RANT Your Brains Out #98274

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

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"Hey brain, how about we actually do something productive instead of just clicking on the same bookmarks over and over in hopes something as changed from one minute to the next?"

'I think you might have Crohn's Disease, lemme make it as awkward for you as possible as I don't laugh or smile at your butt puns.'

But on the good side of this; butt puns. Buns. Lol.
Damn cleaner made my hands break out in hives?
I have been getting horrible headaches with increasing frequency and of course my first obsessive thought is that I have a brain tumor and I'm going to die.

I got my eyes checked and have new lenses - as suspected, my eyes had gotten worse - but I'm still getting the headaches. I've been prone to migraines since I was a wee bab, but this is getting me worried. Off to the doctor I guess...
When you're full but you keep eating cause you don't know when your next meal will be.
Withdrawal headaches.
Paranormal Erotica is not fucking horror! I'm so sick of seeing 'The Alpha's Hunger' and 'Seduced by the Pack' lumped in with with books that are supposed to be scary! There is nothing scary about a damn furry fuckfest other than the atrocious writing and the fact that people consider that sort of thing a valid read!
Why would you cut hours for people who need the hours they've been getting?! It's bad enough trying to live only earning minimum wage!
I live in a very broken home with family members I really do not care for. Yet as I tell people around me I am uncomfortable with giving people who do not deserve another chance they tell me I am going to regret my decision. Why should I regret shutting out the man who abused me physically and emotionally during my childhood. My feelings never matter to them.

Also. Mosquito's suck. That is all.
Forgot to take my pills... pretty sure I'm dying right now and I still have to wait another three hours so I can be sort of on schedule when I take them. Good luck getting anything done today...
I'm getting so sick of saying "I don't have time for X" when that really isn't the problem at all.

I can't get over just how much easier life would be if being able to actually fucking think for just a few more hours of the day, preferably from like 10-12 at night, was a real possibility for me.

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I HATE people who stand in the middle of the aisle at grocery stores talking to themselves for half an hour. I hate the grocery store. I hate people who horde food.
If I could wake up not feeling sick once in my life, that'd be great. I'm so tired of this but I know that I won't get any better because of CD.
The very existence of all these phishing scams aimed at college students is really sickening.

No, I didn't get scammed -- I did enough research about the supposed employer in question to save myself that kind of trouble -- but the very fact that I even had the slightest bit of hope in the back of my mind that this could be legit, even when I was suspicious from the start, just makes it all the more discouraging when these things do turn out to be scams.

Like, these aren't phishing scams sent out to some random selection of email addresses like "Yo I'm a Nigerian prince who wants to give you in particular the chance to be rich by doing absolutely nothing!!" because that's so obviously too-good-to-be-true that only the dumbest would fall for it -- and beyond that, those 'Nigerian prince' scams are all about getting rich, making big money -- but that's not what these college scams are about.

Naw, the college scams prey on the broke, desperate, soon-to-be-up-to-their-eyeballs-in-debt crowd who are so desperately searching for a job and so heavily worrying that they won't be able to find a decent career after graduation. They aren't asking to get rich, just to get by -- and then they see, handed out on fliers in universities and even circulated through college email addresses -- that one opportunity they've been searching for: an easy, work-from-home job with no experience needed. It's just as too-good-to-be-true as the stereotypical Nigerian prince example, except that we're all so desperate and constantly reminded of the brutally competitive job market that, sometimes, hope and desperation overpowers rational thought.

Not to mention: it shouldn't have to be too-good-to-be-true. Supposed royalty emailing you personally and offering to make you rich? Yeah, I can see why that would be a red flag. But just being able to land a decent job? Is that really so much to ask??

I think it really says something that the "no experience needed" part of the flier was simultaneously what caught my attention and made me rather hopeful but also left me incredibly suspicious of it being a scam. Let's just think about that for a moment. The mere existence of an entry-level job that doesn't ask for any prior work experience is so fucking rare and unlikely that our brains almost unconsciously toss it in the same category as generous Nigerian princes and YouTube videos claiming to contain footage of aliens or ghosts: "probably fake".

And even though I may have been smart enough to avoid such a scam, the disappointment of realizing that it was a scam was still rather discouraging -- and then infuriating, once I took the time to think about it a little.

And let's not forget the fact that tons of other vulnerable college kids have probably already fallen prey to these same scams, and I don't particularly blame them. This isn't about getting rich off a mystery donor -- it's about taking the opportunity to get a fucking job which shouldn't be as rare as it apparently is. I can't quite fault anyone for being a bit too eager to forget to check this stuff.

tl;dr -- College students are in enough shit as it is. Anyone trying to make a quick buck by kicking them while they're down is seriously fucking disgusting. Just... go target stupid rich people or something. Goddamn.
My neighbor's wife is truly a fucking psycho! I just heard her outside ranting to her husband about me and my husband doing something at our kids school around her kids. Ummm.....I wasn't at my kids school this morning. My son is sick, so I have to stay home, and my husband has been at work since 5:30 this morning. How the fuck were either of us scaring her kid when I haven't even seen her kid in a week? I swear to fucking god, the bullshit I have to deal with in this fucking neighborhood is ridiculous.
Somehow passing out on my living room floor doesn't sound quite like what I had planned today -.-
I'm just so done with the client. All I wanna do is sleep......I don't feel up to anything.............
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