Rescuing the Young(Katherun&Halie)

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"You didnt. I always wake up early." Sam assured him as he took the apple. He smiled. He didnt really mind that X had taken a bite. "Would you like me to get you some meat? Daddy wont mind."
X watched him curiously, like everything about him was interesting. From the way he took the apple from his hand to the way he smiled at him. The smile put a good, funny feeling in his chest. Hearing that Griffin wouldn't mind about something else going missing in the bag, X shook his head. "I'll... get it myself. I can, can't I?" He asked quietly, seeking reassurance that he wasn't doing anything wrong.
"Yes you can get it yourself. Daddy won't mind. He likes it when I do things for myself." Sam assured X. He happily eat his apple. He was glad that the demon was being nice to him. "I don't like that lady. She is mean. I hope she goes away." He told X quietly looking at Ophelia. He didn't like the way she clung to his father. Nor did he like the way she had treated X.
X was releived to hear that. Surely, if Griffin wanted his son to be independent, he wouldn't mind if he was either. He started digging around in the pack again, looking for something more satisfying to eat than an apple. All the while, he listened to Sam talk about the newcomer in their midst. He was grateful for the like minded sentiment. "I don't like her either." The demon glanced over at her, sprawled out uncomfortably on the ground. An idea came to him at that; and his face lit up. "Maybe you can make her leave. Griffin won't listen to me. But he likes you more, so you tell him how much you don't like her, and maybe he'll make her go away." In his head it was a brilliant plan, providing Sam went through with it.

While Sam and X talked to one another, Ophelia began to wake up. She heard their voices echoing off the walls, though as far as what was said, she wasn't entirely aware. "Mmmmn," She grunted, stretching and turning as she awoke. "How long have you two been up?" She asked, innocent enough.

"None of your business." X retorted hastily before Sam could open his mouth.
Sam nodded. He glared at Ophelia when she spoke to them. "Leave us alone. We aren't doing nothing." He turned his back to her. Why did she have to be here? Its was enough that X was here. At least the demon was nice to him sometimes. "Go away we don't like you. Your mean." Sam told her between bites. He hoped she would leave before his father woke up.
Ophelia's eyes widened in surprise. She didn't understand what she'd done so wrong to evoke such an angry respose from the boy. She knew the demon didn't seem to care for her, and like this she didn't much care for him either, but she didn't understand what'd turned Sam against her so. "What did I do?" She asked nervously.

X scoffed. "You're here."

"I didn't do anything! I've not been mean to either of you!" She certainly didn't think she had. She'd been crass towards X, but only when he was rude to her. And right now, the notion of yelling at him was rather tempting. But Griffin was still asleep, or pretending to be at least, and Ophelia knew that to be a bad idea. She trusted her better judgment on that.
"You were mean to X. You scared X into the rain last night. You made my dad go out into the rain. You snapped at me." Sam stuck his tongue out at her. He didn't like her. He dint want her with them. He wanted his dad's attention. It was bad enough he had to share with X. "You distract my dad."

"Enough all of you. Let's eat so we can head out. " Griffin growled as he sat up. He glared at all of them. He wasn't a morning person especially when he had been woken up by people arguing. "Ophelia can travel with us if she wants to. I don't care. If she does you two will be nice. We don't need to be fighting."
Ophelia was offended, and she didn't try to hide it. "What? When did I ever? I never snappped at you! I was mat at him," She pointed to X, "when he woke up in a crabby mood with me last night, but I've never been mean to him. I didn't mean to scare him, and I was certainly not the reason he ran out in the rain last night! I never made your father chase after him, I just wanted to get out of the rain myself!" She tried explaining herself before Griffin woke up. Out of respect for her host, she dropped the argument with X and Sam. "I'm sorry for waking you up," She apologized.

X huffed in annoyance and promptly turned his back on them. He took his food and ate in begrudging silence while Sam finished up his apple. He was mad at Griffin for being so stubborn about letting the woman stay with them. He didn't see anything good coming out of it. He'd just end up fighting for his attention with her and Sam. For all he knew, her family was dead and gone, or didn't want her anymore, and she'd be with them forever. But he didn't say any of that, out of mutual that he shred with O[heleia for Griffin. If the man said to stop arguing, then what he said went.
"Daddy." Sam protested. He went over to Griffin and climbed into his lap. He placed his head on his father's chest. He looked up at him with sad eyes. He was hoping to get his father to change his mind. But Griffin just ignored him. He reached around the boy and grabbed the bag. He opened it up and offered some meat to Ophelia. "That's enough. I don't care who cames. I am going to find the free kingdom and I'm taking Sam with me. You two can come if you want to. It makes no difference to me. Either way i am leaving in an hour."
X was both scared and offended by Griffin's comment. He absolutely hated hearing him say that it made no difference whether he came or not. "What do you mean,'it makes no difference?'" He asked, feeling hurt and betrayed. "D-do you really not care? Would you leave me?"

