INTEREST CHECK Roleplay Idea..

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
/just had a thought..
Is it unheard of for a roleplay to have certain characters that are designated by a "role"?

(For example with the whole elemental affinities thing..The ones who have a stronger affinity for their element being given a title that is the name of their element? I.e. : Strong affinity for earth is labeled as Earth..) I figure that could be part of the character sheet?
e.e; I might be...completely going out on a limb here, yeah..
I dont think that it is unheard of but I am still rather confused by what you are trying to convey. sorry.
Maybe I'm confused to.
/scratches that idea.
No no don't scratch the Idea maybe others will get it and know what to actually say :)
Anyway...Because I'm boarderline OCD...
I like to have information seperated and titled..
These are the information sections I've got in my head right now.
I've no idea if I'm missing something/what I might be missing. =\

-Back Story
-Active Powers & What They Do
-Spells & How They Work
-Character Sheet

Edit : Lol. Maybe? ;-; I'm not even 100% sure what I'm hinting at, though...
Not much.
Just more compiling of crap that was already stated. xD
You did miss the post with the active powers...
Now that you're here, you should look them over and see what you think. :3 When you've got a minute, of course. ^-^
hmmm i see alot of good things happening here, I think i know what you're after here though.

@WYTCH Go to the top tab menues and go to chat-box, then go to MAIn. as fast as we people talk, i think it might be best to meeet ont eh C-box main for a quick discussion.
@Desaecula : Erm. Okay. Give me a minute to attempt to figure that out, though. >_>; I repel technology. Edit: Nevermind. >_>; I'm not as ...nevermind...I'll just say I figured it out...

@Tenchi-Roku : Cool beans. <3
Quick question, while I'm at it, anyone have suggestions (something you would like to see) as far as the name of the town, and the name of the covens (both resident and conspiring)?
xD All I got out of that was "nibble". Well..more like "nibble heiny," but I'm awkard like that. ;-;
lol its ok its pronounced as Neeble-Heem. :)
I can go with the idea though..
What about Nelheim? or Nilheim?
XD Sorry. I spent too much time with a certain friend today. ;-;
Edit : Pronunciation doesn't help my mind much. Now I'm thinking "neeble-heem" is a dorky way (okay..something I would so do) of saying "nibble him". ;-;
*laughs uncontrollably and is no help for the next few minutes at the reference to 'nibble-him'*
We can use whatever names :) I was thinking of Final Fantasy 7 and throughout the name of one of the towns lol
I'm sorry.
I'm sleep deprived and spent the day with a very...interesting person today.

Does anyone mind if the back story is in roleplay format (or..partially in roleplay format, anyway)?