Rescuing the Young(Katherun&Halie)

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Griffin sighed. He picked X up once again. He wrapped his wings and his arms around the other man. "I won't leave you little one." Maybe going through the village with X's younger personality would be easier than it had been with his regular personality. Griffin doubted it but he could hope right? He headed back into the village. They needed to know where the poachers were headed.
X tensed up and clung pitifully to the man when he was picked up, and he whimpered into his neck. He didn't like being picked up, but he felt comforted by the gesture. The demon panicked whenb he realized where they were headed, and despite Griffin's reassurance, he freaked out, thinking that the man was going to get rid of him there. "Y-you, y-you promise you're not leaving? And you're not getting rid of me?"
"I promise little one. I'm not getting ride of you. We ha e to ask for directions. Remember we need to know which was the poachers went." He explained again. He knew why X was scared of being abandoned. It had probably happened more than the demon could count. Humans were like that to slaves. When the got bored with something the got ride of it.
X buried his face into Griffin's neck, much like a child when they tried to get comfortable. It only lasted for a moment, though, and the demon soon wanted down because the movement of Griffin carrying him as he walked made him feel dizzy. He was twice as scared and nervous in town as he was previously, and rather than hold onto the man's pack, X held his hand in a near death grip. He kept his eyes trained on the ground, on his feet to avoid confrontation with anyone and give Griffin a hard time.
Griffin set X down once he made his desire clear. He hated how scared the smaller man looked. It was worse going through the village this time than before. He knew that he was to blame. He just wasn't good with people. He reluctantly asked around until he found someone that had seen the poachers he was looking for. The longer it took the worse X's behavior made him feel. He was relieved when they could finally head out of the village.
X wasn't vocal about his fears, but it was all heavily evident in just the way he carried himself and how he wouldn't look at anything or anyone unless Griffin specifically told him to. Outside the village, he began to calm down, but it still took him some time. He was exceptionally tired by the time the sun started to go down. Switching personalities so much and all the stress and heavy emotions took their tole on him. For the first time, he spoke up about needing to stop. "I'm tired and my feet hurt and I'm cold, and I want to stop." He was quiet for a minute, then added on, "Please?"
"I'm tired and sore too little one." Griffin admitted as he lead X off the road. TruthfulLy he should have stopped long ago but he was trying to make up for the time they had lost. He breathed a sigh of relief when he was able to get his weight off his bad leg. He drug the blackest out of his pack and offered it to the demon. "Wrap this around yourself. It will help with the cold."
X sat down extremely close beside Griffin, close enough to rest his head on the man's shoulder, if he'd allow. His regular self would've gone further away, but no more than five feet, which was an improvement from just the other day. He was warming up to the man quite a lot, and it said something for as untrusting and guarded as he was. X wrapped the blanket around himself like Griffin told him to, and within minutes, he fell asleep with his head in Griffin's lap.
Griffin smiled at the sight if X asleep on his lap. He knew when the demon woke up he would be back to his regular self and he would be uncomfortable being so close. But Griffin was too tired to do anything about it. He leaned against the tree and closed his eyes. Soon he was asleep too.
X slept well at first. He was dreaming, and for the first time in a long time, it wasn't a cold nightmare or any flashback from his past. Just a pleasant dream about he and Griffin walking. They talked like normal people, laughed, ate... It was nice. But the dream turned sour when Griffin started moving further and further away from him and he couldn't keep up, no matter how fast he ran. And when he was almost entirely out of view, X could make out the faint outline of a smaller body beside him, holding his hand. There was a collar back around his own neck, and chains around his wrists and before he knew what was happening, he was back in a cage.

X woke up shaking. He sat up to confirm that he was still free. He didn't care about the fact he woke up with his head on Griffin's lap. No, what bothered him was the dream. He grabbed a hold of Griffin's shirt and pulled himself closer to him and spoke up, "Griffin? Do you really promise you're not going to get rid of me after we get your son back? You won't leave me behind?"
