Rise from Destruction

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She seen the green spanse of the orchard rolling into the distance of green trees riddled with buds that would blossom and grow into ripe fruit. The carefully laid brick driveway reaching from the iron wrought mechanical gates, each side carefully holding thick emerald green shrubs only coating the atmosphere in a regality that mimicked high royals. How the yard stretched into a forest and meadows - each adjoining down the middle to met face to face.

The sweet smell of honey and grass, oh how she missed the days of serene solitude that were nothing more than vivid daydreams and almost real thoughts. Her fingers ached to dig in the dirt with purpose, pulling out the garden varieties of flavours only to meld them all into a meal fit to impress even those of upper class.

It was hard at times to believe it was once real. Once something she thought so little about and now yearned for with every beat of her heart.

Her eyes drew closed reminiscing in the memories with a splendor that bordered the world of fairy tales, as suddenly the pop of her world imploded to the sound of his voice bringing her back to the dreg of the world they lived in.

A flutter of her lashes trying to recapture her concentration, duo toned eyes absorbing to him only to shy and look quickly away. "It's nothing Kade." She shouldn't have said that, no she was suppose to be helping him, not giving him reason to get upset about things she couldn't control now. Slender digits took to brushing back the loose bangs of her hair moving them back into place to hide away the diamond blue eye. "It's nothing more than the past." Yet she had felt the same well of frightened pain drive like a stake into her chest when those men... those men said she was tainted because of Kade. Scarring words forming to grip a knot into her stomach and a loose around her heart, Kyrie shook her head again. "People are merely cruel."
It hadn't sounded like nothing. It didn't seem like nothing now, not with how she was reacting to the simple question and Kade's eyes narrowed dangerously at her last words, his growl definitely of anger now. Oh, he knew how cruel people could be and if any of them were even half as cruel to Kyrie as they were to him, he'd-

You'll what? Avenge her after she's dead, by your hands? You'll be the remorseful hero? Right. What, in-between your regular blood baths? She said it was the past. Do her a favor and let it go before you make things worse just like you always do.

Kade faltered, looking down now at his own fist and the blood oozing out from between his fingers. The sight failed to bother him anymore and his silver eyes came back up to Kyrie's green, solemn. "I am sorry you've been hurt." It was sincere, quiet and rumbling, but the latter he couldn't help. He might have said more - wanted to brush her hair back and tell her to leave it, that she looked far more pretty without it there, that she shouldn't be ashamed - but the moon touched the sky in that moment and thought fled. Kade gave a deep snarl, rising to his feet in one fluid motion, tail snapping and lashing behind him and wings half-flared as he looked to the moon. His silver eyes reflected the light eerily and the growl was constant now, like low thunder in his chest.

He'd lost the battle with his eyes, the pupils as narrow as they'd ever been and his fists uncurled, blood dripping as his claws flexed. His fangs felt like they ached at the gums, needing something to sink into.

Kade didn't seem able to look away from the moon as it slowly rose in the sky.
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Silence echoed through them as she showed she didn't care to speak any more about it nor did she want to reveal such woe riddled memories to him either. It might have been rightly selfish, but she enjoyed the quiet acceptance that occurred between them. She wanted to keep it like that, without the hateful slander and the equal cruelty that mortal kind could utter through frail lips.

Her fingertip traced in the dirt absently, shyly trying to draw her conversational lips towards a more endearing subject to ensnare Kade's attention, but the time she took was far too long.
His swift rise to his feet bringing along her brown eye like a tether latched on, only to blink and move forward -though she should know better than to do so- the young woman lost in believing in only the notable precious qualities of someone, watched Kade with the basking acceptance noting how he was staring at the moon.

The moon!

