Ritual of Reconciliation

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No, don't apologize for that! Its actually helped a lot, that not everyone was posting at the same time. I've seen RPs that move so fast, they get pages and pages in a day and the poor people who are busy end up falling behind. At other times, if everyone posts at once, its hard to play things out In Game. I mean, can you imagine Van having to greet ALL of the Reconciled in the same morning? At the same time? In Game? With Everyone posting back and forth and sideways? Its so much better that people are taking their time. Its good for everyone. Don't apologize for taking a while to post.

And that goes double for the lovelies who haven't posted yet. No rush. (I mean, I'd like a post eventually, but...). Take whatever time you need. We won't leave you behind, I promise.
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Accidentally shot my dog in the eye with a nerf gun... Looks badish. Can't promise it will be done by today...
Nation 7 Reconciled: Jwaydan Reconciled
Basic Info
Name: Harthington Floris
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Height: 5'11 180cm

Appearance: If Harthington was born in another nation he might have been cast out as a demon. He was an Albino, he had violet eyes and pale smooth skin. To fit in with the rest of his family he often wore gloves and long sleeve shirts, they had always dyed his hair black. Besides those distracting features he was fit and like any other man.

Family/Friends: Harthington's younger brother had killed his mother upon birth, his Father was sick and his younger brother had recently passed away due to illness. There would be no doubt that the throne would be left to Harthington when his Father died, which would be soon.

Skills/Abilities/Training: Harthington was the firstborn son and he was being raised to be Lord Floris one day. He had read all of the books in the Floris Library which is no minor feat, he had be trained in the ways of war and he was taught all about the history of the world and how to be a fair ruler.

Interests: Harthington was always interested in reading and riddles. Sometimes he would sit in the library for hours upon hours, other times he would be playing a game of wits with the smartest men in the Palace. When he got bored of those things he would walk around the Palace or visit nearby villages.

Official title(s): The Reconciled of Jwaydan, the Heir of Jwaydan, Soon-to-be-Lord Floris, Marshall of the Jwaydan Palace, Lead Librarian, and The Warlock. ( He got the title of "The Warlock" because of his albinism. )
In Depth:
Personality: Harthington seemed like a gentle fellow. His eyes were somehow comforting and at the same time filled with knowledge. Harthington on the outside was noble but when you got closed to him you found he is just like any other Lord. Betting in the game of intrigue and swords. You could tell he was a self centered person if you were able to talk to him personally.

Biography: Harthington had led a normal life despite being an albino. There were a few minor events in his life but none of them were on the same level as this one was about to be. All of his family was sick, his younger brother dead from the illness and his Father suspect to forfeit to the same fate soon, Harthington would soon inherit all the power of the Floris house. Which is something not to be taken lightly.
Alright, Iron's working on a revision of the profile...

My Lavanya post is...turning rather long. I might cut it up once I finish, and make two posts out if it, one or two days apart. For now, I'm leaving it cause its late.
Heir to Atanwan
The Basics
Name: Vitani Orli Remmor
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight​
Height: 5'6" plus an extra inch for her hair

Appearance: Vitani is one who enjoys styling with her hair and while her hair is cut close to her neck, she still manages to make it look edgy. It's a huge difference in comparison to what the others on the island wear, most have their hair long and in braids, but Vitani chose to cut it all off when she was 16. Every now and then she will dye it in different colors, but right now it is a natural black and with a fringe in the front. She is a slender woman with subtle curves to her form and dark chocolate skin. Her clothes consist of light, airy fabric to deal with the humidity and heat of her home. They often come in vivid and bright colors, reminiscent of sarongs. On her back is a tattoo of wings, but not the sort that looks like feathers. They look tribal with the intent of outlining what wings look like instead of the detail work.


Family/Friends: Oani Esthe Remmor - Vitani's little sister who is 22 years old. Unlike her sister who has a fiercer personality, Oani is one who is timid and tends to go with the group than with her own interests. However Oani admires her sister's spirit and the both of them get along marvelously. They are orphans and rely on each other for morale support.

Skills/Abilities/Training: Unlike many of the islanders, Vitani and Oani are both literate, able to converse in Atanwan, or the Trade Tongue, and the native tongue of the island. The sisters have developed their own language in secret, which greatly disturbs the servants of their home.

Vitani is also skilled in artwork, having designed her tattoo herself. She enjoys calligraphy, and painting with water colors. Vitani is also skilled with the flute, an instrument that a merchant brought over when she was little. The instrument itself is wooden and Vitani takes it with her whenever she travels.

She learned how to fight in secret, sneaking in books about sword fighting, different stances and ways to attack her opponent. Vitani specializes in dual wielding short swords, however she has no exact style. When she fights, she fights with short bursts and warlike cries.

Interests: Vitani is a vain sort of person, taking good care of her hair - which she styles everyday. She enjoys music and art, although she has yet to join a community regarding such things. At night she studies sword fighting alongside her sister. Vitani enjoys swimming, sometimes going into the water barely dressed. She greatly dislikes the cold, enjoys sunbathing and reading.

Official title(s): Heir to Atanwan

Personality: Vitani has a fiery spirit, often taking risks and not taking no for an answer. Many of the islanders wish she wasn't so like the volcano they live alongside with because they believe she might invoke it's spirit. She is extremely compassionate towards her sister, sometimes being slightly overbearing. Vitani harbors some bitterness towards her parents and their living situation, although she also realizes that things could be worse. She is curious about the world in general, and wishes to go out and see it for herself.

