Quiet Country People

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Well, if I'm adding a new character, I might as well make a wee little profile for the thing. Oh man, this will be adorable!
Is the kitten ok then?
If allowed I was planning on giving Henry this cat. He's got to have someone to talk to living in the parsonage all by himself.
He didn't name it though, just calls it cat . . .

The cat and the mouse are approved! That meeting is gonna be interesting...
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Name: Lyall F. Mouse

Age: 4 months

Birthday: 1/3/18??

Occupation: Field Mouse

Physical Description: Tiny, itty bitty brown mouse thing. She has a long tail, and a white belly.

Personality: Mischievous, but clever. She knows commands, and can retrieve sorts of things with rewards. Pencils for breadcrumbs, paper for cheese chunks.

Motivation(s): Cheese, praise, and the acorns and nuts she finds in the corners of Archibald's room.

Goal in Life: To eat all of the cheese.

Greatest Fear: Being eaten.

Useless Skill: She can collect papers and pencils, and small things for Archie if he so desires. She is also notoriously good for locking and unlocking items.

Favorite Things: Rain, dirt, cheese, scraps, pettings, warm places to sleep, Archie's pocket.

Least Favorite Things: CATS.

History: She was born in a field in the middle of January, and just so happened upon a warm little den. She first hid in socks that Archie kept in the back of his dresser, but she then became more willing to meet this human. They became friends, and an unlikely pair, as well.

Oh geez, now it seems like Pippa has some type of messy hair fetish.

Oh and by the way Pippa hasn't forgotten about the water creature girl, she's just overwhelmed with Mr. Pretty Hair and her unwanted crush feelings.
I hope eventually she follows him to a bar or something, and they become partners in crime. And jesus, a hair fetish?

"Nngh, baby, is that a dead bug in your hair? Ugh that's so hot..."
Also; I'm just going to wait to reply in a little bit-- to let Lorch and Temper get caught up. I can't imagine playing twins! I doubt I could even play a mouse.
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I feel so slow...
I'm sorry for holding everyone!
You haven't been holding us up Yuuka, don't worry! Do you have a character sheet in progress?
I just got started on it two minutes ago (due to RL holding me for some time)
I'm also taking a while to read all of your expectations.

If all goes well, expect someone wacky soon~!
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Due to some wonky internet problems, I'm gonna be on my phone. If there is a reply, I might put it off a wee bit.

EDIT: Aaaaaaaaandd fixed!
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Name: Dwynwyn Oihana Mnêmê McKinley

Age: 19.5

Birthday: March 10, 18XX

Occupation: Dwynwyn serves as a stewardess for the quiet Kingsley children. She loves the children, and she has her own house not far from the children.

Physical Description: She has a creamy skin color and she has a side-swept bob cut. Dwyn is about 5' 7.5" (172 cm) with her heels on. One of her most prominent traits is her striking, emerald green eyes and her rather long, turned up nose. Her trademark icicle earrings contains six, dazzling garnets, but this is not her gemstone. Instead, as to show her appreciation for nature, she is always seen wearing two watches (one around her neck, and another around her left wrist) and a sunflower bracelet on her right wrist. Dwynwyn also has her hair tucked to her ears on one side, and flipped on the other. Being an Irish woman at birth, her hair is of a natural auburn color, which derives from her mother.

Additionally, Dwyn is also self-conscious about her large breasts, and will do her best to wear sensible but loose-fitting clothing for this reason. Dwyn also uses a fading cream to tend to her scars (which partially derived from acne, and another part deriving from chicken pox at a young age). Dwyn also has a birthmark on her right eye and has detached earlobes, which can be a trait from her father. When she smiles, she lacks any sign of dimples unlike her mother, who has dimples.

VOICE: Dwyn's voice ranges from a high alto to a high soprano at a singing range.

Personality: Dwynwyn is a fairly kindhearted person who appreciates nature in shape and form. Dwynwyn is also academically talented. She will not hesitate to show her good side. Just like a regular teenager, she might feel apathetic in her studies, but she always finishes her work with the allotted time.

Upon first impression, Dwyn tends to be shy, and will use as little vocabulary as possible. However, she is an honest and caring young woman. As a teacher, Dwynwyn loves children, and has high expectations for the Brighton townspeople. prefers to let others learn the way and get over their fears. If someone asks for her facilitation, she will gladly help them on their way.

Motivations: She finds the townspeople of Roma to be an inspiration for her deeds. Additionally, the Excelsior University served as a place for her educational inspirations.
Goal in Life: Dwyn would love to see the Kingsleys grow up to be successful.