Her eyes jerked wide open, a whimper of fright gathering behind the vocal cords of her throat as she remained exactly where she was. "Kade?" it came out pliable, seeking a recognition that she knew vaguely. She knew she would die this night, but she didn't want to look at him in the light of monsters. She couldn't. There was no way he was, and she'd keep that thought with her until the brutal end.
Everything was enhancing. He could feel it. His tail brushing the dirt sent electric jolts up his spine, his claws flexing in the still air vibrated against his skin. His sight grew more focused, able to detect the most minuscule of movements from the moving sand around him to the darting of a lizard finding shelter from the cooler air. Smell had grown far sharper so that he could nearly taste it and the most prominent was of blood, his own, old and...flesh. Young. Female. Human. Meat.

His silver eyes had yet to look away from the moon as it rose higher, but the hybrid smiled, a more of a baring of teeth as his mind slowly slipped away. Soon. It would be time to hunt soon.


Wait, what? What was a Kade?

Silver eyes blinked, concentration somewhat broken - the first time such had ever happened to him, not that he could recall it - and his head snapped down to the figure sitting on the ground as if drawn by a magnet. Recognition failed to ignite but interest flared as his mind, growing far more primitive by the minute, tried to comprehend this puzzle. Prey. Still, quiet prey? Why wasn't it moving? Was it too scared to move? His nostrils flared, catching the strong scent even as he crouched, every powerful muscle coiled not to flee but to chase, to strike. He was a top predator. He wasn't scared of anything.

No. There was the tang of fear, but not strong. Not overwhelming, not soaking into the meat and giving it a bitter tang even as it made the chase more fun. No, it smelled different. Old blood. His blood, too?

A growl rumbled, already frustrated and the hybrid stood, wings snapping closed and tail lashing behind him like a whip as he circled the figure, the snarl growing deeper as the moon rose higher and the hybrid's eyes lost their light color, bleeding black like oil infecting a water supply. Anything human was being washed away, would be gone by the time the moon hit its peak and perhaps whatever was keeping him from striking Kyrie would disappear then, too.
Watching in acute confusion and bewildered interest to him, Kyrie stayed quiet for a time. Not making any movements, or panicked breathes. She didn't understand but she didn't need too. Kade warned her, over and over again but even as she seen it... She didn't see it!

She wouldn't condemn him to the cruel names of hatred and misunderstanding. Stubborn will claimed in her mind, in her eyes and heart that Kade wasn't a monster. Never. As stupid as it was, she was firm in her belief.

As he dropped down, Kyrie advertise her gaze not to challenge the primal creatures, but she kept watching. His eyes dark as ebony pitch was alarming, terrifying to see but she still wouldn't believe.

Holding her posture straight, moving only her breaths of air within her chest, Kyrie swallowed hard at the rise of his snarls. Nearly turning rigid at him prowling around her, Kyrie rubbed her lips together. "I won't run." she stated clearly, "I won't run from you, Kade. Friends don't leave friends behind. Not even in the end." she stated again as she had before. "I wish I was stronger for you though, wish I could've done more for you when you needed it." Her truth rang clear.
Sounds. They always made sounds, high-pitched, terrified sounds. Sometimes they smelled like wet salt, too.

This one wasn't like that, though. He could smell its fear rise and fall with his own actions, like the ocean's tide but the figure never moved. It just made sounds, quiet, firm sounds that flowed steadily and unconsciously the hybrid's snarls started to rise and fall with the pattern of the prey's sounds. The moon pulled him, giving rise to the feral lust for blood in his veins, tugging on his mind, causing a broken note in his growls as somehow his instincts started to pull toward two different forces. The harsh light in the sky, awakening the animal more and more fully and the figure on the ground, but what it wanted from him, the hybrid couldn't figure out.

It frustrated him further and the sounds didn't help, they only confused. His mouth opened in a roar to the figure, wanting the sounds to stop, but though his mouth ached and his claws curled compulsively to sink into supple flesh, he didn't move for the prey.

He couldn't and he didn't like it.

He was supposed to hunt, needed to hunt and there was meat right here.

Why couldn't he kill it?

