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Elise - UN Volunteer Hospital - Cordelia/Gonta/Max & Co.
@Yun Lee @LuckycoolHawk9

Elise looked very downtrodden as she said, "I can fix the damage caused by the hunger, but I can't make them any less hungry. The food has been running low here at the hospital as well. We're waiting for a new UN supply shipment, which should come today. Gonta, could you go into the back and see if we have any food that we could give them?"

Nagito - Cog-and-Sword - Angie/Fandral
@Yun Lee @Gands

Nagito took a sip of the generously guven mead. "It's delicious. Thank you, sir. I don't think I've caught your name..."

In response to Angie, he said, "I don't remember how exactly I got here. All I remember is waking up here on Ash with my clothes, a little bit of money, and this." He held up the object he had been fiddling with. It was a golden key attached to a chain, like one for a necklace.

"I had thought of selling it, but maybe I'll hold onto it for awhile. It could be my lucky charm. The Ultimate Lucky Student needs a lucky charm, right? I just hope that it's one that brings good luck, and not bad luck."

Hope Count: 5

Fandral the Dashing

@Mason Moretti @Yun Lee @LuckycoolHawk9

" My thanks to both of you. I've brought this Barrell all the way from home. Might I inquire what either of you two do in this place. I am new in town and as yet without alot to do with my time. I am considered an accomplished warrior in my home, away in Asgard. "

And mister Lucky, I am called Fandral !"

The athletic Asgardian gracefully sprung up from his chair and gave the two a courtly bow.

"Perhaps." Doctor Maera said. "I'll tell my lab to continue production. Will you go with me to appeal to the rich?"

UN Volunteer Hospital- Henry Morgan/ Lucas/ Scooby/ Unconcious Max

Lucas was about to answer the young woman's question when the other doctor beat him to the punchline to the problem too.

He was quiet and waited for there to be some kind of answer and he wasn't sure what to say. There was so much happening here and he didn't seem to understand the half of it. He looked over at them. Could they fix the poor hungry sole and was there food here?

" I imagine that the only way to fix hunger is to give them actual food, if I presume correctly," he said, as he looked over at the woman.

Lucas looked over at the woman and smiled. " We are entirely greatful for whatever you can offer us. I don't want to impost too much and I can wait," he said, looking at her.

" Rpeak rour reself. Ri rouldn't rnow row ruch ronger ri ran rake it," Scooby said.

*1 Speak for yourself. I don't know how much longer I can make it

@Mason Moretti @Yun Lee

Cogs and Sword- Chris

Chris had been attempting to read his book, but he couldn't exactly concentrate with the loud man talking to his new friends. He knew that a pub wasn't the ideal location to read a book, but it was the best for him. He dragged his drink over with him and looked at Faendal. " If I don't impose, could you please quiet down so that I can have a moment to think? " He asked.

@Mason Moretti @Yun Lee @Gands

Fandral the Dashing

" Your pardon good sir ( wide smile ) Now I understand we might be a bit more lively than some inn crowds, however... I might carefully point out that an expectation for a quiet inn seems a bit far fetched. Perhaps you've been at your book for too long today. Allow me to invite you to set it aside for a moment to relax with us."

The Asgardian gets one of the few empty cups and fills it with Falstaff's Mead, handing it to Chris.

" Please, have some of my family recipe Mead wont you ?

@Mason Moretti @Yun Lee @LuckycoolHawk9
"Gonta will be right back! Hopefully there's something..." The entomologist-turned-volunteer rushed to look for any food available.

@Mason Moretti @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9


"I would be honored to help any way I can," Libra replied, though he was a bit apprehensive. The wealthy he'd known tended to be eccentric at best. This could be a bit more challenging than necessary.


"Oooh, what a pretty key!" Angie leaned in to look at Nagito's good luck charm. "Maybe Angie could bless it for you? That way it'll be bound to be lucky, with righteous energy inside!"

Fandral the Dashing

" Your pardon good sir ( wide smile ) Now I understand we might be a bit more lively than some inn crowds, however... I might carefully point out that an expectation for a quiet inn seems a bit far fetched. Perhaps you've been at your book for too long today. Allow me to invite you to set it aside for a moment to relax with us."

The Asgardian gets one of the few empty cups and fills it with Falstaff's Mead, handing it to Chris.

" Please, have some of my family recipe Mead wont you ?

@Mason Moretti @Yun Lee @LuckycoolHawk9

"Gonta will be right back! Hopefully there's something..." The entomologist-turned-volunteer rushed to look for any food available.

@Mason Moretti @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9


"I would be honored to help any way I can," Libra replied, though he was a bit apprehensive. The wealthy he'd known tended to be eccentric at best. This could be a bit more challenging than necessary.


"Oooh, what a pretty key!" Angie leaned in to look at Nagito's good luck charm. "Maybe Angie could bless it for you? That way it'll be bound to be lucky, with righteous energy inside!"


Nagito - Cog-and-Sword - Angie/Fandral/Chris
@Gands @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee

Nagito pondered Angie's proposition for a moment. If the key were a jinx, perhaps blessing it would un-jinx it. If it were lucky, then adding more luck shouldn't harm it. He decided to accept.

Holding the key out to Angie, he said, "Go right ahead. I don't see a problem with it. Fill it with the hope you have in God. I'm sure it will get luckier."

