Rock Bottom

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"Well, you have no manners, so why should I?" Abele countered, walking over to the elevator and pressing a button, before waiting patiently for it to come up with his arms crossed "I wouldn't hate you as much as I do if you had some fucking decency. I apologize for having standards, but for a god, you're rather awful."

When the elevator arrived, he stepped in, looking at Struan. Then, he just shrugged, leaning against the wall. He couldn't do anything about the god being rude. That was definite. He could, however, be just as rude back, which was exactly what he was going to do. It was rather satisfying, to say the least.
"I would say I've underestimated you, but honestly? This whole thing screams of pathos. It's so sad that you're acting like a child, and I instead pity you," he retorted, at least used to the concept of the elevator enough now to not grimace and have an inward panic attack when the doors mechanically shut and the noises loudened as it began to move.

"Really. I'm awful for a God? You do realise that I'm not a God of anything remotely positive? I'm pretty much a God for everything miserable, so in that way, I'm pretty successful," he boasted outright, arms folding again as, purely to irritate him, he refused to move his eyes from glaring at him. If it made him the tiniest bit uncomfortable, then he would do it. He could easily continue acting like a child.​
"Oh, I'm acting like a child? Are you sure you aren't the diety of hipocracy?" Abele replied, raising an eyebrow at him "Besides, I didn't really pay attention to what type of God you were. I wasn't really too interested, and I'm still not. The only thing that could possibly make you great is your power, which, if I can add, you can't even use on me." He flashed a entirely-fake smile at him "Which is pretty shitty, for a god. You remind me more of a bratty, spoiled human five year old. No manners, the world supposedly centers around them, they get what they want and if they don't, they complain. Solid description of you, from what I can tell."
Deciding that, after the barrage of insults, he had had enough and his patience had grown too thin. Because of that, he did choose to use the claustrophobic nature of the elevator to his advantage. Okay, he couldn't harm the other with his powers, but he could still intimidate, and he was pretty sure he could land a few punches or two. He wasn't made immune and prevented from doing that.

Quietly letting the other finish up his little declarations of hatred, the false smirk he received in response wasn't the best sign, especially when it disappeared in a flash and led the way for the deity to shove the smaller man against the wall of the elevator and sneer viciously down at him, an animalistic growl escaping through scowled lips. "I really want to decorate this place in your disgusting blood. Unfortunately, that option isn't yet available to me-- trust me, though. When I'm able to harm you; when I'm free of this bond, I'm going to smash your face in~"​
For a moment, Abele faltered a bit, wincing at the action. He was obviously surprised and a bit afraid at first, but was quick to cover it up with a scowl. He knew the God couldn't do it now, and hopefully not anytime soon. But he also knew that no matter what he did, Struan would still probably want to murder him. So, this was a lose-lose situation. If he was polite? He would die without even a shred of satisfaction. If he wasn't? Well, he'd just die. So, he continued with option 2.

"Well, that's shocking. I knew that already, I think you mentioned it, I don't know, many times since you got here. Sorry, doubt I can do anything to change your mind, so I'm not going to try." He replied, pressing against the wall so he was further from Struan "Now get off."
"Your attitude actually appals me. To treat me with such disrespect when you clearly know who and what I am? You must have a deathwish, because you know exactly what I'll do to you when I'm free of this, don't you?" He snapped, any chance of him pulling away clearly slim. If anything, he pushed closer and held the boy up, fingers digging into his shoulders easily. Sure, he couldn't hurt him with his magic, but physically? He could do what he wanted, apparently.

"How about you quit being a snivelling crybaby, and get some fucking respect?" He inquired in his usual snarl, finally releasing him from his grasp and spitting at his feet. Hey, there was nothing like a final insult before he let off from the anger, was there? "Now c'mon, I want to get this day over with so I can go back to sleep in your bed. God, you're so fucking short, aren't you? I hardly noticed you in bed last night, human boy."​
The last statement went ignored as Abele exited the elevator. If anything, the whole speech had made him more annoyed than before. If he were honest, the reality of the situation hadn't truly hit him yet, and he wasn't completely ready to accept the fact that the other was a God. Sure, he would call him such, but it really just didn't process yet. He had went from not believing in it to having one living with him in a matter of hours; it wasn't normal. So, he was in his default mode: Annoyed. And he'd probably stay that way until the realization that all this was actually happening hit him like a brick.