The large, blood-red tail slammed down near the figure's body as he continued to circle around it, wanting to elicit something, anything that would evoke the instinct to chase inside him, that would overrule this restricting pressure that told him 'no'.
She couldn't help but cringe to the deafening bellow of a roar from his body, Kyrie rubbed her ears, frowning before she threw a slow look through her hair over her face to him. She could ser his frustration, but he never struck out at her yet. She wasn't feeding his sense of hunt.

He reminded her of a large cat on the prowl. But unless she gave into the fear of her chest and bolted, she wasn't prey that should be eaten. Maybe she was sick and could make him sick too? All she knew she didn't care.

Folding her hands into her lap, pulling on the blue fabric of het scarf, Kyrie shut her eyes as his tail slammed into the dirt. Yet she remained where she was. She was easily the only prey around her big enough to sedated his hunger, so she sat there. Picking at her scarf of frayed edges.

Slowly she tilted her chin upwards letting her hair fall away to show both eyes, as they looked into the navy star speckled sky. "I miss night like this. Where you can see all the stars, and you try to find the constellations. Like connect the dot. I think... I think times like this... Where the only times that I didn't feel like I was unwanted by the world." she spoke again, filling the air with a soft reprieve not feeding his desires. Animals were smarter than humans, and Kade was both. It made her smirk, he was pretty smart already. "I can't ever seem to find the little dipper though," Kyrie grinned sadly, "The one lost among all the rest."
His ears buzzed, like bees had come to fly about his head and the hybrid gave his head, his body a shake, like a cat trying to get rid of something irritating. The figure had started to make sounds again and while an unfamiliar part of him was drawn to it, an entirely different, more familiar part was rejecting it completely, focusing on the moon, yearning for the power it would bring. On this night, the cold wouldn't affect him, wouldn't hinder him in the least. Changers lived for these nights, the full moon drawing them all with an irresistible allure.

Unless, of course, one had the strangest prey known to earth sitting at one's feet.

The hybrid gave a savage snarl, a warning for the sounds to stop. They were confusing his mind, muddling up his thoughts, coming between him and the moon that was nearly at its zenith and he wanted them to stop. When they didn't, he gave a short snarl, springing toward the figure, completely knocking it over backward, but his hands had a mind of their own as they slammed down on either side of the prey's head, not in its flesh. He roared again into the figure's face, his body hovering over its own, wings extended, the snarl in his throat bloodcurdling.

It didn't come to him to sink his fangs into the flesh beneath him, though.

No. He just wanted the sounds to stop. And now that they had, he did nothing more than growl down at the figure, black eyes into mismatched blue and brown.

And then the growl started to die down, his face showing more confusion than before now that the sounds had stopped. He'd wanted them to. They'd been stopping the moon. He wanted to feel, hear the moon. .....Right? The smallest hint of a whimper mingled with the low, rumbling noise of a snarl in his throat and the hybrid sprang back and away from the figure he'd pinned, shaking his head again, frustrated and confused by something he could not understand.

He didn't like the sounds.

Or did he?
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Everything came to a blinding pain when she felt the eruption of her breath drive painfully hard from her lungs, her back slamming into the dirt beneath as she gasped for the hungry air to come back with a jolt of agony to shoot up and down her spine.

Ears rung as if blood was going to come dripping from them, Kyrie instinctively went into a cringe wanting to start curling up into a ball but couldn't with him looming over her, deafening her and the imagine of pure fright finally coated her odd coloured gems.

Water flooded out of panic to her gaze, dripping past yet there still stood no reason, no hatred to the creature that had lunged at her striking a fearsome stature. She tasted blood in her mouth, probably from biting her lip or something from the knock over and pin, Kyrie appeared no more like a wounded doe under the rifle of a hunter that had to merely make a momentarily thought of ending her life. And she knew it. She was afraid to be slaughter. She didn't want too but she made her choice. She made her choice.

Tears flooded from her eyes dripping down the side of her face, a sob caught in her throat as she drew her gaze away ready for him just to finish the deed. She shivered and shuttered uncontrollably as he pinned her down, but she made no defiant stand to defend herself. Kade was the one in control, he was the beast that could easily rip her asunder with no thought or action for it. Other than wanting to fill the void of his own gut.

