Rescuing the Young(Katherun&Halie)

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Griffin signed. He wasn't getting through to X. He didn't know if it was because the demon couldn't or wouldn't understand him. "In a land that doesn't allow slavery they would. But I'm not going to force you. You can come with me or stay. Its your choice."
X couldn't wrap his head around the idea of a land being free from slavery entirely. It'd been such a large portion of his life- something that dictated every aspect of his life. It was impossible to imagine a place without it, no matter how pleasant the image might've been. In his head, people would still look at him with disdain. People would still look at him like an animal, a slave. There was no hiding it for him, like Griffin and Sam. The demon feared that he would be sent back where he'd come from- because there was no hiding his past. If slavery wasn't allowed, then neither were visible products of it. "I want to go with you, but, but I can't, because they won't let me! I'll get sent back!" The demon didn't mean to yell, but he was getting frustrated with Griffin; frustrated with him for not understanding what he was talking about.
Sam whimpered in his sleep. Griffin reached and gently caressed the boy. "I can't make you X. But you don't know that they won't allow you to stay if you dont try. But I'm taking Sam there. I'm not risking him being taken again." He didn't know how to reach X. The demon didn't seem to want to be reached.
The look in X's eyes softened a little, hearing Sam whimpering because of his yelling. He felt guilty about that. He looked at Griffin with fear in his eyes- fear of rejection and resentment. "What if I can't go?" X wanted, he needed, to be reached, but he was stubborn and scared and that persistent fear worked as a barrier to the help he needed.
"Then we will keep looking for a place where your accepted. Hell we can make a place of our own. I just want to not have to worry about any of us end up back in chains." Griffin told him honestly. He wanted X to come with him. He want the demon to take a chance and believe in something.
X bit his lips and stared at him for a moment in thought before nodding his head in unwilling acceptance. Putting faith in an idea was difficult for him, but it was something Griffin believed to be a good thing, and he trusted the man's judgment. After all, Griffin hadn't lied to him. Griffin came back, just like he'd promised. Looking back at that now, it seemed hard to believe that Griffin would've left him if he wasn't acceptance into the free land. and that made it easier for him to have a little bit of faith. "When are we leaving? When he's on his feet?" By the look of the boy, it'd appeared to be a while.
"Yes. We will as soon as Sam usable. The healer said it wouldn't be more than a day or two. He mostly needs fluids." Griffin told X. He gently his hand over Sam's small body. He couldnt wait for his son to be well. He wanted to see his eyes. He wanted to hold him and assured him that he was safe now.
X took a deep breath and walked over to the man. He wrapped his arms around him in an awkward and uncomfortable embrace. The demon really didn't like hugging Griffin, but he wanted to show his appreciation in some way. After a brief moment of silence, X pulled away and spoke up. "T-Thank- thank you." It was the first time he'd ever used the specific phrase with anyone and truly meant it. He never said it around Griffin before because of the negative connotation he'd had with being told to thank someone for something, but simply stating he was appreciative didn't really show that he was thankful for all that Griffin was doing.
"You are welcome X." Griffin told the demon. He didn't know if X had any idea how much that hug meant to him. No one other than Sam had ever hugged him before. He rubbed his eyes. He was tired from all his traveling. But he wanted to spend time with X. The demon had handled the time alone better than he had expected. Sure he hadn't eaten or slept the way he should have. But atleast he hadn't hurt himself.
X didn't have much of a clue at all how important the was. He hknew it meant something, but he didn't have any idea how much it meant. Like Griffin, he was tired as well. Days of not eating and sleeping took their toll on him, especially after he'd gotten used to it. There hadn't been much of anything for him to do while Griffin was away. Hurting himself to keep his mind distracted was one of the only things he'd wanted to do, but Liz didn't allow for that. She kept him from digging his nails into himself and biting his lips raw. "I'm tired." It he told the other. "And you look tired too."
"I'm exhausted. I barely stopped." Griffin confessed. He looked over at Sam. He didn't want to leave his son. But the healer had told him wasn't likely to wake up for awhile. "Why dont we get some sleep. The healer has some extra beds in the other room." He reluctant headed out of the room.
X followed close behind Griffin until they'd reached the guest bedroom. He laid down in a bed beside Griffin, and closed his eyes. It didn't take him long at all to fall asleep, especially knowing that Griffin was close by. He woke up once when Liz came in to check on them, but quickly went back to bed afterwards. For the first time, the demon felt entirely at ease. He was warm and well fed, and safe with someone who really seemed to care about him. Life was good.
Griffin waited until he was sure that X was asleep before he allowed himself to fall asleep. He was glad to see the demon sleeping again. He wanted them all to be as strong as possible before they left the healers. Zahir would send men to try to catch them before they reached the safety of this kingdom that didn't allow slavery.
X stayed asleep for a long while, even after Griffin woke up. He was exhausted, and he didn't quite realize to what extent until he'd actually laid down and really slept, entirely free of fear or worry. It was well after dark by the time he woke up and he was very disoriented when he did. He didn't know where he was.
Griffin was exhausted enough to sleep without dreaming most of the night. When he for d dream it was of the life he wanted to build with X and Sam in thud kingdom that he has heard about. He knew getting there would be hard but if they could get there they could all really live. He woke feeling normal for once in his life. He could hardle wait to start their next journey.
"Griffin?" X called out the man's name, feeling slightly sick to his stomach because he didn't know what was going on. His heart beat fast and loud in his chest and while his other personality hadn't yet resurfaced, it was well on its way to. He stood up and walked over to the other bed where Griffin was, shamelessly sitting down beside the man. His presence was a wordless reminder that he and everything else was okay.
"Morning X did you sleep well?" Griffin asked him. He was conserved with the way the demon looked. Had X had a bad night? Was he not feeling well? What was causing the demon to look conserned? Was he worried about being along again?
X nodded, then rested his head against Griffin, leaning against him for support. "Yeah." He said, still a little tired. Knowing Griffin was beside him, regardless of where he was, put the demon a lot more at ease. Calm enough to think straight, X pulled away and asked, "Where are we?"
"We are still at the healer's X." Griffin explained. He worried about the demon's inability to remember simply things. Was that why his name was a simply letter? He had never met a slave like X. Not that he had met many but he had know a few since he had gotten free. "We are waiting for Sam to be well enough to travel."
X looked around, looking for something even vaguely familiar to him that'd spark his memory. Nothing. He simply had to trust Griffin's word on that, which came a lot easier to him now than before. "Oh." There was still confusion etched into his features; confusion for not having remembered in the first place. Nothing had happened that he particularly needed, or wanted, to forget, so it left him a bit baffled. "R-right." With that, X moved away from the man, and went back to his own bed. He started looking around again, this time looking for Sam, who he didn't remember seeing at all the day before. "Where is he?"
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