Griffin jerked awake. He had been dreaming of X and his son playing and exploring while he watched. It had been a nice dream. One that he had by end enjoying until someone shook him. He opened his eyes to see X demanding an answer to something. It took Griffin a minute to process whatghe demon wanted. "Yes X. I promise not to leaveypu behind after we rescue my son. You are welcome to stay with Sam and I as long as you wasn't to."
Griffin's answer rang in his ears for some time, and X simply stared at him as he processed the information. He felt small and weak in having asked what he did to begin with, but he was relieved by Griffin's answer. His eyes narrowed for a moment, and flashed bright in anger when a different thought came to him. His grip on the man's shirt tightened, and he shook him a little again. "What if I get caught when we're getting him? And he gets out but I don't? What then? Will you leave me then?"
Griffin shook his head. He understood why X would worry about that. It was a very valid concern. It would be easy for him to walk away ounces his son was safe. Especially if Sam was safe. "No X. I would not leave you in the hands of the poacher. I would find a safe from my son to hide before trying to rrsvire you."
X let go of Griffin's shirt after that and pushed himself away from him. "I'm-I'm sorry." He apologized through gritted teeth. He kept his back turned to Griffin and continued, "I'm so pitiful!" He pulled his hands over his head and shuddered. "Why would you even want to save me? I'm not good for anything! It's not like I'm special." He said, biting back a sob. X continued to shake and shiver, though it wasn't from the cold or even crying. Every month when the new moon came around, the demon underwent a heavy hormonal imbalance. Someone called it a rut once, but he couldn't remember who it was. With the hormonal change, came a small slew of other problems. His skin was hot to the touch, and even the light touch of his own clothes made X feel as if there were bugs crawling under his skin. He was a mess, physically and emotionally, but lucky for the both of them, it only lasted a single day. His breathing became more labored as time went on, and a small part of him wanted Griffin to hold him just to ease the burning, itching sensation all over him. It was going to be a long day.
Griffin hesitated. He knew X didn't like physical contact. Especially when he was in his current personality. But Griffin knew what it was like to need comfort and not receive it. He pulled the demon to him with a sigh. "X you are very special. You just don't know it yet. I would save you because I care about you. And I wouldn't want to see someone I care about suffer."
X yelped when he was pulled close, and he kicked himself away with every ounce of strength he had. He held no discretion towards where he kicked, and he was pretty sure he'd gotten him at least once in his bad leg. "Fuck off!" He barked. "You've known me for all of- of- of-" He stuttered, unsure of how long exactly Griffin had known him. He couldn't count. Regardless, he was positive Griffin hardly knew him, despite the fact the man probably knew him a bit better than he knew himself.
Griffin grunted in pain ad X kicked him. He didn't let go though. Usually he backed off when someone made it clear that they didn't want to be touched. But something told him that X needed this whether the demon wanted it or not. "Time has nothing to to with how I feel. Your dpecidl and I care about you. That means I will protect you."
X continued to fight and kick when it became clear Griffin wasn't letting go of him. "If you care so much, let go! Stop touching me!" As much as he might've needed it, the contact brought back haunting memories of being touched against his will. The demon stopped struggling after a while, but he didn't calm down any. "You don't even have any reason to care!"
"No I suppose I don't." Griffin said sadly. He let go of X and stood to his feet. His bad leg buckled under him. But he didn't let the pain stop him. He wasn't going to be able to convince the demon that he cared. Especially when hus reason was simply that he understood. "I guess you'll have to hope that my unreasonable caring is enough if we get into trouble."
X hurriedly scrambled away when Griffin let him go. He ditched the blanket, left it lay where he previously sat. X couldn't bring himself to believe the man, despite the fact he hadn't been lied to or hurt or anything of the sort by him. He was simply scared. Scared of putting trust into Griffin only for it to be ripped away and broken. He curled in on himself, quivering and shaking in discomfort. "I can't. I can't, I can't, I can't!"
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