His snarls and growl echoed in her mind, etching into the last memories she'd ever have, waiting anxiously for her death to come.

Kyrie cringed further once she felt him move though her eyes opened letting the drops of salt water fall further feeling the man move backwards away from her.

Was this how a cat played with a mouse, tormenting them with their own death? She curled up into herself letting the hard rush of air pull back into her chest with a pant and a shutter of pure violence, the woman shook like a leaf in a hurricane. She couldn't handle another taunt and tease like that. She didn't want too, otherwise she might think he was a monster.
There was finally the smell of watery salt. And fear. Such fear, so raw and pure that it instantly caught his attention, pushed the thought of sounds out of his head and his eyes landed on the curled, shaking figure on the ground. And for a moment he was satisfied with his actions. He could feel the moon seconds away from its peak as he stared at the prey and started to move forward again, far more interested in killing this time, the smell of blood and fear strong in his senses. The moon came into position, a glorious flood of energy and instinct, power coming over him.

And then the world turned upside down, shaking him from every foundation he'd come to know.

In an instant his entire perception changed, like his mind was being rewritten. His heartbeat seemed to echo in his ears and he gained no kind of human intelligence, no thought, no morals. No, it was simply one word that changed in his head, shifting the entire world off balance, teetering, rotating on a rim to fall off or settle again depending on his actions because prey had suddenly become mate.

It was something his conscious, human mind did not know, would not know when the night ended. But his feral mind knew and at the height of his feral 'cycle', he became completely animal, could comprehend such a thing in a primal way.

Not prey.


He'd harmed his mate.

The world threatened to shatter at that one realization and the hybrid whimpered, the growl gone as he slowly advanced on the shaking female again and crouched. He didn't understand gentle. Nor comfort. He didn't understand how to take care of someone else. But that's what was being demanded of him now with this sudden development and the hybrid extended his hand, drew it back and instead extended his tail, brushing the hair sticking to her face back, the growl in his throat low, questioning as his black eyes stayed focused on her. There was a type of recognition in them now, but not for who she was, but rather what she was.

He couldn't explain that to her, though.
She was hating this silences, this sick anticipation of not knowing when the pain would come. Where the agony would tear and it drove her to a point of illness. But remained where she was. Trying to force a mind into the state of acceptance rather than fear. Beyond the sights of death and into the lands of bliss. Where there was no more suffering, only the warmth of greater world.

Rubbing her hands over the other cupping them close desperately trying to keep the innocence, the glee and acceptance of her own heart to this matter. She didn't want to etch into her mind that Kade was horrible. He wasn't damnit. He wasn't! Think of better things. Think of the kindness he showed that so many others wouldn't! Anything better than the moment right now.

Eyes opened slowly looking upwards out of pure wonder as the soft whimper caught her ear. Unusual and peculiar all in its own rights, Kyrie flinched back purely out of instinct feeling the leatherly tail touch her as if it might strike and crush her into the dirt only to hum in brilliant question to the brushing of her brown hair away from her face.

Large black eyes watching her with an intent that hadn't been there previously, Kyrie chewed on her bottom lip drawing away her gaze for the fear of accidently challenging him; the girl swallowed back the hard lump in her throat. She kept silent, trying to cease her trembling unsure what suddenly just happened. But... she'd happily take it. Kade wasn't the monster. Wasn't like those other peculiars that just let their primal sides take over, there was no way for it. She held that firm belief strong, feeling it gain momentum even in the moment of confusion.

Hunching her shoulders tucking her cupped hands to her face, Kyrie dared a quick fleeting look through spreading fingers before she pulled her legs up into her stomach. "It's okay." she mumbled softly. Granted she had never been that scared before, but she was used to knowing fear. Knowing that she might feel the bulgeon of another's fists upon her flesh. It was okay.

It would be right?

