had heard the name a few times but barely paid attention but she knew it was important. Her brows furrowed as she tried to remember whatever it was she had caught on previous talks, her lips pursing to a line as a soft hum parted her lips tauntingly, infuriating her that she couldn't remember.

With Morris in the room the girl was visibly brightened, having given up on thinking back as she was left a blushing mess when Morris smiled over at her, casting her gaze to the ground with a pout. Lips parted to mumble a few choice words accusing Morris of her current state before she huffed, once again kicking her legs as she did. Reaching over she propped her crossed arms upon the table, settling her head on them as she relaxed. The rest of the witches presence was now tolerable with Morris present because her mind refused to stray from him. From her angle it appeared as if one eye rested upon the white rose witch who she admired. "Hum...if you say so." She muttered in agreement. If he wanted them to 'enjoy' each others company she would fake it for now.​

@Vio @punkyears

As Rin came bursting into the room, seeming first so utterly angry, which rather quickly turned out to actually be sadness... Yukari was shocked, to say at the very least. That careless smirk melted away in an instant, replaced by a look of concern and perhaps even guilt. It wasn't like he had really wanted to leave Rin in the first place, but seeing as he'd had no choice he at least wished to spare her the pain of dealing with the other side of his family. That was the main reason he hadn't taken her with him. Realizing from the beginning that she probably would be sad, it had been a hard choice... but after thinking he wouldn't like her to see him like this, nor what kind of selfish, greedy morons the Kurosawa family consisted of, he had felt that it was the only right thing to do. It wasn't like he hadn't tried to send letters, however. He had- five times. Unbeknownst to Yukari up until now, all of them had gotten lost in the interdiemsional net. That did explain why he'd never gotten any replies, which he'd been quite shocked about. In that sense, Yukari agreed that Rin had every reason to be upset... even if she was speaking somewhat out of line.

"Yukari. You are lucky my mother was not here to see that. She's already had her butler fired for threatening Moselle, and her patience is pretty much non existent at the moment. I suggest you teach your familiar how to hold her tongue."

Yukari winced somewhat as Morris's set his unevenly coloured eyes on him, not having anticipated the involvement of the white rose witch. Not that he thought that Morris didn't hav the right to scold him now either... since Rin truly had spoken out of line. Indeed, thank God Ana did not see that outburst... Yukari agreed, though he did not trust himself enough to speak these thoughts out loud. Unlike Ezra who glared, Yukari looked more like a young school boy being scolded for having done something terribly wrong. Quite frankly, that was exactly how Yukari felt right then. He wasn't even in a good enough mood to think about how lovely and hot that fierce gaze of Morris' was.

"On another note, the girl is right. I give you the option of tending to her or the meeting. Either is fine."

As he was given the choice to leave and tend to Rin, Yukari did not even hesitate before he shot up from his seat, giving Morris a thankful glance. "Thank you," he said quickly before adding as he bowed politely, which his early upbringing required in a situation such as this, "and I apologize for the trouble both she and I have caused." With that said, Yukari swept out of the room, thankful for more than one reason to be allowed to leave. He'd had enough of family for the time being. First his own, and now this one. Even if he much preferred the Petrova's over the Kurosawa's, he still thought they could be quite noisy sometimes. Of course, since he was one of the noisy people he didn't really blame anyone for it, and usually didn't mind. Just right then... it was probably his concern for Rin which made him think this way.

It didn't take Yukari a particularly long time to locate Rin. He stepped upon the garden pavement, admiring the beautiful rose bushes and other flowers carefully planted and arranged splendidly as he strode along the path until he found her sitting on a bench beneath an angel statue. This did not surprise him in the least, as Rin often chose this place to sit when she was upset. Sitting down beside her, the purple rose witch looked at her solemnly. "I'm sorry, Rin..." He slipped out a handkerchief from his pocket and held it out to her, "I had no intensions of leaving you with a feeling of abandonment. I even sent several letters, though it seems they were lost during delivery," his lips twisted slightly in a hint of annoyance, though he quickly let the matter go and leaned back on the bench, sighing deeply.

"I'm sorry, Rin-chan," he repeated, quietly, gazing down at the pavement as he tugged at his jacket sleeve subconsciously. Then, after a moment of silence he lifted his gaze and looked at her, smiling a little. "Darling, you know I would never leave that long without a reason," he said wearily, "and I wouldn't go die on you either, so there was no need to worry," smiling weakly, he wondered if these words which had been meant for comfort made the situation better or worse...

For some reason, Yukari couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched...
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Ven was very good at reading Ezra, almost like a book and he also picked up on his pain receptors going off wildly as he was loosing a few pieces of hair to Ezra's infuriated grip. But Ven sat there calmly, his head resting on the table as his eyes wandered between the fighting and the screaming. And all that went through his head is that everyone is looking to blame someone in this house, no one ever see's any good in anything that anyone does and it bothers ven a bit. Especially when rin made direct eye contact with the massive muscle of fur and continued to scream on about repercussions, but ven had learned to keep his mouth shut due too the fact that when ven goes off....he has no calm button. As Ezra became infuriated even more and was even closed mouth after a while, Ven nuzzled his way into Ezra's arms as he tried to climb up on the man, this large fox like creature trying to ease up the mood but only trying to get in the way of Ezra's impending rage. It was only a matter of time before Ezra would not sit around anymore and take it but the fox had to make sure that Ezra handled this like the adult he knows he is and maybe they will go destroy something later, Ven finally sprawled across Ezra lap and chair hung there limply like a blanket of fur and muscle his tail wagging back and forth creating a small wind on the floor. As he did so he began to growl a bit as he felt a weird feeling in his gut, but the growling slowly died away, his gut feeling almost making him worried about something but he had not known what yet.
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