Re: Zayn/Elvira/Niall? Who will win?

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Zayn hugged her back and he felt his own tears falling onto her hair and he kissed the top of her head "I've missed you too, a lot, you should of seen the state of the apartment when you left, the only room i didn't touch was Taylor's, i cried a lot as well" he admitted and looked at her

He took away his own tears "I'm a mess Elvira, i'll admit it, i smoke again and a lot, i get drunk most nights but i don't sleep with any girls or anything, i know that for sure, i don't want any other girl than you, i haven't taken off my wedding ring, i keep it on all the time, i'm a real mess Elvira and i don't know what to do, i'm lost, the only thing that has stopped me doing something stupid is the guys, my work and knowing i had a daughter and that you might need me" he said and felt tears falling again and he had just admitted everything to her, if she could then so could he as he trusted her
She tried to calm herself down, and she softly corrected him with a small smile. "It's Taylor-Belle. Not just Taylor. It's all one name. I picked the last name because when she was born, she just looked so much like you, and your name means beautiful, just like the name Belle does, so there's the connection." She wiped his tears away from his eyes and softly suggested, "Do you want to go outside and talk in private?"
Zayn looked up at her and smiled a bit at what she said "Sorry, i mean Taylor-Belle" he said smiling "She desveres to have Belle in her name, she is a beautiful little one year old, who will nearly be two, has she ever asked where her dad is?" he asked looking at her and then let her wipe his tears away and relaxed a bit more and nodded "I-if you wouldn't mind, i don't want anyone catching what i say and then it getting out that i'm a alcoholic and a heavy smoker" he whispered and got up
She stood up, and led him out to the front of the building, where it was quiet now. She replied to his question with a shake of the head. "She's only one - she hasn't started talking yet." Elvira reminded him with a smile.
Zayn followed after her out the building and was glad to hear it was quiet and he looked at her "At least i haven't missed her first word or anything yet" he said with a smile and then sighed "Do you think you could help me, because like i said i'm a huge mess Elvira" he said sighing "I need to stop smoking again, i need to stop drinking" he said running his fingers through his hair
Elvira sighed and nodded. "Of course I will - you need help." She watched him, and then firmly said, "If you have any cigarettes and lighters in your pockets, then can you please give them to me now?"
Zayn sighed "Thank you, i owe you big time for this" he said biting his lip and he nodded and took out the box of cigarette's he hand and placed them in her hand "The lighters inside" he said with a smile "Thank you Elvira really, thank you" he said sighing
Elvira took the box, and immediately binned it in the nearest trashbin. "I'll bring Taylor-Belle over in the next couple of days, if you can get the apartment cleaned up before we do. I don't want her to be in a mess when she meets you for the first time."
Zayn watched her chuck them away and he smiled and nodded "The apartment isn't that much of a mess but yeah i can make it cleaner because i understand you don't want her to be in a messy place, so i'll make it clean and everything" he said and hugged her again "Thank you Elvira" he said sighing
"And can you please try not to drink or smoke? Please? For Taylor-Belle?" She looked up at him pleadingly.
Zayn pulled back and saw the plead in her eyes and nodded "I promise to not smoke and drink, i'm going to stop so i can see Taylor-Belle and be in her life, i don't want her having a dad at all that smokes and drink, so i'll stop for her" he promised
Elvira sighed with relief. "Ok, thank you." She looked back at the hall inside, and bit her lip, "I guess I have to go back in, and so do you - you guys are performing? Which song?"
Zayn smiled and nodded "It's no probelm" he said and looked back and nodded "Seems like it, err i'm not actually too sure, they was talking about that earlier, i sort of zoned out" he said and let her go first before going in after and didn't know if he should sing gotta be you, as she already told him she didn't want to be with him
Elvira walked back in and she was immediately accosted by her manager, Cameron Briggs. She grinned, "Hey Cam."

"Elvira, there are some incredible people here who are dying to meet you - Joanne Rowling for one." He smiled.
Zayn looked at her manager and gave a small smile to him "Err i'll talk to you later then" he said seeing the guys calling him onto the stage and he smiled at Elvira before going onto the stage
Elvira watched him go, and she smiled, in a way she hadn't in a while. Cam noticed this, and he grinned, "Your ex?"

She grinned and replied, "Sort of." She looked down and fiddled with her wedding ring she still wore.
Niall smiled at Zayn and patted his back "You look happier, guess you sorted it out with Elvira, did you see your little beautiful mini me" he asked smiling

Zayn looked at Niall "I'm happier that i got to see her and yeah i got to see the picture of my beautiful girl, i get to see her" he said smiling and looked at his wedding ring on his finger
Liam grinned and picked up a mic from the side of the stage. "Let's get going - WMYB is first up." He hummed the opening tune.
Zayn smiled and got his own mic and put in the ear pieces into both his ears and nodded at Liam, he mainly got the most parts in this song and he actually enjoyed doing the video to it
Elvira sat in her seat, and watched the performance, feeling more at home than she had all evening. She had missed this music, whether she admitted it to herself or not.
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