Rescuing the Young(Katherun&Halie)

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"In the other room resting." Griffin reminded him with a frown. Why couldn't X remember. Had he simply been too tired for the day to leave an impact on him? Griffin didn't know. He would ask the healer if he got the chance. He climbed out of bed and headed for the door. "Come on. I'll take you to see him." He lead the demon across the hall where his son still lay curled up fast aslerp."
X followed closely behind him, curious to see his son again and hopefully jog his memory. But when he saw the boy sleeping, the demon grew heavily disappointed when he didn't recognize him. Sam was as new to him today as he was yesterday, and that threw him off. He tried not to let it show, lest Griffin begin to wonder about him and change his mind about letting him stay. Still, he walked inside and repeated almost every gesture he'd done yesterday- from gently touching Sam's head, to lifting his little wings to get a look at his face. X didn't even realize he was doing it. "He's so little."
"Yes. He gets that and his coloring form his mother." Griffin reminded him. He was nervous about X's lack of memory. Other than exhaustion there was no reason for the memory lost. Sam stirred. He wondered if he would wake up. But the boy settled back down. "Let's go. Have some breakfast. He'll be waking up soon."
X was reluctant to leave Sam behind. He wanted to watch the boy more, and see him wake up. He wanted to touch him and feel his soft little feathers and know he was real; know that Griffin hadn't lied to him in any way, shape, or form. Still, his stomach growled, and breakfast was a good idea. He followed Griffin out the door and to the room where they were going to eat. The healer must've been expecting them to wake up early, and she had food set out for the three of them. The smallest plate contained just little things- bits of food cut into small pieces, accompanied by a bowl of soup. X knew without a doubt that it was for Sam, when he woke up. There was a fourth plate, presumably hers, but it was empty from where she already ate. "Where did she go?" He asked, unsure where Liz had run off to. He hadn't seen her since Griffin came back, which was odd to him, considering they were in her house. At least, Griffin said it was her house.
Griffin looked at the bowl of soup sadly. Part of him couldn't wait to feed it to Sam. The rest of him hurt at the though of his son only being able to keep down soup for who knew how long. He remembered his own recovery. It had been nearly month before he could handle anything but soup. He hoped it wouldn't be so hard on Sam since he hadn't been captive that long. "She had a caller last night. A birth or something she should be back this afternoon."

"DADDY!" Sam cried. Griffin didn't know if his son was awake or not. He ran to the other room without a hesitation. He wanted to comfort his son either way.
"Huh." He didn't offer any resistance on the matter, and he started eating shortly after he'd sat down. But X all jumped out of his skin at the sound of the high pitched wail coming from the other room, and whatever food he'd had in his hands fell to the ground. He watched Griffin leave him behind with a sort of numbness washing over him. After a long while of sitting, too shocked to do anything, X forced himself up to go look for Griffin. He went to the spare bedroom where Sam had slept, only for his heart to sink a little at what he saw. He didn't know why he felt so jealous, why seeing Griffin holding his son bothered him so badly, but it did and he couldn't stand it.
Griffin gently picked up Sam. "Shh... It's alright Sam. Im here now. Youre safe." He promised his son. He held the boy gently. Sam was so fragile that he was afraid that he would hurt him if he wasn't comfortable. He smiled when he saw X. "There is someone I want you to introduce you to Sam. He help me find you." That was only a particle truth but there was no reason for Sam to know that. "Come over here X." He turned so that Sam could see the demon. The boy peeked over his wings. "Whos that?"
X's eyes were wide and his heart felt like a brick weight in his chest, tearing him apart on the inside with sharp edges that gave way to an overwhelming sense of jealousy. It took every bit of self control not to simply stand there and watch Griffin hold his boy. He knew damn well there was no reason for it, but he felt... betrayed and abandoned and lied to. "I... I didn't help you." X took a step back, out of the door. "I- I got in your way- that's- that's why you left me here." When Griffin told him to come forward, X refused. "No!" He cried out, walking away from the man and his boy where he could be alone. His chest hurt. His heart hurt. Everything hurt and there was no reason for it. The demon was mad at himself; mad for feeling jealous and hurt over something he knew was bound to happen eventually. He didn't- couldn't- understand why he felt so scared and angry, why seeing Griffin holding Sam hurt so bad.
Griffin sighed. He wasn't really surprised by X's reaction. He had been expecting it. "That is my friend X Sam." He explained to the tiny boy in his arms. He wished he could have made the meeting easier for the demon but he didn't know how he could have. He carried Sam into the other room. He debated going after X. The demon obviously wanted to be alone. But that didn't mean that it was good for him to be alone. He started looking through the small house until he found X. "X I want you to me Sam."
X had run off to the bedroom where he and Griffin had slept last night. He curled up on the bed he'd slept in, keeping his back to the door. The demon fought with himself- rapidly alternating between mindsets- switching from vengeful and angry to hurt and betrayed. He knew. He knew it was supposed to happen; Griffin reuniting with his son. But he hadn't expected it to hurt to badly. He didn't know what he'd expected at all. When Griffin came back, X shook his head. "I already did." He hissed through gritted teeth. "Go on. He needs you more than I do." He's your kid. I'm just some broken demon.
"Somehow I doubt that." Griffin replied. He carried Sam over to the bed where X was laying. "I think you need me just as much as he does. And despite your struggles I need you. I enjoy your company. I think that we can help each other. I want you to get to know Sam and I want him to get to know you."

