Radiation Poisoning

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Ajax waited for V to move before he did anything. He wondered if this mutie had done something to the others outside. He kept his rifle raised, ready for something to happen.
V stopped as soon as Oliver asked that question. "What if I am," it asked gruffly? It stood very close to the mutant. It new that the imp would spare no expense at catching it again, and if this mutant was with the imp then it was likely that anybody who stood between him and V would be in danger.

Outside, the scythe armed class three stopped its attack on Tank and flexed causing spikes to erupt all over its upper body. They were metal and sparked with electricity as they protruded. The imp may not want those they found to be injured very badly, but he had to call the class threes off to keep it from happening, this time he was not yet aware.
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Mira quietly growled at Oliver. Her sharp nails protruded just a bit longer than they were before.
Oliver's eye's became a bit visible as the figure of the head tilted backward. Twin emerald ebbs stared back at Avo, V and Mira. Hopping from one to the other before landing on V.

"If you are a collaborate of that Imp-y son-of-a-bitch.... If you are, I'm going to spread your hooded skull like butter on the wall."

Oliver's stance strengthened - knee's bent and feet spread to shoulder lengths. The intruder obviously wasn't playing games. Ollie's free hand rose and pulled the hood back, revealing the feminine face underneath adorned with a framing bobcut.
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"Why do you want this so called 'number five'...?" She asked, sounding a bit angry.
V relaxed a little, but didn't say anything as Mira had spoken up and asked the stranger a question.
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Tank rolled out the way of the atack and said "you real feisty mutant" he chucked the cans of food over by the mutant and the cans clanked.
With the face of the assailant now visible, Oliver's eyes rolled to the women who spoke up and then dropped back to V. For a moment silence sucked up the void between them, the only ambiance being the mutant outside, fighting the other mutants with the cat-girl. Those green ebbs then sharpened and the figure too a small step forward.

"I need to find somebody - somebody also looking for 'the number five'."

This was all the information Oliver was willing to give out for now. In Oliver's head - if the 'number five' turned out to be a partner of the target, Ollie'd use them to lure them in. If they were a enemy of the target, Ollie'd stick around until they found 'the number five'. Easy-peasy, right?
Mira was still crouching behind Avo, she didn't yet make a move to hurt Oliver, nor did she want to. If Oliver made any sort of move to hurt anyone she would have to, though. "Who is 'somebody'...?"
Oliver met the girl's question with silence. To be quite honest, Ollie didn't know who they were. The journey had began with only knowing of the question. 'Are you the number-five'. Using that, Oliver had gotten a description of who it was as 'impish' but... that was all.

"That's a question for your colleague over there. I'm sure *it*-" Oliver spoke 'it' in a sharp tongue. Offensively. "-can give you a better answer then I can."

and with that, Oliver let silence dance between them again - wanting to get information and leave, more then stand around and play twenty questions.
Avo grew weary if this stranger and decided to do something about it. He twisted his rifle in his hands so he was holding it like a club, and with one a swift brutal stroke he struck Oliver across the face with it, hoping to knock him out.
Mira stayed still, allowing this. She didn't much care for the stranger, and she didn't care what happened to Oliver.
(Thanks guys! I really appreciate it.)

Kit felt spikes cut her on both legs and her left arm. The fire in her eyes raged on and she leaped off him. She landed on her feet on the back of Kila. Both had eyes as red as blood that raged like an eternal forest fire. Kit put her palms out toward the monster and a large ball of fire appeared before them. During Berserker mode Kit could control fire, water, wind, and earth depending on what she wished to use. The fire ball grew larger and once Kit was pleased with it she narrowed her eyes. Like a trigger the fire blasted at the monster and Kit kept her hands up, mind focused on the task but senses completely alert.
V reached out and tried to deflect the swing, it nodded to Oliver. "I am V, and the only one looking for me, is the Imp." It stood there staring down at Oliver, not flinching from the weapon. A pistol was nothing to be afraid, little gun, with a little piece of metal traveling slowly. What was to be feared, was the mind of the Imp searching for V. Able to control another person, just by letting them look into its eyes, that was scary. "If you are looking for the Imp, I suggest you head outside.

