Rock Bottom

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"Perfect. I'm already loving making you suffer." Abele said, getting in the elevator and pressing the 3rd floor button "Also, an omniscient being not knowing cars? Suspicious. I'd say you're 'omniscience' is a bit limited."

He leaned against the wall of the elevator, arms crossed as he watched the doors close. He had already accepted he might need to sleep on the floor tonight, but then again, it was a bit bed; he could possibly manage to get decent rest on it while annoying the hell out of the other man. That was his main goal, along with getting rid of him. The second goal was going to be a bit more difficult, but he was sure he'd figure something out.
Eyeing the array of flashing buttons awkwardly, he did rest his head back to avoid any aspect of fear from crossing his face, though when the elevator surged up a tad, he did grimace to himself. Though, if the other was managing not to look absolutely terrified, then the least he could manage in response was to place a nonchalant frown on his face. Inside, though? Raging and uncomfortable anxiousness was coursing through his veins. Human technology really wasn't his forte.

"I do hope that you at least have wine," he muttered, managing to let his eyes focus on him rather than the ceiling of the elevator. "God knows I need some. Not that I expect it's anything fancy. It'll inevitably be cheap and nasty, but that's surely better than nothing."​
"I don't have any alcoholic drinks. You're out of luck." Abele responded, watching the door "I smoke. I don't drink. And if I do, it's at a bar, and that isn't really a place for wine." He sighed, moving to the door once it opened "I could possibly get you some tomorrow if it'll make you shut up for five seconds. It's either that or cake, though, you're only getting one. The amount of money in my bank account isn't going to suddenly grow because you want something."

He made his way down the hall, looking at the numbers on the doors. He was apartment 313, so it wasn't too far down. He paused before opening the door, looking back at Struan "Are you ready for the sight that is the 'pathetic, miserable human's home? Or do you need a bit to wallow in self pity, about how you don't have a nicer living space?"
"I don't care if you're the poorest person in this forsaken city. I want alcohol and cake and the fact you don't appear to be able to afford that astounds me. If it comes to it, I'll magic you up some," he responded, the immediate indication being that the comment was made sarcastically. It would hardly be a surprise if it was - he was a sarcastic person who evidently hated the company he was in. Surprisingly, however, he was deadly serious - magic was one of the perks of being who he was.

Shoving past the other without dignifying him with his response, he did take up much of the doorway with his large stature, hardly caring about it as his main focus was on taking in the apartment. If he was honest, he was expecting far worse-- not that he would admit to that. "This is it? It's pretty tiny, huh? Though you're tiny, so I guess it's huge for you."​
"Step into the damn room already, would you? Jesus Christ! And if you want wine and cake and you can magic it up, just do it." Abele grumbled, before ducking to the side to get through "And I'm not tiny. You're huge. That's the reality of the situation. Standing next to you makes me look like a ant."

Once he was inside, he placed all his stuff down on a side table next to the couch. He then turned to look back at the God "Now! There's only one bed. So, either your sleeping on the floor, or we're sharing. It's large, so I promise you won't get evil human cooties if you do."
"I could magic it up, actually. Salient point made," he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck again as he wandered further into the apartment, ignoring him for the best part of two minutes as he simply inspected every corner of the open living room. Eventually flopping down onto the couch with a bottle of wine in hand -one he had rather effortlessly had appear out of nowhere-, he took one swig before letting his eyes flicker back to the human.

"If you think I'm sleeping on the couch or sharing a bed with you, you're far more idiotic than I first imagined. Besides, I'm 'huge' apparently. I need a huge bed," he yawned, resting his head back against the array of cushions - only now, with wine in one hand and a slice of cheesecake in the other, was he content. And when he was content, he was, fortunately, much more quiet and less likely to insult the human. "Oi, relax, would you? Fetch me some blankets. I suppose I'll have to take the couch."​
ABele scoffed a bit "The day you see me relaxed with you around is the day I'm dead." He said, before going over to the hall closet and opening the door, taking out blankets "And thank god, I thought I'd have to push you onto the floor. Well, try." He walked back over, dropping the blankets on the edge of the couch "Here. Enjoy the accommodations. Don't ruin my couch, or I will find a way to end you."