Hope Count: 6
Jasmine-The Cog and Sword


The black haired princess entered the establishment wordlessly, red eyes holding curiosity as she glanced around. It appeared to be an inn of sorts? Well, she saw no reason not to take a moment to relax for a bit.

@Yun Lee @LuckycoolHawk9 @Mason Moretti
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The Ashen One - No-Man's Land

A bonfire appeared near some ruined buildings within No-Man's Land. From this bonfire, a peculiar-looking man with armor slowly rose up from the ashes.

He looked around with a hunched back, clearly indicating weariness. He examined his surroundings and saw several ruins, which wasn't an odd sight to him. Back in his world, things were falling apart as well. This place was already feeling like home, and it pained him to notice the similarities. He began traversing the barren wasteland, hoping to find something of interest. Now that his world had succumbed to the Age of Dark, he couldn't go back. This planet was his new home.

The Ashen One didn't realize that he arrived in a dangerous area. This wouldn't be much of a problem, however. He was far from being fragile. He held powerful souls within his body and had experienced enough death to break a man.

After hours of walking, he began to see Charon in the distance. He was still very far away, however. He was now getting close to the edge of No-Man's Land.

@Anybody #WhatAmIDoing?
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"Yes, he did. For a long time, but eventually even he relented...for reasons I'm still not sure of." She lowered herself back to the ground. Stretching a hand out, she conjured a ball of flame. It shined bright blue, still as strong if not stronger. "Yes, I suppose I did that. Master something the Avatar could not...not for lack of trying on his part, but because his very nature relies on retaining an earthly tether. He needs to be its' guardian, and the world needs him in turn." Azula let the flame fade and took a seat herself next to him with a contemplative look.

"Benefit of hindsight, I guess." She shrugged. "And anything else? Hmm." She glanced upwards into the sky, her loose, unpinned hair dropping past her shoulders with the movement. "I don't know if things went similarly in your world or not, but...something I've never gotten around to telling him, my Zuko, comes to mind. That I...I regret trying to kill him. There we were on that airship, two siblings trying their utmost to kill each other for the sake of a father who cared for neither of them. Crazy, huh?"



"You can.. Bend fire and air?!" Zuko exclaimed as Azula displayed her abilities, evidently shocking the male even further. "But how? Only Aang can bend multiple elements. Only the Avatar..." he trailed off, getting up and beginning to pace. None of this made any sense. He shook his head in frustration, once again shoving his hands through his hair anxiously. Probably to keep himself from letting out any fire out of sheer frustration, but who knew? Taking a deep breath to attempt to calm himself, the soon-to-be Firelord tried to run over the facts. "So let me get this straight... Aang took away your bending, and replaced it with air," he started. "Then, you... Changed. And he gave it back, but let you keep the air with it."


Yeah. It made just as little sense when he said it aloud as it made in his mind.

And then there was Azula's next words, which brought things to a whole new level. And he thought he was awkward. "Uhh... Thanks, I guess."

Great sibling bonding there.



In another section of the city, a young girl strode proudly, stomping along the ground of the ashen planet with a purpose. "I can't believe that annoying girl would leave meow here, meow!" she hissed to herself, stomping harshly as she continued to complain to herself while she explored. "Stupid weird girl, and that dumb redhead, and... and.... that dumb guy in the dress with that ridiculous ponytail! I'll kill them all, meow! Meow! Meowwwww!!--" A pause, the furious stomps ceasing as she found her gaze rising to a structure before her, mouth opening slightly as she regarded it. Her tail flickered curiously, ears twitching slightly.



Squinting at the sign for the building, the catgirl attempted to figure it out, tail swishing back and forth as she tried to sound out the words. Which, she couldn't really do, considering she didn't know how to read. Never had she been taught even a single letter, so figuring it out proved impossible. After a long while of standing outside trying to figure it out, she snarled, hands balling into fists at her sides as she gave up her attempt. "Oh.... whatever!!! Meow!" And with that, she stormed into the place, carelessly shoving the door open and entering with a little more calm than she had executed with the first described action.

The Fight Club. Probably the perfect place for her, if one went off the name.

@TheFightClub @Whoevs​

"You can.. Bend fire and air?!" Zuko exclaimed as Azula displayed her abilities, evidently shocking the male even further. "But how? Only Aang can bend multiple elements. Only the Avatar..." he trailed off, getting up and beginning to pace. None of this made any sense. He shook his head in frustration, once again shoving his hands through his hair anxiously. Probably to keep himself from letting out any fire out of sheer frustration, but who knew? Taking a deep breath to attempt to calm himself, the soon-to-be Firelord tried to run over the facts. "So let me get this straight... Aang took away your bending, and replaced it with air," he started. "Then, you... Changed. And he gave it back, but let you keep the air with it."


Yeah. It made just as little sense when he said it aloud as it made in his mind.

And then there was Azula's next words, which brought things to a whole new level. And he thought he was awkward. "Uhh... Thanks, I guess."

Great sibling bonding there.