The class three was engulfed in the flames, and pelted with cans. A weaker, lower class mutant, might have been bothered by these attacks, but with the wind and rain weakening most of their effects the class three just shrugged them off. It backed up though when it noticed Kila, then lifted its arms above its head, but before it could bring them crashing down a sharp whistle pierced the air, and it stopped. Turning away it started walking again, the other class three was moving on already.

A few seconds and the calm caught up, the storm being replaced by a clear night sky. The same weather controlling mutants walked past Tank and Kit, arms raised. No matter what they would ignore them, as their focus was only able to be on the storm. Out in the dark the rest of the mutants were approaching them, their masked and cloaked bodies hid quite well in the darkness.
"well guess it wasnt hungry after all" Tank said as he picks up and dusts off the cans of food that lay on the ground. "so whos the new guy" Tank said to V as he walked over,
Oliver's sharp green eyes finally were boring into Avo until five intervened and then they once again landed on the hooded mutant. After a moment of listening to him not only did Ollie's eyebrows arch in misunderstanding, a bit of anxiety took over. A strange look over took, and Ollie turned quickly before making a dead dash in the direction that had suddenly becoming suspiciously quiet. As Oliver turned it became apparent why they hadn't flinched at the rifle as Oliver's arms passed right through it, not affecting it at all. In the next moment, the strange-intruder's head was sticking through the wall, with no visible damage to the small house. The storm was gone and the type three's were too. Were they connected to the imp? Then Oliver took a deep inhale of air - taking in scents and letting them settle. Trying to make sense of the direction, but all there was, was a slight stench from the storm, and no viable direction.

Finally, Oliver let out a sigh and pulled their head back into the building and took the next moment to look at the group. Oliver was silent, staring at them as though considering something or another. One-by-one Ollie's eye hoped between them until finally they fell onto V again, then, as the green-skinned mutant entered Oliver spoke.

"My name is Oliver. Oliver Maccy." the voice was numb and distant and made it all to clear that, for the most part Oliver didn't care about them. To her, V was the most important and that was only for information. Ollie's hands moved along her thick cloak and she began undoing buckles until the thick garmet fell from her form and she draped it over her forearm. It was now clear that, despite her name, gruff voice, square-ish jaw and man-ish demeanor, she was actually a female. She took a step in the direction of V. She had dark skin with a tan complexion and little light in her eyes.

"So, how do I follow them?"

and a voice that obviously harbored anger and impatience.
The other mutants outside, the ones with the Imp, followed Tank toward the house. Others moved in to separate Kit and Kila from the rest of them. They moved silently, and quickly, hiding in the dark. A message was passed along, and soon the Imp was aware that there was a group of survivors in a rundown house. It would converge on them, but first it summoned a class three to come to it.

V shook its head, and stood back when Tank entered. The two of them were much larger than anybody else in the room. V looked down at the female. The scent of the rest of the mutants outside was weak, but it contained so much that, to those with heightened sense of smell, it was obvious there was a lot of them outside. "If you want the Imp, stay here." V turned to the rest of the group, "I suggest we leave, quickly. The storm has passed, and what follows is coming this way."
Mira stood up, confused. "But this is the one safe place we have right now. Where will we go?" She asked sounding a little nervous.
Kit watched as the mutant backed away but still felt the need to kill. She was about to attack it again when the storm stopped suddenly. She looked around and saw that the rest of them were following the other mutant. She watched for second before noticing that Tank was walking toward try others. She growled under her breath and said on her knees on Kila's back. She tugged on Kila's fur slightly and the cat demon followed Tank. Kit could tell she was being separated from the others and curiousity hit her along with anger. She growled loudly to warn the others and turned to the dark, red eyes blazing.