Rapture: The House of Monsters

  • Thread starter ThatBioshockInfiniteChick
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V looked up and tilted his head. He continued his trudge through the water and reached an access door. A few moments later he stepped in and looked around. Quite fancy place this was. He walks forward a bit and nods, Plaza Hedone.
Two splicers ran across the access door "look at this rusted piece of crap! Show him what we got boys!"
Another splicer said "the hunt is on!" in a cheery tone.
Within an instant they were bombed and killed.
A rumblr had the bomb strapped to his shoulder with a little sister on his back.
"Get him Mr. B!" the little sister said as she pointed to an enemy. He bombed two other splicers and continued his journey with her.
V lumbers on, he hefts his rivet gun and opens fire on the Rumbler. He blurs up close and breaks its leg with his drill and backflips away. He uses telekinesis to swing the bombs away from the fight. Dashing forward he drills through the rumbler's chest. He grabs the little sister and loots the big daddy.
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The child smiles at V and pats his helmet "hello daddy!" She giggled. She had no Adam. "Daddy needs Adam! Let's go get some!" She said.
V moans and lets her lead him to a body. He puts her down and turns around to fight off the splicers that are bound to come. He switches to his speargun, and swings a charged hooked chain in his other hand.
"I'm a good girl Mr. B..." The child said then started gathering. The screams of the crazed we're heard throughout the room. Three spider splicers jumped him while another splicer came and tried to take the the child's vial.
V whirled his arms and threw his hooked chain into one of the spider splicers. He swung it around and knocked it into the other spider splicers. Using his speargun he pinned the splicer going after the Little Sister to the wall. He swong the chain around and slammed it into the ground sending an electric shock into the other splicers.
The child continue to gather humming. A brute splicer slammed into you as three more splicers started shooting at you.
V growled as he was knocked into the wall. He pulled himself out and sent out a swarm of insects. The splicers were busy with the bugs and he lit them on fire. Firing on the brute with his speargun he knocked it to the ground, switching to his machine gun he gunned downed the regular splicers and the attacked the brute with his drill, unleashing another swarm of insects with his other hand.
As the brute died a spider splicer dropped behind the child, cackling madly he tried to take her needle. V heard her protests and turned firing a heavy rivet into the splicer's face.
V lept over and landed on the splicer, he picked it up and threw it across the room, switched to his drill and batted a thuggish splicer away killing it with one hit.
The child was due for one more gathering. She drank some from the little nipple attached to the vial and raised her hands up to be picked up by her daddy.
V reached down and placed her on his back. He wrapped up his chain, went around gathering up his spears and other ammo, then turned back down the path ready to continue on.
There was a spliced up spider splicer in front of a case that had a little sister syringe in it as if he was worshipping it. He saw V and climbed up the wall dissapearing.
Suddenly Vs radio inside his helmet went on, it was Betty.

"Oh gosh, that must be Jerry Hibachi...he was an architect, the shadow of the famous Simon Whales...rumor has it he was killed by a big daddy...his name was Subject Delta"
V walks over to the case and looks down at it before looking up. Can you hear me still?
"Yes I can" Betty said through the radio
Oh... Cool. He continues on and find the pump station. Pump 205 eh. He lumbers on, forcing his way past any obstacles. Ahh, right where it should be... I think.
"No, theres another part of the section sealed off from the rest of the first section that your in...that creature you saw...well he has a brother named Michel...he's here somewhere...find him and persuade him to give you the code...knock on a vent once in a while...the sisters will help you along..." Betty said and the radio shut off.
V tilted his head. He looked up at the girl over his shoulder. She just smiled ignorantly. He moaned and lumbered on, he went a few yards and around a number of corners before finding a vent to put a few dents in. He stood there waiting for a child to come out, looking around so he's not caught by surprise by any enemies, namely big sisters. He can kill everything they can throw at him, but that doesn't mean he wants too.
A little girl came out and noticed the yellow eyed girl and looked scared of her. She his in the vent as the yellow eyed one on your shoulder tried playing with her.
V reaches out to the scared girl. He moaned at her encouragingly and waited until she felt comfortable before he pulled her out and helped her down.
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