Roleplayer Guild - Homeless: Will Roleplay for Forum

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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We have to kill some of them though. If we don't they would start believing in hope and that's how the American revolution happened.
To add my two cents into the RPG thing, i'm with the others who said they prefer this site. Originally I really disliked how this site organized their RP section, but was since fixed with the last big update. In general there seems to be more respect between members, but that may be because my only real experience outside of Roleplay threads in RPG was in Spam. The Alert system here is awesome as is the ability to Ping members.

Probably the only thing I miss about RPG is the Spam Minecraft server which probably died long before the site went down anyway. There's probably a few members I miss who I don't see here and don't bother with skype anymore, but other then that Iwaku's been a nice new home.
We still talking 'bout this?

Oh god we still talking 'bout this.
We still talking 'bout this?

Oh god we still talking 'bout this.

It makes sense to continue the conversation once a relevant news update comes up. Which one did. For like the first time in ten months. That's significant enough to warrant conversation.
This part actually tells me the exact opposite.
Yeah actually over the eight month period he repeatedly promised updates, including a twitter page and unspecified stability upgrades after he became unemployed. The twitter page is essentially never used and the stability upgrades never happened.

This really isn't "first time news in ten months", it's "another promise he's made that he may or may not do".

Also, no moderators/Diana/whoever else may be watching thread, I'm not trashing the guy, I'm pointing out his track record, and nothing else.
Yeah actually over the eight month period he repeatedly promised updates, including a twitter page and unspecified stability upgrades after he became unemployed. The twitter page is essentially never used and the stability upgrades never happened.

This really isn't "first time news in ten months", it's "another promise he's made that he may or may not do".

Also, no moderators/Diana/whoever else may be watching thread, I'm not trashing the guy, I'm pointing out his track record, and nothing else.

Ok, so I admit that "first news in ten months" might've been a bit of en exaggeration. Still, I can't blame people for coming back to the thread to talk about it, especially since this particular news post brings things to the table other than "I'll work on the Guild sometime soon maybe" and actually implies Mahz letting people help him, which is something I feel like he's never allowed for ever. So... yeah, seems conversation-worthy to me.
I'm happy the Guild is getting the chance to resurrect itself, in a nostalgic way.

Honestly, going forward, I only really see one future use of the Guild for myself: Spam. I've been working on a big Spamfic—that'll probably take me years to finish because I'm a lazy bum—and it'd be quite the nuisance if the only site I could share it on would be Iwaku. It wouldn't feel right. All those members I've striven to include who didn't make the transfer, all the history behind Guildfall...

Plus, I still need more data for the plot. The Wayback Machine can only help so much, especially seeing as half the story takes place after Guildfall.

As for roleplaying, I like doing so with friends. @Elendra, @Brovo, @Jorick, and some others. They're sticking here, so I see no reason for me not to do so.
As already stated, the idea sounds great in theory but it falls apart cause it's dependent on a man with a record of vanishing for months and being full of empty promises.
Granted I never left the Guild, I still get on when I can. I just have little faith that it's going to be improving from it's current state for long.

I would have actually joined this site sooner... if someone had told me everyone came here sooner and I didn't have to pointed here through Kaga a week ago for an RP. :P
I swear, coming to General Chat and seeing all of you people posting there was a total shocker for me.
I would have actually joined this site sooner... if someone had told me everyone came here sooner and I didn't have to pointed here through Kaga a week ago for an RP. :P
I swear, coming to General Chat and seeing all of you people posting there was a total shocker for me.

I assumed it was common knowledge. *shrugs*
I assumed it was common knowledge. *shrugs*
I'm assuming it was either a public memo I missed during say a random week of inactivity from college overload, or it was organized/planned through something like Steam or Skype.
And since Brovo's the only Guild person I have connection to through either of those it could have just fallen through the cracks with me.
I'm assuming it was either a public memo I missed during say a random week of inactivity from college overload, or it was organized/planned through something like Steam or Skype.
And since Brovo's the only Guild person I have connection to through either of those it could have just fallen through the cracks with me.
It wasn't a public thing, really. It was actually kept on the down low on the forum by most folks, from what I saw. It was discussed and conducted largely through Skype.
I'm assuming it was either a public memo I missed during say a random week of inactivity from college overload, or it was organized/planned through something like Steam or Skype.
And since Brovo's the only Guild person I have connection to through either of those it could have just fallen through the cracks with me.

I just found Iwaku through Google, and apparently a lot of other people did, too. After that, it was mentioned a lot in a lot of places, especially the News threads.

There was no concentrated effort; people just sort of found this place and moved on over, and the name was brought up pretty much any time people discussed migrating away.
I did not even get a link, I picked up on some quiet references to another site dropped by a few people and literally searched for the site. I felt like a fucking detective.
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Kind of depends on how observant you were of other rps and stuff on the forum, tbh. I'd be searching for a new forum for a while but hadn't spotted anything that was as clean or concise up until then, even Iwaku (it's latest update improved things massively). Saw Brovo and Kestral were moving (from being a filthy stalker of their OOCs) and then just asked Brovo where he was off to. And from there, me and my friends moved, my friends who were GMing their own rps moved their rps and players over, etcetc. You can't really speak that much about moving to another site on RPG because that tends to lead to a lot of people complaining about people mentioning such a thing, that's been rife on the site and it's facebook page a number of times - and of course I understand that, publicly talking about it leads to bad morale, but I digress, that's why there was no 'public memo'.
I did not even get a link, I picked up on some quiet references to another site dropped by a few people and literally searched for the site. I felt like a fucking detective.
You fucking badass.
Ah. Seems like a combination then of "Falling through the cracks" and "Not being a detective".

Cause when I noticed people leaving my first thought wasn't "They're leaving to another RP site" but rather "They must be going to their Steam/Skype RP groups that they have" (I knew they were there, I just wasn't personally involved with any of them). So I didn't think there was anywhere to follow people too that wasn't basically nagging Brovo over Steam going "Hey! Hey! What you doin!? Hey!" and I don't want be a little Navi to Brovo when I figured he was just continuing his Renatta RP with others.

Plus I wasn't even RP'ing myself at the time, I had stayed on the guild for OT and Spam, something which fill I was always getting from facebook groups when the Guild was failing, so I had no huge need/requirement to hunt down another RP site to transfer over to. Hell the only reason I ended up in an RP with Kaga was cause we were PM'ing a while back and I while killing a few minutes I checked her recent posts, found her the RP, skimmed it a bit and then asked to join when I found it interesting.

Edit: I also get why it probably wasn't posted publicly.
I mainly just listed that as a possible alternative, incase my Skype/Steam chat suspicion was wrong.
Edit: I also get why it probably wasn't posted publicly.
I mainly just listed that as a possible alternative, incase my Skype/Steam chat suspicion was wrong.
Dude, we did It to keep people like you away for as long as possible. It needed to be said, we don't want to deal with your shit.

I mean, I know that's mean but it's true.
Dude, we did It to keep people like you away for as long as possible. It needed to be said, we don't want to deal with your shit.

I mean, I know that's mean but it's true.
Your motivation =/= everyone's. :P
Plus, if you look at the state of the Guild and their FB group, it makes perfect sense why talk of moving wouldn't be public.
Listen buddy, I know you like to make a debate out of everything, but that's not what you'll get from me. I said it cause it holds truth, that's that. Live in your bubble as long as you like.
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