In another section of the city, a young girl strode proudly, stomping along the ground of the ashen planet with a purpose. "I can't believe that annoying girl would leave meow here, meow!" she hissed to herself, stomping harshly as she continued to complain to herself while she explored. "Stupid weird girl, and that dumb redhead, and... and.... that dumb guy in the dress with that ridiculous ponytail! I'll kill them all, meow! Meow! Meowwwww!!--" A pause, the furious stomps ceasing as she found her gaze rising to a structure before her, mouth opening slightly as she regarded it. Her tail flickered curiously, ears twitching slightly.



Squinting at the sign for the building, the catgirl attempted to figure it out, tail swishing back and forth as she tried to sound out the words. Which, she couldn't really do, considering she didn't know how to read. Never had she been taught even a single letter, so figuring it out proved impossible. After a long while of standing outside trying to figure it out, she snarled, hands balling into fists at her sides as she gave up her attempt. "Oh.... whatever!!! Meow!" And with that, she stormed into the place, carelessly shoving the door open and entering with a little more calm than she had executed with the first described action.

The Fight Club. Probably the perfect place for her, if one went off the name.

@TheFightClub @Whoevs​

Lwai Aura Tibesti- The Fight Club

Lwai had been wandering about carefully throughr the city. Hw had only been there a few days but hw knew he should be careful but to also help as many people as he could in any way necessary. Surprisingly enough, he hadn't gone into The Fight Club before, but grew curious and headed inside after a green haired girl with cat ears and a tail stood outside for a while before heading in. Hw didn't want to be rude at all and ask her to move so he waited for her to enter before he did.

"Excuse me? You seem upset?" he pondered, head tilting slightly as red eyes studied her. Greeen hair, cat like appendages. Almost reminded him of a friend back home in a way.

@Hospes #No Regrets
Zara- Old City

"I see." The undead said, as if that explained everything. A roaring gurgle escaped her stomach. Sure, she didn't actually need to eat any more, but it still made her body a lot more comfortable. "Do you have any food available, or better yet, a place where I can go and find out more about the hornet's nest I seem to have shoved my head into?"
Iris turned her head. "We're headed to a bunker of ours a little ways over there. Alternatively, there's a city a few miles that way." She pointed. "I wouldn't head there without guidance, though. The guards can be a bit... prejudiced and might mistake you for an Order soldier." She said. "It's your choice."


She dropped off from the ship and onto another roof of a different skyscraper that made the Burj Khalifa look like a puny ant. However, Widow was not here for a tourist trip. She was here to kill.

Pulling the invitation out again as her ship flew away, Widow tried to find the supposed "Ragnarok Command Center" that is situated in Charon. "Within the Upper City..." Widow mumbled to herself in her French. "I see..."

Not taking the time to appreciate the futuristic scenery around her, she quickly made her way to the Command Center by hopping, or even swinging, from roof to roof.

After a while, Widowmaker found the base where ODMA was located, except the door was closed completely and she didn't know how to access it. "What an amazing welcome." She rolled her eyes, contemplating whether she should shoot the door open or not.

@Minerva @ Anyone?
An Armored Personnel carrier marked with the UN Logo pulled up. A Chinese Woman in a red jumpsuit was the first to get out. She looked around for a second and mentioned something about ghosts and The Order to a guard. The badge on her lapel read "M. Yu"
In another section of the city, a young girl strode proudly, stomping along the ground of the ashen planet with a purpose. "I can't believe that annoying girl would leave meow here, meow!" she hissed to herself, stomping harshly as she continued to complain to herself while she explored. "Stupid weird girl, and that dumb redhead, and... and.... that dumb guy in the dress with that ridiculous ponytail! I'll kill them all, meow! Meow! Meowwwww!!--" A pause, the furious stomps ceasing as she found her gaze rising to a structure before her, mouth opening slightly as she regarded it. Her tail flickered curiously, ears twitching slightly.



Squinting at the sign for the building, the catgirl attempted to figure it out, tail swishing back and forth as she tried to sound out the words. Which, she couldn't really do, considering she didn't know how to read. Never had she been taught even a single letter, so figuring it out proved impossible. After a long while of standing outside trying to figure it out, she snarled, hands balling into fists at her sides as she gave up her attempt. "Oh.... whatever!!! Meow!" And with that, she stormed into the place, carelessly shoving the door open and entering with a little more calm than she had executed with the first described action.

The Fight Club. Probably the perfect place for her, if one went off the name.

@TheFightClub @Whoevs
Lwai Aura Tibesti- The Fight Club

Lwai had been wandering about carefully throughr the city. Hw had only been there a few days but hw knew he should be careful but to also help as many people as he could in any way necessary. Surprisingly enough, he hadn't gone into The Fight Club before, but grew curious and headed inside after a green haired girl with cat ears and a tail stood outside for a while before heading in. Hw didn't want to be rude at all and ask her to move so he waited for her to enter before he did.

"Excuse me? You seem upset?" he pondered, head tilting slightly as red eyes studied her. Greeen hair, cat like appendages. Almost reminded him of a friend back home in a way.

@Hospes #No Regrets
Visiting the fight club was yet another. A young girl with reddish hair had made her way to the fight club to look over it as a member of the Coalition. At least, that was what she was supposed to be here for, but she couldn't deny that she had a bit of an interest in the fighting that would be going on here.


"Hey, what's going on here?" she asked with a friendly tone.

