Rescuing the Young(Katherun&Halie)

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Griffin frowned. He knew that. He simply hadn't had time to cook it the way he meant to. "I'll take care if it." He assured the demon. He looked for a quiet place to eat. He found a dhad e tree by a creek. He made his way towards it glad to be away from the crowd. He sat under the tree. He held out one of the chickens to X.he would eat then deal with the meat. He couldn't wait much longer.
X sat down beside him, and he took the chicken, a little more apprehensive of it than anything else pulled from Griffin's bag. He didn't question it though, and he ate it quickly as anything else he'd been given, though this time, he was careful, so as not to get his new clothes dirty. Because even though Griffin bought him a few new things, he couldn't get the idea in his head that he'd change into them and wash what was dirty accordingly. Halfway through his meal, the demon had a sudden realization. "Shit, you didn't find out if the poachers had come through the town... We've gotta go back, don't we?"
"Relax X." Griffin answered. He knew that the younger man wasn't looking forward to going back through the village. Neither was he. But he hadn't been in any shape to make friendly conversation. He had learned over the years that people don't answer if you snarl at them. "I need to eat and get off my leg for a bit. No one is going to tell me anything if I approach them the way I approached the taylor. We have to go back through the village to reach the road anyway. Once I am feeling more socialable we will headed back to the road. I will ask about the poachers as we walk."
X groaned, but he didn't object. He just wanted to get everything dealt with and out of the way at once. He despised the crowdedness of the town, and hated clinging to Griffin for dear life the minute someone so much as raised a brow at him. He couldn't help it and he hated it. The demon finished his food in begrudging silence and when he finished, he pulled his knees close to his chest and sighed. "I never understood why they took kids." He said sadly, wondering now what'd been done to himself when he was a child, waiting to be sold off.
"Children don't fight as hard as adults do." Griffin explained. He started setting up a fire to cook the meat in his bag. He figured doing that would give him time to get himself together. He needed that time. He had never been good with people to begin with. Being tired would only making things worse. "Children are easier to control. They are easier to train too." He hated the thought of what his son might be going through because of some poacher. But the poachers where the least of his worried. He had to save Sam before the poachers reached Zhair.
The demon shuddered and cringed, wrapping his arms around himself. "D-don't remind me." He said quickly. He didn't want to hear anymore. He didn't want to remember. But it was too late, and the painful memories resurfaced. It took every bit of self determination he had to surpress them, but it didn't do much good. He remembered being left alone in a dark room- with someone coming in to feed him every so often. He remembered being told he was bad, and that bad kids deserved to be left alone. He was pushed back when he tried to leave, and ignored when he cried, begging to be let out, promising to be good. The demon cringed again and shook his head. "Tell me more about Sam." He said quickly, looking the the man with desperate eyes. He didn't really care what Griffin talked about, so long as it kept him distracted long enough to forget again.
"Sam is the best thing that ever happened to me. He was born at the end of one of the lowest times in my life. His mother didn't survive his birth. She wasn't at full strength." Griffin admitted softly. "I didn't knowanythjng about babies. I worried that I would screw up his life. I did my best to learn everything I needed to know. I asked every mother I saw for advice."
X listened to him speak with rapt and earnest curiosity. He could tell from the way Griffin spoke that he loved his boy dearly, and again, he felt a heavy pang of jealously towards the kid. It wasn't fair. But he didn't vocalize his thoughts. Not those, anyhow. "What was his mom like? Was she not... not, a gryphon like you?"
"No. She wasn't a Gryphon like me. She was Tigress. Lily was gentle and shy. She deserved better than me." Griffin explained. "We shouldn't have been able to breed. It was an experiment." he admitted. It was the first time that he had indicated in any way about what was in his past. "Sam is a very unique individual."
X tilted his head and cast a quizzical, genuinely confused look on his face. That one bit of information- that their mating was experimental- that really caught his attention. "What do you mean an experiment?" He asked. He had a hard time imagining Griffin having any sort of past even remotely similar to his own, and the thought sickened him a little.
Griffin smiled sadly. "We have more in common than you think X." He told the demon. "I won't go into the details. This isn't the time or the place." He told X. "I was part of an experiment. The goal was to create new unique creatures to sell." He opened his pack and began cooking the meat he had stored there. He wanted to get that taken care of before he lost too much of the meat. They needed to have as much fiid as they could carry.
