Rise of the Runelords: Chapter 1

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@Asmodeus So apparently we are doing some stuff for Father's Day soooooo can we do a raincheck on the mini session?
>.< At least I let you know ahead of time.
Making a list of stuff that we still have and haven't been picked up or sold.

Goblin Loot: Small leather armor (x10), light wooden shield (x7), dogslicer (x9), short bow (x2); arrows (x27)
Warchanter's Loot: Small studded leather; dogslicer; whip; 20 gp.
Commando's Loot: Small studded leather, masterwork horsechopper, shortbow with 19 arrows.
Powerless Robe of Bones (smells of women's perfume)
Goblin shiv dagger.
Mysterious Ring (Evocation aura).
Quink is inserting that ring so far up his asshole right now...
Everyone good for Friday at 6 EST?

We have a Factory of Doom (and its creepy, creepy basement) to investimigate.



Are you free to down time Zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!?
I am now.

I'm free tomorrow evening if you guys want to do something.
*Narrows eyes and consults the bones*

So be it.

BTDubs, I'll be in and out of the game, helping Asmo with NPC overflow.
*Gives Zen's family some money and apologizes*

We'll never have an illustrator for Ruin Follow at this rate.
Scenes from Serenus and Tatharel's Excellent Adventure

As they return to Junker's Way and skirt the north coast of Sandpoint, they can glimpse the odd silhouette of garbage peeking from the beach below. Some of the trash piles are now as high as the cliff itself. They both remember Father Zantus talking of the town hall meetings, where the trash situation was brought up but always dismissed. It seems there is no other solution than to tip it over the cliff and let the high tide take it away.

Up ahead, they can make out Gorvi's shack, the dilapidated shed where the local trash collector lives

Quink's house lies further along the coast, beyond this shack

Serenus looks taken aback. "Feelings? I'm assure you feelings are tormenting me more than anything." She sulks and says, "I should forget about him. He isn't good --" She stops and pins her nose shut with her fingers.

Serenus "Uggggh."

Tatharel covers her nose and tries not gag. "Oh...oh my days...."

Tatharel "We...gotta run for it... clear the shack before we puke..."

Serenus grabs Tath with her free hand and sprints away.

Tatharel grips Serenus's hand with one and covers her mouth with the other, the elf tries to keep pace with her friend

Tatharel "...w'ere gonna make it...!"

Serenus gags. "I can.. I can t-Taste it."

There is a crescendo of snorts from the shack as they run past, followed by a clink of bottles and creak of wood. Someone yells out, "HEY 'EERE...OOOU...!"

Tatharel shrieks and pumps her legs harder, not stopping for the shouts. "CHYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE!"

Serenus sprints towards clean, pristine air!

Gorvi the trash man stumbles from his shack and falls over while grabbing for the dark promise of womanly flesh


Asmo (GM): :(

Tatharel #CAN'T
So after all that, you guys STILL haven't got the ring back from the old dude. And you STILL haven't found any goblins.

On the plus side, Serenus and Tatharel have freaked themselves the fuck out and acquired the friendship of a butch, horny Ranger.
Tegan, next time come on a night out with the bounty hunters. We get up to all sorts like being out witted by a 15 year old girl, nearly killing a lizard man for doing his job, terrorizing local shop owners and causing a shortage of healing potions in the town.

Guaranteed to have fun or your money back.
  • Useful
Reactions: Tegan
Also, at the very beginning of the game, we had to decide whether to take Junker's Way, a well-lit street that would take us by Gorvi, a known lech, or Cliff Street, with dark, treacherous cliff side paths.

We took Cliff Street...
Haha, me and jam took the well lit street in our mini adventure until GOD through a suspicious acting girl into the mix
Kino will be two hours late to the game, but I'll play his character until he gets home.
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