He figured that was as sufficient a goodnight as he was willing to give the God, and made his way to the bedroom with a sigh. He'd forgotten to tell the God about the whole 'work' thing, but he doubted telling him now would help anyone anyway. He'd just do it in the morning, when he had to leave.
If he was honest, Struan had planned to spend the night cooped on the couch. As demoralising as it was, and utterly embarrassing for someone of his status, he had his wine and his cake, and a buttload of blankets, so what more could he want?

Well. By midnight, the comforts around him had all been devoured, and the blankets weren't exactly comforting themselves anymore. The couch was hardly sufficient for a man of his height, leaving him tossing and turning uncomfortably for most of ten minutes. Which lead him grumpily stumbling, half-asleep, to the bed he had been offered. Rather than simply riding it out, or taking to sleeping on the floor where he could at east stretch out, he took instead to flopping onto the bed beside Abele indifferently and slumbering away.

It wouldn't have necessarily been a problem if he had decided to join him when offered, however grumpily, but it would be a little surprising come morning to find the topless God in bed, and predictably taking up most of the room. He wasn't that graceful a sleeper - he drooled, spread out his whole body, and usually woke with hair beyond messy. So that at least that was something for Abele to look forward to.​
Which Abele wasn't expecting. Abele had been expecting to wake up alone in his bed, as he usually did, with no God there to annoy him. Of course, he was wrong. So, when he woke up at 6:30 in the morning to get ready for work, he ended out of the bed with a small scream.

Granted, he hadn't really screamed when he first saw Struan, but he also wasn't expecting him to be in the bed after declining the offer before. After the conversation of how people probably would want to murder him, he was a bit cautious, and waking up to someone on the bed was not helping his nerves. He only realized it was the God AFTER he got up from the floor, rubbing his head.

He glared at the God for a brief moment, before sighing. Hopefully he hadn't heard that, or he was sure he'd get a earful about how awfully human he was. He wasn't ready for that. It was too early in the morning
Perhaps unfortunately then, for the human, the commotion did cause the God to whine and open his eyes. It took a moment for him to adjust to the light at to blink away the sleepiness, but when he had, he didn't really react with embarrassment or even grumpiness. Instead, he simply yawned, rolled onto his back and tugged the rest of the duvet around himself.

"You're such a drama queen," he eventually mumbled, eyes finding themselves opening again to glare back at him... in spite of the rather smug smirk. "I'd think you'd be glad to share the bed with a God. I'm sure your little friends would be jealous-- even that girl from yesterday. What was it she called me? Gorgeous, or something along those lines~?"​
"If I haven't made it obvious enough, I hate you. Also, you don't look 'gorgeous' right now, I hate to break it to you." Abele grumbled, crossing his arms "Now, get up, we have places to be. And next time, warn me that you're invading my bed, because this wasn't a good time to wake up to."

He then turned to the closet, taking out some clothes for the day. He had no doubts that Struan would start complaining about one thing or another, because that seemed to be what he did. Abele knew he would get used to it soon, but for now, it was horribly annoying, and he just wished the man would shut up and keep his comments to himself. It hadn't even been a day yet, but it felt like a eternity.
"I don't look gorgeous? Are you sure?" He snorted, refusing to believe that. Was it big headed? Of course it was, and he knew that, but he refused to acknowledge anything the other said. He was biased - he hated Struan, so surely he wasn't going to admit the fact he looked hot. Well, he felt he did, anyway. Absently glancing down at his toned body, he immediately laughed off the remnants of the other's remarks. Yup, he was definitely insane if he thought Struan was anything less than perfection itself.