@Takumi @Hospes

  • Nice Execution!
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Fandral the dashing

Fandral watches as the dark haired woman enters the inn. Still standing next to Chris, the Asgardian's attention clearly has been diverted as he starts to fetch yet another medium sized cup and fill it too with the delicious mead. Just then one of the bar maids brought him a couple of empty bottles to fill with Mead.

@Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Mason Moretti
Visiting the fight club was yet another. A young girl with reddish hair had made her way to the fight club to look over it as a member of the Coalition. At least, that was what she was supposed to be here for, but she couldn't deny that she had a bit of an interest in the fighting that would be going on here.


"Hey, what's going on here?" she asked with a friendly tone.

@Takumi @Hospes

Fandral the dashing

Fandral watches as the dark haired woman enters the inn. Still standing next to Chris, the Asgardian's attention clearly has been diverted as he starts to fetch yet another medium sized cup and fill it too with the delicious mead. Just then one of the bar maids brought him a couple of empty bottles to fill with Mead.

@Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Mason Moretti

Jasmine noticed Fandral watching her and being the naive friendly Princess she was, she approached him and his companions with a smile.

"Hello there, sir." she greeted. She tilted her head at the smell of his beverage, curious.

"That drink you have there, is there honey in it?" she questioned. She was totally off to a great start, not at all having a chance to potentiality make it awkward.

@Gands @Mason Moretti @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee


Lwai's attention was taken away from the catgirl to the redhead that approached.

"Well, nothing much--other than a fight I hear somewhere else in the area. Then again, it is called Fight Club. I'm assuming it's like an arena of sorts. As for me, I was asking this young lady here if everything was alright since she seemed upset. Oh! How rude of me, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Lwai, Lwai Aura Tibesti." the white haired male rubbed the back of his head a bit sheepishly.

@Hospes @Kaykay


Heading to the Supply Drop deep withing Charon was Clare, the pale blonde moving at a steady pace as grey eyes stared ahead at her destination. Stopping, she noticed both Azula and Zuko, before nodding to the two. If things weren't awkward enough? They probably were pretty awkward now, as Clare didn't bother trying to speak to the other two other than her nod of acknowledgement.

The Claymore sat some distance from them and closed her eyes, waiting patiently.

@C.T. @Hospes

Iris turned her head. "We're headed to a bunker of ours a little ways over there. Alternatively, there's a city a few miles that way." She pointed. "I wouldn't head there without guidance, though. The guards can be a bit... prejudiced and might mistake you for an Order soldier." She said. "It's your choice."

An Armored Personnel carrier marked with the UN Logo pulled up. A Chinese Woman in a red jumpsuit was the first to get out. She looked around for a second and mentioned something about ghosts and The Order to a guard. The badge on her lapel read "M. Yu"
Widowmaker quickly turned around after hearing the entrance door slide open. It was just a woman who seemed to be also working for the ODMA. She then looked at the badge that was on the lady's chest. M. Yu? I see.

By the time Morgan had came out of the Command Center, Widow had already gotten bored of waiting, so she was on top of the roof. When she saw the person, she then jumped off the roof and landed in front of the Chinese lady.

"Excuse me," Widow spoke to Morgan, "Is this where ODMA is located?"

Sombra continued to run around the lab, using her invisibility to make sure she doesn't get noticed by security cameras. Not long after, she was at the secret area of the lab that 'supposedly' had some top secret information about Ash. Smiling gleefully, she had no problem passing through the security codes and quickly tried to find information on a certain individual -- Aline Maera.


"Hmm," Sombra glanced at the cube of information that she gathered from the supercomputers in the room. "Seems like a secret that cannot be revealed. Heh, perfect."

She then stored the information into her spinal tech, before sneaking away to find Dr Maera.

@Minerva @ Anyone?

"You can.. Bend fire and air?!" Zuko exclaimed as Azula displayed her abilities, evidently shocking the male even further. "But how? Only Aang can bend multiple elements. Only the Avatar..." he trailed off, getting up and beginning to pace. None of this made any sense. He shook his head in frustration, once again shoving his hands through his hair anxiously. Probably to keep himself from letting out any fire out of sheer frustration, but who knew? Taking a deep breath to attempt to calm himself, the soon-to-be Firelord tried to run over the facts. "So let me get this straight... Aang took away your bending, and replaced it with air," he started. "Then, you... Changed. And he gave it back, but let you keep the air with it."


Yeah. It made just as little sense when he said it aloud as it made in his mind.

And then there was Azula's next words, which brought things to a whole new level. And he thought he was awkward. "Uhh... Thanks, I guess."

Great sibling bonding there.​

"Yes. Two elements, working in tandem. It certainly is not easy, and sometimes the strain on my body is overwhelming, but I've made it work. It is me, after all, despite everything I lost. They said it was impossible to conquer Ba Sing Se, but I did. At the height of his power, I killed the Avatar... or it seemed I had. I make the impossible, possible. That's my nature, no matter how much I change." Still...she was sure she never wanted to try four, as the Avatar did. She stood up as well, looking over to him. "Greatness is in our blood, after all. The descendants of an Avatar and a Fire Lord. And speaking of in our blood-" She chuckled as he paced back in forth in clear frustration. "-I know a few airbending tidbits that can help with that. I've been there too. Glad to see some things don't change."

