Rise of the Runelords: Chapter 1

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Mwahahahahaha. Yeah, I use Pinterest for rping stuff too. XD It's great.

But I mostly use it to fulfill my food porn addiction.
A mask will help your charisma.
Rodeh has a theme song? 8D
I just steal all my arty stuff from /tg/ image threads.

It's like sitting back and letting someone else with similar interests to you do all the work.
I'm hauling my desktop over to the house I'm pet sitting for. Kino and I will be sharing the same computer but we will be able to play.
That is motherfucking dedication

What is wrong with is?

Seriously, we are adults with lives, jobs, and families.
We are addicts. That's what's wrong.
It's like sitting back and letting someone else with similar interests to you do all the work.

*quietly sets fire to Master Grumpy's Carrion Crown guide*
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Oh yeah, another detail I forgot to mention:

Lyrie mentioned that Mal's prison is a Hedged Prison spell (I think that's either Arcana or Spellcraft to identify), a super duper powerful one. She managed to bluff Nualia into thinking that she did not know a way around breaking the spell, outside of finding some lvl 20 wizard to do it. An-Nur realized she was holding something back, but didn't say anything. Immediately after that, Lyrie flew the coop, so I'm assuming she didn't want to stick around to let the barghest out (I can't say that I blame her). Unfortunately, An-Nur didn't have a chance to confront her, and even if she did, I doubt Lyrie would tell An-Nur, because Lyrie HATES An-Nur.

So the good news is: Mal isn't getting out of there without some major help.

But, this guy is devious as fuck, so I wouldn't get too cocky around him. I don't know what he has up his sleeve by calling this meeting and am urging extreme caution, and no funny business. All I know is, we are only safe if we do not enter his prison. And even then, I wouldn't assume that much.

Part of the deal was An-Nur could not speak or interfere, but that doesn't mean she's not going to be keeping a close on BOTH parties for shenanigans. If either party seems ready to fight, the door is closing. There's still active runewells about, so she is very firm in her KILL AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE stance.

Because who wants to deal with Sinspawn again? That's right, nobody.
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Yeah, it's not so much a question of whether you can kill him.

It's a question of what this Outsider (*steps on your foot, nods and gives a significant glance while squeezing your hand*) has assumed you will do.
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Yeah, it's not so much a question of whether you can kill him.

It's a question of what this Outsider (*steps on your foot, nods and gives a significant glance while squeezing your hand*) has assumed you will do.
I feel like the GM is trying to tell us something.

Maybe someone, who isn't me, because I've gathered enough info already, should investigate why he keeps stressing the word Outsider.
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Grumpy: "But I'm not an intelligent character."

Zen: "I don't know what to do - I'm freaking out!"

Cerulean: "You mean I have to hit with my sword in a different way?"

Tahlzair: "*a silly suggestion that's not really related*"

Kino: "Hello, welcome to Walmart."

Phoenix: "........ *loses connection*"

Sorry Tegan - it's completely your fault if our children toddle into oncomning traffic.
I feel like the GM is giving me the go-ahead to meta-game.



...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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