He walked to the car, grumbling as he unlocked the doors and got in. His shoulder actually hurt from the previous fiasco in the elevator. He rubbed it a bit, grimacing, and decided that if Struan didn't want insults, he'd just ignore the other and see how that went. It probably could get him through the work day, and that's all he really needed at the moment.
"You know, I can't hurt you," he mused, his sudden smirk indicative of some sort of plan he had in in mind - the fact his eyes were focused on Eliza who had just left the apartment complex herself for work probably gave everything away. Struan was malicious, after all, and if he couldn't hurt the boy as much as he felt he needed to, he would think outside the box and hurt him by hurting those he was friends to. Hey, he just did what was at his disposal - nothing wrong with that.

"I can hurt her though. Isn't she a dear, dear friend of yours?" He revealed, easily resting back with an amused smirk on his face, hands behind his head as he let his eyes follow the girl to her car. "And she seems to like me. I could use that, get close to her and then, oh, I could kill her. I could frame you easily enough~"​
Abele gritted his teeth a bit "Tiny problem with that whole framing thing; you can't leave my side." He said after pausing a moment to maintain his composure "So, you'd go to jail with me, whether you liked it or not I can guarantee that isn't the life of luxury you want." His eyes flickered over to the other man, and he scowled "So drop the idea or I will find a way to get you stuck somewhere without me. That'd be painful for you, right? You seem to have a bit of trouble when you stray too far from me."

He didn't have much leverage here, so he had to work with what he did have. Hopefully that'd be enough, because he did NOT want to drag Eliza into this. It was bad enough that he himself was involved; dragging other people in would probably make him more than just a horrible person.
[[ Oh god, I genuinely didn't see you'd replied o_o My apologies, I'm an idiot ]]
"How protective. It's nice you're loyal to your friends, even waste of spaces like her who'd be better sacrificing themselves to me," he drawled flatly, his tone gruff as he sunk in the seat and kept his eyes on the girl as she got in her car and pulled out from the complex. He didn't want to spend anymore time with her than was necessary, but she seemed key to ruining Abele's life.

In truth, even if he got arrested, it was worth it to be able to also see Abele stuck there, in misery. He was a God; he could find his way out, assuming the bond between them broke down at some point. If it lasted the rest of the human's life, Struan would lose his mind in boredom and anger.

"Whatever, I'll do as I please," he mumbled, even if he knew that hurting or killing Eliza would mean them getting sent to prison and not getting the much needed solution to breaking the bond. "...Just... hush up a second, would 'ya?"​
((It's fine, don't worry about it!!!!))
((I have finals today, so unfortunately this is a short reply o~o))

"I was PLANNING to be quiet, but you fucked that up for yourself." Abele replied, more than a bit peeved "....Look, if you actually treat me like I'm NOT the dirt that you get to step all over, I won't throw insults and such at you. But that's the only way I'm going to not do it, because I'm not really keen on having you being a dick to me the whole time this is going on and me just being a doormat to you while you do so."
[[ Hope you did well anyway! I have my exams all next week so my replies may be really slow, but after next week they'll be back on track c: ]]
"Why aren't you keen on being treated like a doormat? You are essentially one. That's all your pathetic existence is to me: an excuse for me to walk all over you," he shrugged dismissively, the bombardment of cusses and anger from the human not exactly provoking anything in the God to take him seriously. If anything, it gave him far more ammunition to make his pitiful life as exasperating as it could be, and when the bond was broken? He fully intended on punishing him physically. A few broken bones would do it, to start anyway.​
((Alright, thanks for telling me!!))

"Don't tell me you wouldn't act like this if you were in my position." Abele replied, rolling his eyes "I imagined Gods to be more proper or something. Lucky me, the one I have to have near me is a disaster. Great. Well, I suppose I'll keep on trying my best to annoy you and insult you, since you're going to keep on acting like that. Can't say I expected much else. You haven't exactly done anything to make me want to take you seriously, so why would you start now?"