Azula paused at his reluctant thanks before snickering. "You're welcome, big brother Zuzu." She paused again, looking over at Clare as she nodded to them. Her own gaze slowly returned to Zuko. "Do you know her?"

@Hospes @Takumi
Jasmine noticed Fandral watching her and being the naive friendly Princess she was, she approached him and his companions with a smile.

"Hello there, sir." she greeted. She tilted her head at the smell of his beverage, curious.

"That drink you have there, is there honey in it?" she questioned. She was totally off to a great start, not at all having a chance to potentiality make it awkward.
Fandral the Dashing

" Hello my Lady, indeed it does, what a sensitive pallet you have!. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Fandral of Asgard ( he bows here ). I am afraid, this gentleman ( indicating Chris, standing nearby ) has not as yet had a moment to introduce himself. This ( gesturing ) is Lucky Naguto. And last but not least (gesturing) is Lady Angie!. "

Fandral hands the Princess a medium cup with the Meade. Then the tall Asgardian moves back over to the barrel and starts to fill a couple of empty bottles for the Barkeep.

" I was just inquiring of these fine folks what they do in town. I myself have not been in town long at all and was thinking of volunteering to the local military or something similar."

@Takumi @Mason Moretti @Yun Lee @LuckycoolHawk9
Lwai Aura Tibesti- The Fight Club

Lwai had been wandering about carefully throughr the city. Hw had only been there a few days but hw knew he should be careful but to also help as many people as he could in any way necessary. Surprisingly enough, he hadn't gone into The Fight Club before, but grew curious and headed inside after a green haired girl with cat ears and a tail stood outside for a while before heading in. Hw didn't want to be rude at all and ask her to move so he waited for her to enter before he did.

"Excuse me? You seem upset?" he pondered, head tilting slightly as red eyes studied her. Greeen hair, cat like appendages. Almost reminded him of a friend back home in a way.

@Hospes #No Regrets


There was only a short pause from Tarlotte, who whirled on her heel upon being addressed, as she regarded the stranger with weary golden eyes and a rigid tail before finally replying. "It's none of mew're business if I'm upset, meow!"



It had been a while now since the unfortunate turn the soldier's mission had taken. Since her crash landing on this god-forsaken planet. Ash was a fitting name for it, really, she mused. It was barren and dusty, after all. And an annoyance, when you caught too much of it in your eye. Which, Agent Carolina would say she had.

"This is ridiculous," she abruptly stated, sending a pathetically loose piece of ground flying through the air with a small kick as hands clenched at her sides in frustration. "Did the engineers really think they could get away without checking the ship's condition without a crash being imminent?" she fumed. If it weren't bad enough that they'd crashed, period, what made it worse was that this damnable planet didn't seem to have anything akin to the tech they needed to fix their craft anywhere.

Which happened to be enough to majorly piss off the freelancer.


"Yes. Two elements, working in tandem. It certainly is not easy, and sometimes the strain on my body is overwhelming, but I've made it work. It is me, after all, despite everything I lost. They said it was impossible to conquer Ba Sing Se, but I did. At the height of his power, I killed the Avatar... or it seemed I had. I make the impossible, possible. That's my nature, no matter how much I change." Still...she was sure she never wanted to try four, as the Avatar did. She stood up as well, looking over to him. "Greatness is in our blood, after all. The descendants of an Avatar and a Fire Lord. And speaking of in our blood-" She chuckled as he paced back in forth in clear frustration. "-I know a few airbending tidbits that can help with that. I've been there too. Glad to see some things don't change."

Azula paused at his reluctant thanks before snickering. "You're welcome, big brother Zuzu." She paused again, looking over at Clare as she nodded to them. Her own gaze slowly returned to Zuko. "Do you know her?"

@Hospes @Takumi

At this, Zuko managed a faint smile, pausing in his movements. Although, it was hardly something that could be considered a real, full smile. More like a hint of one, the slightest upward tug of his lips. "Well, you're still as confident as ever," he mused. "At least our universes share one thing." Although, perhaps that shared fact wasn't the greatest one. But at least one differing fact was that Azula didn't want to kill him and his friends.

To her offer of soothing him with an airbending technique, however, he slowly rose his hands in front of him. "I appreciate it, but I'm alright. I just... Need a minute," he stated. Or twenty. "This is just a lot to take in--"


Glancing to follow Azula's gaze, Zuko observed the distant observer, features steeling up slightly. "...No. And judging by your tone, I'm guessing you don't, either."

@C.T. @Takumi @The supply drop​
It had been a while now since the unfortunate turn the soldier's mission had taken. Since her crash landing on this god-forsaken planet. Ash was a fitting name for it, really, she mused. It was barren and dusty, after all. And an annoyance, when you caught too much of it in your eye. Which, Agent Carolina would say she had.

"This is ridiculous," she abruptly stated, sending a pathetically loose piece of ground flying through the air with a small kick as hands clenched at her sides in frustration. "Did the engineers really think they could get away without checking the ship's condition without a crash being imminent?" she fumed. If it weren't bad enough that they'd crashed, period, what made it worse was that this damnable planet didn't seem to have anything akin to the tech they needed to fix their craft anywhere.

