Rose Witch Covenant [ooc]

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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wait wait does that mean we start posting or not?

Also I dont know what the poll above means, its all foreign to me, where you left off ^_^'
wait wait does that mean we start posting or not?

Also I dont know what the poll above means, its all foreign to me, where you left off ^_^'

Go read the IC post. We are not starting, but there is stuff that's already occurred from the previous site. Once you read the IC post then the poll above should make more sense :3
Hmm, I don't know, restarting might make things easier, helping those of use who didn't participate or read this roleplay on the other site. Then again, I like roleplays that have a set plan, I'm leaning more towards this one. I don't know XD I have to finish reading the IC thing which may take a while, I'm on and off for now.
Hmm, I don't know, restarting might make things easier, helping those of use who didn't participate or read this roleplay on the other site. Then again, I like roleplays that have a set plan, I'm leaning more towards this one. I don't know XD I have to finish reading the IC thing which may take a while, I'm on and off for now.

All of my posts will be exactly the same up until the ending spot. I'm thinking it would be easier to just begin at the spot where Moselle enters the realm of Nautchwald. Which allows for any character to enter the event that is occurring. The fact that it starts outside the gates helps for those who didn't make family characters. One character for example, would be Amacus who is the Chief of Nautchwald Police. Moselle and Morris could meet Amacus at the front gates, because he is going to send in a report to Anastasia and Magnolia, or even go to visit Jean our PRW. It really just depends on what everyone wants to do and how they want to be involved.
Ohh I see mkay then I'm going to go with the gate thingy you have going on XD since my character is minor then its easier for me this was =3

I can't kept up with y'all 0.0

I vote we start over, since we got lots of new people

@Turbo Snail
@Lady Bernkastel
@Princess of the Teacup

~ Checking in on you all to ensure you're still alive ~

The IC is Up

Please vote in the poll above

Please Read what's already been posted in the IC

Please finish your character sheets if you have not already

Please, if you haven't already, Send me a picture and introduction of yourself so I can put it in the website

Please check the website frequently.​

~ Checking in on you all to ensure you're still alive ~​
*is laying on the floor dramatically dead*
O.O I's not alive XD

Oh nuuu restarting is winning XD
It should be from where Moselle enters Nautchwald . ^^
*is laying on the floor dramatically dead*
O.O I's not alive XD

Oh nuuu restarting is winning XD

To be honest no matter the choice that wins, we're still following the same plot line. Nothing different is going to change except who is making the posts. Morris and Moselle meeting is sort of already set in her bio, so we might just restart from the moment Moselle and Morris return to Natuchwald Via portal. Like I said many times before, I am the Game Master, so my decisions are final. The poll above is really just a means to help me decide what is best, and I really do like knowing what everyone is thinking.
To be honest no matter the choice that wins, we're still following the same plot line. Nothing different is going to change except who is making the posts. Morris and Moselle meeting is sort of already set in her bio, so we might just restart from the moment Moselle and Morris return to Natuchwald Via portal. Like I said many times before, I am the Game Master, so my decisions are final. The poll above is really just a means to help me decide what is best, and I really do like knowing what everyone is thinking.
Ah I see, mkay =3
I'm dead. I accidentally shot myself earlier :/
Also, just for everyone freaking out about the option of starting from where we left off:
It was the FIRST RWC RP session we had ever had, nothing of vast importance happened, it was basically Morris went to get Moselle back from Nyx and bring her home, where she was all confused in hearing the new information about being the purple rose witch. She was a little freaked out to say the least as she met new people and tried to take everything in. Then, when Anastasia came into the room, Moselle freaked out because she believes Anastasia poisoned her mortal grandmother (which she didn't-skylar did) so Moselle freaks out, causing a lot of the power of the purple rose witch to swell through the main ballroom where she was being talked too and calmed down. Sooooo, Gwen (the grey rose witch) tried to calm her down using her powers and that's basically where we left off. It's not to much to drastically push the story into a spot where nobody could join. There are actually a lot of opportunities there for people to burst into the story. So regardless of where we start, it will be a well oiled RP :)
I'm dead. I accidentally shot myself earlier :/
Also, just for everyone freaking out about the option of starting from where we left off:
It was the FIRST RWC RP session we had ever had, nothing of vast importance happened, it was basically Morris went to get Moselle back from Nyx and bring her home, where she was all confused in hearing the new information about being the purple rose witch. She was a little freaked out to say the least as she met new people and tried to take everything in. Then, when Anastasia came into the room, Moselle freaked out because she believes Anastasia poisoned her mortal grandmother (which she didn't-skylar did) so Moselle freaks out, causing a lot of the power of the purple rose witch to swell through the main ballroom where she was being talked too and calmed down. Sooooo, Gwen (the grey rose witch) tried to calm her down using her powers and that's basically where we left off. It's not to much to drastically push the story into a spot where nobody could join. There are actually a lot of opportunities there for people to burst into the story. So regardless of where we start, it will be a well oiled RP :)

Thank you for your input Ali. That's why I'm not entirely "OMG" about this. Anything sort of works xD
I'm going to shamelessly advertise because Kaden said I could <3
If you guys have ever read the House of Night series by P.C Cast and Kristen Cast; I've started an RP in it's image :)
If you're interested, stop by the thread and let me know if you'd like to be apart of it! I'm looking for TONS of members c:

Click on the banner and you'll be taken to the thread c:
House of night<3 I used to love the series till the last few books ruined it for me.
I'm going to shamelessly advertise because Kaden said I could <3
If you guys have ever read the House of Night series by P.C Cast and Kristen Cast; I've started an RP in it's image :)
If you're interested, stop by the thread and let me know if you'd like to be apart of it! I'm looking for TONS of members c:

Click on the banner and you'll be taken to the thread c:
*Is very tempted* My sister and I love that series, though I didn't finish the last few books/book (I forgot XD) I might join later idk
I know, the last few books start to get awful. I'm basing it off the books up until tempted XD
ohh, ill join then. Ill find the books and go flick through the one before tempted. I forgot the long ago.
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