It would be. She affirmed.
His head rose slightly at the sounds, the very thing that had provoked him to rage minutes before now holding some hope for him. Were they good things? Was the softness of them good or bad? Did that mean she was seriously harmed or that she was fine? Tired? Was she still scared? His nose worked quickly, confirming that the fear was leaving, slowly but it was, but her scent couldn't tell him much more. Well, it told him she was bleeding, though, the blood was fading also. It worried him, though. He'd harmed her.

He didn't like that thought.

The hybrid drew closer still, noting the shaking that was growing more sporadic, but also taking note of the way she'd flinched from him. He whimpered softly again, wanting to fix it, seriously not knowing how. He didn't know what she needed. She wasn't like him. He could recognize that, could understand that she had been prey but now she was mate and that changed things, but it didn't tell him how to care for her. But he wanted to. No, no that wasn't even it.

He NEEDED to. Instinct demanded it.

The power of the moon in his blood, it told him he needed to hunt, but more than that it told him to protect. He had a mate now and he had to take care of her.

His fingers reached out this time, touching her hair even as his silver eyes scanned over her again, so very worried that he'd done more harm than had been thought. The hybrid moved close, crouched, small movements as if he was afraid of HER and not the other way around. If she were to lash out at him in this moment, he'd shrink back and leave her alone respectfully. But he wanted to make it right and another whimper, questioning and supplicant as he slid around her back and his wings extended hesitantly as if he wanted to cover her from the cold, but was entirely unsure how to go about it or what she'd do.

Frankly, anyone watching might have thought the sight hilarious; a winged, horned monster tiptoeing around a slip of a girl curled on the ground.
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It took some time, some desperate calming talks within her own mind before she would dare to move fully. Pushing her hands to the ground forcing herself to sit with a lean pulling her knees closer to her chest, Kyrie cautiously lifted the back of her hand to brush against her bottom lip. Blood wiped away, nervous gaze lifted to only widened seeing them feeling the hand from the suddenly docile peculiar stroking. Remaining firm in her stance, Kyrie watched him. Or tried too. She really didn't want to be pounced on again, or deafened for another time. No, she just wanted to know she was safe, he was safe.

She never lash out, couldn't no matter what. This was still Kade, and any harm to him could never be done by her hands. Such a thought was deplorable.

His soft whimpering - she thought adorable, though what a time to think so- those eyes that were no longer black but silver again, Kyrie felt guilt well up inside her. He looked so ashamed, so afraid and of her. Such a thing was pure folly!

Swiveling her gaze with him as he moved around her back, those great wings opening up to shield her, Kyrie let out a soft surprised gasp. What happened to him. He went from blood crazed to gentle in no time flat.

Swallowing to shuffle herself forward, the girl put her hair back to where it was over her face before looking to him. Poor guy... Was all she could think.

Turning to face him completely, Kyrie looked to his outstretched wings, then to him and down. "You.. You should go hunt." she trailed there briefly, a hand reaching forward only to stop and hold her palm upwards not sure if she should try to sooth his worries or not. So she hovered there debating how to let him know it was okay.

Poor guy.
The first movement away from him caused another whimper to well up in his throat, but it didn't come to sound as her body turned toward him and the hybrid pulled his wings back slowly. He watched her intently, waiting for the smallest hint of what she might need or want, approval or rejection, anything. His head tilted to the sounds, always the sounds, and his silver eyes flooded with some black like the ocean coming in before it retreated again just a like a wave, his mind trying to decide how to handle this. The sounds meant nothing to him, not yet at least. Perhaps in time he would come to understand the tones, but never the words.

Movement, actions he understood, though.

He watched the hand moving toward him until she stilled and it wasn't until it stopped that the hybrid knew it hadn't meant any harm. It caused a flare of hope, something most creatures could not comprehend, but his mind could and slowly his clawed hand reached out to twine long fingers about her wrist, so carefully, agonizingly careful to not hurt her as he pulled her arm a little closer and lowered his head a little further until her palm touched his cheek. Like a cat he pressed into the touch and slit, silver eyes that had closed, opened again to meet her brown one.