Ophelia was ready to decline the meat Griffin offered, but X caught her off guard. The poor thing had such thin skin, for that comment to go right through him so easily. She wanted to say something to him, but she kept her mouth shut. The demon was beyond her ability to help. She felt sorry for Griffin for having to put up with it.
"X we have been through this several times. I would like you to come with us. But I'm not going to force you. I care about you I want you with you. But it has to be your choice. " Griffin told him. He wouldn't fight them. He could force them. He had to put Sam first. He had to get them to safety. "I want to build a life with you X but if you would rather go somewhere else I'll help you. You'll have the papers proving your freedom so you can go on and build a new life somewhere. Ophelia can come or go as she pleases. Neither of you has to come with us. But both of you can if you choose to. I'm going to the free land what you do is up to you."
The demon shook his head. Griffin knew what he wanted; he should've, at least. "I want to go with you," and with that, he stood up and moved a bit closer, away from the centaur. X now wrongly blamed her as the reason Griffin didn't think he wanted to stay. "I don't have anywhere else to go." X reminded him. He was ready to leave now, but he didn't say anything on account of the fact Griffin hadn't ate yet.
"You can start a new life anywhere X." Griffin told him. Which wasn't completely true. But it was true enough tat with the papers proving he was free the demon could build a life anywhere. Whether he would be able to survive on his own was a different story. He didn't want X choosing him because he thought that was the only choice open to him. It wouldn't be easy for the demon to live on his own, but it was possible. So he had to knw that,
X huffed and crossed his arms. "... Yeah well I don't want to, so you're stuck with me." He kept his gaze away from the eyes focused on him. He could feel Ophelia staring, and it made him uncomfortable. X felt prompted to explain himself. "I'm not... not very smart and I'll just get into trouble or caught again and I-" He paused, "I like being with you."

Ophelia kept quiet, and simply watched the demon shift in his place and struggle to get his words out. Poor thing was so flustered, his face was all red by the time he quit talking. "I'll just... take an apple and eat outside..." The woman said, struggling to get up after having dug around in the bag for an apple. She went outside, just to the mouth of the cave where she could stand up and stretch while Griffin and X talked, if at all.
Griffin nodded. Now that was settled he pulled out some food and started eating. He made sure that Sam had enough to eat. He watched Ophelia leave the cave. He was curious about her. He had seen centaurs before but he had never actually met one. He wondered how long she would stay. He didnt care. As long as she didnt slow him down. They were already losing too much time as it was. Once he was finished eating he gathered their bag of supplies and headed outside. "Come on guys. We need to get on the road.
X followed behind obediently, not putting up a fight of any sort. He stayed a respectable distance away from Griffin, and kept from Ophelia as if she had the plague. He mulled over what he'd said, wondering if he sounded too pitiful or if he'd gotten his point across. He wondered if Ophelia thought he was stupid, or if he'd been just in what he said. He have himself a headache before the hour was up.

While they walked Ophelia filled the silence with talk of her heard, and how they'd traveled over the years. She spoke fondly of everything, even when things were rough. "If things don't work out with the free kingdom, you're welcome to come join the herd."

When X overhead this, he snapped at her. "Enough talking already! Nobody wants to hear it! We're not joining your heard; we'll do just fine on our own. Some great family you've got there, leaving without you when you got captured. Now look where you're at. You're lost."
"I dont think any of us would be comfortable with that arrangement." Griffin stated. He couldnt imagine the herd allowing the three of them to simply join. He didnt know much about centaurs but he didnt think anyone would simply taking in people that werent their own kind. It was hard enough to take care of those you knew and loved. Still he would keep the suggestion in mind. But he wanted Sam to have access to real schools and other children. It was important to him that his son have everything he hadnt had.
The centuar glared at X for his hateful comment. "At least I've got family to go to. I don't think you can say the same about yours. If you could even find them."She huffed. The woman turned her back to him and listened to what Griffin had to say. "Well i realize he won't." She said in reference to X. "But thinking of Sam, there are a lot of kids he could play with, and everyone pitches in to help teach them everything. He'd like it."
"I will keep the suggestion in mind. But I want Sam to have a real education a herd that is always moving cant provide that." Griffin told her. He had no intention of leaving X behind unless the demon decided that he wanted to go his own way. "For now I am focusing on the free kingdom. It gives us everything we need."
"Right... I understand. But if things don't work out..." she trailed off, the offer implied. "The lifestyle is not for everyone, I will say that." She didn't say anything, and she tried not to let it show, but she was offended by the fact Griffin didn't think the education the heard offered wasn't valid. It was how she'd grown up; her relatives taught her everything she knew. She could read and write as well as the next person. Math wasn't her strong suit, but she could do it. "It'd probably be too hard on the both of them."

X was boiling. He walked with his hands clenched into tight fists, his teeth gritting together. His face was red, flushed in indignation. "Can you knock it off? Both of you! Stop talking about me and Sam like we can't hear anything!"
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