Road Trip!

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her doctor was looking fond her on the floor he helped her up and put her in a wheel chair "there you go love"
Takeo rolls his wheel chair to the elevator.
Ikki pushes Wind's wheelchair to the elevator and out after they sign release forms. He puts her in the passenger seat and helps Takeo into the back seat.
Takeo grumbles, "I got it." He slowly makes his way into the back seat. Truth is, he hated people helping him.
((Hey Bella you know I commented on 'The Gifted Students' right? XD))
"We are heading to California now. Where is the next stop, Takeo?"
Takeo crosses his arms, "I dont know!... I am not the one driving remember."... he was still cranky.
(hey yes i do and im just waiting on Ikki somebody asked him something)

she turnsto face tako and says "you dont have to be an ass"
Takeo's bullet wound was really hurting him. So he grabbed his bottle of pain killers and took one.
Takeo rolls his eyes and mutters "Fuck you." under his breath.
"Doesnt matter to me." Takeo says.
Takeos scowl slightly changed to a smile, "Hell yeah!"
Takeo relaxes in the back seat... slowly falling asleep.
Takeo was knocked out.
see this is why we dont want him driving hand m your phone Ikki" she says facing Ikki