Which happened to be enough to majorly piss off the freelancer.​
"Easy, easy. No need to take out your frustration on the ground. The view's not bad." His helmet was still on but you could practically sense the smirk on his face as he looked pointedly at Carolina. "Besides, it could be worse. Could be stuck here without help. Delta?"

"Yes, Agent York?"

"You got a handle on anything worth noting?"

"Affirmative. I am detecting a rather large...and unusual...energy reading not far out. At a walking pace it could be done in a few hours. Bare minimum with the loosest definition of walking."

"Well see, there ya go. Thanks D."

At this, Zuko managed a faint smile, pausing in his movements. Although, it was hardly something that could be considered a real, full smile. More like a hint of one, the slightest upward tug of his lips. "Well, you're still as confident as ever," he mused. "At least our universes share one thing." Although, perhaps that shared fact wasn't the greatest one. But at least one differing fact was that Azula didn't want to kill him and his friends.

To her offer of soothing him with an airbending technique, however, he slowly rose his hands in front of him. "I appreciate it, but I'm alright. I just... Need a minute," he stated. Or twenty. "This is just a lot to take in--"


Glancing to follow Azula's gaze, Zuko observed the distant observer, features steeling up slightly. "...No. And judging by your tone, I'm guessing you don't, either.​
"I guess they do." She replied simply, falling silent in contemplation for a few seconds before her mouth opened once more. "So I take it I'm still in the asylum where you're from. And no, I don't, genius. That's why I asked."

@Hospes @Takumi
Fandral the Dashing

" Hello my Lady, indeed it does, what a sensitive pallet you have!. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Fandral of Asgard ( he bows here ). I am afraid, this gentleman ( indicating Chris, standing nearby ) has not as yet had a moment to introduce himself. This ( gesturing ) is Lucky Naguto. And last but not least (gesturing) is Lady Angie!. "

Fandral hands the Princess a medium cup with the Meade. Then the tall Asgardian moves back over to the barrel and starts to fill a couple of empty bottles for the Barkeep.

" I was just inquiring of these fine folks what they do in town. I myself have not been in town long at all and was thinking of volunteering to the local military or something similar."

@Takumi @Mason Moretti @Yun Lee @LuckycoolHawk9

"I'm Jasmine of Nohr, and I myself haven't been here long. The local military? Hm." she hummed, tapping her chin with a forefinger before taking the cup being handed to her.

"Ah, thank you." she smiled.

"I may have to see what this local military is like." she mused thoughtfully.

@Gands @LuckycoolHawk9 @Mason Moretti @Yun Lee


"Yes. Two elements, working in tandem. It certainly is not easy, and sometimes the strain on my body is overwhelming, but I've made it work. It is me, after all, despite everything I lost. They said it was impossible to conquer Ba Sing Se, but I did. At the height of his power, I killed the Avatar... or it seemed I had. I make the impossible, possible. That's my nature, no matter how much I change." Still...she was sure she never wanted to try four, as the Avatar did. She stood up as well, looking over to him. "Greatness is in our blood, after all. The descendants of an Avatar and a Fire Lord. And speaking of in our blood-" She chuckled as he paced back in forth in clear frustration. "-I know a few airbending tidbits that can help with that. I've been there too. Glad to see some things don't change."

Azula paused at his reluctant thanks before snickering. "You're welcome, big brother Zuzu." She paused again, looking over at Clare as she nodded to them. Her own gaze slowly returned to Zuko. "Do you know her?"

@Hospes @Takumi


There was only a short pause from Tarlotte, who whirled on her heel upon being addressed, as she regarded the stranger with weary golden eyes and a rigid tail before finally replying. "It's none of mew're business if I'm upset, meow!"



It had been a while now since the unfortunate turn the soldier's mission had taken. Since her crash landing on this god-forsaken planet. Ash was a fitting name for it, really, she mused. It was barren and dusty, after all. And an annoyance, when you caught too much of it in your eye. Which, Agent Carolina would say she had.

"This is ridiculous," she abruptly stated, sending a pathetically loose piece of ground flying through the air with a small kick as hands clenched at her sides in frustration. "Did the engineers really think they could get away without checking the ship's condition without a crash being imminent?" she fumed. If it weren't bad enough that they'd crashed, period, what made it worse was that this damnable planet didn't seem to have anything akin to the tech they needed to fix their craft anywhere.

Which happened to be enough to majorly piss off the freelancer.



At this, Zuko managed a faint smile, pausing in his movements. Although, it was hardly something that could be considered a real, full smile. More like a hint of one, the slightest upward tug of his lips. "Well, you're still as confident as ever," he mused. "At least our universes share one thing." Although, perhaps that shared fact wasn't the greatest one. But at least one differing fact was that Azula didn't want to kill him and his friends.

To her offer of soothing him with an airbending technique, however, he slowly rose his hands in front of him. "I appreciate it, but I'm alright. I just... Need a minute," he stated. Or twenty. "This is just a lot to take in--"


Glancing to follow Azula's gaze, Zuko observed the distant observer, features steeling up slightly. "...No. And judging by your tone, I'm guessing you don't, either."

@C.T. @Takumi @The supply drop​

"Easy, easy. No need to take out your frustration on the ground. The view's not bad." His helmet was still on but you could practically sense the smirk on his face as he looked pointedly at Carolina. "Besides, it could be worse. Could be stuck here without help. Delta?"

