RANT Your Brains Out #98274

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Just found out Christopher Lee has passed away. A huge inspiration and a great human being has been lost.

So fucking sad right now.
My legs won't hold me up today. Every time I stand they are shaking with the strain of keeping me up in less then a minute. I know I've been having a lot of issues with my CP and my legs lately, but this is ridiculous
It's only a dream.
Apparently my older brother was admitted to a hospital after hitting the wall and completely burning himself out over work and his religious visits to the gym. Now he's on antidepressants and a bunch of other shit, and written off work. Not sure for how long.

But, damn man, calm the fuck down. As your brother I feel the responsibility to point out when you're being absolutely ridiculous. Which you are right now. And you better try to get better, mother is worried sick, and tbh, so are your two little brothers.

Fucking Christ this is a mess.
I'm a little more than insulted that you make me out to be this bad person
Oh my god, I'm about to explode. I hate godmodders with every ounce of my being, I just hate them so, so much. I don't even care about characters that are more powerful than my character! That's bound to happen, and getting knocked down a few pegs is a wonderful catalyst for character development, but when some dude comes in brandishing a character sheet that makes them a god among men straight out of the gate, and then proceeds to add in brand new unmentioned powers in the middle of the RP just because it'll keep them from having any weaknesses, I just have to wonder why they care to join an RP if they never want the excitement of wondering who will win, or how their character will react to being defeated or wounded. I just don't see how having a chunk of static, invincible meat for a character is fun.
I've never encountered somebody who would question somebody's gender or gender identity based on the TV shows they watch. Sexuality, I know assholes tend to do that, but gender?

Well, some day got to be the first. I'm more baffled than angry, to be honest. That this person can question my gender based on my taste in TV shows has to mean they're ridiculously insecure.
Why can't it be acceptable to sit there and tell people 'Stop smiling at me, I hate your fucking guts."?
My lovely online class... How the hell am I supposed to give a decent response to someone's take on a poem when they begin with "Africa is a beautiful country that is mistreated and always was being controlled by other countries"?
Only got to see half of a show I wanted to watch. I got the desire to bake brownies, but during baking I ran out of sugar and had to substitute with brown sugar. Getting the right amount of butter ended up being trouble and the brownies got slightly undercooked. I made hot cocoa but it boiled over so I lost some there. Plus internet has been slow while installing Steam-purchases. 8 hours? WFT!

Sad thing is, all these minor problems and bumps are simply refreshing after almost two months with troubles and drama, plus I still have uncertainty in my future... *sighs* Really, first world problems can be refreshing...
Honestly, I get that you two are getting a divorce, and I know it's partially my fault, no matter what either of you say. But for god's sake, I moved out here to get away from my maternal figure, not to be pushed to my grandparent's house! I love them, I really do, but this is my goddamn room in the house I LIVE IN and should have FIRST PRIORITY TO STAY IN, seeing as I'M THE MINOR with NO COLLEGE EDUCATION who's working THEIR ASS OFF at TWO different jobs to move out in just a couple months!! It's not my fault you're two older kids can't grow up and live on their own!! This is my goddamn room!! I've lived here since we got the damn place, my father built a closet for ME and MY THINGS, the wall is covered in MY POSTERS, the tv on the stand is MINE and this space is FOR ME. I'm almost 18 years old - I'm not sharing a goddamn room with my 22 year old stepsister just because she can't handle being a grown up! Kindly fuck off.
2015. I fucking love it. Losing Trevor, my aunt, fighting depression, my best friend gets hit by a car and now I face losing partial function of my hand.

Fucking wonderful.
Really, I'd much rather work on my art than my math skills. Haven't had this much enthusiasm for art in years, and now it's being curbed by obligations and shit.

Figures, by the time I'm home I'll be exhausted, unmotivated and irritated again.

Also, listening to this "English teacher" continuously get shit wrong is physically painful. I'm like, 1/3rd her age and my understanding of English is just wrecking her shit. Oh my god.

I feel genuinely sorry for her students.
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Sweetheart, you are an arse! Why on earth can't you see through those manipulative, horrible ass hole friends of yours for what they truly are? You deserve so much better, and it's frustrating to see you crawling back to them every time... especially after this time. They're nothing close to real friends, you're just going to keep on getting hurt, and they're dragging me into now.

Some people just make me want to scream and punch things. T_T'''
What about me makes people want to hurt me? Why do people come into my life only when they need something and then take everything from me and bail?

I'm really tired of being the one who always gives and comes out empty handed. All I've ever done is try and be the best friend I could be, and I'm constantly reminded that people don't care about kindness; they care about convenience.
Stop texting me stop texting me stop texting me stop stop stop stop stop STOP I moved out of that fucking house and away from you because you spent years abusing me and now you won't even apologize and you expect me to just shove it under a rug and forget about it?? What the fuck is wrong with you and why can't you just stay the hell away from me? I don't have any money! I don't want you in my fucking life anymore! Crawl back into whatever hole you came from because I'm sick and tired of dealing with your bullshit. I haven't spoken to you for a year! Take a fucking hint.
I know this is suppose to be a "no strings attached" relationship but yet, why does my heart feel so heavy when you told me you have someone... Fuck, stop playing with my feelings. If you like that someone then why are you with me? Yeah, she may be overseas and doesn't know what you're doing in our country but yet why are you still wasting your time with me when you said you like her.

You're making me fall for you harder, even if we are "fuck buddies" as you say.

You're confusing me. You're so complicated that it confuses me. You're making me confused. Or are you just using me to pass the time...

I really hate my teenage hormones.
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