X felt sick to his stomach, but not quite for reasons that Griffin would've thought. He turned away from the man with a sour look on his face. The demon's blood was practically boiling. "Fuck!" He screamed. "Why?!" He buried his face, folding his arms over his head. When all his life, he'd been beat and chastised for not being human, mutilated to look the part and beaten into submission to act it, it pissed him off to high hell that there were people who sought to create even more exotic creatures. It hurt more than he could put into words and again, he felt even more jealously towards Samuel. He'd never be beaten or abused for not being human. He'd never be starved or endangered in any real way, because of how supposedly exotic he was. Hot, angry tears pooled in X's eyes and he couldn't control himself when he asked, "Why are you so God damned scared then? Nobody's going to hurt him! Nobody's going to beat him because he's not human!"
"Your right. They won't beat him because he isnt human. They will do worse things." Griffin spoke softly. He was trying to not show his anger knowing how it affected the other man. "They will lick in in a small dark cell to 'protect' him. They will feed him but the food will be drugged. They want him to become addicted to the drugs so that he will do whatever they want to get them. They will take him to a man that's so cruel that he woyls make your previous owners look like nice guys."
X looked away and kept his gaze centered on the ground at his feet. What'd been done to himself was unthinkable and merciless, but as far as he could remember, nobody ever gave him drugs. They'd liked to watch him struggle with his pride. He couldn't wrap his head around any of it. Niceness or fairness weren't things demons were known for, but even still. Everything spoken to him now didn't make a lick of sense, even to his own warped moral compass. "You're lying." He hissed, clearly in denial.
"Just because you font like it doesn't make it a lie." Griffin growled. "You know very little about the world X. Your experience was undoubtedly bad. But that doesn't mean that it is impossible for someone to gave experienced worse. There is a lot of cruel people in the world. All of the different but very much the same. Look around you sometime X. You'll see that demons aren't the only one suffering.
X flinched when Griffin growled at him, but he didn't curl up in a ball and cry or freak out about it. Another snap, or even a raised hand, and he would've, but for now, he was trying to keep his composure. "Don't act so high and mighty like you know everything!" He growled right back. "I know damn well who's suffering and who isn't! Don't talk to me like I don't know!" He simply held a deep resentment towards creatures who'd been sought out for the exotic aspects about them. In his experience, they were treated better. Fed better, kept clean better, kept around longer... They weren't forced to work; people showed them off like they were proud. Admittedly he didn't want to be anyone's trophy, but the demon would've much preferred it when he saw how people looked ay himself. Looked at him like he was worthless, an animal with little reason or discourse, and no mind of his own. X bit back a choked sob and turned away entirely from Griffin after that. "J-just leave me alone." He was done talking to him for the day.
"Fine! I will." Griffin quickly repacked the food he had cooked. He made sure the fire was out. Then he headed back into the village. He was tired and sore. He didn't have the patience to deal with X's tantrum. The demon might think he knew how exotic beings were treating. But he only saw what happened in public. Demons were treated badly public and privately but those considered unique were treated kindly in public but in private. He shivered at the memory.
X watched him pack up and stomp out the fire in silence. With every aggravated kick of his foot, the demon cowered a bit further away from him. Still, he said nothing. But when Griffin finally walked away, X broke. "Don't leave me!" He begged. "Please don't leave!"
"Make up your mind!" Griffin yelled as he turned to face X. "You just told me to leave you alone! I can't do both!" He snapped even though he knew doing so was pointless. It would only make X slide into his other personality. Which would make him feel guilty. He hated feeling guilty about something that wasn't his fault.
X sobbed and continued to beg Griffin not to leave him. He apologized, insisting that he'd be good so that the man wouldn't find reason to get rid of him. "I won't! I won't tell you to go away!" He spoke in broken, poorly articulated bursts. "I'll be a good boy, I'll be good, please don't leave me..." The demon didn't see himself as free or anywhere of even remotely equal standing as Griffin. In his other personality's head, he still very much belonged to Griffin, and more than anything else, X was scared of being abandoned.
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