Sam reached out his little hand and touched X's shoulder. "Daddy friend?"
You don't need me! No one ever needs me! He didn't say what was on his mind, as much as he wanted to. He was worried Griffin would yell at him for it. "What could you possibly need me for? You've got your," stupid, "kid already!" Friendship and companionship were concepts he didn't quite understand. A person couldn't simply enjoy something or someone; they had to be good for something- and show their usefulness to the other person. He couldn't see his own usefulness if it slapped him in the face. The demon tensed up underneath Sam's gentle touch, and he wanted to slap him away. But Griffin really would've been mad at him for that. "No." He told the boy. "I'm not anybody's friend!"
Griffin sighed. He didn't know what to say or do to make X. Feel better. Sam's brown wrinkled in confusion. "No friend? Hurt Sam?" The boy asked seriously.

Griffin had to swallow the lump in his throat before he could speak. "No one is going to hurt you Sam. X and I are going to keep you safe. We going to be family and work together to get someplace we will all be safe." He hoped that he was lying. He wanted X to come with them. He thought it might do the demon so good to be treated like a person rather than a slave.
X shuddered under Sam's hand. He hated hearing that sad, serious little voice, asking if someone- if he- was going to hurt him. He didn't want to; he really didn't want to hurt him. But all the same, he didn't know what to do to make his own pain quit. Hearing Griffin's promise that they were going somewhere safe, and they were going to be a family, X sat up and looked at him. His eyes were a bit red, and there was a tear stain across his left cheek where he couldn't help but let the tears roll because of how he laid. He felt gross and embarrassed letting Griffin see him like this, especially with his rational mind still mostly intact. "I'm sorry." He apologized, more so for the things he'd thought about than the things he actually said or did.
Griffin nodded. "I know. It's ok. Lets go have so breakfast Sam needs to eat." He reminded X. He was glad that Sam had been able to reach the demon. Nothing he said or did seemed to make a difference. He stood to his feet holding his son close. He knew that Sam wouldn't allow him to hold him very long. The boy had too much energy for that. So he would make the most of the time that his son allowed him. He held out his hand to X. "I know that being a part of a family is new to you X. But family eats together."
Sam hadn't reached him, but he had helped, if only just a little. When Griffin stood, so did X, but he was slower to his feet, and he kept his gaze to the ground, away from the boy in Griffin's arms. It still hurt, still bore a heavy hole in his chest, seeing them together as they were. He'd never had anyone like that to hold him and love him. He never had anyone go out of their way to save him and the more X thought about it, the heavier the weight in his chest grew. He didn't want to eat anymore. Despite that, he looked up at Griffin when he heard his name. "Family?" He repeated, a little confused. "How are we a family?" He understood Griffin and Sam. But he didn't understand where he belonged in the mix. He felt like an outsider, an interloper. The demon had his own family, somewhere, that he should've belonged to, but in the back of his mind, they were all dead or would be better off if they were.
"Yes X. I consider you part of my family and soon Sam will too. Family isn't just about blood. My blood sold me and my son into slavery. Sometime you're born into a family and you have to build your own. The one I was born into betrayed me. So I have chosen to build my own family. And I've chosen to include you as a member."
X looked at Griffin, then at Sam. His gaze rested on the little boy for a moment, then went back to his father. Griffin was a good man who'd given him no reason to have fear or worry. He had no reason not to trust him, even with the boy now by his side. He wasn't treating him any differently. The demon nodded, and followed them back to the dining area, where they'd left their food when Sam woke up. X picked up what he'd dropped and set it back on his plate before he sat down.
"The healer made you some soup Sam." Griffin told him as he set his son down. He took his seat. He looked at the two other members of hus family and as at peace.

Sam studied the being his father called X. "You have a strange name. But that's OK. Its easy to remember. Have you known daddy long?"
X ate what he'd picked up off the ground. It wasn't terribly dirty, an nobody stopped to yell at him for it, or take it off his plate, so it must've been alright. He glanced at Sam from the corner of his eye when he was spoken to and he frowned. "What's so weird about it?" In response to his second question, the demon shrugged. He didn't know. It could've been weeks, it could've been months... X hadn't the slightest idea. "Eat your soup."
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