Biography: When Vitani and Oani were little, they were sent onto a ship filled with soldiers. It was only when Vitani was older did she realize who these soldiers belonged to and they weren't ones she was familiar with. For a month they sailed into the open ocean until they reached an island in the tropics. Vitani remembers seeing small wooden huts and frothy waves coming up against the shoreline. Both her and her sister jumped up in excitement since they loved seeing the beach. When they asked whether their parents would be joining them here in this paradise, the soldiers merely shook their heads.

Confused, the soldiers unloaded their things into a small hut. Both the girls wondered why they had to live in such squandered settings, but didn't question it. Then without so much a word, the soldiers marched into the ship and left. This left both Vitani and Oani in a great deal of panic. For three days they lived miserably on coconuts and whatever fish they could catch. Luckily one of the villages came back and aided the girls. A week later, another ship docked, a smaller one, where the occupants told the girls that their parents were dead and they would have to live here for the rest of their lives.

Alright, nice to see a profile Zen. I am going to contact you over PM for some edits, though.

For everyone else - I am going to be traveling tomorrow, and will not be online until late (unless I grab a few mins early in the morning). I will have my Lava post (or part one of two, whatever) up hopefully tomorrow night.

If Kaz, Oujin and Mystisa are safely set in their mansions (feel fee to make a post describing your special mansion!), then other characters can, and should, post up their arrival on Atanwan. And yes, Van will be there, and yes, he will pretty much say the same thing. Don't auto him too much, but I trust you all to auto him a little (and if it doesn't work, I can just let you know for a quick edit, no worries).

And again, no pressure to post if you don't have time.
Oh dear, I'm afraid I might have my locations mixed up. Is the Palace of Pearls one huge neighborhood of mansions for the different nations? Also, are the mansions close together that we can see the other Reconciled from our second floor terrace?
Those are very good questions. Let us refer to the map, which is very undescriptive and has no legend. THE MAP

Have you ever seen anything about the Forbidden City, the Palace complex of the Chinese Emperors? If not, ignore this, but if so, its sort of something like that. Large walls (several hundred meters thick) enclose the complex. Then there are the guard houses(the largish rectangles in the front), barracks and offices of the Palace Guard. Also within those walls are the stables (the long, thin rectangles on the side). Then comes another wall, about...well, lets say between 1/2 and 1/4 as thick as the first wall. There is large corridor, empty of buildings, roughly the size of the first wall. (I am not sure if there would be like, greenery in here, or fountains and benches, or just nothing at all, or if there might be like, overhangs for shade, or what. for now, just call it the dividing corridor). Another wall, same size as the second, follows.

Now you come to the actual Palace Complex. Within it are 12 large buildings (and a few smaller buildings). Because the map is not to scale, size and distance are hard to discern...

Each nation has a mansion, as you know. Yours is 5, so its one of the square ones - now, that doesn't mean the building has to be square. Just...mostly square in shape. Between/around the mansions are gardens, twisting paths, shade, fountains and stuff. I would say that the other mansions are close enough to see, but not too close... Sooo...hmm. I need a distance reference, lets see... You know how long a school bus is, end to end? The distance between Mansion 10 and Mansion 5 is at least twice that (so about 90+ feet). So there might be a football field of distance (give or take) between Mansions 10 and 6. Which I suppose makes the center unnumbered building something like a football field squared...hmmm.

Does that answer your questions? Remember, things are not fully to scale, soo... some buildings might be bigger than others, or some kingdoms just have like, private gardens or courtyards within their complex...

And mansions can be as high as 5 floors, although I'd prefer if only the four towers were that tall, and the other buildings were like, 3 stories tall.... the center one....I'm still trying to figure out what is in there, actually...
Yes, yes. It did. I think I have enough to make a new post. :D I can't see the map though. There's a maintenance thing going on. I'll check on that later.
Question, how advanced are the plumbing systems in this world, can I have fountains and water features around/in my mansion?
Plumbing varies by nation. Atanwan takes after Greece and Rome, in that it has sees, aquaducts, fountains and the like. So yes, you can have water features....just not super big ones. Small ponds, streams, sure, but not much more than that.
Ah nice. I had always wondered where to base Atanwan on. :D
So, made my first post, it's meant to take place before any current posts.

if there needs to be any changes PM me.
Well, its not based entirely on Greece or Rome. Just the technology level, at least in regards to plumbing and water features. It has influences from... Asia, Persia, Africa, Egypt, Greece, Rome and half a dozen other places, plus a few dozen fictional cities and nations. Soo...yeah. *shrug*

I like the post Ryex! It takes place the night before the morning posts of Van, Oujin, Mystisa, and Kaz? If I make Lavanya's morning post (her first one) take place...say, at pretty much the same time those three Reconciled are showing up, and her second post (the one I'm about to put up) after they all arrive at the palace...then you could have your next post take place...the next morning? Cause the tide comes in between midmorning or early afternoon, and then leaves again generally before the sun sets (just decided that, btw, shhh). What do you think?

Where are all the other Reconciled? Any of them want to arrive at the same time as Aldrich? Or maybe after he arrives?
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Sorry the post was soo long!!! I just really wanted to get that entire scene out of the way in one go, instead of breaking it up into two posts. I cut bits, but...yeah, sorry.

But hey, no worries! This means she can have character interaction in her next post! Any volunteers?
That sounds about right, I pictured the boat arriving basically the next morning
[MENTION=4238]Ryex[/MENTION] do you want me to make a Claudia post showing her running around making all your insane preparations (as hinted at earlier) or would you rather just have Adrich comment on the state of things (what ever they are) when he gets to his mansion?
Hey, speaking of time, exactly what day did we three Reconciled arrive? About a week (ten days) from the new year? Kindof important in my next post.
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