The sharp, but not challenging or angry stare, broke off, though, at a sound only he heard. His head snapped up, breaking the contact and he released her wrist as he stood. Silver eyes scanned the landscape, his mouth opening, enhancing the scent his nose brought to him and a savage snarl broke through his fangs and lips, eyes flooding black as the first howl of a Peculiar was followed by others not far away.
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It was purely terrible she thought this whole feral side -now calm thank god- was entirely cute and so adorable. It probably was a bad thing to be thinking, but she couldn't help it.

Like a large dog, Kyrie could see him just hanging onto anything that she could give. She knew that look, a longing for acceptance. It was gut wrenching familiar feeling she knew well. It only made her chest ache.

A tender look of glee fluttered in her single gaze as she couldn't believe how much like an animal he was. Taking her palm to brush the side of his face, Kyrie brushed her thumb in a soft reassurance. Damnit! He was cute! Too bloody cute!

She thought of carding her fingers through the ebony hair, but alarm came to him. Jerking away only to rise, Kyrie instinctively brought her hand into her chest. Daring lips wanted to ask what was wrong ad he snarled in his savage tone, she didn't have to ask.

It slammed into like a fifty pound lead weight, threatening to wind her. The howls rose into the night air. There weren't coyote out this way... Or any wolves that she could say. No... She knew it meant trouble. Especially if Kade was getting worked up.

A cold sweat broke out onto her flesh, scared shutter violently wracked her body. "Peculiars." eyes drew to Kade. He couldn't fight them, not after today.

Pushing herself to her feet, the small human came closer to look again to him. She knew what she could do... A foot slipped back. "I can draw them away," she muttered to herself. She could spare Kade the hell even if it meant her life. She could do that. She would, she never think he was a monster but she knew theses were. If it meant sparing him even a little bit, and giving a bit of good into his life. She'd do it.

Lips pressed together with a nod. She'd attract their attention away from him, let Kade live one day without a struggle. Just one day.

Another step back firmer than the previous, Kyrie smiled.

Just one day without struggle. Just something to ease his pain already.

Her body whirled around, boots planting into the soil as she started to sprint away. "It's something I can do."
The sounds. He didn't understand them! It was frustrating to not know what they meant, but her movement he understood. He just didn't understand WHY she was moving the way she was. It both upset and alarmed him. Her hearing was not as good as his, no prey's was, but the others had not made themselves quiet. Surely she could recognize the danger! Or maybe that was why she was running. She had not moved, had not run for him but perhaps she was so scared now that such flight response had kicked in? She'd certainly smelled of fear. The hybrid growled. Even if that was the case, why she was running, he wasn't going to let her.

His wings expanded, beat the air, his form launching itself into the sky and it took him little time at all to come upon the small figure running. The hybrid swept down like a hawk dropping from the sky and his arms wrapped around her, lifting his mate from the ground and then circling around, taking her back to the abandoned town. He didn't know how prey thought, but it was clear they didn't make smart decision when scared.

It was rather easy to deposit her on a roof where hopefully she would be smart enough to stay.

His own form landed back on the ground and now that any distraction was out of the way, the hybrid shuddered, feeling the full effects of the moon, unhindered, soaking in its light as his black eyes grew even darker, complete voids as the savage nature took over, the gentleness fleeing completely and the next chorus of howls from the Canis aureus that took to the sky was answered by a roar twice as loud, a clear warning in the sound, telling them that he was a whole level above them. And he was at the height of his power even as they were. If they were deadly, he was by far even more so.

There was silence for a good minute before the howls started again and the hybrid snarled. They were too hungry, the prey too lean in this area, the traveling too long to find more. They were willing to risk him.

He'd make them regret that choice.
She was never going to get a break with him. Yes her idea was truly terrible, but she wanted to help even in the worst way imaginable.

Apparently he just didn't agree. Obviously...

Being snapped up into his clutches and rather suddenly dropped to the roof top with very little tact -one night add- Kyrie crumpled to her knees as she hit the rough shape, dirty, grungy rooftop.