He pulled into a parking space, and stopped the car. Sighing, he got out, not waiting for Struan to do the same before he began to walk. He didn't want to continue the conversation if the man was going to continue being an ass, so he'd just stop it there.
Hurrying after him -given he had no choice unless he wanted to bleed from his nose and suffer stomach cramps-, the God angrily scuffed his shoes whilst kicking along a pebble. He knew the mature thing was just to keep his cool and keep his silence, but in his eyes, he had no ability to do that when Abele was this irritating and disrespectful. If the roles were reversed, he would at least respect the revered status of a God and refuse pissing him off. But Abele? Oh, he was idiotic enough to continue annoying him, more and more.

"Where do you work?" He asked finally to break the silence, reaching his side and scanning him curiously. At least this wasn't the usual anger or insults. "Somewhere I can blend in and keep out of your company?"​
"Luckily for both of us, yes. I work at a coffee shop, so there's plenty of tables where you can sit and make it easy for me to pretend that you aren't there." He replied, walking up to the door of a shop with a shrug "Try not to interact with anyone. I have a feeling they'll get on your nerves and you'll be more annoying than you were before, and I'm not exactly looking forward to that happening. Though, I'm not sure you can get more annoying."

He paused a moment, holding the door open for the god. It wasn't that he respected him or anything, it was mainly that it's what he did for everyone. By now, he just did it subconsciously. Just because he wasn't polite to Struan didn't mean he wasn't polite to anyone else.
[[ I AM FREE FROM EXAMS!!! Replies should be way more frequent for you now~ Sorry for the sporadic responses lately :/ ]]
"You're holding the door open for me, now?" He scoffed, stopping in surprise as he eyed the other from the height advantage he had over him (in honesty, a rather substantial height differential). Of course, he did realise that it probably wasn't done because he was finally gaining respect from the human, but that didn't mean he was going to think of it like that. He was happy instead to deceive himself by believing the human was respecting him finally. If it made him less antagonistic, was it really that big of a problem?

Laughing spitefully, almost mockingly, he trailed into the cafe and, after giving it a glance, rolled his eyes in inevitable disappointment. Flopping at a table near the back, as far away from people when they did come in, he spread out by resting his feet antisocially on the table, his whole being somewhat intimidating at the moment. "I want some wine. Do you do that here? If not, give me... some of that soda stuff, I've tried it before."​
((Hey, man, it's fine. I've honestly been doing the same with my other threads :') )) ((Which is why this reply is so short lmao I'm studying at the moment))

Abele sighed, walking in and raising an eyebrow at Struan ".....You know, you have to pay for it, right? Also, feet off the table or you will get kicked out, and it won't be by me." He replied, before going behind the counter and setting down his bag. He put on his apron, and went to the cash register "We don't have wine, and I don't have money with me for soda, so sadly, unless you can use those magical powers of yours, you'll have to suffer without a drink."
"Get me a fucking soda," he demanded flatly again, having at least expected something so simple to be handed to him on a plate. Hell, there was the argument that he could, with his extensive powers, create something for himself - but it required energy, and energy was lacking from him at the moment. Eventually, he did reluctantly use such powers, though not to create a soda for himself. He knew that he would only want more during the day, and he could hardly go creating sodas out of thin air in front of humans - he didn't really care who saw him, but he did know the importance of keeping a low profile until he was free from Abele.

No, instead of creating a soda, he manufactured a bag of coins, with the currency of the area automatically making them up. Not knowing how much a soda was, he did shove a few coins across the table (ultimately paying three times the amount) and cockily grinned. He did want to show off his powers a little, and magically creating so much money was a way of epitomising his omnipotence. "Oi, how about a soda now?"​
Abele paused, staring down at them for a moment, before deciding to take them all. He placed them in the register, and then bent down to grab a soda. After a moment, he set it before Struan "Here. Look at that, now you have a soda. See what money can get you?" He said, before moving back to his post. There wasn't a line, not even one person, but he still wanted to be ready just in case. Not being prepared meant possibly losing his job, and he really couldn't handle that. He had things to pay for, and now with this guy staying with him, even more so. Losing his job would just make the whole thing a lot worse.
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