Greatest Fear: She has a fear of being in closed paces and what was in The Tangle. She is fearful of the rumors spreading about the place, which is why she fears going outside at night.

Useless Skill: Dwyn knows how to speak Gaelic and cook.

Favorite Things: Reading books (especially Jane Austen and Shakespeare's plays), children, teaching to children, drawing dresses and landscapes of nature, chocolate and tea.
Least Favorite Things: Dust, trash, things that terrify children, "why are they mean people?" She also fears the people of the Tangle. Upon Eliza's request, she has a high motive.

"A woman is always a beautiful woman of ages" her mother always told the growing Dwyn. The red headed female was born in Dublin, Ireland to two loving parents. One of them, Gretel Helga Gingrich-McKinley, was a working mother of three children who was best left at home with the television on. Her father, Aldrig Silvester McKinley worked as a doctor prior to migrating to Roma.


DURING BIRTH: "When my baby [Dwyn] was born, I found out that she had a few birthmarks all over her arms and legs… but still beautiful as is…." (Gretel's account on daughter's birth) Dwynwyn was born on a sunny March 10 in a Dublin hospital. Because of the multitude of marks found on her body, the pediatricians wanted to investigate the brown spots on her legs--only to find that they were just birthmarks. After the thorough investigation, Gretel was prescribed an ointment to fade out the darkened spots. After a year of usage, Dwynwyn's spots cleared up. Dwynwyn's spots weren't at all cancerous, but they were simply birthmarks that happened to come after birth.

Outside of this early phenomenon, when Dwynwyn turned a year old, she was able to contact her maternal uncle Ulysses after three years in the military. Shortly afterward, Dwyn had to see her uncle deteriorate at the hospital. At a special request, neither her mother nor her father attended to his deeds. Because of emotional reasons, her mom and dad only visited him on their off days.

By the time she turned two years old, the family invested enough money to go to Canada. Unfortunately, the car conked out, prompting the family to take a three-mile trek into a nearby inn. Thankfully, Aldrig was able to tweak the carriage; all to no avail.

Shortly afterward, Gretel's sister (Rowena Alicia Gingrich) took a buggy back to Dublin (she works at some sort of well-invested agency). While on their trip back home, Gretel was complaining of aches and pains. By the time the Mckinleys arrived back home, Gretel learned that she was pregnant with another girl (Kamryn). As a result, Aldrig took care of his children during Gretel's maternity leave. On September 1 Kamryn Artemis McKinley was born.

After Kamryn's birth, Dwyn's mother resigned from her nursing job to devote her time to Kamryn. To Gretel, Kamryn was "that adorable sapphire" a namesake for her birthstone and the color of Kamryn's eye color (at the time). Meanwhile her father was offered a job as an insurance agent in Glasgow, Scotland. Because of the new job, the McKinley family was forced to move to Glasgow, Scotland to "better adapt to the Irish roots." (Gretel)

During their rocky outcome in Scotland, Dwynwyn's uncle (Derek Edgar Gingrich) was sent to the hospital for lupus, and was given some forms of treatment. Dwyn, Kamryn and Reuben were taught how to speak Gaelic and English. When Dwyn began talking at age three, she was called "Miss Dictionary" because she was able to recall memories of what happened and recite definitions of certain words. Dwyn was near crazy for more information, and she even asked to see uncle D (or as she playfully called him). Her uncle Derek enjoyed seeing Aldrig with his children. However, Gretel felt sorry for the man. She told Dwyn at one point: "Uncle D can't remember your face. He needs a lot of help." Dwynwyn and Reuben were sometimes staying with him when both of their parents worked. According to Reuben, "Win enjoyed to play with D, and he was a good man who always took care of us." Tragically, the doctors found cancer in his liver and Derek passed away on May 8. Dwynwyn still mourns for her uncle's death.
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What a very peculiar name!!!!
Her First name "Dwynwyn" is a Welsh name formed from dwyn "to steal" and (g)wyn "fair, holy, white." Hence her name means "to steal the white/an urge to become pure"
Her middle name, "Oihana" is a Basque name meaning "the forest".
Mneme means "Memory"

LITERALLY: To steal the white forest's memory/An urge to be a pure forest's memory.


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Oh baby baby I'd like to steal her purity if you know what I mean.

Bow chica wow wow
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Come on, Midi~!
Looks like we're serving HORNDOGS!
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Don't let Callahan around her, that's for sure. Oh jeez, this is going to be interesting.
Don't let Callahan around her, that's for sure. Oh jeez, this is going to be interesting.
You can call her Dwyn (as to reduce the complexity~)
Now who agrees that I put much effort to the sheet? Who thinks otherwise?
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