Roleplay Resume Updates, Status of Groups, and other notes!

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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If Roleplay was a humanoid guy, he should be in a wedlock with Iwaku.

Thanks, staffies. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Just one thing, I can't set my own "Custom Color" for the Text Color even though the option is there. Like, a picker doesn't appear. Is it just me?
Maybe you're on a phone? I can access it just fine. It's also a popup so try checking if you can insert images and the like, if you can't there may be something stopping the popup.
Maybe you're on a phone? I can access it just fine. It's also a popup so try checking if you can insert images and the like, if you can't there may be something stopping the popup.

Ah .. that makes me a sad Scribbler. :c Thank you for to the note!
We are testing a new TEXT EDITOR, one that hopefully doesn't jackup bbcodes as bad.
That thing we should have done three years ago instead of focusing on tassels, sprockets and unicorn farts?


*rousen das rabble*
Still having trouble with the image thing and don't understand how to use bb codes things is it just onmoblies because that's the only thing at I can get on :(
There is a help section on BB coding, and yes, BB code does work on mobile.

Heyyy, I got a question :)
Why aren't the Character Sheets and the actual RP thread like.. All together?
Like... A different Tabs in one RP so everything is in one place..
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So, this might just be on my Samsung, BUT when I click on the new text editor to start writing, it jumps to the top of the page. I can still just start writing though.
Some people just dont know how to not be an asshole v. v tsk tsk... *walks away*
The zoom for my iphone is driving me crazy !!>_<

please do something about it ?@.@
I found that it works out better that once it zooms, zoom out without exiting the messaging mode. Then it works just like normal :D
It is like that on all iOS devices, and i have yet to hear if it is the same on android or windows. But updates like this are always bound to bring up problems.
Technically, that could be said of your previous comment towards PureKor, though
To be completely honest about this, this is an OOC area considering this isnt a roleplaying section of the forum, but whatever. I'll just leave that be
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