"Yes, Agent York?"

"You got a handle on anything worth noting?"

"Affirmative. I am detecting a rather large...and unusual...energy reading not far out. At a walking pace it could be done in a few hours. Bare minimum with the loosest definition of walking."

"Well see, there ya go. Thanks D."


"I guess they do." She replied simply, falling silent in contemplation for a few seconds before her mouth opened once more. "So I take it I'm still in the asylum where you're from. And no, I don't, genius. That's why I asked."

@Hospes @Takumi

"..." Clare could tell that her nod of greeting was taken differently. She was failing at not making things weird, especially without her slightly more social partner.

"Are you a part of the Coalition, waiting for a supply drop?" she asked bluntly minutes after Azula finished speaking.

Nailed it.

@Hospes @C.T.


Lwai tilted his head once more at the catgirl. He watched her reaction for a moment calmly.

"You don't have to tell me or get defensive or anything. Was just curious cause, well, I figured that if you needed help with something I'd be able to help." he smiled sheepishly towards her.

@Hospes @Kaykay
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Mayuzumi Yukie

Mayuzumi Yukie was roaming one of the hallways of the Ragnarok Garrison of the coalition. Upon arriving at Ash, the four Devas went their separate ways in order to gather information more efficiently. Ageha, Despite this, they regularly meet up at a certain inn to discuss their findings. In a way, it was like the Friday Gatherings she used to have with the Kazama Family before this incident came to take place.

"You're getting homesick again, aren't you, Mayucchi?" The black horse cellphone strap named Matsukaze said to her.

In reality, the cellphone strap was non-sentient, and inanimate and the only way he manages to say his thoughts out loud and communicate with other people was because Yukie performs something akin ventriloquism. She had been conversing with Matsukaze ever since she was a child. Since her family's reputation and her own prowess with the sword made it difficult for her to make friends, she had instinctively coped with her lonely childhood by making a friend out of that wooden cellphone strap her father gave her. Even after she made friends with the Kazama Family, Oowada Iyo, and Fushikawa Kokoro, she still retained her habit of talking with Matsukaze regardless if she was alone, with friends, or in public in general.

Right now, Yukie has been having trouble making friends, as usual. Most people would be put off by her whenever they see her with her sword, talking with Matsukaze, making weird expressions when she talks, or a combination of the three. Since she's relatively new, she hasn't had the chance to display any of her skills yet.

"Ugh... Of course I miss everyone. Mom, Dad, Sayaka, Everyone in the Kazami Family. I forgot how hard it was for me to make friends, Matsukaze. Being here makes it look like making friends back at Kawakami City was easier. But, I can't lose hope! I swear, before we go back to our world, I'll make at least a single friend here!"

The black-haired samurai-girl tried to cheer herself up with those words, but it seemed like Matsukaze was throughly disappointed with her when she heard him click his tongue.

"What are you saying Mayucchi?! Are you really going to be satisfied with just making one friend? You're in a different place, in a different planet, in a different universe! You can make more than a hundred friends here, if you try! So go forth, Mayucchi! Start with this garrison, then expand to the entire coalition, then the United Nations. Then, all of Ash! The world is your oyster Mayucchi!!"

After hearing her longest friend's encouraging words, Yukie pumped her fist excitedly in the air before she continued walking towards her objective. One could see fiery determination in her eyes as she set out to locate a certain person that she heard had also recently joined the Coalition. Certainly, it would be easier to befriend a fellow new recruit compared to the more senior members. Or at least that's what she hoped would happen. She's only gotten a rough description of this initiate from the rumors and hearsay's she's heard throughout the base. Once she laid her eyes on a girl matching the new recruit;;s description, she hurriedly went over to her general direction.

But upon realizing she was already talking to someone else, Yukie momentarily stopped in her tracks to observe their conversation. She then realized it was Bastion, one of the non-human members of the Coalition. Since she already had some experience befriending robots in the past, in the form of the Kazama Family's "Cookie", Yukie started toward the two again, but this time, taking hushed, cautious steps.

"G....Good Morning Bastion-san! Oh and you must be the new recruit.... Kyrielight-san, Right?"
Yukie said in a sheepish voice. She was so nervous that both Bastion and Mashu would probably notice that she was trembling, along with the weird expression she was making.

@Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Zara- Old City

"Well if you think it wouldn't be safe for me to go there, then I guess I'll stick with you." Zara focused her mystical senses. The aura of death wasn't as strong as it would be in, say, a graveyard, but apparently enough necromantic energy was there to allow her to summon a bolt of death magic, which she held in her hand before letting it dissipate. She was back up to her usual strength, and she doubted there were many nonmagical beings who could stand up to her one-on-one combat. "Lead the way, then."
Aleks Hyde | Fight-Club | Outer City

Graduating from The Torch under the Coalition banner was certainly an interesting experience. Just from her time as a recruit alone, she'd seen many varied people and creatures that she wouldn't have seen otherwise, had she just stayed on ol' boring Earth. And it appeared that the next chapter of her story was to begin on the planet of Ash.

Aleks hadn't been there long, but right away she had begun trying to learn the ins and outs of Charon and it's surrounding areas. Gossip. The popular areas to hang out when there was a moment to rest.