Tugging on a shirt he conjured from thin air, which itself was genuinely impressive, he wandered from bed and, shoving the shorter man out the way, inspected his closet. He had a great sense of style, in his own view at least, so surely he knew fashion better than the mortal? "Your fashion sense is appalling, Abele. Ever heard of style?"​
"Has it occurred to you I don't give a shit about style? I'm not trying to impress anyone with looks, unlike you." Abele replied, annoyed with the other for shoving him "And don't shove, good lord. I'm trying to get done!" he reached into the closet, taking out the last of what he needed, before moving to the bathroom "Now, don't destroy anything while I'm getting dressed. Not that I have anything of value in here, you'd just be more damn annoying then before."

With this, he went in and shut the door. He was going to try and get done as quick as possible so that the other didn't turn his apartment into a disaster zone. He was sure it would cause a ruckus, which would annoy the neighbors, which would THEN gain him unwanted attention.
"Just get changed and then we'll go where you apparently need to go so early in the damn morning," he groaned, flopping back against the bed and curling back up, despite being fully changed now. Sitting against the headboard, he did conjure up something for his breakfast. A bowl of cereal or toast, something conventional, was clearly out of the question. Instead, the lethargic God rustled himself up another cheesecake. If anyone wanted to get on his good side, it was wise to simply bombard him with cheesecake. A slice of the stuff would both shut him up, and sweeten him considerably.​
Soon, Abele returned, dusting himself off "It's called work. Humans do it for money." He replied, grabbing his keys and other such necessities "If I want to keep this apartment and eat, then I have to work. Magical system, isn't it?" He turned to look at him, hands on his hips "Now, get up, I need to make sure I'm not late. Either way, you're going to be bored to death, so does it matter?"
"Or, think about it this way, I could stay here eating cake and relaxing, and you could force me to leave, to no avail, so we'd both end up staying here and lounging around. In separate rooms, of course. I'll take the bedroom," he drawled indifferently, setting the cake aside and plainly making it obvious that he had little to no intention on budging even an inch. If the other boy intended him to leave, then he could move him himself, and by the invitingly challenging smirk on his face, Struan intended him to attempt it. "C'mon, you can get me to leave if you try hard enough~"​
"....Do you hear yourself speak, or do you just let the words out and hope they work?" Abele replied, narrowing his eyes "Because I don't think you really understand this. If I don't have money, you're going to be sleeping out on a street corner instead of a bed. I mean, if that's closer to your idea of luxury, by all means, continue laying here, continue being an asshole. I'd honestly rather not give you satisfaction then move."

Now, this threat actually didn't have much behind it. He could call in sick if he wanted. However, he wasn't sure Struan knew that, so he was trying this. As he said, he didn't want to give the other the satisfaction that would apparently come from him trying to force the God to move.
"Oh, you poor, unintelligent creature. If you don't go to 'work', I'll simply find somewhere easily enough. I can conjure up enough money I need to. I could live in a mansion if I wanted to right now. Being bonded to you, however, means I don't have that option. I have to stay in this grotty apartment," he yawned in response, continuing to be as stubborn as possible by removing to budge... though, purely out of his own curiousness, he did get up obediently. "You probably have a stupid job-- but if I can embarrass you, it's worth going."​
Abele didn't respond to that, simply turning on his heels and going out the doorway of the room. He grabbed a protein bar, which would work for breakfast for the moment, and unlocked the door, going out. He already accepted that Struan was going to do one thing or another at his work, and, though that was not optimal, he had to deal with it. If it meant he could go to his job, so be it.
Before any pain could hit him, because he really didn't fancy dealing with that or a nosebleed (it would ruin his fancy new shirt, anyway), the other wasted no time in dashing after the human, muttering curses under his breath. The fact he had to follow him around itself was degenerative, and made him feel inferior, but to have done so so desperately irritated him. Desperation was never something he had displayed, yet here he was, now dashing after the human to prevent receiving the agony.

"You could have waited," he muttered bitterly once reaching his side, cracking his knuckles blatantly. "Honestly, as much as you apparently hate me -feeling's mutual though, mate-, you could at least have the decency to wait for me to exit first. But hey, manners clearly missed you out in your family, didn't they?"​
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