She had wanted to do something... Something to be strong, to be helpful and to spare him a bit of his own life. Even if it was wrong, Kyrie chewed on her bottom lip watching as Kade descended back to the ground.

Howls and roars echoed into the night, her body instinctively cringing until she put her stomach to the roof to scuttle to the edge and peeked over.

Was he out of his mind!
They came in a pack.

Every Canis version of the Peculiars came in packs and for a Canis to be alone was a death-wish. They would have been a level one or strong two if they'd been alone, but in packs they were elevated to a three or strong three depending on their pack size. As a unit they were cunning, deadly and could take down even a strong level four if the stakes were high enough and the Lacertilia hybrid was only a low level four.

But he was defending his mate, not merely searching for food. It would give him an edge the Canis Peculiars did not have. He felt no fear as he watched them appear in the town, some with jackal-like faces and fur covering their bodies, others appearing more human with jackal features like the tails, back paws, ears and teeth. No one Peculiar was the same and it was how they acted, thought that prompted their placement into classes. Some Peculiars were a mixture of creatures, but the mindset they took could make them Canis or Panthera even if they were technically a mix. Mixes were even more rare than Lacertilia Changers, though.

These Canis came in a smaller pack, about five, and they came with well-placed caution, driven to challenge him by hunger, but hoping not to risk their very lives for such a thing. The hybrid watched them with black eyes that they mirrored with red ones, sticking together even as they were actively searching for a way around him, a way to search for their suddenly elusive prey without having to deal with him.

He wasn't going to make it easy for them and the first roar of savage warning the hybrid gave had at least three of the Canis skittering back, growling and snapping the air in his direction. They snapped and lashed out at each other just as much as they seemed to want to do to him, goading each other on, but none of them coming closer.

And then one spotted Kyrie.

The frenzy of action instantly taken was terrifying as the pack surged forward and clashed with the hybrid in their path. One got to the building immediately and leaped, starting to scale upward, red eyes glowing in the moonlight with hungry glee and then he was howling in pain as the hybrid's claws sank into his back. The Canis behind him were surging forward for another wave of attack, having been beaten back momentarily and the hybrid gave a roar, yanking the Canis from the wall and into the fray below as he himself was pulled back under and in to the bloodshed.
Screaming rose into her throat alongside that of a sour bile as the creature of heinous looks clung to the side of the building, its large red eyes looming and peering upwards at her in such a hunger that her skin began to crawl.

She had no way of getting down from here, it didn't appear this had been a building that contained a set of stairs to flee too. No... this held nothing more than a gaping hole in which a air-condition unit so long ago fell through and herself.

Though the sight of Kade rising up only to fall into the bodies of plenty, Kyrie could only say in that moment... she had never felt so completely useless.
Blood, rage, pain.

That was all any of them knew, all the hybrid knew right now. It was all they needed to know. Instinct ruled their minds, actions and it demanded they react to only those things. In a fight, especially on the full moon, there was no thought, no pre-planning. There were only claws and teeth, tails, poison, anything and everything they'd been given to harm their opponent. The Canis outnumbered him, but they were smaller, not as strong, not as agile and they didn't have as many weapons at their disposal. The hybrid's fangs could be tearing into one while the spikes on his tail punctured the chest of another with a hard swing.

His greatest weakness was his wings, though, and the Canis knew to go for them.

He gave a pained roar as teeth sank into the leathery membrane, shredding the edge at the bottom of his left wing and black eyes looked back even as his tail came up, wrapping around his opponent and ripping the Peculiar away from him, tearing his wing further while he did so. A fling had the Canis giving a high-pitched yelp as she hit a wall, crippled and the hybrid found his arm being seized by another pair of sharp teeth before he could turn his attention back to the others.

A slash of wicked claws had the Canis releasing him, gurgling blood and the remaining two - no, three, the female was getting up despite her injury - converged on him with fervor. The hybrid wasn't aware of where the fourth Canis had gone.
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