Re: Zayn/Elvira/Niall? Who will win?

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Zayn smiled as he performed and he kept glancing at Elvira as he sang his parts of the song and performing just got rid of all his probelms but he was a lot happier knowing he could see his daughter and also Elvira
(I'm going on my phone now, so I'll be just on Hex)

An hour later, after the party, Elvira waited outside for her taxi to come and pick her up. She glanced at her watch, and pulled her coat tighter around her.
[okayyy :)]

Zayn had enjoyed the party and he and liam was pretty much the only ones sober and Zayn was lucky enough to drive now and he looked at Liam as he pointed at Elvira and Liam said he would take the guys and Zayn nodded and walked over to Elvira and took off his own suit jacket he was wearing and put it around her shoulders "You want a lift home Elvira" he asked softly and had his car keys in his hand
She jumped when she felt something be put around her shoulders and she looked around at Zayn. She thought about it, and then nodded. "If it isn't too much trouble." She felt better with his jacket around her.
Zayn looked at her "Sorry i didn't mean to make you jump at all" he said and watched her think about what she was going to do and smiled "It's no trouble at all Elvira" he said smiling and took a hold of her hand and went to his car and unclocked it and opened the door for her to get in
She smiled and got into the car. She looked down at her feet, and bit her lip when she saw the various empty alcohol bottles. "Are you sure?"
Zayn smiled at her and closed the door behind her and got into the driver side and looked down at her feet "I need to clean out my car aswell, i'm sorry about that" he said leaning over and picking the bottles up and putting them in the back "I'm sure Elvira, the least i can do is give you a lift back home" he said softly and started the car
"Ok. Thanks." She sat back, and answered her phone when it rang. "Yeah, Mum?" She listened t what her mum said, and she smiled. "Aww - I miss her so much! Oh, Mum, guess who I ran into tonight? Yeah - but everything is better now between us. I'll be home in about ten minutes. Love you." She hung up and sat back in the seat.
Zayn smiled "No problem" he said smiling and carried on driving and listened to Elvira on the phone and smiled a bit "I bet your parents are really mad at me and hate me now don't they" he said biting his lip and sighed a bit as he drived her to her new house with her parents and if they knew why she came back then he was a bit scared
Elvira hesitated, but replied. "They were furious with you to start off with, but it has kinda died down to just a bit of resent. Dad especially, because I could barely sleep for weeks afterwards.""
Zayn kept his eyes on the road as he drove and sighed a bit "I wouldn't be surprised if they hated me, i hated myself for it" he sighed and pulled up to her new house and looked at her "Well here you go, i hope you have a nice night and give our little girl a kiss from me won't you" he said smiling
She paused and turned to him before she got out, "Do you want to come in and see her for a second? She'll be sleeping but you could look in on her?" Elvira hadn't seen him drink all night, and she couldn't smell any cigarette smoke on him.
Zayn looked at her and bit his lip and looked towards the house "You will let me come see her?" he asked more of a question and smiled and looked at her "I would like that, even if she is a sleep" he said smiling
She nodded, and got out of the car. "Yeah, c'mon." She walked up to the door and unlocked it.
Zayn smiled and got out the car and locked it up and followed after her and biting his lip, still really nervous if her parents where still awake
She looked into the living room where her parents were sleeping on the sofa, and she smiled. Elvira turned and beckoned silently to Zayn as she crept up the stairs.
Zayn looked and was glad to see her parents asleep and followed after Elvira up the stairs and made sure he was really quiet and was just glad he got to see his daughter
She opened the door to her bedroom, and tiptoed over to the cot. She gazed down with love at her daughter, who was gently sleeping, her thumb in her mouth.
Zayn followed after her and saw the cot in her room and he walked over to it and looked down at his sleeping daughter and smiled and he moved his hand and ran his fingers across her soft cheek really gently as to not wake her up
Elvira looked up at Zayn, and smiled. "She looks just like you." She softly said, instinctively leaning her head against his shoulder, something she hadn't done in nearly two years.
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