And that's what led her to a certain fight club situated discreetly in the outer city. It was hardly the nicest environment, but for what purpose the establishment was trying to serve, it worked well enough.

Curiously, the illusionary girl watched an apparent brawl about to go down between a blonde haired girl and... a rather large dinosaur thing. Weird. Perhaps she'd stick around and watch. The outcome was sure to be interesting.​

@thatguyinthestore @Gummi Bunnies #FightClub
Shirou Emiya | Fight Club | Outer City



Shirou Emiya was in a place unfamiliar to him. However, the dreary landscape, if nothing else, was quite familiar. Akin to the first scene he remembered in his life. An ominously dark sky, decorated with ruins as far as the eye could see. It was almost like the aftermath of a battleground. A war between heroes and villains. Champions of justice and warriors of darkness. Of course, Shirou had grown away from such archaic, idealistic terms like "hero" and "villain" long ago. There was never so much as good and evil, but rather, two sides that fought for what they believed in.

Even if what one believed in was, without argument, what many would consider "evil."

In any case, despite the sense of deja vu he got from this area, it was evident that he was not in Fuyuki, or any alternate sort of it, or perhaps even Japan for that matter. No, it was more likely that he was entirely within another dimension. Like the realization of the Third Magic.

Within the distance, after a few minutes of aimlessly walking around, the boy with orange hair and a touch of white in it stumbled upon what appeared to be a scene of two strange figures battling. One appearing to be a strange dragon-like creature with a turtle shell, and the other, a young girl with armor and... a particular sword. Was that... Excalibur? Or perhaps Caliburn? Shirou was off his game at the moment after his days of imprisonment; he could hardly even walk straight, let alone use his tracing to identify swords from this far a distance. Perhaps in any other circumstance, he would be alarmed by the sight of two people fighting, but observing the girl nearby calmly observing, Shirou could only surmise that this was, if anything, a casual battle, which could be reinforced by how contained their movements were. Relatively speaking, of course. Not that he was any master combatant or tactician, but he certainly knew a thing or two about the art of fighting.

Approaching Aleks, not giving much mind to his battered appearance (dirty clothing with his right sleeve completely missing and a rather well-sized scar on his face), he stopped next to her, watching the fight.

"Quite a flamboyant display of power for a place that seems so dead," he commented, letting out a breath, "What... What is this place anyway? I guess I made a wrong move somewhere and got lost..." Shirou continued, idly looking around for a moment, and then moving his gaze over to Aleks.

@Gummi Bunnies @Kaide` @thatguyinthestore
Shirou Emiya | Fight Club | Outer City



Shirou Emiya was in a place unfamiliar to him. However, the dreary landscape, if nothing else, was quite familiar. Akin to the first scene he remembered in his life. An ominously dark sky, decorated with ruins as far as the eye could see. It was almost like the aftermath of a battleground. A war between heroes and villains. Champions of justice and warriors of darkness. Of course, Shirou had grown away from such archaic, idealistic terms like "hero" and "villain" long ago. There was never so much as good and evil, but rather, two sides that fought for what they believed in.

Even if what one believed in was, without argument, what many would consider "evil."

In any case, despite the sense of deja vu he got from this area, it was evident that he was not in Fuyuki, or any alternate sort of it, or perhaps even Japan for that matter. No, it was more likely that he was entirely within another dimension. Like the realization of the Third Magic.

Within the distance, after a few minutes of aimlessly walking around, the boy with orange hair and a touch of white in it stumbled upon what appeared to be a scene of two strange figures battling. One appearing to be a strange dragon-like creature with a turtle shell, and the other, a young girl with armor and... a particular sword. Was that... Excalibur? Or perhaps Caliburn? Shirou was off his game at the moment after his days of imprisonment; he could hardly even walk straight, let alone use his tracing to identify swords from this far a distance. Perhaps in any other circumstance, he would be alarmed by the sight of two people fighting, but observing the girl nearby calmly observing, Shirou could only surmise that this was, if anything, a casual battle, which could be reinforced by how contained their movements were. Relatively speaking, of course. Not that he was any master combatant or tactician, but he certainly knew a thing or two about the art of fighting.

Approaching Aleks, not giving much mind to his battered appearance (dirty clothing with his right sleeve completely missing and a rather well-sized scar on his face), he stopped next to her, watching the fight.

"Quite a flamboyant display of power for a place that seems so dead," he commented, letting out a breath, "What... What is this place anyway? I guess I made a wrong move somewhere and got lost..." Shirou continued, idly looking around for a moment, and then moving his gaze over to Aleks.
Aleks Hyde | Fight-Club | Outer City

Aleks seemed rather amused at the fight before her, noting the usage of fire and fancy sword tricks. When she was approached by a young man, she brought her gaze away from the fight and focused on him instead. Immediately she cocked a brow, seeming to size him up.

"You're in the Outer City. Fight club, specifically." She gave a brief offhand gesture in the direction of Bowser and Saber Lily, seeming to try and emphasize a point. "Y'know, if the fighting and stuff wasn't a big enough hint for you."

She smiled slyly, returning her attention back to the fight. "I'm just messin' with you. Are you new here? You look like you've been in your own share of fights."

@Verite @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore #FightClub
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